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Give me patience

  • 20-04-2010 7:39pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭

    I hadn't planned on making this until I actually got back running but I've decided to go ahead with this to hopefully help me keep focused and motivated in myroad back to full fitness.

    So whats this all about then. Well shortly after I finished my previous log which can be found here:

    I obtained another injury which got progressively worse over time. I basically couldn't run any sort of sustained distance without pain in my upper hamstring which got worse and worse the longer I ran. I thought it was a hamstring injury and did the usual rest and see if that worked but to no avail. I was however able to play the odd game of soccer as it didn't seem to effect me as much when I was just doing much shorter burst etc. This went on for a while, I lost interest in trying to get back running because I was still able to do a bit of soccer.

    Anyway over the spring of 09 the injury was still there and got worse to the point where it was effecting just normal things like walking or going up and down a stairs etc, so off to the physio. He found it very difficult to diagnose exactly what was the problem, but gave me some exercises to do and referred me to another physio. He decided to get a scan done of the area to see if anything showed but again nothing conclusive. At this point I was becoming frustrated and decided to just carry on doing some sport even if i was in some pain, admittedly not a good idea. I was also able to do some cycling over the summer relatively pain free. I did this over the course of the summer but of course the pain remained and I was still unable to do any proper running at all really. I decided to go back to the first physio again as I was also beginning to get back trouble. I did the necessary physio and I was also referred to a GP to get a second opinion. Here I got another scan this time on back. Finally result, an abnormal or herniated disk in my lower back was found impinging on a root of the sciatic nerve, also leading to the pain in my leg.

    So I went the route of doing physio to try and solve the problem and stabilize the whole region. This didn't really go to well and the problem ended up getting worse. At this point the GP referred me to a neurosurgeon to discuss the possibility of surgery. After talking to the GP I mulled over this for about another month. He advised that the problem wasn't going to go away with just conventional treatment and would probably get worse if I continued to do any serious physical activity. So it was up to, stop exercising like i was or surgery. As I said I mulled it over for about another month and ended up getting the surgery. The operation took place mid December 09, about a year after I first got the injury although apparently this disk had been like this for a good while before that. Operation went well and I am now on the road to recovery.

    First three or so months after the surgery was mainly rest with stretches to keep the back loose. About 5 weeks ago I started proper physio and I'm hoping I will be able to get back running soon. The physio isn't going quiet as well as I'd hoped in that I am not recovering as quickly I wanted. Optimistically I'd like to think I'm another month away from getting back jogging but realistically it might be a few weeks more than that. But as the title of this log says, give me patience and I will get back running. So sorry for the long story but its good to get thoughts down in writing and hopefully this is the start of the end of this long saga.

    So at the moment the aim is to just get back jogging/running. Once that happens I will reassess my aims regarding what I will be capable of. At the moment I hope to log my road back to running. This will consist mainly of stretching and exercises, jogging/running in the pool (only started this recently), possibly some cycling. So lets start

    lunch time - jogging/running in pool - 30 mins
    evening - stretching and core work - 30 mins



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    30 mins stretching & exercises

    30 mins pool jogging/running
    45 mins stretching & exercises

    Also I do realise I have the year as 09 in my first post, silly me :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    30 mins Pool jogging/running
    30 mins stretching & exercises

    40 mins stretching & exercises

    I've a feeling this log is going to be a bit boring until I actually get back running or doing something different so sorry if it is. But just have to be patient and do things right I think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,612 ✭✭✭gerard65

    You've been through the mill. Good luck with your rehab

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Thanks gerard,

    light stretching and exercises

    40 mins - pool jogging and exercises
    light stretching and exercises

    I've been doing proper physio for about 6 weeks now, but I still dont feel anywhere near 100% yet. My back just doesn't feel completely stable and still getting the odd bit of sciatica in my leg. I am due to see the physio on Wednesday so I will have chat with him about it then, might talk to him about getting another scan done to make sure everything is ok. Hopefully I will see some improvement soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    light stretching and exercises

    Physio tomorrow, dont exactly know what I hoping to happen tomorrow, but just something, anything that will aid me towards full recovery.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56


    Went to see the physio today. Told him what has been happening and that thing seems to be going slightly backward at this stage rather than forward. I've done all the treatment with him that he can offer, which is considerable bit. He agrees that thing should have progressed much further at this stage than I am at (almost 5 months on from surgery) and I shouldn't be still feeling the way I do. He has recommended going back to my surgeon to see about the possibility of getting a MRI contrast scan done. So that's my next step of this seemingly never ending story I guess.

    In the mean time I will be continuing to do my basic stretches to keep the area mobile and continue trying to strengthen my core so long as I'm not experiencing any pain while doing the exercises. Hopefully I will just see some improvement. Tonight I will do about 30 mins worth.

    Quick update, appointment with surgeon next Thursday morning and I'm also booked in for an MRI if I need it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Its been a while

    30 mins - Pool Jogging/Running
    Light stretching and exercises

    30 mins - Stretching and exercises

    Light stretching


    30 mins - Stretching and exercises

    I will just be doing another round of stretching and exercises tonight, back to the pool tomorrow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    30 mins - stretching and exercises

    Off to the surgeon tomorrow for a chat and a scan, hopefully get to see if anything is still wrong. I really hope it doesn't show anything major.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56


    Consultation day, so after quite a long wait and a now empty wallet I've been told all looks ok from a technical standpoint. Had the MRI scan done and checked by my surgeon. Nothing abnormal should up, he said it should just take time for the symptoms I am currently feeling to go away, the nerve probably still hasn't healed fully and to manage any symptoms with pain killers or anti-inflammatories if needs be. I know this doesn't get me any closer to being completely pain free but I suppose its gives the comfort that from a technical standpoint the surgery has went well and all seems to be fine with my back anyway. So hoepfully this is the last I will see of him.

    So what now, well he said everything looks ok to resume whatever activity I feel comfortable with. To be honest the physio has already told me he has done all he can for me in terms of him treating me himself, and I have all the exercises from him that I need to continue doing. I have also spent more money on this whole injury than I would really care to think about, so I'm not sure I will be going back to him until it is completely necessary.

    The plan of action, well I dont feel comfortable that my core is completely strong enough yet and I am going to continue working on this and probably up the intensity as much as is comfortable to do so. I will continue working in the pool and am setting myself the new aim of learning to swim properly, I think its pretty embarrassing that I cant. Just have to investigate this really and get some lessons. I am also going to try start getting out on my racing bike again, this should be fine as it wont be putting much pressure through my back. It wont be practical to get out on this very often unfortunately probably just once a week. Next week I am also aiming to go for one short run. This is just to test the sort of pressure the back can take at the moment and see how it feels afterwards. I'll be making sure its on grass and will probably only run for 10 mins or so. If this goes relatively well I will try to very gradually start building up some runs, if it doesn't I will leave it for another while and focus on my other goals. i'll be looking forward to this run as its going to be my first proper run outside of any sort for at least 6 months.

    This evening I will do my usual stretching and exercises.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    light stretching and exercises

    30 mins stretching and exercises

    1200m Jog
    600m walk
    1200m Jog

    total: 3K

    I had planned on doing a bit of cycling this weekend but didn't have the right gear with me so I decided to bit the bullet and go out for a very easy run. I was pretty anxious starting because I was just anticipating that famliar pain of before to return. But the run went well and the only pain I felt was slight twinges in the muscles which I dont mind at all. But not the usual nerve pain and I didn't feel like I had to stop at any point where as before even after a few 100m's I would have had to stop. I did walk for a bit purely as a precaution really. Back also felt fine during the run or jog really.

    After the run as soon as I sat down to drive home I could more or less feel the nerve in my right leg flare up but to be honest I expected as much. Its probably down to some inflamation somewhere and I'll just continue to treat my back and the area with heat/ice for a while and continue stretching etc. But I'm hoping that this signals the start back to my jogging/running. I have virtually no speed or stamina in my muscles and its going to be a long road back, but even doing this gives me hope.

    Also on a side note I'm going to try stop waffling in each post from now on.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Nothing wrong with waffling Token, it makes for a much more interesting read ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Thanks cat, wont change my ways just yet then maybe

    Light stretching and exercises

    30 mins Pool jogging/running
    30 mins stretching & exercises

    Feeling a nice bit better than after Saturday. Not much sciatica at all to speak of today really. Think its the hamstring in my right leg that feels a bit off, but its hard to know if its that or the nerve. But its nothing major. Plan is to try get out on Wednesday for another easy jog i=on the grass and see how it goes and keep up with the rest of the stuff like I've been doing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    40 mins stretching & exercises

    Trying to up the intensity and duration a bit of the exercises. Not sure about tomorrows planned jog. Right leg still doesn't feel that comfortable, not sure if its the muscle or nerve, I'm almost sure its the muscle. But I'll see how I feel in the morning, if I dont do it I'll probably just go to the pool.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    You probably have checked this out already but have you ever went to a chiropracter about your hamstrings. I had problems for years with my right hamstring but one visit to the chiropracter aboujt my bad back and she immediatley assesed that I had hamstring problems also caused by my back.

    I try and go 3/4 times a year now and it seems to be keeping everything in check including the hamstring

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Thanks for the advice cat I've seen all the specialists through out the years unfortunately (although I'm only 22 so that sounds a bit weird), but I've a good idea myself that its down to my own increase in activity and stretching of the hamstring which might have strained it a bit and an old problem of my pelvis being slight tilted forward on one side which throws my biomecanics off a bit. But its just going to be a mixture of rest, exercising and most importantly time before everything sorts itself out I think.

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    40 mins - stretches and exercises

    Body just didn't feel right for a jog today so I just went to the pool instead. I think it was the right decision as I'm feeling a bit better after the pool and it probably helped loosen things a bit. I've finally learned to actually listen to my body, I'm hoping it pays off.

    On the plus side, I'm feeling stronger on the work I'm doing in the pool, feel like there is more strength in the legs etc. And I'm trying to up the exercises for the core and I think its going well. The next day I'm feeling up for it I'm going to go for the easy jog, hoping that will be tomorrow, but I'll see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Easy Jog
    30 mins stretching and exercises

    Managed to get out for a jog. Felt good, could feel the right hamstring just the slightest but wasn't a problem. Not sure how long I was out for, probably around 20 mins. The soles of my feet were beginning to burn by the end of it, but I dont really care, just my body getting back used to it. My legs are as dead as nails, no strenght at all but cant really expect much else after almost a year and a half of little or no running. Felt really nice to get out. I'll be sore tomorrow, but I'm hoping it wont be as bad as the last day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    40 mins stretching and exercises

    22km cycle - 50 mins - avg 26 km/hr
    30 mins stretcing and exercises

    First proper cycle in quite a while, since last August at best and god I felt it. Was out with two others, who are much stronger than me and were taking it easy enough, although one got a puncture and had to be picked up. My quads were just burning the whole way, and the hills, oh how I hate you hills.

    I know its not a very long cycle or very fast but its not terrible for my first cycle in a good while, although I never really managed to do much cycling training anyway, best I got up to was 30km/hr for 40km last year I think after about 4 or 5 cycles I'd say. But I'll try to get a cycle in whenever I can from now on and hopefully improve a good bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    20 mins - mainly stretching

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    20 mins - mainly stretching

    Focused on mainly stretching past few days just to give a few sore muscles a chance to heal. Pool work was good today, mixed up the strides a bit and found a few different strides to work individual muscles better. I think I will be able to make future sessions a bit more difficult with some of these, should be fun. Not sure yet what I'll do tomorrow, depends how I feel really, possibly pool again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Easy Jog - approx 20 mins total
    20 mins stretching

    Decided to go for a jog today and ended up doing it with a friend, who wouldn't really be a runner or anything. He pushed it bit harder than I would have initially set out to do but I didn't mind. Went for about 9 mins, then stopped to do some stretches etc, then another 12 or so mins jogging/easy running. Felt okish on it, a few niggles here and there during it but nothing major. Did some stretching after but I'm feeling fairly stiff now. Going to take the next two days at least easy on the cardio side of things and get back into my core work and stretching.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    40 mins stretching and exercises

    Nice session, I think I can feel the core getting stronger anyway.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Given the really nice day I just couldn't stay inside and do nothing and ended up playing an hour of soccer. Haven't done this is a good while to be honest, but felt fine during, back is a bit sore now but it will be fine in a day or two. Also did the usual stretching and exercises. Plan is to hit the pool tomorrow, I'll decide in the morning if I will make it a hard session or not.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    30 mins pool jogging/running
    20 mins stretching

    Nice session in the pool with some stretching in the evening, due to some unforseen events I didn't really have enough time to do my core work.

    5*600m laps - 3K - 14:00
    30 mins stretching and exercises

    Decided to just get out and see what sort of level I am at with this run. While not very fast I am still pretty happy with it. I was going at a faster pace up until the last 1k when I slowed down a good bit, just not used to running at any pace I guess. But still its not terrible and better than I thought it would be. I'm also delighted that I was actually able to do it in the first place, I honestly didn't think I would be getting back to running like this so I cant complain. For the next few runs I will probably just try to build up the distance rather than worry about the pace I'm going at.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    1 hour soccer
    30 mins stretching and exercises

    Weather got the best of me again and I ended up playing soccer with a group of friends, felt fine during it.

    I think I've been doing a bit to much too soon over the past while and the muscles in my lower back just feel a bit tender, so I'm going to it easy over the next 5 - 7 days, if I'm feeling really desperate and need to do some exercises I'll just head to the pool but other than that just stretching and light exercises so I probably wont have much to report back over the next week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Bit of an update:

    I had planned taking it easy for the past week and good thing I did really as I was sick for most it. Few different symptoms but not exactly sure what the underlying cause was but I woulnd't have been able to do anything at all really. I didn't even really get my normally stretching done but I seem to be over the worst of it now. So hopefully tomorrow I will resume where I left off. My main aims for the immediate future is to continue with the core work and gradually build up the distance in my runs.

    Also there is talk of me doing the lucan 5k in two weeks as a pacer as much as anything else with my cousin and few of his friends. They are only starting running and are not really going particularly fast at the moment. They are aiming to break 27 mins I think. I pretty sure I would be comfortable enough at this pace my only worry is that I have done no running on the road really since I've been back with all of it being on the grass and I'm not sure how I would hold up. I will see how things go over the next and decide then whether or not I'll do it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Easy Jog
    30 mins - stretching and exercises

    This run went pretty crap, after about 2k I had to stop as the soles of my feet and between my ankle and the bottom of my calf where burning like crazy. I massaged them out a bit and then continued on, after about another 1k same thing started happening so just called it a day and jogged home as best as I could, but I'm still glad I did something. I'd say its a safe bet its being caused my runners, I know they are pretty dead. I have plans to get over to amphibian king to get a new pair but I'm just waiting for the finances to pick up, so I will have to make do for the moment.

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    30 mins - stretching and exercises

    I will aim to try get out for two more easy runs this week and possibly other stuff like the pool etc.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    You would want to be careful........with your injury record a new pair of runners is needed post haste

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Yeah I know, its just finding time to make the trip in too is also a problem. I should be able to afford them now I think so I'll make a phone call monday to see what will be the best day to go in for.

    Exercises wise, I was bit unwell again during the week unfortunately so I didn't get what I wanted done. But here is the update anyway.



    30 mins pool
    Easy stretching


    ~22km cycle
    Easy stretching

    The cycle went well today, I was just out with two other guys and we weren't timing it or anything. I felt alot stronger today on the hills than I did the last day I went out, I'd say if I had timed it, it would have been faster. In generaly I know I have been slacking lately big time on my stretching and core work so I really need to get back focusing on that. Any notion of me doing that race next is gone due to my lack of running, and its just too soon anyway, even if it was only jogging it. I think its better to just be catious. I'm not sure how much running I'll do before I get the new runners, but I might get try out one or two days, but I have other exercises I can do in the mean time anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    I only realised now that I have my dates wrong on my last update. That last cycle should have been down as 06/06/10, anyway

    1 hour soccer
    Light stretching

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    30 mins - stretching & exercises


    lunch - 1 hour soccer
    pm - ~25km cycle

    I probably over did it a bit yesterday with the soccer and a cycle in the one day, but I felt pretty strong on the cycle considering. I did it with my cousin who is just starting out so we weren't pushing it hard as he was a bit tired, but on any hills etc I felt pretty strong. Although when pushing hard up one hill I felt a slight twinge in my left calf which went away after a while, but I'll just be carefuly to keep an eye on it. Overall I'm happy with the way things are going though. Edit: booked in for tomorrow morning for getting runners in amphibian king, so hopefully they know their stuff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56


    (Got new runners)
    30 mins - stretching & exercises

    1 hour soccer

    30 mins - pool jogging/running
    30 mins stretching & exercises

    Legs felt a bit tired in the pool today but it was nice session regardless. Really trying to focuses on my hamstrings in the stretching as their flexibility is still terrible. I also have my new runners, kayano 16's, haven't done a proper run in them yet but worn them around a bit and a bit of striding here and there and they feel comfortable. I'm going to try to get out for an easy run in the tomorrow or the next day and see if I can start getting back into running in a serious way. Hopefully there are some good times on their way.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Easy Run for approx 40-45 mins
    Light Stretching & exercises

    This was run was broken up a bit, was due to run with my cousin, one of the guys I was asked to do that race with a while ago. As warm up I jogged to where I was supposed to meet him, this was just about 2k. Together we did just over 20 mins very easy, not sure the exact distance but I'd say it was between 2-2.5 miles. I was feeling good so decided to add a little extra on the way home and covered another 2 miles. So all in all I covered over 5 miles I'd say, which is by far my longest run since I got back, but I felt very comfortable on it even if the pace was pretty slow. It was also my first run on tarmac since i've been back and I felt fine, so I have to say I'm pretty happy about this. Now to keep it up.
