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Need Advice

  • 28-03-2010 3:52am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 194 ✭✭

    I started renting a house early in december the beds werent it great condition, i told the letting agents about it but i didnt really keep on it as i kinda pieced together a comfy bed using different parts :) but now im having family over and need beds. is it unfair if i ask for new beds off the landlord?

    its a 4 bed house and only really one of the beds are in proper order, the other ones are boxed beds and falling in and the mattresses are lumpy and you can feel the springs.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,028 ✭✭✭✭--LOS--

    Definitely ask for new beds! Ive slept on some really uncomfortable beds in rented accommodation and regret not asking for new ones sooner. Obviously its ideal to check these things before you agree to take the place but still if the landlord is reasonable he/she should oblige. You know how hard it is for landlords to rent places these days, just be firm but nice about it.
