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Gaelforce West 21/8/10



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    So here I go, take two ! This time I'm typing on a laptop rather than a phone, even with a slide out keyboard it's more painful than Croagh Patrick so this is going to be an essay !

    Was in the 8:30 wave which meant I could enjoy a bit of a lie in, not so good was that all the good fruit was gone by the time I got down for breakfast so all I had was Weetabix and 2 slices of toast. Got onto the bus and obviously had the same driver that was mentioned by a previous poster, the one who like to keep his bus hot and stuffy, didn't like that at all so was glad to be off it. When we got to the holding area we were told there was a half hour delay at this stage but I wasn't too bothered, it was pleasant enough and a decent atmosphere, plus it gave my stomach time to settle. We were briefly kept amused by some guy having a rant against the steward because of the delay, saying he thought it was supposed to be one of the best organised races in the country and now he doesn't know what to make of it.

    Anyway, time to move down to the beach (the bloody start blow up thingy was down by then) so I jogged there to be the first into the toilet and on the way I think I met Fi :D As we dipped in those who had used the gardas machine had to redo it as his machine wasn't working correctly which raised a few laughs and before we knew it we were off. Felt good initially and was in the main group until we were on the road along the sea about a k or 2 before we turned off road, and was within spitting distance of my arch rival, fellow boardsie Nerraw, up until that point.

    Enjoyed the up hill in the mud and goo but my legs just weren't feeling as good as they usually would at that distance. I think the 1 week off just didn't work for me, it was like my legs were saying, WTF, getta way outta that, you didn't use us for a week and now you expect us just to continue on as before ! I have to say doubts crept in then, it was at 9k, and I was wondering how the hell I'm gonna finish this if they keep up ! So slowed my pace a little and as we got off the long boggy and muddy section back to tarmac I walked a few paces to fasten my jacket back onto my Camelback, it was the second time it fell offm having never falling off before in other races or training. The little walk seemed to do the trick and as I got back onto the road I passed a good few people knowing I'd have a break waiting for the kayak. 1:20 that leg tookk

    In the queue for the kayak, nerraw, who arrived nearly 10 minutes before me, spotted my in the queue so we hoped into a kayak together after only waiting 11 mins which was good at that point in the day. Got caught in a rain shower half way across and had the arse of our kayak swept around a couple of times but got across in 9 minutes.

    I cursed every single person who went before me over the other side, it was ridiculously cut up and swampy, a real trudge out of there but my running legs were back and got out of there quick enough, 21 minutes to the bikes, not particularly fast but alright.

    Met nerraw as he headed out of the row with his bike and managed a quick turn around myself. I was craving the banana I had left with the bike when on the kayak but when I peeled it the thing broke in half and went onto the ground. Didn't stop me though, picked it up and finished it off. I was on for a quick turn around but then spotted nobody at the water tank so took time to know back half my container so I could refill it again. Then spotted and empty toilet so could not avail of that. Made decent headway to begin with, nobody passed me but I was lots, looking at the numbers lots were from previous waves which gave me a boost.

    Then the most unbelievable pain I have never felt before, first time I ever had a cramp. Got it in my right calf but luckily it was on a down hill bit so could free wheel while stretching and massaging it out. Made good time again until another one on the other bloody calf, from never having one to now having too. Again didn't need to get off but free wheeled to almost the point of stopping before it left. Then had an embarrassing moment, came up to two cyclists, one of the track on either side of the road, so had to shoot throught the middle of them. The bumps in the middle caused the cramp to come back with a vengeance and I made a little shout as the two guys sauntered back by. Thankfully that was it with the cramps, again got up the first big hill where lots of people were walking, it was nice to hear some of the lads saying well done as I went by. Didn't want to push too hard from then on as I was in fear of more cramps, thought I was lost for a while as no other cyclists were in view ahead of behind for a good while until I asked some kids in their garden was I going the right way and then came the dreaded famine road.

    As I turned onto it I found all the missing cyclists, now walkists for the most part. I'm proud to say I stayed on my bike from start to finish and dumped it in the purple section to tackle Croagh Patrick, 1:53 to there.

    Once off the main boggy section at the foot the doubts resurfaced, I was looking up the path and the ant like string of people on their way up and thought holly jaysus, I can't do this. Put my head down anyway and soon got into a good pace, was slowed done on occasions by others but was glad of the rest, got up there in 44 minutes, met nerraw on his way down as I headed up, last time I'd see him on the course until the finish.

    It was now I realised a flaw in my race preparation, I usually cut my toe nails too short before races so this time I left them as they were, bad mistake. A few nails felt as if they were coming off so every step down hill was pain. So I headed for the scree and took the slalom approach like a skier would so that my toes wouldn't hit the end of the shoe, got down in 25 minutes.

    Had renewed vigour on the way back to Westport, the Skelp wasn't slowing me down too much, in fact I enjoyed the technicality of it. There was only one stage I had to get off and that was because there was no way to cycle around a few pushing their bikes over it. Go back to Wesport in 38 minutes.

    But that bloody finish, as I went past the end of the spectators I was looking for the time out, couldn't spot them and had to ask a marshal where to go, he pointed down the way but had lost my momentum by then. Left the bike in the field and made a good effort to run to the finish for a time of 5:33. Yaayy !

    I was initially happy with that time but now 2 days afterwards I was disappointed with the first run, cramps and sore bloody toes ! My water/food plan worked out well though, after a small top up before Croagh Patrick I didn't run out until 4 or 5 sips after I finished. I mixed my gels with mini mars bars which stopped me getting sick of the gels, it broke things up nicely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Vitamin C

    Wonkagirl wrote: »
    yeah, but i had it pretty badly after tulfarris10 as well, and if i do a pretty savage bootcamp session i'll have it the next day too. i seem to get affected worse than others- for eg the 2 girls who did GF with me (in a slower time) and would be slightly less fit than me are both fine today?

    after connemara adv challenge i couldnt walk for a week!

    This might be a silly question but are you doing a proper stretch down after the events?

    I've a mate who's a personal trainer and he reckons you need to hold every stretch for at least 30 seconds...also, I had an epsom salt bath on sunday night and it sorted me right out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    ThisRegard wrote: »
    Then the most unbelievable pain I have never felt before, first time I ever had a cramp.

    So many people seemed to suffer from cramp, particularly at that stage of the cycle, myself included. I was told that I should have been taking shots of electrolyte for a few days beforehand. I took my first ever sip of dilute electrolyte on the bike when it was far too late. Hopefully I'll be wiser by the achill roar.

    Well done on that time, my target for next year will be about that all going well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Vitamin C

    I just signed up for the Dublin half marathon and that Sea to Summit, had I known Achill ROAR was so soon I'd have signed up to that instead.

    I was just looking at the OS map of the ROAR route, would I be right in saying that the expert cycle avoids any major hills? Or am I just reading it completely wrong? It's been a while since leaving cert geography.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭Fitzilicious

    yop wrote: »
    You've Louisburgh breeding, madness is already there :)

    I still can't walk so getting out of the office stairs and down the M50 without cramping will be perfect training for me tonite :)

    That and madness!! :D

    I went to circuits and I feel much better for it!
    Jogged up and took it handy enough, not my usual 110% and it really loosened the muscles out, happy days!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    snailsong wrote: »
    So many people seemed to suffer from cramp, particularly at that stage of the cycle, myself included. I was told that I should have been taking shots of electrolyte for a few days beforehand. I took my first ever sip of dilute electrolyte on the bike when it was far too late. Hopefully I'll be wiser by the achill roar

    Yeah, I went be so many people lying at the side of the road with their legs in the air. I was taking High5 4:1 which had electrolytes in it, obviously not enough from the start. I think my plan for Achill will be to put Nuuns in the bike bottle and get a good oul swig of it from the start of the bike. Maybe some the night before going by what you were told.

    I now officially swear by the High5 Recovery powder. In the last few weeks I've been taken it after heavy sessions and never had the soreness of stiffness the next morning. Didn't take it after the Helfire Duathlon and was sore the next day so was sure it was working. My great wife met me at the finish Saturday with a sachet and half litre of milk and took it straight away. Now muscle soreness or stiffness Sunday morning, I managed to walk around fine compared to the masses auditioning for zombie movies. So I'd recommend a High5 recovery and a hot bath for afterwards, seemed to help me anyway.

    Has anyone seen any mention of the event in any of the national media, bar the TG4 link posted ? The Star was a sponsor but I haven't seen that to check if they had a piece. I was sitting having brekkie yesterday morning reading the freebie Indo from the hotel and there was not a mention of it in the Sports Supplement. 22 pages of English soccer ffs and the full results of the Frank Duffy 10 miler but I didn't even see a paragraph mentioning Gaelforce, very disappointing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 660 ✭✭✭Git101

    A long and rambling report of my Gael Force adventure here.
    Too long to retype and post here.

    Well done to all who took part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭Wreck

    Git101 wrote: »
    A long and rambling report of my Gael Force adventure here.
    Too long to retype and post here.

    Well done to all who took part.

    That's a great write-up, well done on the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 312 ✭✭monthehoops

    I took part in Gael Force the other day, my first event of it's kind. While I'm delighted to finish it, I wasn't anywhere close to being prepared. In fact I reckon I should have started taking part in smaller comps first and then considered Gael Force.

    Is there any definitive list of events around the country? I wouldn't mind getting a few more under my belt before the year is out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭W123-80's

    Hello all,

    Just a quick update on my 1st Gaelforce for anyone interested!!

    I really, really enjoyed it. I completly took myself by surprize and felt pretty good all day.

    The first run which was bothering me before hand was fine. Completed it in 1.27.
    The Kayak section was fine also, took a 27 second time out and jumped straight into a Kayak. There was no queues when I arrived.

    Blisters set in on the second run which slowed me up, but I plodded on and felt good getting on the bike.

    Cycling was fine till I hit the dirt track part at the back of the reek. Crikey, I honestly thought it was never going to end. It was so tough.

    Got to the bottom of the reek and wanted to cry when I looked up at what was ahead of me. I put the head down and went up and down in a very slow and steady 1.29. I didn't stop at all going up or down and took about 90 seconds on the top for a drink and a bar.

    Back on the bike for the final section. Off road parts were tough, stayed on the bike. When I got out on to the West Road for the cycle into the Quay I was Bullet Proof!!

    The final section was definately a little confusing and the final run was a heart breaker, enjoyed running to the finish line though.

    All equipment performed admirably. My bike, a Felt QX 85, went like a dream.

    I completed it in 6.10 which I am very happy with.

    I will definately be back next year.

    Roll on on October 16 to continue on little adventure racing buzz.

    Fair play to everyone that took part and thanks to the organisers for putting on a very good event.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,116 ✭✭✭Peterx

    4.20am. awake in my customary pre Gael Force accomodation - the back of Paul Mahon's van.
    5am. Onto the bus after bolting some meusli and jamming the contact lenses in. A bit a chat to a rower from Limerick and a bit of a snooze and we deposited on the beach. Miss Siobhan's briefing with a final purge in the portaloos.
    6.36am and we're off, as per usual I'm feckin miles back in about 30th position as we pass the waiting wave 2. A young fella has taken off and is miles clear which doesn't worry me but when Gary Bailey, Eoin Keith and Padraig Marrey disappear into the middle distance with about 10 others I do start to wonder about my whole slow start. Nothing I can do about it and I always hate these first couple of kilometres on the road - every year the same little voice says what's the point of all this running when you should be asleep and sure you're miles back anyway. It always takes me about 30 minutes to get going and sure enough in the last 4k of the run the lads come back and I hit the kayaks in 4th with Eoin and another lad close by. Diarmuid Collins and Gary Bailey are suffering on the water (always take the longest kayak you can see) so I get to the far side in 2nd behind the fast young fella and quickly Diarmuid and him open a gap, Eoin is running well too and the 4 of us soon come together on the bike stage but we're all crap and can't get any momentum going. On the climb and descent I find myself on my own which is a bonus at this stage in the race but sure enough Padraig Marrey comes up to me, sits in for aminute and then jumps. I hold the first jump which seems to perplex him for a minute and then he goes with plan A again and jumps and this time he gets away. Two triathletes catch me a bit later and the 3 of us stay together across the new road section to the bottom of Croagh Patrick.
    I'm happy enough at this stage, predicted finish time of 3.40 so had taken one gel on 2.10, took another on 2.40 and dry swallowed a dioralyte. The plan was a final gel at 3.10 but never got round to eating that. Ate one small homemade (thanks Orla) meusli bar on the cycle.
    Padraig isn't too far ahead on the Reek and I catch and pass him on the cone, I think I got about a minute of a lead at the top and I was possibly too happy with things at this point as I had a very average descent off Croagh Patrick and crucially Padraig was catching me all the way down. I don't think I could have gone too much quicker as I had buried myself catching him on the climb. I never look back so I didn't realise how close he was till he passed on the rough skelp section and then we had some fun tearing down the skelp at a ridiculous pace only held up by 6 horses on the track in front. Padraig got away then on the tarmac and I started worrying about the other lads behind and really put everything I had left into the cycle to the finish. The finish however held a sting in the tail and I couldn't believe my luck when I saw Padraig dismount and start running. The race head is a funny thing, looking back now I can see he was too far ahead but at the time I KNEW I could catch him. Unfortunately for me I ran out of race and crossed the line in 2nd.
    In the end I was beaten by a man with a huge heart who wanted it more then me on the day. We both knew the strengths of the other and in the final analysis he won with his descent of the Reek - a section I should have been quicker on. Well done Padraig and also to Tom in third, it's never easy to beat Eoin Keith so holding him to 4th was a great result. Apart from not being 10 seconds quicker I think I ran a well paced and judged race and am as fit as I've ever been so as far as I'm concerned chapeau Padraig!

  • Registered Users Posts: 828 ✭✭✭Wonkagirl

    Peter, one thing that i've been thinking about- would there be much interaction between the elites by way of chat on the way 'round?

    Just curious more than anything!

    Well done on another brilliant race. It must be so hard to keep coming back year after year with such gusto.. you are the kilkenny hurling team of the AR circuit! and maybe Padraig is the tipperary...!

  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 16,724 Mod ✭✭✭✭yop

    Well done PeterX, great report.

    So you only took on a few gels and muesli bar through the whole race!!!! Did ye take on much water or that during it?

    Spotted that young lad tearing off at the start, I think he didn't finish it in the end due to injury.

    At least ye guys have the same doubts on that run as us mortals :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    Who was the young guy, is he a seasoned runner or was it just youthful exuberance and inexperience ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 kayhill

    I was a GFW 1st timer and will be a definite 2nd timer next year. I loved the event!

    My favourite parts were actually the offroad bike sections, they gave a real adrenaline boost. I used a hardtail specialized mountain bike with slick tyres and was able to stay on and get good speed for all but about 300m of the really slippy downhill section just before coming onto the road again for the final cycle to the finish... I just locked out the suspension for the road sections. A friend who done it last year had been trying to convince me to even borrow a racer for the day as he thought the advantage was so great, but I stuck with what I had and think it was the right choice for me. The change in course from last year seems to have swung the advantage back a lot towards MTBs?

    Other than that I had telescopic hiking poles strapped to the bike which were a godsend for CP, and I found that High5 4:1 energy mix brilliant!

    I thought it was very well organised (fair enough there was a long queue for the kayaks but I was happy to take that break!) and the spirit amongst the competitors was amazing with everyone helping out and encouraging along the way, oh and the finish line was especially good too :) Well done all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 828 ✭✭✭Wonkagirl

    was he a tall lad with red hair?

    I had the opposite problem, i held back too much on the run, afraid i'd burn out. Really should have been doing it in 1.15/1.20, but held back so much it almost took me 1.30. I'll know for next yr. Learnt lots of lessons that I reckon i could shave off 30 mins from next yrs time.

  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 16,724 Mod ✭✭✭✭yop

    He is from Westport, cycled with him on one occassion and he is very strong on the bike. Have no idea of what his experience is with regards racing and that to be honest.

    Is that the tall lad with red hair in our wave there Wonkagirl? He is a fellow boardsie :)

    Actually who was wearing the boards jersey, not SNIPE? Spotted one as I was coming off my bike for CP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭wideball

    First time doing GFW and really enjoyed it. I was in the second wave and managed it in 4h20. I enjoyed all parts of it except the climb of the Reek! Surprisingly enjoyed the off road bike except for the descent of Scelp. I was on a road bike.

    I was just ahead of the girl who crashed badly on the descent of Scelp. I heard something and turned to see her lose control of the bike before hitting a rock. The bike then flipped and she landed very heavily on the back of her neck. It was a horrible crash. I stopped and came up to her. She was barely conscious. I called to man whose was down the track to come up and to ring for help. A few more cyclists stopped to help and more non competitors arrived. The helicopter was nearby at this stage. I left after awhile when she was in the hands of others and that help was on the way. I hope she's ok now but it was bad crash.

    I'd recommend there would be some marshals/medics on the descent of Scelp in the future as I'm sure other cyclists had a few spills. Similarly for the 1st run, especially around the trail section where it would have been easy to turn an ankle because for 14km until near the kayak there is was no one to be seen..

    But hope to be back next year, great race.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 Arjan

    Hey boardsies! What a day it was... I was so unprepared for this it's not funny. I overdid it in the first run (1.17) and was wrecked after that. Took me more than 2 hours to get up and down Croagh Patrick :( Ended up in a time of 6.24... cursing CP for hitting me so hard.
    Did anyone get the results/splits in an Excel? I'd love to see that file somewhere, so as to cheer me up knowing I did well in certain parts ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 660 ✭✭✭Git101

    yop wrote: »
    Actually who was wearing the boards jersey, not SNIPE? Spotted one as I was coming off my bike for CP.

    I was wearing a new style boards jersey. i would have been leaving CP at about 10.45-11.00
    I didn't see anyone else wearing boards gear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭2 Wheels Good

    W123-80's wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Roll on on October 16 to continue on little adventure racing buzz.

    Nice one, didn't know about this, it's down my way too so no hotels needed :)
    Looks very doable after GF

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 236 ✭✭Rinker

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    wideball wrote: »
    I'd recommend there would be some marshals/medics on the descent of Scelp in the future as I'm sure other cyclists had a few spills.

    A guy on an MTB ahead of me took a tumble on the uphill section to it but he was fine, his mate was with him and I overheard him say it was his own fault. At this stage I had just let a Mountain Rescue jeep go by and they stopped briefly to see how he was and he told them he was grand and off they went.

  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 16,724 Mod ✭✭✭✭yop

    Git101 wrote: »
    I was wearing a new style boards jersey. i would have been leaving CP at about 10.45-11.00
    I didn't see anyone else wearing boards gear.

    That could have been you ya! Sorry I didn't say hello but I was gimped with leg cramps! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭mprop

    Wonkagirl wrote: »
    was he a tall lad with red hair?


  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 16,724 Mod ✭✭✭✭yop

    Rinker wrote: »

    Good report that, shame they didn't include one from Derbhal who is also living locally.
    Awful shabby that they didn't have the gate open! If it was closed when I got to it (4 years after them 2 lads) I would have had a fit, imagine how the man leading the race must have felt!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 828 ✭✭✭Wonkagirl

    mprop wrote: »

    dunno- i was in the 6.30 wave, just heard about a tall red haired fella who belted off at rate of knots in elites wave

    meanwhile was in the late bar (few doors down from matt millers) and was chatting to a random punter about the race- somehow he managed to twig that i was 'wonka from boards'- he said he was a lurker tho and not registered, all very mysterious! hello if you're lurking!

  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 16,724 Mod ✭✭✭✭yop

    Wonkagirl wrote: »
    dunno- i was in the 6.30 wave, just heard about a tall red haired fella who belted off at rate of knots in elites wave

    meanwhile was in the late bar (few doors down from matt millers) and was chatting to a random punter about the race- somehow he managed to twig that i was 'wonka from boards'- he said he was a lurker tho and not registered, all very mysterious! hello if you're lurking!

    Matt Millers....took much drinkys there for you WonkaGirl lol. How the hell did he know you were on boards!!
    Reveal yourself then Mr Lurker!! :)

    Didn't think the elite leader at the time had red hair! :) It was early though hee hee
    Were you with them in the 6.30 wave?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,116 ✭✭✭Peterx

    Wonkagirl wrote: »
    Peter, one thing that i've been thinking about- would there be much interaction between the elites by way of chat on the way 'round?

    Just curious more than anything!

    Well done on another brilliant race. It must be so hard to keep coming back year after year with such gusto.. you are the kilkenny hurling team of the AR circuit! and maybe Padraig is the tipperary...!

    The thing is everyone is just racing against whoever is beside them and for us it happens to be lads leading the race. So the elite thing is more a tag then a reality.
    There was a bit of chat on the first run, mainly along the lines of "who's yer man" as the young fella disappeared and Eoin and me trying to work out if Gary Bailey was as good on a bike as he is on foot. Plenty of chat on the first bike, I managed a well done Padraig both times he passed me on the bike and there was a deathly silence on the Reek as no-one had any breath to spare for chatting! Same as most folk I'd imagine..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    yop wrote: »

    Anyone know why these aren't public anymore, legal ? Anyone got anymore links bar the ones on the official site, particularly kayak ones ?
