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changes/improvements/nerfs you want to see? (BC2)

  • 14-04-2010 2:19pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,378 ✭✭✭

    *Reduce m60 dmg from 25, to 22
    I dont personally have a problem with the gun but it is miles ahead of the other lmg's which have an average dmg of 14. 25 is a big difference. Would be nice to see other lmg's being used on the field.

    *Nade launcher ammo kit pick up rate from 10.5seconds to 20seconds
    Any fps with the m203 is gonna result in 'noob tubers', some of us accept this and move on. Id like if it was more difficult for the guys who sit at high focal points, with explosive perks just mortaring the enemy.
    The change probably wouldn't be very effective but I dont think there is a need for an all out nerf on it. Perhaps making one 40mm grenade standard as opposed to starting with two would be a nice.

    *Increase 'car' armour (hmmv/vodnik)
    They are taken down to easily compared to a quad bike. Quad bikes have 250 armour while cars have 500, Doesn't really make sense. So naturally when I'm presented with a vodnik or quadbike, I'm always going to take the quad bike as its speed makes it far superior. Maybe upgrading cars from 500 to 650 armour would be nice.

    *Increase paddle reload from 3s to 5s
    Not a big difference, but at 3s its easy for a medic to quickly revive an entire squad you just mowed down.

    *Add bullet drop for slugs (shotgun)
    Ive never been the victim of a shotgun slug "sniper", but I've made plenty of victims. Then I get the usual responses in chat "THATS SOME GODDAMN BULL**** AND YOU KNOW IT" :p
    Its true though, players really shouldn't be allowed to snipe 500m+ with slugs

    Scopes for 'all kit' weapons (m14 etc.)
    They are pretty crap guns tbh, I dont think allowing scopes is really gonna over power them. Granted the Thompson wasn't developed to fit a scope IRL, but you don't see that gun as standard issue in Iraq either. I know the dev's added them as kind of fun guns, scopes could make them more fun ;)

    M93 machine pistol, increase dmg from 8.4 to 14
    Everyone knows this gun sucks, its very difficult to take down a full health soldier with this thing, even with patient aim. Even at 14 dmg im sure it would still suck.

    Other changes
    * An option setting for default weapon loadout
    * A COMPLETELY new server browser, nuff said

    Im sure I could go on all day.... Fantastic game though :D



  • Registered Users Posts: 981 ✭✭✭Hercule

    * Reduced weapon damage for M60

    * Reduced effectiveness (splash damage) from the Carl Gustav against infantry targets.

    * if you get revived it should not count a death on the scoreboard - Havent a clue why they have done that

    * make mcomm stations have priority over picking up weapons kits when trying to plant/defuse.

    * a server browser which isnt a load of ****,

    * Vehicle smoke/flares should be a default feature and should not require an additional perk

    * Increased weapon damage for scopes at mid-long range (decreased damage for short to mid range) - its retarded how well the m95 works at close range.

    * Increased Blackhawk minigun damage - you literally have to have both the heli and the target perfectly still to get any kind of damage/kills

    Major changes I would like to see but dont expect to happen include:

    * re-jig the classes (back to the bf2 system ) make the game more dynamic and stop people from being able to whore certain classes (assault grenade spamming) + (engineer carl gustav spam)

    engineer: Shotguns/machine pistol + repair tool + at mines,

    anti-tank: RPG + smg

    Medic: Assault rifle - defib/medic kit.

    Assault: Heavy Assault rifle + underslung grenade + body armour

    Sniper: Claymores + sniper ( dont miss claymores tbh / mortar strike is a fair trade)

    Supply: LMG + ammo box

    Spec Ops :Full auto assault rifle + C4

    * pilotable A10s :)

    * Sharqui peninsula map

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,434 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    Dump medic and have it as support instead with ammo reload.

    Give medic revive to the Assault classes so that's the fúckin noobtoobers can't keep reloading...fúckin idiots were they thinking???

    M60..complete overkill

    M93R...up the're better off throwing the bloody thing at them rather than emptying the mag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Hercule - On the classes thing, its not BF3, or BF2 for that matter. Why you'd want to change BC2 into it is beyond me.

    BF3 will be out, so don't fret.

    Pretty much agree on everything else though.

    Krieg - agree with everything you said, although I think the 3s paddle reload is fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Berkut wrote: »
    Dump medic and have it as support instead with ammo reload.

    Give medic revive to the Assault classes so that's the fúckin noobtoobers can't keep reloading...fúckin idiots were they thinking???

    M60..complete overkill

    M93R...up the're better off throwing the bloody thing at them rather than emptying the mag.

    Ya see, I class the Gustav as a 'n00b tube' not the GL. GL's are used against infantry targets IRL - armour piercing guided rockets are not. The GL is part of every multiplayer game, and I think they're fair enough. I've killed tonnes with them, and been killed tonnes with them.

    They should simply put an 'arm' delay on the Gustav etc, making it useless against infantry close up. Or at least put own damage on it when fired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 981 ✭✭✭Hercule

    I dont want it to be "more like bf2/bf3" or w/e I want the game to be more dynamic - rather then the current rolling ball of medic/m60s constantly reviving there way up to mcomm stations/capture points - if the medic was restricted to the an94 / the m16 / that other burst fire gun I cant remember you would see a shift in the game to a more enjoyable/faster game - currently a team of medics would win out over a team of balanced classes as their effectiveness at killing (regardless of the imba m60) and ability to revive creep would render other classes useless - it makes no sense to have one class that can in theory do everything (infantry wise). heck 2142 had the 4 class system - it at least made some more sense (assaults/underslungs + defibs/medic kits then support had LMGs + ammo boxes - why they switched that around I will never know

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    Get rid of the engi class....coz most peeps who play this game use it as assault...

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,434 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    Hercule wrote: »
    I dont want it to be "more like bf2/bf3" or w/e I want the game to be more dynamic - rather then the current rolling ball of medic/m60s constantly reviving there way up to mcomm stations/capture points - if the medic was restricted to the an94 / the m16 / that other burst fire gun I cant remember you would see a shift in the game to a more enjoyable/faster game - currently a team of medics would win out over a team of balanced classes as their effectiveness at killing (regardless of the imba m60) and ability to revive creep would render other classes useless - it makes no sense to have one class that can in theory do everything (infantry wise). heck 2142 had the 4 class system - it at least made some more sense (assaults/underslungs + defibs/medic kits then support had LMGs + ammo boxes - why they switched that around I will never know

    that's my point exactly...BF2142 have the classes nailed perfectly...none of them was too powerfull and each have it's different strengths...why they didn't leave it like this is beyond me

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Berkut wrote: »
    that's my point exactly...BF2142 have the classes nailed perfectly...none of them was too powerfull and each have it's different strengths...why they didn't leave it like this is beyond me

    Its because BC2 is NOT a regualr BF game like BF2/2142.

    This is more arcady, and also, as it spans across consoles, a lot of it has to please the consolers too.

    Just play it for what it is, a simple, stop gap Battlefield game until BF3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,864 ✭✭✭uberpixie

    Ya see, I class the Gustav as a 'n00b tube' not the GL. GL's are used against infantry targets IRL - armour piercing guided rockets are not..


    This is a javelin antitank missile
    Brits in Afghanistan using a javelin anti tank rocket on a tali ban machine gun position (Britain used these so much they nearly ran out!)
    US marines using a javelin anti tank missile on a sniper position.

    RPGs are regularly used to attack US/Brit ground forces by insurgents as well as attacking Coalition staff in hotels and other buildings.
    So no, anti tank armor piercing rockets are used in real life regularly on infantry.:D They offer better building penetration than a 40mm nade and much longer range and would be more accurate. Good programs to watch are the two series that Ross Kemp shot in Afghanistan, gives you a good idea what modern infantry warfare is like. Granted I am not a fan of Ross Kemp as a presenter at all, but he does make good telly. You can see them get attacked by RPGs a good few times when they are out on patrols with just infantry.

    Go back as far as World War Two: The Russians used "acquired" German Panzerfausts, the worlds first RPG, to clear buildings/bunkers and make entry holes through walls in house to house warfare. There is a very long history of anti tank weapons being used on infantry.

    The problem with BC2 is that you can use an anti tank weapon at practically point blank in the game with no ill effect unlike real life.
    It's too easy in BC2 to bunny hop around a corner with an RPG and pointblank a rocket at someones feet. As a total RPG whore I agree that it needs to be rebalanced.:pac:
    The extra rockets + blast radius specializations with the RPG are way too overpowered.

    They should limit the number of rockets you can carry to a max of 3 or 4, increase the damage against armor and reduce the damage against men.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    I think you are missing the whole point....this is not real life. So saying that you ACTUALLY can use the CG to kill infantry in real life does not matter TBH.

    It totally ****s the game up, cause as soon as one knob uses it you get 5 more....and totally ruins the round. You (as in members on here) cannot say its fine to use the CG to kill peeps and then moan about 15 medics running around with the M60 FFS coz they OVERPOWERED WTF!!!!

    Its the cowardly way that the people use the CG is used that pisses me off TBH, I mean when you have tanks rolling into maps you only see one or two people actually trying to help the team and blow up the armour. But yet on a high infantry map with little or no armour you have 10 engineers STANDING around firing from miles away from the action and only in the GENERAL DIRECTION and let the spalsh damage to the ****.

    At Uberpixie....

    If you totally agree that the whole RPG glitch need to be rebalanced...why wait....just stop using it for infantry....and it will balance its-self.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,987 ✭✭✭Auvers

    agree with most of the posts especially regarding the CG :mad:

    my only wish is make the knife a selectable weapon only and cut the lunge range

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Auvers wrote: »
    my only wish is make the knife a selectable weapon only and cut the lunge range


  • Registered Users Posts: 13,986 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    Needs more boobs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Needs more boobs.

    Size C4

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,987 ✭✭✭Auvers

    Jumpy wrote: »

    why :confused:

    the knife is too easy to get kills with and requires no skill whatsoever

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    Yeah the matrix style knife kills are stupid, but a selectable knife only what will that do...?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,987 ✭✭✭Auvers

    Wonda-Boy wrote: »
    but a selectable knife only what will that do...?

    stop players abusing it, as in when you are close quarter fighting and you get the drop on the enemy and proceed to squeeze off a carefully aimed burst the all the shots hit but all the other guy does click the knife button and with no aim whatsoever and ends up killing you

    at least with a selectable knife and no auto aim it will make it a skillful maneuver to force players to choose the knife rather than clicking the middle mouse button

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,864 ✭✭✭uberpixie

    Wonda-Boy wrote: »
    I think you are missing the whole point....this is not real life. So saying that you ACTUALLY can use the CG to kill infantry in real life does not matter TBH.

    No no, I get the point. I was merely pointing out that what Dublin gunner had said was not correct: anti tank rockets are regularly used on infantry in the real world for a very long time. Bc2 is an arcadey game to say the least and if I wanted realism I would play Arma 2. I'm all for fun gameplay at expense of realism in a game when is suits. Total realism can be pretty dull at times....
    Wonda-Boy wrote: »
    It totally ****s the game up, cause as soon as one knob uses it you get 5 more....and totally ruins the round. You (as in members on here) cannot say its fine to use the CG to kill peeps and then moan about 15 medics running around with the M60 FFS coz they OVERPOWERED WTF!!!!

    tbh every class can cause grief used in the right way: M60 medic zombie packs, an assault player using the nade launcher as a mortar with unlimited ammo, a good recon player sniping people and dropping mortar on your head and of course an engineer with an rpg playing the game like Quake3 ;)

    Zombie medics packs are annoying: I don't complain too much, just pull out the CG and grief them more then they are trying to grief me and don't feel anyway guilty about it :pac:.
    Wonda-Boy wrote: »
    At Uberpixie....

    If you totally agree that the whole RPG glitch need to be rebalanced...why wait....just stop using it for infantry....and it will balance its-self.


    1) it's a game, if the game allows me to use this tactic, why not use it? Whats wrong with playing to win? I am playing the game within it's ruleset and have found the optimum way to kill with a particular class.

    2) other people have no qualms about power playing to the strength of their classes: again if I see a roaming pack of M60 totting zombie medics roaming in packs or 4 or 5 people. If people start getting lame I will power play and adapt to their tactics to win: no guilt about ole CG usage then or pulling out a M60 medic etc....

    I do my best not to be lame with the CG and over use it, I do have x6 gold stars with it already, it really is far too easy to dominate maps with it. I would be the first to admit it really is obscene. I do cut back on it's use as I do feel it is a bit too easy to kill with it.

    But expecting the game to magically balance itself because I stop using a particular tactic is naive at best. Won't stop other people.

    I have no problems using a RPG to digout an assault trooper trying to nade me from a building though a window or on a Medic nailing me from long range with a M60. If people are playing to their class strengths and unfair advantages why shouldn't I?

    All the classes need to be tweaked and rebalanced to make the game less lame for all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    I agree with alot you are saying mate, but TBH if you come up against a medic with an M60 you can so easily kill him with an assault class gun. Its still a 50/50 contest. Granted the M60 is very strong from a distance but thats when a 40mm nade is Ideal, even if not a direct kill it will only take a shot to finish him off.

    As for a group of medics with M60's that should be dealt with with a group of your squad or others, not rocket launching with CG's with no skill whatsoever...I mean there is no aim involved either and add the splash damage add on and its just mental.

    Also you are just thinking of your own presence in the server....what about the other 5/6 peeps doing the exact same thing. Soon its just stupid and I have seen an awful lot of peeps just leave the server becoz of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,992 ✭✭✭✭partyatmygaff

    Anyone who played BF2 will know nerfing things simply does not work.

    You nerf one thing and then something else is out of balance and it's an endless chain of nerfing until the game becomes unplayable.

    Just learn to adapt and don't encourage them to ruin the game.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    You cannot encourage people to stop killing INFANTRY with the CG...they actually think they are SUPER players killing with ease....NOT.:(

    A few tweaks and the game would be a hell of alot better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭TheFairy

    Anyone who played BF2 will know nerfing things simply does not work.

    You nerf one thing and then something else is out of balance and it's an endless chain of nerfing until the game becomes unplayable.

    Just learn to adapt and don't encourage them to ruin the game.

    Read this and read it again. Never truer words said.

    I've said before that the best way to balance this or any game is use kit limiting. Changes to one kit will make another more powerful and then suddenly every one is using that kit. Its a vicious circle.

    The only thing I want to see back into the game is the ability to make a weapon single shot or burst. This was in BF2 and was fantastic as the same gun could be used long range or close up. Its a big omission in the current game!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,967 ✭✭✭Pyr0

    I had a crazy round with the CG one night, sitting behind a rock with the extra ammo and high explosives selections, I was getting 3/4 and even 5 kills with one shot and people bunching up and rushing places, ended up with 3 to 4000 more points than anyone else on the server because of defensive points also, it was mad ! The best part was, the enemy were on the other side of the rock not catching on. It was that conquest round with the wooden bridge at the last objective, jungle map.

    I know K/D ratio doesn't come into play with 80% of the game types but the 40+/8 really made a difference :D

    I didn't pick the class the snipe infantry only to take out armour, I didn't even know the CG was considered OP until I flicked through the thread a bit more today.

    What exactly makes it OP ? I know in the description it claims to do less damage to infantry then the RPG-7. The RPG can kill groups of infantry too, does that make it OP also ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,378 ✭✭✭Krieg

    Pyr0 wrote: »

    What exactly makes it OP ? I know in the description it claims to do less damage to infantry then the RPG-7. The RPG can kill groups of infantry too, does that make it OP also ?


    Look at the explosive radius of the CG, 8m.
    Combine that with the speed of the rocket and its a devastating weapon.
    RPG doesnt come close due to its relatively slow speed and 'bullet' drop

    Simple solution is to reduce the explosive radius from 8m to maybe 3m
    I think this may keep it realistic as someone mentioned that IRL the CG is a "bunker buster". Im only guessing, but I dont think bunker busting munitions necessarily have a high yield warhead and may rely more on force and penetration. Im open to correction.

    I dont want to see the CG speed or dmg reduced as I absolutely LOVE shooting down choppers with it, which I think most will agree that its not overpowered in that dept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37,299 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    Knife versus M60, knife wins.

    Seriously, this needs to be fixed. I've done it myself, but it's still complete bo||ox - someone is shooting at you from close range with an M60, and somehow you can run up to them and kill them instantly with a knife.

    Sneaky knife kills are okay, but there should be some code put in that says if you're getting shot by the player for over a second, you can't stab them in the face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    i think the knife is terrible to be honest, I think the neostad 2000 with slugs and magnum ammos needs a serious nerf, went like 45 and 2 with it today.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 14,707 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dcully

    Anyone who played BF2 will know nerfing things simply does not work.

    You nerf one thing and then something else is out of balance and it's an endless chain of nerfing until the game becomes unplayable.

    Just learn to adapt and don't encourage them to ruin the game.

    I take your point and agree to a point but by not nerfing the shotgun with slugs,the silly matrix knifing in particular is just silly.
    Not quite as ridiculous but worth mentioning is the M60 accuracy while standing or running around.

    These are glaring examples of where the nerf bat should be swung.

  • Registered Users Posts: 683 ✭✭✭Scram

    Ya see, I class the Gustav as a 'n00b tube' not the GL. GL's are used against infantry targets IRL - armour piercing guided rockets are not. The GL is part of every multiplayer game, and I think they're fair enough. I've killed tonnes with them, and been killed tonnes with them.

    They should simply put an 'arm' delay on the Gustav etc, making it useless against infantry close up. Or at least put own damage on it when fired.

    Totaly agree i dont mind getting killed by the GL but to die by the Gustav is just mad it makes wanna scream lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    the_syco wrote: »
    Knife versus M60, knife wins.

    Seriously, this needs to be fixed. I've done it myself, but it's still complete bo||ox - someone is shooting at you from close range with an M60, and somehow you can run up to them and kill them instantly with a knife.

    Sneaky knife kills are okay, but there should be some code put in that says if you're getting shot by the player for over a second, you can't stab them in the face.

    You can say that for just about any gun tbh. The amount of times I've turned to see someone running at me to knife, unload half a clip straight to the chest only to still get knifed is silly.

    After all, if wielding a gun, getting hit spins you, makes it difficult to aim etc as you're getting blasted back by the bullets - same thing NEVER happens when you click 'knife'

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,378 ✭✭✭Krieg

    Incoming Nerf's
    * Added weapon balance tweaks to a number of weapons – we are eagerly awaiting feedback!

    We aren't going to tell you what weapon balance tweaks we have done, we want your unbiased views on the changes before we detail what has changed

    Patch/Update coming in the next week
