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Zabic kota

  • 22-03-2010 8:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭

    Hi there,

    I couldn't find this lyrics in English, anyone can help translating?
    Thanks a lot:

    Zabić kota

    Kota schwytaliśmy w kącie śmietnika
    Łeb mu wcisnąłem w mokrą grudę żwiru
    Dziesięcioletni mój przyjaciel Świrus
    Wstrzymując oddech - użył scyzoryka.

    Zwierzak się szarpał, krew wsiąkała w żwir,
    Fruwała w kłakach wystraszona sierść.
    Rozwarła się pod ostrzem kocia pierś
    W łysiny płuc i śliski kiszek wir.

    Wiotczał pod dłonią protest żywych sił
    Łomotał w sercu zachwycony lęk,
    Aż o żywotach kota dziewięciu przesąd pękł
    W cynobry nerwów i błękity żył.

    Takie wspomnienie nić pamięci mota.
    Świrus chirurgiem został, znanym w kraju
    I wie, gdzie życia kończy się istota;
    Ja piszę wiersze o śmierci Rodzaju...

    Wiele zawdzięcza ludzkość męce kota


  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭lucianot

    Sorry if this is too much to ask but at least I would like to get the sense of the song.
    Thanks again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    lucianot wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I couldn't find this lyrics in English, anyone can help translating?
    Thanks a lot:

    Zabić kota

    Kota schwytaliśmy w kącie śmietnika
    Łeb mu wcisnąłem w mokrą grudę żwiru
    Dziesięcioletni mój przyjaciel Świrus
    Wstrzymując oddech - użył scyzoryka.

    Zwierzak się szarpał, krew wsiąkała w żwir,
    Fruwała w kłakach wystraszona sierść.
    Rozwarła się pod ostrzem kocia pierś
    W łysiny płuc i śliski kiszek wir.

    Wiotczał pod dłonią protest żywych sił
    Łomotał w sercu zachwycony lęk,
    Aż o żywotach kota dziewięciu przesąd pękł
    W cynobry nerwów i błękity żył.

    Takie wspomnienie nić pamięci mota.
    Świrus chirurgiem został, znanym w kraju
    I wie, gdzie życia kończy się istota;
    Ja piszę wiersze o śmierci Rodzaju...

    Wiele zawdzięcza ludzkość męce kota

    Why do you want this translated?
    Sorry I wanted to help, but I wont waste my time on something that stupid. (this is about killing cat) :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭lucianot

    Hi Maja,

    Exactly, it's from a song by Jacek Kackzmarski, can't be just only about killing a cat, it must mean something else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    Well, to be honest with you I didnt know its his song - I am not a big fun ,but his song are not stupid -thats for sure.
    I dont understand this one and I think lyrics are awful. ;) ,but I can try to translate if you wish? :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    So, this is something like this:


    To kill the cat

    We catched a cat in garbage corner
    I pressed his head into wet lump of gravel
    My ten years old friend Swirus (jerk?)
    Holding his breath used a pocket knife.

    Pet was struggling, blood soaked into sand (gravel again)
    Scared fur flying in tufts.
    Cats chest got opened under the blade
    Into naked lungs and slippery guts. "

    -absolutely makes me feel sick. :( and I dont get whats the point of this kind of "poetry" :/ will finish rest tomorrow

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  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭lucianot

    Ok, please do not continue, that's enough.
    I just discovered this artist but there is a huge language barrier even though his music is powerful.
    Anyways I wondered why the song would be called like that.
    Thanks and sorry if it made you upset.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    I think thats partly because of my poor translation.. ;),

    here something nicer about cats :

    A Cat in an Empty Apartment
    Wislawa Szymborska
    Die? One does not do that to a cat.
    Because what's a cat to do
    in an empty apartment?
    Climb the walls.
    Caress against the furniture.
    It seems that nothing has changed here,
    but yet things are different.
    Nothing appears to have been relocated,
    yet everything has been shuffled about.
    The lamp no longer burns in the evenings.

    Footsteps can be heard on the stairway,
    but they're not the ones.
    The hand which puts the fish on the platter
    is not the same one which used to do it.

    Something here does not begin
    at its usual time.
    Something does not happen quite
    as it should
    Here someone was and was,
    then suddenly disappeared
    and now is stubbornly absent. All the closets were peered into.
    The shelves were walked through.
    The rug was lifted and examined.
    Even the rule about not scattering
    papers was violated.

    What more is to be done?
    Sleep and wait.

    Let him return,
    at least make a token appearance.
    Then he'll learn
    that one shouldn't treat a cat like this.
    He will be approached
    as though unwillingly,
    on very offended paws.
    With no spontaneous leaps or squeals

    -and song about beeing "slav soul" ;) :


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    -or what you think about this:


    I know its important to understand lyric ,but you feel music without this as well. I remember beeing teenager and crying with so english song ;) (I didnt know english yet)
    Anyway I just thought I would like to hear polish without understanding it. I wonder how does it sound! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    -and another singer I like much more then Kaczmarski :

    " This world is strange" by Czeslaw Niemen

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭lucianot

    Thanks Maja. There is something very powerful about the way Jacek Kackzmarski plays and sings. None of the other songs produces the same.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 330 ✭✭Maja

    I guess everyone has a different sensitivity to different things and as I could understand art -poems ,songs about death about murder etc ,like this for example by Charles Baudelaire :

    The Carcass

    Remember that object we saw, dear soul,
    In the sweetness of a summer morn:
    At a bend of the path a loathsome carrion
    On a bed with pebbles strewn,

    With legs raised like a lustful woman,
    Burning and sweating poisons,
    It spread open, nonchalant and scornful,
    Its belly, ripe with exhalations.

    The sun shone onto the rotting heap,
    As if to bring it to the boil,
    And tender a hundredfold to vast Nature
    All that together she had joined;

    And the sky watched that superb carcass
    Like a flower blossom out.
    The stench was so strong that on the grass
    You thought you would pass out.

    Flies hummed upon the putrid belly,
    Whence larvae in black battalions spread
    And like a heavy liquid flowed
    Along the tatters deliquescing.

    All together it unfurled, and rose like a wave
    And bubbling it sprang forth;
    One might have believed that, with a faint breath filled,
    The body, multiplying, lived.

    And this world gave out a strange music
    Like of running water and of wind,
    Or of grain in a winnow
    Rhythmically shaken and tossed.

    Form was erased and all but a vision,
    A sketch slow to take shape
    On a forgotten canvas, which the artist finishes
    From memory alone.

    Behind the rocks a fretting bitch
    Looked at us with fierce mien
    Anxious to retrieve from the corpse
    A morsel that she had dropped.

    Yet to this rot you shall be like,
    To this horrid corruption,
    Star of my eyes, sun of desire,
    You, my angel and my passion!

    Yes, such you shall be, you, queen of all graces,
    After the last sacraments,
    When you go beneath the grass and waxy flowers,
    To mold among the skeletons.

    Then, oh my beauty! You must tell the vermin,
    As it eats you up with kisses,
    That I have preserved the form and essence divine
    Of my decayed loves.

    - I dont get the point of writing the song about killing cat. :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭andala

    I love Kaczmarski, he is an icon of revolutionary songs in Poland, I don't know how many songs you've heard, but the most famous is "Mury" (Walls) that describes bringing down communism and how estranged a poet is in a society because of having his own way rather than following general tendencies.

    Here's a link to Wikipaedia with both Polish and English version of the lyrics

    My personal favourites are "Nasza Klasa" (Our Class) "Encore" and "Sen Katarzyny II" (Tzarina Katarina II's Dream)

    Just a quick translation of two of them:

    1. Our Class

    Whatever happened to our class?, asks Adam in Tel-Aviv,
    It's hard to get by these days, hard to live an honest life
    Whatever happened to our class? Wojtek in Sweden works in a porn club
    He writes: They pay me well for something I like anyway (2x)

    Kaska and Piotrek went to Canada, they've got prospects there
    Staszek does well in the States, Pawel got used to Paris,
    Goska and Przemek have it rough - third child is due in May
    They'd like to go west too but their complaints are to no avail

    But Magda is in Madrit and she's marrying a Spanish guy
    Maciek lost his life in December when police was searching flats
    Janusz, who was envied for going wherever wind would blow,
    Is a surgeon, he cures people, but his brother hung himself

    Marek does time for disobedience, for refusing to shoot Michal*,
    And I'm writing down their stories, here's our whole class
    One more - Filip - a physicist in Moscow, has received numerous awards,
    He goes to Poland whenever he wants, he was seen by the Prime Minister


    * most probably reference to soldiers/militia officers who had orders to shoot people on strike

    2. Tzarina Katarina II's Dream

    I keep European philosophers on a leash
    I supported Peter's marble ceilings with an army
    I've got dogs, falcons, horses - I'm mad about hunting
    But around me there are just hares and deers
    I build palaces and behead people
    Whenever I feel like it
    I've got biographers, portrait artists
    But there's one more thing I want

    Stop Katarina! - A dream like yours can take the tzars' crown off your head!

    I am a woman beyond my times
    I'm not amused by pale flatterers' wooing
    The touch of their soft fingers is repulsive
    I'd rather hunt hares and deers
    Out of shame a few called me "Unappeased German"
    And then they ran naked around Kremlin
    In the snow smacked by my whip

    Stop Katarina! - A dream like yours can take the tzars' crown off your head!

    I need a lover just like the empire
    To take me just as I give - to the full
    A one that's both a master and a servant
    And to replace the hares and deers
    One to see just like me
    Through this dumb court of imposed roles
    And give me pleasure or pain
    Among heads bowed down

    Stop Katarina! - A dream like yours can take the tzars' crown off your head!
    If you ever found a lover like that...
    -I know, I know myself, I'd have him beheaded!
