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Natural Born Quitter



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    In a lot of pain after Monday's long run, no muscle soreness which is good obviously, just the usual tendon trouble - and then some.

    Went for a run anyway tonight because I felt I needed to do something before Saturday's 5k.

    Did 5k. I started off slow enough and in pain, but I quickened the pace out of sheer stubborness and finished in around 25 minutes.

    Might hop on the exercise bike tomorrow and/or Friday for short spins, but may try let the legs recover now.

    So pissed off with this right now it's unreal, I really want to run now and get fit, but I just keep getting hurt.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Legs still killing me, gone from looking forward to Saturday's 5k to kind of dreading pounding the concrete.

    Anyway, did 15km on the exercise bike tonight before heading back to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hey hope you're feeling better tomorrow and your legs can run for you on Sat!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    So I have completed my first race. It's only 5k (felt bad after reading all those half marathon reports just now!), but I'm still happy out.

    I had fairly bad shin splints coming into it, but I was determined to do it anyway. Went up to Leixlip with a friend for the Le Cheile 5k. Beautiful day and well done to the club on a really well organised event.

    With the adrenaline etc and first race excitement the shin splints quickly became an afterthought! I set out too fast altogether and got to the 1k marker in four minutes.

    But I kept pushing myself and as it was my first race I didn't realise the extra bit you find from competing compared to training!

    I was working my way forward nicely by trying to catch people ahead. I was succeeding until about 3km in when I started to tire. Course was good and not tough, but the headwind was fairly tough!

    But I rowed in with another runner and we stuck together for the last 1.5k to the track for a 500m lap. (Nice fella, I had a chat with him after when I thanked him for his help and encouragement, as he was also geeing me up when I was starting to wane).

    He kicked on when we reached the track, but I just didn't have anything in my legs for a kick of any sort. About four people passed me on that final lap, which was a bit disheartening, but that's what I get for setting off like a madman!

    Crossed the line in 20.49, which exceeded my expectations. I ran as fast as I possibly could on the day, so no regrets.

    Plenty of chocolate and cakes afterwards! Then we went out last night and that particular celebration of our athletic prowess lasted til around 6 a.m. 20 minutes running followed by eight hours of drinking - now that's proper training!

    This afternoon when I re-emerged I could really feel my shins, so I kind of knew it was time to rest them. Decided I would focus on cross training till next weekend. Five days rest should be very beneficial. How wise.

    BUT... sure if you're doing nothing till next weekend then why not get in your LSR? You'll still get the five days.... Fuelled by a fry, chocolate and sunshine I went out and did 12k in 1 hour 10 minutes this evening.

    I was tired, but it was good to do it. My legs really are very sore now so the self prescribed rest will follow. I realise this was probably very stupid, but if I went back a few hours I would do the same again.

    I've been threatening to sort out my diet and start some weight training for ages now anyway (then doing nothing) so hopefully if I throw myself into that it will distract me from not running. I'm sure I would speed up anyhow if I lost the gut and wasn't so weak!

    Other firsts apart from my first race this weekend.

    First blisters (tops of two toes)

    First time falling while running (did a neat Indiana Jones style tumble running down a hill at the beach)

    Sorry for going on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    lol at your eventful two days! I don't know how you managed the 12k so soon after race and all night session!

    Great time on the 5k. Congrats :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Well done on the race - great time!! Bet you weren't expecting that after your hard couple of injury ridden weeks. Well done for keeping at it. Onwards and upwards now eh?? Make sure to rest up now for a few days for now though!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Have been eating like a pig and haven't lifted anything heavier than a big quarter pounder.

    Another cross training/diet addressing plan ruined. So after two days of sloth I just had to go out tonight for my sanity (such as it is).

    Shin splints were quite sore (and I will be in bits tomorrow), but I just ran through it, find pushing myself hard helps distract me.

    Got through the first 5k in around 23 minutes, then faded/eased off and ended up doing the 8k loop in 43.35.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Stopped off for a jog on the way home, up some trail I'd been told about but never ventured near before.

    Surface was hard and legs were sore, but it was an interesting kind of run because I didn't know the area at all.

    No Garmin, so no clue how far, took 30 minutes though, so judging by pace it was probably around 5k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Enjoying the log, keep up the good work! So hard to diet when ur running...well for me anyway cos i just get so hungry all the time!!:)
    Your 5km times are so speedy!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Half an hour on the exercise bike and a bit of a stretch this evening.

    Woke up with a bit of problem this morning, very sore left foot, right along the bottom of it.

    Self diagnosed as Plantar Fasciitis so far, it is sore to walk on, but on the bright side is distracting me from the shin splints.

    I shouldn't have run up that hill last night. Also shouldn't have broken my own rules and done runs on consecutive days: Sat/Sun and Wed/Thu.

    Over enthusiasm and stupidity are a potent cocktail though. Hope to be able to get out Sunday, when I'm planning my first ever 10 mile LSR.

    I don't mean to be complaining by the way, things are going okay, I just can't seem to get pain/injury free at all, and I can't afford to rest at this very early stage of my training.

    Thanks Dublin Runner, I eat like a horse and have a serious sweet tooth, but I'm not too concerned about the weight really because if I can start marathon training it should take care of itself as I ramp up the miles - hopefully!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Not to put you off, but if you're feeling sore now from running 2x2 consecutive runs this week, is Sunday the best time for your first 10 mile run? You can always afford to rest - sometimes it's better than the alternative.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Thanks for the advice RayCun, I know you're right. You'll see from my log though that I'm a bit of a fool!

    Still I really want to do my first 10k the weekend after this, so maybe I should lay off for this weekend and aim to get a couple of runs in between Mon - Fri before the 10k on Saturday?

    What kind of runs they would be I have no idea. I'm kind of looking forward to starting the Hal Higdon novice programme so I'm not as subject to my mad flights of fancy for a while.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Higdon also has a Spring training plan, which basically builds up to the point where the marathon programme starts. You could maybe do that, starting a few weeks from the end? But anyway, if you're doing a race next weekend I'd say there's no point in really pushing yourself before then - do a few easy runs to keep yourself ticking over, with a couple of days rest before the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hey there

    I got shivers reading about the pain in the soul of your foot. I had plantar facsitus two years ago and its awful! I hope you don't have it! Between that and the shin spits sounds like you need to get looked at by a physio.

    Hopefully you'll be feeling better in a few days

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Thanks Dolliemix. Appointment next Wednesday. Finally given in to reason. particularly after getting some good advice/reading some cautionary tales on here. I'm not running til late next week at best now.

    Had been really looking forward to having a crack at ten miles tomorrow, but I'll get there soon enough. If I do it out of madness I could do serious damage.

    Anyway. to do something semi- productive I went to the gym earlier and ran through a whole heap of different resistance exercises to see how they felt, what weights I should be using etc

    I'm in awful shape, way too weak for most decent body weight exercises :rolleyes: It was an eye opener for sure. But I have loads of other ones sorted now, just did on set of them all, so it was kind of a full body workout in the end.

    So I'm going to try split the various body parts now (in theory!) and do three sets of each exercise I did today during the workouts. Will aim to do three sessions a week (getting core and leg work into two of those sessions). I'll also tip away on the exercise bike all going well.

    I guess if I could strengthen up my legs, particularly my calves, then I wouldn't be getting so many problems from impact down there? Or is it simply the way I am? I don't know. Getting stronger can only be a good thing though.

    Trying to stay upbeat. Legs still very sore, but I know they'll be right in a couple of weeks....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hope you'll be ok soon. You're great to get stuck into the weights straight away. Your strength should improve in no time.

    If you want to keep up a bit of cardio cycling has minimal impact, depending on your injury. I was also able to use the cross-trainer but I know not everyone could.

    Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Hope the niggles get sorted out at the physio! its so annoying for you to have to put up with that at the start of your training, cos i know for me the training is tough enough on its own!!!
    Best of luck with the weights etc!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Not done any running since. and the weights and the diet didn't take.

    Been seen and assessed. Shin splints need rest, calf muscles are incredibly tight and will need serious looking after when I go back running.

    Sounds like the stretching will take longer than the running. Also i may have to attack myself with one of these rolling pin devices!

    I'm off on holiday tomorrow until Wednesday week so i will do as I'm told and rest. At least I'll be distracted, been feeling a bit crap since I stopped getting out for runs.

    Want to get back in plenty of time to start Hal Higdon's novice marathon programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Hey, hope ur not feeling too bad, i know its weird when u stop running you feel really sluggish and stuff, but in the long run it will do you well to rest the legs, you'll be back fighting fit and fresh in no time! Theres still a full 5 months before the DCM, its better to have time out now rather than later!! Enjoy your holiday, plenty of R and R! hope its somewhere sunny, mind you ireland could count as that at the min!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Sorry about your injury, but enjoy your holiday, and rest up those shins. You've still got plenty of time to get back on track with the marathon programme.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    First run in three weeks. 5km slow and I nearly died. 28 minutes. Legs tight now, but otherwise I feel okay.

    In terrible shape, I couldn't begin to describe my lifestyle of the past three weeks, particularly the past ten days. My liver has long since replaced my calves as my problem area.

    Been feeling ****, so the run (such as it was) was welcome. I don't know if I have time to make the marathon, but I still hope I can. I could prob start on Novice 1 with some discomfort, sure it would get easier quickly if the legs hold out. If three weeks rest doesn't do it, nothing will.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    good to see you back! Hope you're feeling okay after your first run the other day! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Thanks Dolliemix. Still struggling with shin splints.

    Got back out tonight and really enjoyed it so much. 5km in 27 minutes. Sun, sand, sea air, great stuff, bit of a walk after.

    Left leg hurt the whole way through, but sure it is what it is. Going to try get through it the best I can.

    Renewed appetite after a tough enough period (personally), so I'm still aiming for the marathon, why not?

    Expect daily reports from here on in, it's a case now of do it or die trying!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Good work! New week, new start for you. Keep it up. As I said to (slash perhaps threatened) Dublinrunner - I'll be watching! Now if that isn't motivation.. Haha. Now, four months to the marathon - no bother! Easy peasy!

    I had no choice but to keep the sunny side out - it was that or have my moaning head seperated from my uncooperative body by the poor friends and family who had to listen to my complaining!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Good for you. Hope it gets easier for you!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Well it didn't get easier, just sorer. Shin splints win again. For now. Left leg, in particular, is very bad.

    Going to just change tack now altogether and focus on getting stronger before starting another training programme. I want calves of steel before the summer is out :)

    Endurance wise I felt fine running, I enjoyed it I was quick enough when I wanted to be, but my legs just couldn't handle the impact, no matter what I did; stretch, physio, gait analysis, stay off concrete etc And just when I think it's gone...

    I resurrected a very old bicycle the other day and it just about works so I've had a few spins on that since Thursday. Weather obviously helps, it's been fantastic.

    So I'm hoping to keep that up and once and for all start weight training tomorrow too. Swimming lesson is also booked. I'm going to keep this log here and plug away - the aim of all this is really to be in great shape when I start back running again. And a lot stronger.

    If nothing else ye can all get a laugh from my attempts to swim, which I'm sure will be interesting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Thats frustrating. Keep up the other stuff though. Good luck with swimming!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Thanks dolliemix. Frustrating doesn't come close, let's just say the last couple of weeks weren't good ones.

    Anyway, positive outlook restored.

    You are going great by the way, saw your training log earlier.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Monday: Leg, back and core work at the gym - still wrecked. Did a small bit on the rowing machine/cross trainer, but really only warm up/cool down.

    Tuesday: Chest work at the gym, very little else, bit of a splash in the pool and raced home to watch Spain beat Portugal.

    Legs very stiff, tomorrow the plan is to stretch and work my shoulders/arms (supposed to have done that today, but I was wrecked from Monday and had no time anyhow)

    Also eaten fairly well the last couple of days, just a shock to the system right now, but I'll get used to it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Wed: Shoulders and arms, plus half hour of cross training. Worked up a sweat.

    Not got the diet sorted properly, but no junk this week yet (all three days of it!).
