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Bigfoot a extant north american mammal



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    steddyeddy wrote: »
    No its not ridiculous if you look at the credentials of these guys especially meldrum their pretty much the experts on bipedal evolution foot mechanics ect and second of all its known that they spot fakes because they challenged people to construct and make fakes and send them in for appraisal, they accurately differentiated between those found in isolated areas and those purposely constructed and sent in, they did release a few details as follows:

    1. footprints constructed had a pronounced arch in the foot simular to humans, those found had non rather they had a mid tarsal break (split) in the foot which makes sense for a large primate rather than an arch.

    2.there were no dermal ridges on the feet (footprints for the feet) rather they were completely devoid of detail scars ect.

    3.they showed no variation among the individual prints toe positions ect

    You should have a read of this article. The alleged dermal ridges may indeed just be casting artifacts. It's certainly not definitive at least.

    You also have people like David Daegling, Rene Dahinden and Joel Hardin (bigfoot enthusiasts themselves) who call some of the famous cases hoaxes.
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    how is my point implausible i think you may have taken it up the wrong way, some creatures having been observed with injuries (limps, herniation ect). i still maintain none were caught?

    Yes and I was questioning how plausible that is considering how widely dispersed these creatures seemingly are in N America. How is it possible none have been caught/killed?

    None have even been RECORDED in years -- the strongest evidence still seems to be the Patterson video.

    There's a large enough group dedicated to finding this thing, how elusive must it be to avoid being recorded or caught in all this time?

    Especially if you believe the Patterson film, which shows a bigfoot walking nonchalantly across an opening in broad daylight.
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    some areas of north America are a lot more isolated than china was/is! the panda was discovered in 1916 a skin was recovered in the 19th century but thought to be a hoax, a panda is a completely different ball game than a primate whose behavior is described as cryptic ie it intends to remain elusive especially to other primates.

    chimpanzees have been observed to sometimes cover up there tracks to avoid detection as will gorillas, chimps in uganda for example after the civil war there became more skittish and changed their activity from diurnality to nocturnality to avoid human detection (they were being used as bush meat )

    You suggest on the one hand that they are cryptic, elusive and shy, and yet that conflicts with the Patterson video (which you don't reject), which clearly shows a bigfoot that is walking casually in a relatively open area, in broad daylight, and upon seeing another primate continues in its stride without flinching. Which is it?

    I suspect that those chimps in Uganda changed their behaviour after they started to be killed indirectly, or else hunted. There's no civil wars going on in the U.S. at the moment, and seemingly nobody is hunting bigfoots, since we've got no dead bodies!
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    If your thinking large primates think humans, there are thought to be undiscovered tribes in Brazil as there was many recently discovered.

    A six foot long lizard was recently found in the Philippines that the natives knew about for centuries, i have no problem with a animal as clever as a ape and as mobile as a bipedal ape avoiding detection, and if you look up proponents of bigfoot youll find the agree that America has many hiding places for a large ape.
    steddyeddy wrote: » another recently discovered ape in the republic of Congo the number of ape species is changing rapidly.

    Yes you describe several animals that have been recently documented because they're hidden away in areas that are inaccessible to most researchers because of civil war, impassible terrain, danger, etc.

    That's not the same as the USA.

    No, it isn't possible that a species of 10 foot primates could hide away from researchers, hunters, campers, scientists, etc., for hundreds of years.

    If they were all hidden away in Alaska then maybe you could force that argument, but they aren't, they're reported to be seen all over the country (see the map I posted), and you said yourself there's been 3000 (apparantly plausible) sightings. So how it is possible that these 3000 people saw them if they're hidden away so well? And none of them happened to have a camera on them? Or a gun? None of these hunters decided to come back the next day with a group of lads and chase down the animals?

    Come on
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    yes the skookum cast defiantly had elk and bear hair but also hair that cannot be matched to a known creature, no one is claiming only one animal makes up the impression there is a clear Achilles tendon in the cast far bigger than a human achilles which suggest something large and bipedal made a impression.

    Hair that was seemingly analysed by one guy.

    By the way in the cast there was 16 elk hairs, 4 bare hairs, 1 coyote hair, and the one you're talking about. Bigfoot lay down there and only lost one hair? You're a primate, don't loose hairs fall off your head all the time? And your body isn't even covered in hair like bigfoot's apparantly is! And did an elk then decide to lie down in the same spot because it was warm?

    The hair argument is completely implausible. The print is widely thought to be that of an elk.
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    3000 sightings, foot prints stories from the natives told to the early explorers like Samuel de Champlain etc to be honest a series of hoaxes involving hundreds of forest rangers, zoologists, natives and the early explorers of the continent is a bit more far fetched than than alternative that there is a undiscovered ape in America.

    hoaxers would have a shared knowledge of the footprint anatomy, behavioral characteristics ect and a lot of these people are state veterinarians, wildlife biologists and hunters i really find hoaxing to be hard to believe on such a large scale.

    the people who were caught out in hoaxing "evidence" are generally red necks and exposed quite quickly like the video you posted about the hoaxers from Georgia the hoaxers have never turned out to be trained in the area of zoology ect.

    I'm not suggesting a conspiracy of hoaxers spanning many disciplines, I'm suggesting that there are many individual hoaxes, combined with a growing mythology, a few animals that may look similar to bigfoot (bears), a load of confirmation bias and pattern-seeking, and this is what you end up with.
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    dave as i said i dont accept everything i hear at first, i think theres a lot more evidence for the loch ness montser needed before i believe it and for the rest i wont dignify them because the level of evidence is completely different.

    i agree we need a specimen but i think the evidence is quite compelling and as i said before im half on half on the video i cant prove anything with that, its all over the place as regards opinion analysis etc.

    yes i agree with the dragon analogy but this is backed by mythology previous reports, physical evidence associated with the reports, dont think i looked at this and said sounds hmm sounds real or even jane Goodall believes it i will too, i actually looked through numerous eye witness reports and saw a lot of things that fit together, the foot prints the behavior described in the reports from people who wouldn't know the intricacies of primate behavior.

    it was less than one hundred years ago when natural selection was largely disbeilved as there was lack of evidence, im convinced more evidence will be made available.

    Give me links to a few of these eye witness reports that detail intricate primate behaviour at least.

    You've given lots of bad evidence, but combining lots of bad evidence does not amount to good evidence. Anecdotes are effectively worthless.
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    the difference with your legendery creatures dave is that they rarley have contemperary acounts of them, coinciding with foot prints behavior that makes sense within the animals genus (primate, whale etc) there just stories however if you look at a lot of them they have since been discovered kraken=giant squid , Sichuan = giant panda and many others.

    Still not compelling, it's just speculation
    steddyeddy wrote: »
    i dont get into pub fight over this for nothing dave ;) ill defend bigfoot before i jump to the girlfriends defense!

    Don't tell your girlfriend that!

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,150 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    The idea of extant human antecedents or cousins always fascinated me. More as an abstract idea and wish. This is the first time in human history that we're alone as bipedal creatures. At times there were many sharing the planet. That part isnt unusual really. I never really put that much store in it as an actual possibility until someone I knew whose veracity I would have great faith in saw one up close as it were. He is of a medical background and would be about 10 Dawkins(tm) in general scepticism. :D

    On a fishing trip in Canada, the place of his birth, late afternoon he was moving up a river in a very remote area and as he moved upstream he noticed but at the same time didnt notice(if you know what I mean) his attention being drawn to a tree stump. He kept moving and when he was within about 40 feet the "stump" stood up. He was armed with a pistol for bear. Mostly to scare them as the calibre wasnt big enough to do much else. He told me he forgot he was carrying it. He froze basically, as did the creature.

    His description? He described at as being about his height. He's a big chap so 6' 4" not 8 or 10 feet. He said body wise it was like a big man covered in hair. A hairy prizefighter as he called it. He did say it looked nothing like the famous cinefilm above. Not nearly as bulky. Facially he couldnt make out much, but he could barely see eyes and the face was black. More like a chimp than a gorilla. It looked straight at him. No obvious aggression or any other emotion. But he got the distinct vibe that he was to go no further. So he stepped back a few steps in the river. It then turned and walked up into the bank melting into the shrubbery. He told me he found tears running down his face. Not fear. The shock of seeing a human walk a couple of steps but something not human. That was a visceral emotion for him.

    He told me he smelled nothing nor did it make any sound, nor was it overtly threatening at all. He felt he was watched as he made his way back downstream, but he reckoned that was just his mind playing tricks. Interestingly he partially thinks the whole thing may have been his mind playing tricks. His discipline is in the mental health arena. But he "knows" he saw something. Something he never gave any credit to consciously. He's told about 5 people so some details are different to protect that confidence.

    I've met and known maybe 5 people in my life who I would believe as witnesses in such a case and he would be one of them. I leave others belief to themselves as I would do in their position.

    So do they exist? Is there the possibility of some bipedal relative out there? IMHO the bigfoot of the US is the least likely. The reports of the alma in the former USSR I would give more credence to. One example of the latter is the interesting encounter of the German soldier who walked from eastern siberia after he was interned by the soviets after the last war. Very practical, logical "germanic" chap, whose story makes amazing reading. He made it back to Germany. Covered 1000's of miles doing so. In the urals(IIRC) on a remote mountain pass he encountered an "apeman" up close and personal over many hours and gave a very good description.

    On the Alma type, "Hans Schiltenberger was captured by the Turks and sent to the court of Tamerlane, who placed him in the retinue of a Mongol prince named Egidi. After returning to Europe in 1427, Schiltenberger wrote about his experiences. In his book, he described some mountains, apparently the Tien Shan range in Mongolia: "The inhabitants say that beyond the mountains is the beginning of a wasteland which lies at the edge of the earth. No one can survive there because the desert is populated by so many snakes and tigers. In the mountains themselves live wild people, who have nothing in common with other human beings. A pelt covers the entire body of these creatures. Only the hands and face are free of hair. They run around in the hills like animals and eat foliage and grass and whatever else they can find. The lord of the territory made Egidi a present of a couple of forest people, a man and a woman. They had been caught in the wilderness, together with three untamed horses the size of asses and all sorts of other animals which are not found in German lands and which I cannot therefore put a name to" This chap reported many animals on his travels, many of whom not described by the west until much later(EG prizewalskis horse).Marco Polo also makes mention of same. More on the alma Possible relatively recent contact, capture and interbreeding.

    Further east again, the orang pendek is another plausible one. Many witnesses who describe a 5 foot high bipedal creature not unlike an orang but less bulky. Many footprints have been found. Interestingly not human like. Primitive bipedal type. Most compelling, is that the orang "jane goodall" whose name escapes observed one herself once. Not a drunken hillbilly by any strecth and a person well versed in the behaviour and habits of SE Asian primates. It was another woman researcher who first said she saw the giant "lion killer" chimps of the congo(who sometimes walk awkwardly bipedal).

    I suspect older hominids may have lasted into late prehistoric times too. The european legends of trolls may be a race memory of neandertals. The description fits remarkably well. "They are often regarded as having poor intellect (especially the males, whereas the females may be quite cunning), great strength, big noses, long arms, and as being hairy and not very beautiful" who " are more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds". The biggest noses of any hominid so far found belonged to neandertals. They had short legs and long arms and great strength and mostly lived in caves. My theory anyway and the "green man" of european history may be another remnant?

    Is it possible that some lived into more recent times? I can imagine so(dwarf mammoths lived until the 11th century on a remote siberian island). The Hobbits of Flores may have according to local legends. Are any around today? I would like to think so. In the continental US? I don't know and actually doubt it, even with the testimony of the chap above, but elsewhere in the huge areas of asia? Possible. In other ways, I hope they're never found.

    TL;DR? Maybe... :D

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    Wibbs wrote: »
    The idea of extant human antecedents or cousins always fascinated me. More as an abstract idea and wish. This is the first time in human history that we're alone as bipedal creatures. At times there were many sharing the planet. That part isnt unusual really. I never really put that much store in it as an actual possibility until someone I knew whose veracity I would have great faith in saw one up close as it were. He is of a medical background and would be about 10 Dawkins(tm) in general scepticism. :D
    Unless he was mistaken. It was late afternoon, light was fading and he was 40ft away. You say he described it as looking like a 'hairy prizefighter'; it's much more likely to have been a hirsute boxer on a camping trip than to have been a lost ape-man. (before anyone says that humans don't get that hairy; I've worked in swimming pools for years; you wouldn't believe how hairy some men get)
    So do they exist?
    It's not impossible, and like you I think that if a new species of ape is to be discovered it probably won't be in the US, but will be somewhere much more remote. However I really, really don't buy the claim that some put forward that because there are folk tales about ape-men then they must be real. There have been stories about vampires, witches and zombies from all over the world for thousands of years but no-one's out there leading a Dracula hunt.
    Is it possible that some lived into more recent times? I can imagine so(dwarf mammoths lived until the 11th century on a remote siberian island).
    What's your source for this? The only info I can find gives a date for the Pygmy Mammoth dying out as between 10,000 and 11,000 years ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Fnz wrote: »
    Have there not been regular attempts to capture photographic evidence of such a creature... since the stories were popularized? I'd have thought that camera traps would be set up over vast areas of "bigfoot country" due to public interest in the creature.

    I find it difficult to believe that sufficient effort has not been put into the search for bigfoot at this stage - that the reason we haven't found compelling evidence is due to complete human ineptitude.

    you would be right hardly any effort has one into a proper search into the mystery, bear in mind camera traps which hunters and researchers use to document animal presence cost a lot of money and hundreds would be required, which would be needed to be serviced and have the data collected.

    the great george shaller one of the first to study the mountain gorilla maintained that not enough study has been done to assess the existence of bigfoot and a lot more work is needed however i would not personally subtract funds from money badly needed in conservation of the great apes

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    dave ill come to your points momentarly for the moment here is a classic sightin by william roe a hunter which is one the most interesting and is a sort of archtype of bigfoot reports.

    Ever since I was a small boy back in the forest of Michigan, I have studied the lives and habits of wild animals. Later, when I supported my family in Northern Alberta by hunting and trapping, I spent many hours just observing the wild things. They fascinated me. But the most incredible experience I ever had with a wild creature occurred near a little town called Tete Jaune Cache, British Columbia, about eighty miles west of Jasper, Alberta.
    I had been working on the highway near Tete Jaune Cache for about two years. In October, 1955, I decided to climb five miles up Mica Mountain to an old deserted mine, just for something to do. I came in sight of the mine about three o'clock in the afternoon after an easy climb. I had just come out of a patch of low brush into a clearing when I saw what I thought was a grizzly bear, in the bush on the other side. I had shot a grizzly near that spot the year before. This one was only about 75 yards away, but I didn't want to shoot it, for I had no way of getting it out. So I sat down on a small rock and watched, my rifle in my hands.
    I could see part of the animal's head and the top of one shoulder. A moment later it raised up and stepped out into the opening. Then I saw it was not a bear.
    roe.gif The Mica Mountain sasquatch, drawn by William Roe's daughter under his direction

    This, to the best of my recollection, is what the creature looked like and how it acted as it came across the clearing directly toward me. My first impression was of a huge man, about six feet tall, almost three feet wide, and probably weighing somewhere near three hundred pounds. It was covered from head to foot with dark brown silver-tipped hair. But as it came closer I saw by its breasts that it was female.
    And yet, its torso was not curved like a female's. Its broad frame was straight from shoulder to hip. Its arms were much thicker than a man's arms, and longer, reaching almost to its knees. Its feet were broader proportionately than a man's, about five inches wide at the front and tapering to much thinner heels. When it walked it placed the heel of its foot down first, and I could see the grey-brown skin or hide on the soles of its feet.
    It came to the edge of the bush I was hiding in, within twenty feet of me, and squatted down on its haunches. Reaching out its hands it pulled the branches of bushes toward it and stripped the leaves with its teeth. Its lips curled flexibly around the leaves as it ate. I was close enough to see that its teeth were white and even.
    The shape of this creature's head somewhat resembled a Negro's. The head was higher at the back than at the front. The nose was broad and flat. The lips and chin protruded farther than its nose. But the hair that covered it, leaving bare only the parts of its face around the mouth, nose and ears, made it resemble an animal as much as a human. None of this hair, even on the back of its head, was longer than an inch, and that on its face was much shorter. Its ears were shaped like a human's ears. But its eyes were small and black like a bear's. And its neck also was unhuman. Thicker and shorter than any man's I had ever seen.
    As I watched this creature, I wondered if some movie company was making a film at this place and that what I saw was an actor, made up to look partly human and partly animal. But as I observed it more, I decided it would be impossible to fake such a specimen. Anyway, I learned later there was no such company near that area. Nor, in fact, did anyone live up Mica Mountain, according to the people who lived in Tete Jaune Cache.
    Finally the wild thing must have got my scent, for it looked directly at me through an opening in the brush. A look of amazement crossed its face. It looked so comical at the moment I had to grin. Still in a crouched position, it backed up three or four short steps, then straightened up to its full height and started to walk rapidly back the way it had come. For a moment it watched me over its shoulder as it went, not exactly afraid, but as though it wanted no contact with anything strange.
    The thought came to me that if I shot it, I would possibly have a specimen of great interest to scientists the world over. I had heard stories of the Sasquatch, the giant hairy Indians that live in the legends of British Columbia Indians, and also many claim, are still in fact alive today. Maybe this was a Sasquatch, I told myself.
    I levelled my rifle. The creature was still walking rapidly away, again turning its head to look in my direction. I lowered the rifle. Although I have called the creature "it", I felt now that it was a human being and I knew I would never forgive myself if I killed it.
    Just as it came to the other patch of brush it threw its head back and made a peculiar noise that seemed to be half laugh and half language, and which I can only describe as a kind of a whinny. Then it walked from the small brush into a stand of lodgepole pine.
    I stepped out into the opening and looked across a small ridge just beyond the pine to see if I could see it again. It came out on the ridge a couple of hundred yards away from me, tipped its head back again, and again emitted the only sound I had heard it make, but what this half- laugh, half-language was meant to convey, I do not know. It disappeared then, and I never saw it again.
    I wanted to find out if it lived on vegetation entirely or ate meat as well, so I went down and looked for signs. I found it in five different places, and although I examined it thoroughly, could find no hair or shells of bugs or insects. So I believe it was strictly a vegetarian.
    I found one place where it had slept for a couple of nights under a tree. Now, the nights were cool up the mountain, at this time of year especially, and yet it had not used a fire. I found no sign that it possessed even the simplest of tools. Nor a single companion while in this place.
    Whether this was a Sasquatch I do not know. It will always remain a mystery to me, unless another one is found.
    I hereby declare the above statement to be in every part true, to the best of my powers of observation and recollection.
    (Signed) William Roe

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,150 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    kylith wrote: »
    Unless he was mistaken. It was late afternoon, light was fading and he was 40ft away. You say he described it as looking like a 'hairy prizefighter'; it's much more likely to have been a hirsute boxer on a camping trip than to have been a lost ape-man. (before anyone says that humans don't get that hairy; I've worked in swimming pools for years; you wouldn't believe how hairy some men get)
    :D Oh yea possibly. The light was good though, late afternoon in mid summer in the region is bright, nowhere near dusk and it was in full sunlight. That's why he said it wasnt brown like a bear, but jet black(apparently even black bears are a bit brownish according to him). I hadnt heard from him in 6 months and he rang me today :eek: Off to the paranormal forum I go! :pac: and we chatted about this. No more details really just not human, looked like an ape in the head, but (furred) human in the body. While he's still not convinced it wasnt an hallucination, he is sure he didnt hallucinate a bear or some bloke.
    It's not impossible, and like you I think that if a new species of ape is to be discovered it probably won't be in the US, but will be somewhere much more remote. However I really, really don't buy the claim that some put forward that because there are folk tales about ape-men then they must be real. There have been stories about vampires, witches and zombies from all over the world for thousands of years but no-one's out there leading a Dracula hunt.
    I get your point but there are differences. Witches have an interesting history and the word is equated with shamanic/wise medicine women that translated into more of a negative term with christianity. "Witches" did exist. Zombies can be explained by people awakening from comas, even drug induced ones and the primitive explanation was "Zombie", so they existed as well. Vampires as we know them are a very recent legend. Again with natural and rational explanations for the legends. The aforementioned zombies, people buried in comas that when they were exhumed showed scratch marks in the coffin lids, the way the body decomposes could lead primitive peoples to ascribe the supernatural(blood like liquid from the lips, groaning of escaping gas, stabbing of the chest causing noise to emanate from the mouth mistaken for life in the dead, etc). So they have an explanation too. As do werewolves. Many shamanistic rituals involve the shaman entering teh spirit of an animal and becoming that animal. Usually involving various hallucenigenic herbs. Indeed Ive done one of these ceremonies just to see and let me tell you it feels very "real", even though objectively I knew it wasnt. I was a bird at one point flying in the air, feathers, wind the lot.

    Wildmen are a different subject. More wide ranging. Yes many cultures ascribe a spiritual element, though they do same for native animals, but when cultures describe these animals as part of the natural history along with known animals and with a lack of fantasy animals in their bestiary. We may be thrown by european bestiaries of the middle ages with men with no heads and three legs etc, but that doesnt translate to other cultures. we were a bit "inventive" :D If a culture has no fantasy animals yet mentions "ape men" it does beg investigation IMHO. May be a villified outcast tribe, it may be a race memory, it may be fantasy, but it may be something else, in more recent times, or even extant still. When Jane Goodall and others reckon it's worth more of a look I agree.
    What's your source for this? The only info I can find gives a date for the Pygmy Mammoth dying out as between 10,000 and 11,000 years ago.
    Many apologies 3-4000 years ago. Dunno WTF brain fart gave me 11th century :s

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,670 ✭✭✭mondeo

    I was in Idaho(US) a few years ago and seen something I could only describe as a big hairy man "bigfoot".....And it made a noise I would NOT like to hear twice in my lifetime..

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    You should have a read of this article. The alleged dermal ridges may indeed just be casting artifacts. It's certainly not definitive at least.

    Right i have just read the article and do concede on the fact that some casts have got to be fakes paticularly ones connected with paul freeman who is dodgy to say the least, however the experts on the foot anatomy and dermal ridge experts are often the first to declare some tracks fakes.

    Some like the criplple foot tracks in washington which seem to indicate a deformity of the right foot have been widely praised as being extremly difficult to fake because of the knowledge required to fake a foot like this sort of pathology.

    The dermal ridges can be faked but they are not the same as human dermal ridges many of the tracks have simular features including midtarsal break which is not found in humans, so for this to have been a legend created by hoaxers there would have had to have been a shared knowledge among hoaxers of non human primate foot anatomy and pathology around the whole country for the lt four hundred years of the legend! that is extremely unlikely.

    The article states that the foot print expert has yet to publish a paper on bgfoot tracks, david attenborugh couldnt publish a paper on bigfoot, unfortunatly before the existence of an animal is verified papers will not be accepted on it, as happend recently with the six foot phillipines lizard when people wrote papers on it.
    Yes and I was questioning how plausible that is considering how widely dispersed these creatures seemingly are in N America. How is it possible none have been caught/killed?

    None have even been RECORDED in years -- the strongest evidence still seems to be the Patterson video.

    There's a large enough group dedicated to finding this thing, how elusive must it be to avoid being recorded or caught in all this time?

    Especially if you believe the Patterson film, which shows a bigfoot walking nonchalantly across an opening in broad daylight.

    Ill say again im half and half on the patterson film i definatly dont think its conclusive proof of the creatures existence but i will say most of the sightings indicate that the creature is not exactly afraid of humans but aparantly unwilling to have contact with anything strange, as is the reaction of gorillas, bonobos and chimps to human contact unless the humans act violently as is the case in sightings were people act violently towards bigfoot.

    The fact that it strolls away rapidly means absolutly nothing, humans stroll away from things they want no contact with, when i talk about primate behaviour im talking about humans, gorillas, chimps ect primates all act similarly to each other, nothing about that bigfoot video is out of touch with primate behaviour.

    A good point to note is that the recently discovered bili ape saunters away peacefully when it makes human contact and shows no fear.
    You suggest on the one hand that they are cryptic, elusive and shy, and yet that conflicts with the Patterson video (which you don't reject), which clearly shows a bigfoot that is walking casually in a relatively open area, in broad daylight, and upon seeing another primate continues in its stride without flinching. Which is it?

    nothing in that video suggests that the creature isnt cryptic the minute it or whatever it is saw the camera man it walked away quite fast the video you are posting has been slowed down so more details could be seen the creature is walking away quite fast.
    I suspect that those chimps in Uganda changed their behaviour after they started to be killed indirectly, or else hunted. There's no civil wars going on in the U.S. at the moment, and seemingly nobody is hunting bigfoots, since we've got no dead bodies!

    well thats sort of my point about the chimp behaviour they modified their actions to avoid humans in essence becoming more cryptid and your right not many people ae hunting bigfoots but still primates are by nature cryptic wheter threatend or not, they do however become more cryptic when hunted ect.
    Yes you describe several animals that have been recently documented because they're hidden away in areas that are inaccessible to most researchers because of civil war, impassible terrain, danger, etc.

    That's not the same as the USA.

    Actually areas were the giant panda was discovered and various recent discoveries were made have been better explored than some wilderness areas in america, america has more wilderness than most european countries have total landmass!
    No, it isn't possible that a species of 10 foot primates could hide away from researchers, hunters, campers, scientists, etc., for hundreds of years.

    These creatures if they exist are extremly rare and are certainly not all ten feet many heights have been reported, scatter a hundred elusive people with good outdoor skills around america and you can bet if they wanted to remain undiscovered they could!
    If they were all hidden away in Alaska then maybe you could force that argument, but they aren't, they're reported to be seen all over the country (see the map I posted), and you said yourself there's been 3000 (apparantly plausible) sightings. So how it is possible that these 3000 people saw them if they're hidden away so well? And none of them happened to have a camera on them? Or a gun? None of these hunters decided to come back the next day with a group of lads and chase down the animals?

    yes many hunters have went back to chase the animals and even given up their jobs to trek through wilderness days at a time.

    Hair that was seemingly analysed by one guy.

    By the way in the cast there was 16 elk hairs, 4 bare hairs, 1 coyote hair, and the one you're talking about. Bigfoot lay down there and only lost one hair? You're a primate, don't loose hairs fall off your head all the time? And your body isn't even covered in hair like bigfoot's apparantly is! And did an elk then decide to lie down in the same spot because it was warm?

    The hair argument is completely implausible. The print is widely thought to be that of an elk.

    Not at all most people even skeptics agree that there is at least one animal that doesnt quite match up to known american wildlife in the cast (there are definatly many animals imprinted in the cast) daris schwindler the world authority on primates and a former bigfoot skeptic anylysed the cast and stated there is a large bipedal ape walking around america.

    the hair was examined by a whole team of experts not one guy and there are many hairs not just one.

    the cast has a clear example of an enlargd achilles tendon in the cast which elk doo not have in fact a large achilles tendon is a feature of bipedialty.
    I'm not suggesting a conspiracy of hoaxers spanning many disciplines, I'm suggesting that there are many individual hoaxes, combined with a growing mythology, a few animals that may look similar to bigfoot (bears), a load of confirmation bias and pattern-seeking, and this is what you end up with.

    Well wheter you say its a conspiracy or not that what would be needed for the hoaxing theory to be plausible a conspiracy!

    Give me links to a few of these eye witness reports that detail intricate primate behaviour at least. theres a few hundred!
    You've given lots of bad evidence, but combining lots of bad evidence does not amount to good evidence. Anecdotes are effectively worthless.

    I have given my opinion why it exists backed by my knowledge of likely primate behaviour, instead of tackling it directly you have tried to tackle it with misinformation and the misrepresentation of facts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy


    The most recent alledged picture of a bigfoot. Taken when whatever it was walked in front of a camera trap, the game commision states it could be a bear with severe mange however scientists who examined it said its proportions were not that of a bear and more indicative of a primate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    In 1840, after spending nine years living among the Spokane Indians of the Pacific Northwest, missionary Elkanah Walker described them as believing in the existence of a race of giants which inhabit a certain mountain, off to the west of us. They inhabit its top... They hunt and do all their work by night... They say their track is about a foot and a half long... (Cremo & Thompson 1996, p.595)

    This is an acount from elkanah walker a missionary who lived with the native americans studying them, it is from the 1840s, it mentions tracks of about eighteen inches (the average bigfoot track sizes).

    It also states they hunt at night, most sightings happen at night and it shows the native americans were aware of an animal that was different to known creatures bear ect.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭Sid_Justice

    steddyeddy wrote: »
    I have a zoology degree

    from where and when?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    from where and when?

    What has were i studied got to do with the possible existence of bigfoot? if you give a valid reason for asking ill supply the year college and exact qaulification.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭Sid_Justice

    You use your degree as some kind of testament to your authority on the subject. Do you have a Zoology Degree? From which institution? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Ill give it anyway it is a masters degree from the university of idaho america (im irish but went abroad to study) 1997.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    You use your degree as some kind of testament to your authority on the subject. Do you have a Zoology Degree? From which institution? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    no man i completly agree that a degree does not give authority on a subject i state it simpley to say i have applied proper research to my debate, a degree is no sign of intelligence in any way shape or form, educated idiots is the most true saying ive come across i stated i had a degree only because i know how confrontational some people with degrees will be to people they asume to be uneducated.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭Sid_Justice

    Ok, you haven't exactly answered my question but that will do. I have a BA (mod Zoology) from TCD. I think cryptozoology is quite interesting and entertaining but I'd view all 'evidence' for 'bigfoot' as circumstantial, anecdotal and unsubstantiated.You make a nice argument for the possibility of its existence but like 99% of 'zoologists', I don't think such a creature was recently extant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Ok, you haven't exactly answered my question but that will do. I have a BA (mod Zoology) from TCD. I think cryptozoology is quite interesting and entertaining but I'd view all 'evidence' for 'bigfoot' as circumstantial, anecdotal and unsubstantiated.You make a nice argument for the possibility of its existence but like 99% of 'zoologists', I don't think such a creature was recently extant.

    Feel free to tackle any points i made individually and i think youll find a lot more zoologists give it credence than you think, My area of study was in primatolgy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Ok, you haven't exactly answered my question but that will do. I have a BA (mod Zoology) from TCD. I think cryptozoology is quite interesting and entertaining but I'd view all 'evidence' for 'bigfoot' as circumstantial, anecdotal and unsubstantiated.You make a nice argument for the possibility of its existence but like 99% of 'zoologists', I don't think such a creature was recently extant.

    99% of zoologists (publicly anyway) didnt belive int the existence of the gorilla before 1847. thousands of people with advance degrees (even some geoligists) belive that the earth was made in six days yet the number of people who belive it does not make it more likely!

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    I would have the equivlent to a bsc degree the american system is different

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭Sid_Justice

    Simply the hypothesis that a giant terrestrial species could live on a continent with a population of over half a billion without any irrefutable evidence is quite absurd.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    steddyeddy wrote: »

    The most recent alledged picture of a bigfoot. Taken when whatever it was walked in front of a camera trap, the game commision states it could be a bear with severe mange however scientists who examined it said its proportions were not that of a bear and more indicative of a primate.

    If the bear on the right had its head down they'd be mirror images. It's a bear with mange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    there is no way that the image on the left mirrors the image on the right, bear expert doctor lynn rogers stated the proportions are not bear like measure them your self, the head seems to be missing the prominent ears of the bear also the head slopes uphigher than a bears. The hind limbs seem slightly longer and the torso shorter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    steddyeddy wrote: »
    there is no way that the image on the left mirrors the image on the right, bear expert doctor lynn rogers stated the proportions are not bear like measure them your self, the head seems to be missing the prominent ears of the bear also the head slopes uphigher than a bears. The hind limbs seem slightly longer and the torso shorter.

    The bear on the left has its head down which is why the 'hump' on the back is visible. The three legs visible in the photo on the left are in the same position as in the one on the right apart from the bear having its arse to us a little.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    kylith wrote: »
    The bear on the left has its head down which is why the 'hump' on the back is visible. The three legs visible in the photo on the left are in the same position as in the one on the right apart from the bear having its arse to us a little.

    the skull is too long for the head, the knee joints are placed to high on the lower limbs.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,150 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Simply the hypothesis that a giant terrestrial species could live on a continent with a population of over half a billion without any irrefutable evidence is quite absurd.
    Near major population settlements? I agree, but go north, in places like the wilderness of the pacific north west and Canada and population densities drop off massively. Even in populous areas like California there are huge areas that see few human footfalls. Does this mean an unknown primate exists in the americas? Nope, but its not absurd to suggest it could.

    My problem with a large primate in the americas is not the population issue. My issue would be that there is no evidence any large primate ever lived there(same with the "australian bigfoot" the yowie). Humans are only supposed to have arrived less than 12,000 years back(though I personally suspect earlier than that and there's some interesting evidence out there) and we have the wandering gene.

    In the vast areas of asia, its much more possible. Indeed quite a few Soviet and Chinese scientists are and were intrigued by the possibility and mounted expeditions. Given that Asia has had relict hominids such as erectus and neandertal(in the west), the possibility that one may have lasted long enough to make it into relatively recent times and remain as a strong folk memory seems more likely. Asia also had many other large primates in the past too and still has in the case of the Orang utan.

    What is interesting for me is that Africa, the cradle of humanity and the source of the great apes has little or no folk stories of hairy wildmen or relict hominids. Maybe not so surprising. In Africa when we, sapiens evolved, the relict hominids went extinct or had been extinct for a while. When we left Africa however we went into territories where previous migrations of hominids were living. Neandertals in Europe(until 24000 years ago) and Erectus in Asia.

    Indeed in the case of Erectus they lived, in a dwarf form, up until 12000 years ago on the island of Flores. It's at least possible given the minute amount of remains we have of relict hominids that other such hominids lived until more recently. If a Neandertal fossil was found tomorrow in somewhere like russia that dated to 12,000 years BP I wouldnt be that surprised TBH.

    Going back to Flores, the local people say they lived until a few 100 years ago. Do I believe them? No, or at least there's no evidence for Flores man after the 12000 yr old volcanic event. For me in a way its more interesting if they did all die out 12000 years ago, as it may show that "race memory" is quite resilient to change over time.

    And this might explain why cultures still have traditions in stories and inclusion in fairytales of wildmen many generations after the origin of the story went extinct. Maybe the American Indians brought this memory of other people from the steppes of russia and the forests of Asia into their new lands 15,000 or more years ago and through the telling over the many generations it became bigfoot. There may be some backup to this as some Indian legends talk of a stronger bigger wolf that may refernce the dire wolf that died out 10,000 years ago.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Near major population settlements? I agree, but go north, in places like the wilderness of the pacific north west and Canada and population densities drop off massively. Even in populous areas like California there are huge areas that see few human footfalls. Does this mean an unknown primate exists in the americas? Nope, but its not absurd to suggest it could.

    My problem with a large primate in the americas is not the population issue. My issue would be that there is no evidence any large primate ever lived there(same with the "australian bigfoot" the yowie). Humans are only supposed to have arrived less than 12,000 years back(though I personally suspect earlier than that and there's some interesting evidence out there) and we have the wandering gene.

    In the vast areas of asia, its much more possible. Indeed quite a few Soviet and Chinese scientists are and were intrigued by the possibility and mounted expeditions. Given that Asia has had relict hominids such as erectus and neandertal(in the west), the possibility that one may have lasted long enough to make it into relatively recent times and remain as a strong folk memory seems more likely. Asia also had many other large primates in the past too and still has in the case of the Orang utan.

    What is interesting for me is that Africa, the cradle of humanity and the source of the great apes has little or no folk stories of hairy wildmen or relict hominids. Maybe not so surprising. In Africa when we, sapiens evolved, the relict hominids went extinct or had been extinct for a while. When we left Africa however we went into territories where previous migrations of hominids were living. Neandertals in Europe(until 24000 years ago) and Erectus in Asia.

    Indeed in the case of Erectus they lived, in a dwarf form, up until 12000 years ago on the island of Flores. It's at least possible given the minute amount of remains we have of relict hominids that other such hominids lived until more recently. If a Neandertal fossil was found tomorrow in somewhere like russia that dated to 12,000 years BP I wouldnt be that surprised TBH.

    Going back to Flores, the local people say they lived until a few 100 years ago. Do I believe them? No, or at least there's no evidence for Flores man after the 12000 yr old volcanic event. For me in a way its more interesting if they did all die out 12000 years ago, as it may show that "race memory" is quite resilient to change over time.

    And this might explain why cultures still have traditions in stories and inclusion in fairytales of wildmen many generations after the origin of the story went extinct. Maybe the American Indians brought this memory of other people from the steppes of russia and the forests of Asia into their new lands 15,000 or more years ago and through the telling over the many generations it became bigfoot. There may be some backup to this as some Indian legends talk of a stronger bigger wolf that may refernce the dire wolf that died out 10,000 years ago.

    Exellent points there wibbs you would be right to suspect native americans moved in much earlier in fact some scientists say they have evidence that it was even a far back as 50,000 years ago.

    In regards to he fossil evidence it has been said that the fossil record acounts for 0.5 per cent of all the creatures that have ever existed, in fact many intelligent animals avoid the conditions of fossilization paticualry primates for example gorillas, chimps and bonobos have practically no fossil record bar around four teeth!

    The forests of north america and canada are often very acidic and are not condusive to the process of fossilazation, certain areas of africa for instance would be more likely to have a more complete fossil record, if africa doesnt preserve primate fossils american forests certainly wont.

    Most of the animals in north america came from asia including humans, bison, beavers and mastadon (i know they no longer exist there please dont attack me on this lol) now if theres a large ape walking around america it must have come from somewhere.

    The thing i find interesting is there was an ape called gigantopithecus who emigrated from the same areas of asia as the rest of the animals from north america, this was the only ape that went extinct during the pleistocene, interestingly enough this ape was 9.8 feet all in essence a ten foot ape (the maximum size found anyway) they only have a couple of teeth and a large jaw of this creature (fossil rarity of primates highlighted here also) .

    Say all the sightings of sasqautch are around the ten foot mark (which there not there are even reports of creatures 5 foot) then an animal doesnt get that size from standing out in the open, many reports include the fact that the sasqautch after the initial sighting sqauts down in bushes and vegatation and seems to be hiding in various ways. As do gorillas and chimps ho cover themselves in vegatation when humans aproach.

    Dr.briggs hall state vetenarion for california states "If there was a great ape discovered here in the wilderness it wouldnt surprise me at all if it was clever enough".

    As regards to zoologist support for bigfoot im not as alone as you think many academics will not come forward as they fear it will damage their career (t would) but those at the top of their game voiced support for it.

    george schaller who is mentioned in the film gorillas in he mist as having wrote the most important book on gorillas before diane fossey and the world expert on gorillas says that even if you throw out 95 per cent of sightings there has to be something to the 5 per cent.

    Jane goodall states flately that shes sure they exist as she interviewed many witnesses that saw or heard them.

    David attenborugh saws that the foot prints of he yeti and sasqautch are biologically convincing.

    Dr.daris swhindler a primate expert and formerly the former biggest skeptic of bigfoot states "i can only now conclude that there is a descendent of gigantopithecus walking around north america.

    Even the skeptical scientists that there is nothing to say dismiss the possiblity of sasqautch existing out of hand, they say there used to be a creature existing thousands of years ago around the same size however they need a body.

    Having myself being familar paticualarly with washington state (an area with some of the most sightings) i can safely say that the wilderness is there for all intended puposes a lot of that wilderness is basically unexplored.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    wibbs im not really as familar with other mystery apes apart from the almas which i find fascinating, another one i am interested in however is the orang pendek man like ape standing around three feet tall that looks human, these are seen today according to several well respected people including a camera man for national geographic, this is in the island of sumatra close to the island of flores where homo florseiensis was discovered and national geographic are funding a project to find them.

    Scientists are not against the idea of mega fauna being discovered especially primatologists who recognise the idea that some primates are basically at our intelligence level minus the grammatical langauge.

    "We are becoming increasingly aware that we are not the only intelligent life on earth" David attenborugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,564 ✭✭✭✭steddyeddy

    Simply the hypothesis that a giant terrestrial species could live on a continent with a population of over half a billion without any irrefutable evidence is quite absurd.

    There is a country with a population of 190 million smaller than north america called Brazil which states that there could be at least twenty undiscovered tribes in their country.

    Humans are a terestrail species of mega fauna an they have so far been undiscoved in brazil and we are a species which orginizes ourself into tribes not in the numbers that sasqautch have been seen together (3 or 4 at most).

    The stuffy bury your head in books type of zoology is well due a overhaul, a breif history of the zoology that discounts new large spieces more innovative and intelligent than we know of has discounted the gorilla, giant squid, okapi, undiscovered tribes, bonobo and the komodo dragon (there are far more example than i will type).

    A famous expression is one that still underlines the type of thinking that many zoologists still hold about many creatures rumoured to exist "there are no sightings of this so called gorilla, it doesnt exist therefore there are no real sightings.

    After the gorilla was discovered it was stated ok we were wrong about this but the komodo dragon doesnt exist, then its discovered ok we were wrong about this but the giant panda doesnt exist and so on and so on. the precenden is for these asumptions to be proved wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,720 ✭✭✭Sid_Justice

    So what if Scientists in the 1850s didn't know whether Gorilla's existed or not? The concept of evolution was novel back then. It's got nothing to do with your question, you've brought it up at least 3 times, stop clouding the argument with this please.

    The thing about the amazon is interesting, I'd be less surprised if a new megafauna species was discovered there.

    Like we're not talking about one animal here. For this population to be any way viable there would need to be a couple of hundred, at least to have lived with the last couple of hundred years.

    Ultimately, there is no physical evidence.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭hollis12

    i find it hard to belive bigfoot exists without more evidence
