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Dungarvan Town Council a joke?

  • 23-03-2010 8:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭

    Is it just dungarvan or is it all of Irelands Council are a joke? (Please excuse the huge sob story post) My story goes like this:

    13 Years ago I left my parents home to live alone so I signed the form for a council house. Back then there was an age limit of 18 years of age and over so I was hopeful to get a house. Then I dont know when the age of single people that can be put on the list was changed to 30 years of age and over. Fair enough I was 29 when I learnt that and I was put on the list in july 2002 and I then had to wait on a list for six years in an appartment from hell.

    After six years of waiting I was no.6 on the list and was getting slightly excited because of all the pushing the council for a house the councillors I was getting to help me told me they couldnt do much until I was tenth or less on the list. So I was pushing even harder when I saw I was sixth on the list. That was tow years ago.

    One day I was talking to my friends and they told me that a guy I know was after getting a house before me even though he was no13 on the list which is seven places behind me. I was livid and went to the town Clerk (Guy doesnt care about anybody but himself) and got onto him about the guy getting a house before me and he then went about organising a house for me after pushing him for six months from meeting him.

    So then September 2008 I was told that the council was after allocating me a house and that they were waiting for the guy in said house to move out. I had to wait until the 24th of december to get the keys.

    I was over the moon not knowing what was ahead of me here. First look at the house here was disgusting, The guy who lived here left the house and garden in a terrible state. I wouldnt leave a dog live in the state of this place. The council didnt bother cleaning the house before I was allowed to move in. In the bedroom there was a carpet with a big Urine stain that was pungent. I could smell the carpet at the front door from the other side of the house 36 feet away. There was rubbish piled up all over the garden and the council left a lot of it there. (This house is facing a big green area also)

    The front door needed to be replaced and I refused to move into the house until they had a few jobs done to the house. The Kitchen sink and Kitchen units needed to be replaced and the heating wasnt working properly. There was a big list of things needed to be done and the most important things were done for me (Thank god) because I refused to move into the house until they were done.

    So my sisters , brother and myself spent two solid weeks washing down the walls and cleaning the floors. Worst room of all was the bathroom There was Urine caked onto the floor which wouldnt come off with Hot Water , Bleach and washing up liquid. We had to use a steam Cleaner on the floor to get it cleaned.



  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Anyway after getting the house spotless and some rooms painted I moved into this house. I was told by all the councilors and the Town clerk that it is quiet here so I thought great This is what I have been waiting for for thirteen years. Man was I wrong.

    After about two weeks of living here (I moved in here on the 21st of feb last year) The trouble started. Kids playing hurley against the windows of the front of the house with a slitter (they were hitting the windows very hard) so I ignored them hoping they would get fedup and go away. Nah It only got worse from there on in.

    The Hurley playing got worse as the months went by and as the summer got better. Also the kids and teenagers were playing football against the house. I tried resoning with them , I tried hunting them and I tried Ignoring them. Nothing worked. Then mid june they started putting stuff through the letterbox. I had stink bombs put in the letter box. Also they egged the house a lot.

    Then a guy I know who had a computer shop was closing shop and I helped him move stuff and close shop. I got a few things for free including two security cameras. I put the cameras out on the front windows and I got verbal abuse for having them there. It didnt stop the ball playing etc.

    Anyway. Mid September Some unsvoury people were around the estate slashing tyres and that morning at 5:51 am my bedroom window was broken. So I went to the cops and council about it hoping they would fix the window which they are supposed to do but over six months on and the window is wtill broken.

    Not only that but I also have rats residing in the house. I have tried poison and rat traps to get rid of them but to no avail. It has culled the rats down but they are still there. Also the Kids tried to poison my dog at one stage.

    Not only that but the house next door to me is derelict with almost two years and every so often the Kids try to kick in the door to the house so that they can go drinking in there. If I report them there is a chance they will come back and break my windows and if I go to hunt them , well I am not sure what will happen because theres usualy about five or six of them and they are not pleasent. Also the back garden of the house next door is overgrown and is piled five or six feet high with rubbish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Anyway. On to recently.I have been haunting the council since July last year to move me from here but they wouldnt move me until I was living here for over 12 months which in my books is since the 24th of december 2008 because thats when they changed the ESB bill to my name and when they gave me the keys to the house. So anyway , My mothers cousin moved out of his house two weeks ago and I was quick on the mark to get onto the council for that house.

    The council is after Allocating that house to me , but get this. They are supposedly going to start work on the house next door soon. They have promised three times since I moved in here that they are going to start work on the house. So anyway , They told me that I cant move into the other (empty) house until the work is finished on the house next door. Now if I am right that will take most of the summer because 1) there is a huge nine or ten foot hole in the roof of the house 2) as soon as they start work on the house the kids will go in there and destroy the place.

    Now The council want free security from me but I dont know what they expect me to do because as I said if I report the teenagers to the cops they will most likely get revenge on me in some way and if I try to hunt them god knows what will happen because I will be out numbered 5 to 1.

    I know that I am lucky to be getting another house so soon but I dont want to be hanging around here until that house next door is finished. God only knows what will happen between now and then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    some story!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Its the truth though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,801 ✭✭✭Roanmore

    I don't know about Dungarvan Town Council but I leased out a house to Waterford City Council and they had two people inspect it before they would even consider using it. They then gave me a list of jobs required (small ones) and insisted I get a second smoke alarm, smoke blanket and get the boiler serviced. Only when I got all that done and a tax clearence certificate would they give me a contract. I'm surprised they let out a house in that condition.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    As I said the only person the town clerk cares about is himself. I have been chasing the council to move me and do the jobs they promised to do but never did do. I have met with the town clerk four times since october. I met with the town clerk two weeks ago and the more I stayed speaking to him the closer I was getting to doing something I would regret so I walk away from him. The house they have allocated to me is empty with two weeks and the town clerk is insisting that I have to stay here until the house next door is finished.

    He doesnt realise what it is like living in this house because he is in a lovely cosey house where he gets no hassle , he doesnt have rats living in his house and all the maintenance he needs done to house and garden is done for him where I have to run around kissing ass which isnt helping. Whenever I flush the toilet a pipe in the hotpress rattles and you can hear it all round the house , even the kitchen sink rattles hard (you can actually feel it) .

    Hell this house is so cold that in the very cold temperatures we had early in the year was here I had the heatying on and I still had to have two fan heaters turned on just to keep the temperature at a liveable temperature. My ESB bill was 566 euro the last time. I can put up with the cold though.

    I just want some peace. I want to be able to sleep in my bed again without being worried about the rats in my bedroom or being worried that something will be thrown in my bedroom window again.

    Since september I have only slept in my bed three times because I just cant sleep in there anymore. I keep waking up every ten minutes waiting for either a rat to crawl under the sheets and bite me or I am waiting for someone to throw something through the window again. My nerves are shattered from living here and in the apartment I was in for seven years before I moved in here.

    Also there wasnt a Smoke alarm or fire blanket in this house when I moved in here. Granted they put in new Kitchen cabinets and sink and plumbed a pipe out to the shore outside so I could use my washing machine and dishwasher , they put in a new fireplace , they fixed the heating , they installed a PVC front door (which the rain is coming under and through the door frame sides) and they fixed some of the electrics here , but the garden needs to be reseeded because the garden is patchy and lumpy (they promised to do that for me) and they promised to insulate the two small storage rooms behind the front door which they never done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    why dont you live with your parents or rent a house privately?? you seem to have the money to do it??

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    I'm unemployed and 37 years old. I am too old to be living with my parents and I would rather live in this situation than move back with my parents. Besides the council are moving me to a quiet location (I know for a fact its quiet where I am going this time).

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    sorry to hear that you are unemployed. when did you lose your job? how are you finding the jobs market in co waterford? have you thought of emigrating to find work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    The job situation in this town is terrible. I keep seeing another shop with a closing down sale every day I go to town. Theres no jobs available here and I wouldnt dream of emigrating.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    when did you get made unemployed?? You must be finding it difficult after the great years of the Celtic Tiger? Everybody that wanted a job got one, and now it seems people need to leave in order to find work! Have you tried setting up business on your own?

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Im unemployed with a good few years now. I am finding it very hard to get employment. I would like to start a business of my own but cant get the neccesary training. I am going to try and get into college to try and help me , but I dont think theres a place in this town for another computer store , especially one that specialises in computer gaming hardware. ( wouldnt dream of doing software)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,252 ✭✭✭deisedevil

    There has been hundreds of jobs up for grabs for years now in Waterford, particularly in AOL where many people I know from Dungarvan have taken them up over the last few years. Hate to be in your situation but I have to say you should really be considering at least taking up a job in Waterford for the time being and then when something finally turns up in Dungarvan you'll be in a much better position to go for it. Not having a dig but just a hint that theres ways out of the crap situation you have been left with.
    Also, very sorry to hear that your having so many problems in the house you went to so much effort and time to get. No one likes to see dreams runined like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Im doing all I know in getting out of this situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭The Istanbul


    You are one moanyhole: do you want everything for nothing? Train your dogs to protect you from the rats etc and make an effort to clean things up yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Everybody else that ever lived here (Nobody ever lasts in this house) must be a moany hole also then. Since this house was built twenty years ago there have been 15 people live here and all moved out of here because of the same reasons. No I dont want everything for nothing either. As I said I just want some peace. If the other house needs work I will pay for it to be done out of my own pocket if I have to just so that I can get the hell out of here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    was this the only option the council gave you?? why did you take that house??

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Yes this was the only option I was given and I took the house trusting what the council were telling me that it was a quiet area to live in. I wasnt given the optiopn of another house. Its only after moving in herew after a few months that I found out that anybody that is put into this house never stays here because of exactly the same reasons I want to get out of here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 mariemarie

    The council should be ashamed of themselves. They are a disgrace. It is as if they are being paid to make peoples lives miserable.
    They call all the shots and dont give a crap about what way their decisions affect people. I think i know the particular person you are talking about in the council and he is a little two faced and has been known on numerour occasions to tell lies........ :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I feel sorry for your situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    I found out that they are after promising the house they promised to me to two other people also.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Smiley Burnett

    get onto your local councillor for help

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 niallp

    Why should tax payers have to pay for you. Have you been waiting for a house all through the Celtic tiger years? It might be difficult now to get a jobbut certainly wasn't then.
    Moanyhole is right!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    get onto your local councillor for help

    I have been getting onto three of my local councillors to help me
    niallp wrote: »
    Why should tax payers have to pay for you. Have you been waiting for a house all through the Celtic tiger years? It might be difficult now to get a job but certainly wasn't then.
    Moanyhole is right!!!

    Ah hello. Who are you? Do you know how long I have been unemployed? Do you even know me? I didnt say how long I have been unemployed because its none of anybodys business on here. I did have a job a few years in a computer shop but it is closed down now and I also have proof that I have been looking for work.
    I've had two different jobs since I left my parents 13 years ago. You would be great in the government because of your Egotistical attitude. You dont even Know me or my personal life so you have no right to talk down to me like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 622 ✭✭✭Deise Musashi

    Ah Childers isn't that bad! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Ah Childers isn't that bad! :D
    Ill gladly swap house with you until the end of the summer and we will see what your opinion of this house is then.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 niallp

    Sorry. Didn't mean to call you names. Apologies for any offence caused.

    However my point is that in general I don't think someone should be able to leave their parents house and put their name onto a housing waiting list. Which will ultimately be paid for by tax payers. Not the government, they just manage our money.
    Personally I've paid a lot of tax and think I've a right to comment.

    Steve30x wrote: »
    I have been getting onto three of my local councillors to help me

    Ah hello. Who are you? Do you know how long I have been unemployed? Do you even know me? I didnt say how long I have been unemployed because its none of anybodys business on here. I did have a job a few years in a computer shop but it is closed down now and I also have proof that I have been looking for work.
    I've had two different jobs since I left my parents 13 years ago. You would be great in the government because of your Egotistical attitude. You dont even Know me or my personal life so you have no right to talk down to me like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    No problem , but as I said I have been searching for work. I have even applied to six different places in waterford recently and only three of those companies have replied to me so far. I am not just sitting on my behind twiddling my thumbs hoping that a job will comne to me instead of me looking for work.

    Anybody that comments on here about me being a moaner realy doesnt know what its like and I am sure its very quiet and a lot nicer to live at than where I am at right now. I could immagine a lot more people would speak out like this if they werent afraid of people who live a comfortable lifestyle just to cut them down.

    I myself apologise for my attitude but I dont like the way some people assume that I am not bothered looking for work or that they think I am a moaner when they have no clue what its like to live in this situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,252 ✭✭✭deisedevil

    That's fair enough then. It certainly sounds like you have been doing everything you can to gain employment and it wasn't your fault you lost your last job. I feel very bad for ya. Not a whole lot you could have done about the situation your in and it's a disgrace how you have been treated. I wish I had some sort of answers for you or advice but I wouldn't know what I could add to everything you have already done. Can you go higher about it than you have already? Is there any way you can get some legal advice or from the give them a bell and see if they can look into anything or you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭Steve30x

    Thank you for the link. I will contact them and see if anything can be done. I was informed that the work on the house next door wont start for another 6 - 8 weeks even though the town clerk told me they were starting the work this week. I doubt they will leave the other house empty that long.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 622 ✭✭✭Deise Musashi

    13 Years ago I left my parents home to live alone so I signed the form for a council house. Back then there was an age limit of 18 years of age and over so I was hopeful to get a house.

    So your first thought on moving out was to get a council house? Did you ever have any intention of saving to buy your own home?
    Yes this was the only option I was given and I took the house trusting what the council were telling me that it was a quiet area to live in.

    So where have you been living between leaving home and getting this house? Were you homeless for thirteen years? That seems excessive really!

    Since when has Childers been a quiet area to live in? The house you are next door to was torched, that may have been a clue?
    I've had two different jobs since I left my parents 13 years ago.

    Did they last six years odd each? Did you save a deposit for a house while paying high rent, going without for years to get a lump sum together to buy your own house?
    Ill gladly swap house with you until the end of the summer and we will see what your opinion of this house is then.

    Why would I swap a house I burst me hole saving to buy (and am crippled with a mortgage on) that isn't worth what I'm paying on it, for a council house you got gratis?
    I have even applied to six different places in waterford recently and only three of those companies have replied to me so far.

    To get the job I have now I sent over three hundred CV's out, three companies replied to me. Have you been offered any training or CV authoring services?
    I found out that they are after promising the house they promised to me to two other people also.

    So you looked for and were given a house. You accepted it and moved in.
    Now your not happy there and have been offered another house?

    I'm failing to see how you've been left down or lied to by the council or the local councillors really.

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