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What are you afraid of?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭Ally7

    kateos's fear of butterflies applies to me too tbh. Don't see them out alot these days because of the crap irish weather but when I see one, I literally run a mile! I loved them and used to dance around with them in the back garden until I was like 7 (yes, i sadly did that..) but then I saw a picture of one up close in a textbook.

    No more dancing and floating about after that...

    I know a girl who's afraid of them too, when she sees one in school she jumps on the desk :confused: as if that will save her like!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    One of the trickier things was when I was in the butterfly farm, with literally thousands flying around me, trying to dodge them all.

    Glorified moths. Bleugh

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,347 ✭✭✭Closed ac

    Hotaru wrote: »
    Thunderstorms. Hate hate HATE them.

    I used to be a lot worse when I was younger. It was a full blown phobia for a fair few years. I'd check the weather forecast several times a day and freak out if they mentioned so much as a "slight possibility of thundershowers". If there was any sign of darkish clouds in the sky I'd watch them obsessively - their direction, their shape etc. and try and determine if there might be thunder. I'd also lie in bed at night and if I heard trailers on the road I'd freak out, thinking it might be thunder.

    Bear in mind that this is IRELAND and we have approx 3-5 thunderstorms a year. Bloody hell, I forgot how bad I was. Still hate them but at least it's not a total obsession anymore :P

    I was never afraid of the one's in Ireland, but when I was in Orlando a few years ago the thunder was so loud I actually thought it was the apocalypse.. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,944 ✭✭✭Jay P

    Spiders. I have a heart attack any time there's one near me. They just freak the hell out of me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,808 ✭✭✭ohthebaby

    I am absolutely terrified of bombs, terrorists, hijackers, etc... I am paranoid most of the time when I am out. If it's a really big place with lots of people then I'm convinced something will blow up at any second. If I see anybody that looks in any way dodgy I'm scared ****less. On the bus coming home yesterday there was a man in front of me in big flowy orange hippy clothes and a big drum and he kept like chanting to himself. I was convinced he was going to take over the bus or shoot us all. Paranoia.

    I'm also kind of scared of failure, especially when it's pretty much staring me in the face majorly for the first time. Uh oh.

    But to be honest that's kind of insignificant when I think how scared I would be to lose things that are important to me; me family, friends, my cat... :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    Clowns kinda scare me in general, not a fan.

    Really dont like spiders. Have a morbid fascination with sharks and other horrible sea creatures, they terrify me.

    I'm really not great with heights, only jumping of heights though, I can be up high no problem, but I hate jumping off a wall that's higher than me. Evening of my graduation, I was locked and we we climbing over a wall to get into a guys back garden, I sat on the wall for 20 minutes before I managed to get down. Seemingly alcohol makes my drunken climbing abilities useless!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    I'm not hugely afraid of physical things, though I'm not a fan of insects. Things with too many legs.. *shudders* But I can deal with those. I actually really like heights too! :P

    I'm afraid of getting old. And people always say that a fear of getting old is essentially a fear of dying, but I can accept my own mortality just fine, thank you very much. I think it's more that I'm afraid that I'll have to become entirely dependent on other people. I'm so independent that relying on others for just about everything scares the hell out of me.

    Any form of disease or mental disorder that would leave me trapped in myself one way or another - either physically or mentally. For example, Motor Neuron Disease - I'd essentially be trapped inside my own head with little/no bodily function.

    The hugest thing for me is failure. And not even actual failure, but not reaching/exceeding my own ridiculously high standards. Not making something of myself. I want to do something with my life, and I'd hate to feel as if I'd wasted it come the end of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    Aoibheann wrote: »
    I'm not hugely afraid of physical things, though I'm not a fan of insects. Things with too many legs.. *shudders* But I can deal with those. I actually really like heights too! :P

    Aoibheann wrote: »

    I'm afraid of getting old. And people always say that a fear of getting old is essentially a fear of dying, but I can accept my own mortality just fine, thank you very much. I think it's more that I'm afraid that I'll have to become entirely dependent on other people. I'm so independent that relying on others for just about everything scares the hell out of me.

    Any form of disease or mental disorder that would leave me trapped in myself one way or another - either physically or mentally. For example, Motor Neuron Disease - I'd essentially be trapped inside my own head with little/no bodily function.

    These two, mainly the first one. Being frail and old scares me.

    Please, if I ever end up a vegetable, someone pull the plug. I have no interest in being trapped in a dead shell........

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    Fad wrote: »

    Oh, hilarious. This came up before in my play-pen thread anyway. :p He can live with it!

    Fad wrote: »
    Please, if I ever end up a vegetable, someone pull the plug. I have no interest in being trapped in a dead shell........

    + a million. Take my organs and let me be plzkthx.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    Aoibheann wrote: »
    Oh, hilarious. This came up before in my play-pen thread anyway. :p He can live with it!

    + a million. Take my organs and let me be plzkthx.


    Tasty organs........

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  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭DingosAteMyBaby

    i have an absolute crippling fear of death:( when i even remotely ponder my mortality i have extreme panic attacks ugh! luckily i have developed some sort of defense mechanism for every day life so when anyone mentions the D word I magically think that im immortal and death doesnt apply to me.

    when i get thinking about it at night in bed its the worst. i am determined to be the subject of any crazy scientific experiment attempting to give humans immortality so if you hear of any give me a shout:)

    also not the biggest fan of snakes or massive spiders. i probably will never be able to visit Australia as I envisage it to be abundant with all types of venomous monsters hiding in horrible places like my shoes, bed or the toilet. I hate cockroaches with a passion, disgusting creatures:mad:

    i also have a wierd recurring nightmare of me being in a situation where i have to drive a car and not having a clue what to do and end up being arrested/crashing!! But im sure that will disapear when i get around to learning to drive:P

    i think thats it:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,808 ✭✭✭ohthebaby

    Aoibheann wrote: »
    The hugest thing for me is failure. And not even actual failure, but not reaching/exceeding my own ridiculously high standards. Not making something of myself. I want to do something with my life, and I'd hate to feel as if I'd wasted it come the end of it.

    This is exactly what I meant when I said failure! You phrase things so well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭Digits

    i have an absolute crippling fear of death:( when i even remotely ponder my mortality i have extreme panic attacks ugh! luckily i have developed some sort of defense mechanism for every day life so when anyone mentions the D word I magically think that im immortal and death doesnt apply to me.

    A friend of mine has the same problem, any hint of mortality in a conversation and she goes weak at the knees. Said friend asked me if I was afraid of dying but I couldnt for the life of me come up with an answer.

    Made me think but ive come to the conclusion that im more afraid of getting hurt than dying. It doesnt really bother me now but I suspect it will when I get older.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭DingosAteMyBaby

    Digits wrote: »
    A friend of mine has the same problem, any hint of mortality in a conversation and she goes weak at the knees. Said friend asked me if I was afraid of dying but I couldnt for the life of me come up with an answer.

    Made me think but ive come to the conclusion that im more afraid of getting hurt than dying. It doesnt really bother me now but I suspect it will when I get older.

    i can only imagine how much worse its gonna get worse as i get older:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭Digits

    i can only imagine how much worse its gonna get worse as i get oldereek.gif
    I think the main reason im not that afraid of death is partly wondering whats on the other side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭DingosAteMyBaby

    Digits wrote: »
    A friend of mine has the same problem, any hint of mortality in a conversation and she goes weak at the knees. Said friend asked me if I was afraid of dying but I couldnt for the life of me come up with an answer.

    Made me think but ive come to the conclusion that im more afraid of getting hurt than dying. It doesnt really bother me now but I suspect it will when I get older.

    the main reason i AM afraid is that i believe there is nothing on the other side:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,893 ✭✭✭Davidius

    I used to be scared ****less of dogs and wasps when I was young. The dog thing was to do with a giant dog barking into my face when I was 4, wasn't very pleasant. The wasp thing was wanting not to be stung again.

    In fairness wasps fecking love going straight for me. At this stage I've just accepted the fact they're all out to get me is another part of life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,248 ✭✭✭Slow Show

    Well, I'm actually not afraid of that many physical things tbh. Heights don't bother me, maybe it would be different if I was dangling from an edge of the Cliffs of Moher, but so far I'm grand. Spiders creep me out, but I usually ignore them unless they're massive. Generally when I was younger I was the one who'd keep a cool head when a wasp flew in or there was a massive spider around or something. That said, I've never been totally comfortable around dogs, especially not big ones but I wouldn't say I fear them exactly.

    One of the biggest things that scare me though is sort of like death, but it's not. I don't mind dying so much to be honest, everyone has to do it, like breathing, so it just has to be accepted. I think dying is easier to deal with than living forever - the thought of living forever scares me. I suppose I'm thinking of an afterlife - but the thought of being conscious for the rest of eternity makes me shiver. I just can't stand the thought of there never being an end, a release...surely, after millennia after millennia, or however time goes in that way, everything that can possibly be done is done, what do you do next? My heart is beating fast now just thinking about scary as the thought of losing consciousness altogether, maybe it's easier than the alternative. I keep an open mind about it all, there's no point worrying as nothing I can do will change anything, but it still scares me.

    Maybe on a lighter note, I'm scared of growing old too. When I see old, frail people being cared for I try to say to myself I will never end up like that, but the odds are stacked against me. Also, the thought of getting Alzheimers or dementia or something or having to be looked after 24/7, scares me.

    Locked-in syndrome
    - this absolutely terrifies me. Just kill me if I end up like that.

    What a bright, optimistic post this has been...:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,779 ✭✭✭A Neurotic

    Whenever I'm out and about, a little part of me is always subconsciously scoping the area for escape routes and doors in case of a 28 Days Later style crazy-people outbreak. I have a weird fear of zombies/whatevertheyare in that movie. The thought of human beings becoming mindless viruses spreading out and infecting each other or whatever... dislike :(

    Such a stupid fear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,082 ✭✭✭Pygmalion

    If I'm in a room with a lot of people I tend to need a clear route to the door, or I can't concentrate and feel nervous, nauseous and spend the time contemplating the various things that could require me to leave quickly and how I would fail in these situations.

    Also competitions can scare me, in some cases, it depends.
    I'll enter one if I think it'll be fun or anything and try my best, but as soon as someone gets competitive about it or reminds me that I'm actually competing against people I tend to start hating the thought of it, had to tell one of my team-mates for competition yesterday to just STFU and stop taking it so seriously a couple of times.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭red herring

    I'm scared of myself. I am scared of going insane or developing mental problems.
    I'm terrified of reaching 70, and looking back on my life thinking ''that wasn't what I wanted.'' The prospect of feeling my life was not what I hoped, or doubting that I reached my full potential, or really lived at all- this scares me and makes me anxious sometimes because I wonder, am I doing things that I won't regret when old? Am I living my life the way I hope to?
    I am scared of leaving this earth with nothing to show for my existence on it, I don't know what happens after I die, how do I know if is it something to be scared of? All I know is after I die I don't communicate with my friends and family, the thought alone of never seeing them again... that scares me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,532 ✭✭✭Ginja Ninja

    A Neurotic wrote: »
    Whenever I'm out and about, a little part of me is always subconsciously scoping the area for escape routes and doors in case of a 28 Days Later style crazy-people outbreak. I have a weird fear of zombies/whatevertheyare in that movie. The thought of human beings becoming mindless viruses spreading out and infecting each other or whatever... dislike :(

    Such a stupid fear.
    not a stupid fear dude,it's going to happen and we'll be the prepared ones.

    after thinking on this for a while,I've realised I have almost no fear of dying,I don't mean that in an "I'm a super hero" kind of way,I have aboslutely no fear of my mortality,I'd just prefer not to die for some meaningless reason.

    but,I will admit I'm scared shitless of not making a dfference in the world,my one goal in life is to make a difference and have something for people to remember me by,not just the thoughts of such

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭Extrasupervery


    Arachnophobia vs veganism round one, the spider won...shiver.

    And on a more serious note I am absolutely crippled with the fear that something bad will happen to the people I love.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    A Neurotic wrote: »
    Whenever I'm out and about I'm afraid I wont have another opportunity to steal everything that isnt nailed down.....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    Wasps is the main one. Bees to a lesser extent; at least bees make honey. Wasps only make misery. :(

    I get really freaked out by emery boards! I can't stand to be in the same room as anyone filing their nails.

    Tomato ketchup also freaks me out. I can't stand it, and my sisters used torment me with it when we were small. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    Tomato ketchup also freaks me out. I can't stand it, and my sisters used torment me with it when we were small. :(

    One of my friends is like this. She can't deal with ketchup being near her. Completely freaks out, I don't get it tbh, what harm can a sauce cause?

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭Goldenquick

    Fear of flying has to be my worst one. The Hail Mary's come out in force and I grip the handles of the seats. Last flight to UK a few months ago and I screamed out loud when we touched down, my daughter was so embarrassed lol, I was myself too mind you! What I do though is pretend the aeroplane has long steel legs, when we go through turbulence I say to myself, "it's potholes, we're on Cavan roads", (although Meath roads are worse now), excuse me Cavan/Meath people, but it's the only way I can justify being up in the air with nothing underneath except sheets of metal. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,810 ✭✭✭Seren_

    Rats and mice. I cannot stand them. I won't go into the shed at home because there's mice in there. God forbid I ever actually see a rat up close, I think I'd faint with the fear. The same with frogs.

    I'm also scared of getting electric shocks and the sound of balloons bursting. The second one is very weird :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,552 ✭✭✭Bobalicious93

    Losing my rugged handsomeness...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 527 ✭✭✭AllInOne

    I'm sooo afraid of big dogs!!!:( I love dogs, just big scary ones (e.g. Rotweilers, big scary Alsatians, bull dogs...)I do not like them very much. I almost have a freak out every time I see scary!
