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Give me patience



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Stretching & Core Work


    Stretching & Core Work


    4 mile - 28:32 (~7:08 per mile)

    First 2 mile - 14:00
    Second 2 mile - 14:32

    I was aiming for 7 min miles today and my pace was perfect for the first half of the run but just didn't have the strenght in my legs to keep it up. I felt very slugish on it and really I'm just lacking strength and endurance, still I'm happy with it. It's just going to take runs like this and time I guess for the strenght to come back. It's just frustrating having to take breaks. I'm not really sure I'll have enough to achieve my goal in the upcomming race, I'll just have to wait and see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    1 hour soccer

    Stretching & Core Work

    ~4.5 miles (12*600m laps) - varied pace

    This was the same as the last time I did it, 1200m easy, 600m hard, repeated. I felt stronger the more it went on really which is an improvement and I think I kept the hard pace more or less the same as last time. I'll probably try increase the difficulty on this the next time I do it which probably wont be until after the race though.

    I'm concious of the fact that I seem to be needing a few days rest after around 2 weeks of running, and the next one would be due the time of the race. So I'll try get a few more runs in over the next week and then probably leave a couple of days rest before the race and just keep up the stretching and core work on the days leading up to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56


    Stretching & Core Work


    4 miles - 27:56 (6:59 per mile)

    First 2 mile - 13:59
    Second 2 mile - 13:57

    Stretching & Core Work

    I had wanted to get out a bit more but just didn't. I was happy with the time on the run. I struggled a bit during the 3rd mile but made the time up and managed to keep up the pace this time.

    However after the first mile or so I felt a jolt in my right hip/bum. It was painful enough but I kept going and it stopped after another half a mile. Didn't really feel it for the rest of the run. After the run though I could feel it alright. I'm not sure what it is, I stretched out the area etc but just any pressure, e.g putting my weight on that side, I could feel it. It's not really that bad today but I can still feel it a bit. I'll be resting it for the next few days anyway because I dont want to risk not being able to run Sunday. If I can I'll get out for an easy run, or maybe even to the pool mid week and that'll be it I'd say. I'm nervous but looking forward to next Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56


    Stretching & Core Work


    2.5 miles (including 1.2k @ race pace) & 2 miles easy

    I just did a short session with a small bit at race pace just to see how I felt. There were signs of the little niggle that I felt on my last run which is good. My right hamstring was a bit tight but it'll be ok. As I was just cycling home from the run I saw my cousin who had just started his session, he was just running easy so I decided to join him. He's racing with me Sunday so we had a chat about it etc. I felt fine on it except for the little niggle with my hamstring, but its nothing worse than it has been the past while.

    Regarding Sunday, I'd love to get under the 20 min mark, but being realistic my fitness probably just isn't at that point yet. I'm going to give it as good a go as I can, and hopefully running against competition can help drag me under the 20 mins. But being serious about it I'd say sub 20:30 would a good time for me but I'll see how it goes.

    I might do a light session in the pool tomorrow depending on how I feel, but regardless this will be my last update until after the race. No matter how it goes I'll be very happy to have completed it considering the past year or two and it hopefully marks my return to running properly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56



    Rathfarnham 5k - 20:33 (watch time, 6:37 per mile)

    I made it to the race nice and early with my two fellow runners and we registered before the crowd got in. I had been feeling a bit lathargic the past few days but I was hoping that I'd feel good on the warm up but I just didn't, felt sapped already and I knew it was going to be a hard slog and sub 20 wasn't going to happen.

    The first mile is mostly down hill and I ran it fairly fast. I dont know the exact split but it was just under 6 mins I think. This was probably a bit too fast but I know I should have been ok at that pace considering it was down hill and if I had the energy I should have been able to keep going at 6:30ish pace but the energy just wasn't there.

    I was constantly being passed out over the next mile. Its not a nice feeling and I know should have been able to keep going with the people that were passing me out but my body just wasn't allowing me. I kept trying but just didn't have the energy. I know I probably went out a bit fast but I dont that is the reason I wasn't able to. I ended up going through 2 mile in ~13:20 so definitely a bad mile there, I should have been at least able to keep 7 min pace easily but couldn't. I was just waiting to get to the corner where you start going down hill again.

    At 4k I saw 16:xx on the watch, its was in the mid 16's anyway and I knew for sure that sub 20 was out the door. I caught a few people here on the down hill, but thats just because I've always been fairly good running down hill and can open my stride a bit but I should have been able to go a lot faster down it. Coming to 800m and 600m to go I was struggling but just tried to stay with the people infront of me. Around 300m to go I made a push and gave it all I had. I caught a few people on the run in and crossed the line stumbling a bit. The course clock read 20:34ish I think, but it was a second or two before I crossed the line and my watch read 20:33 so I'll take that. The other two guys I went with both made their targets in the end.

    All in all I'm more disappointed with the way I felt when I was running more than the time. The time was exactly what my training would have indicated I was capable off I suppose. It's that feeling of not feeling strong and not having the energy that was annoying. Even on training runs in which I've run the 6:26 pace I felt much stronger, that feeling just wasn't there today. I suppose I can chalk it down as a bad day at the office more than anything. But I know there is alot more there, alot more. I dont think my diet is helping with the energy levels thing and my stomach wasn't in great shape after the race and hasn't been after my last few runs. So there are a few things I need to change there.

    So I'm not sure where to go from here. My county novice cross country is on in 3 weeks and I was thinking of giving it a go. It's only 6k so it wouldn't be too bad, but I dont know yet. There are still alot of niggles I have that I want to get sorted out and I know I need to see a physio. I'm still waiting for some funds to come through and they should be with me soon. When that is sorted I'll finally be able to go see someone. I think I'm going to leave thinking about too far into the future until after I do see someone because I dont know if I'm risking futher injury without getting my problems sorted.

    Regardless of anything, I'm delighted to be back running and to have completed my first race in 2 years.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    After a bit of a think I'm going to put the log on a small hiatus. The race and possibly the injury the week before seem to have taken their toll and I've been suffering with sciatica in my leg this week for the first time in a couple of months which I'm not really happy with. There are also some other non running health related things I need to get sorted out at the moment. So there are a few things I need to do before I decide on what my future goals are going to be. I'll probably keep ticking over with a bit of running in the mean time, as much as I am able to do so. But hopefully when I return I will have a few problems sorted and others on their way to being sorted out. I'm not sure how long it'll be before I post again. If I get any major news on the injury front I'll report back but it'll probably be a month or a couple anyway.

    So to anyone who has been reading well I hope you enjoyed the log so far and hopefully I'll talk to you sooner rather than later.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Well its been a month so just thought I'd provide a bit of an update of how things are at the moment. I've basically taking a complete break from running for the past month and haven't done anything, not even the core work. I did play one or two games of soccer but not much at all. In general my back and leg had been great after the rest. No pain at all to speak of really, a bit of stiffness after soccer but thats just because I'm not doing much.

    At the start of this week I decided to start back into the stretching and core work to just limber up and get back into the swing of things. I did two good session of stretching and core work. For the few hours after the exercises my back would feel a lot stronger and stable but after that feeling went I could sort of feel the sciatica then in the leg, in particular yesterday. So I really dont know what's going on. Maybe the exercises I'm doing are actually hurting me or I'm being too aggressive with them I dont know.

    Anyway I'm only after getting my finances sorted out this week so I can finally go see a physio or whoever to take a look. I'll talk to my old trainer at the weekend for advice on who to go see and I'll be making an appointment then. Until I see someone I'll probably just rest again, I'll might keep up the stretching but not any core work for the moment.

    So hopefully my next post here will be to report that I've started running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Not sure if there is any point updating this but its good to track my own progress nonetheless. I've finally got around to seeing a physio and I'm happy that we are going to get somewhere regarding my injuries. Everything she told me matches up with what I thought and my own research. It's all coming down to bad biomechanics ,muscle imbalances, a short left leg and a rotated hip. I'll be getting treatment done for the next few weeks to sort out different muscles and joints that have locked up etc.

    I've also been given the name of somebody to look at my biomechancis so hopefully I'll get all that sorted soon too. My physio is also recommending a course of pilates after my joints etc are sorted to get my core in shape. Its something I've always wanted to do anyway and it makes sense so I'll be more than happy to do it.

    All in all if everything goes as planned she is saying I should be back in full training by mid April although no sports again for a few weeks unfortunately. But I'm confident I'll finally get to the end of all these injuries so I'll do everything as told. So I hope to be back in a few months with some good progress.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Hope things go ok for you token - did you get that turbo or are you warned off that as well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Hi Cat thanks for that.

    I said I'd wait to see what the physio said before I invested in it and lucky I did. She said even cycling is a no no so by the time I'm going to be allowed to anything I'll probably be able to get out on the roads anyway. Might wait until next year to invest in it now. The only thing I'm allowed do is pool work so might get back into a bit of pool running in a few weeks.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Finally got to see Michael Davis in Well Shod today and I'm very happy I got to see him. Everything he said confirmed what the last physio told me and I've basically very high arches and my left leg is acting shorter than the right. Skeletally they are the same length but my pelvis has been titled off centre over the past few years and this has just given my a seemingly shorter left leg, and my right side (hip, knee, foot, etc) has been compensating and this has been leading to my problems. But he's confident it can be fixed. It will take time and he said it would probably be a full year or more before the skeletal position which has formed over the last couple of years will be fully reversed but I can get back running in the mean time.

    Insoles are primarily the solution and I should have them in a months time and I'll also have to allow for 2 or so weeks of wearing them in before I can start to run in them. Between now and then I'm sort of in limbo. I've sort of skimped out on the stretching and exercises I should have been doing so I'm going to get back onto them and try have my body in the best shape in terms of flexibility and strength before I get back running. I'll also hopefully be starting the pilates/yoga soon. But I'm hopeful I'm getting to the end of everything.

    I'll update again in another 2 months or so when hopefully I'll be back doing a bit of light running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Picked up my insoles at weekend so I'll be breaking them in over the next two weeks and I'll start doing a small bit running after that. So I'll report back in a months time to update on how things are going. I'm just looking forward on getting back out and doing something. I've also struggled to keep my weight as it was before I stopped but its something I'm working on at the moment and I'm hoping the running will help when I get back.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    So another just under another 2 months gone by and I'm still not back running again, though not through the lack of trying. I've been wearing the insoles consistently now since I've had them. I've two pairs, one for normal use and one running. The ones for normal use are fine but I'm still struggling to get used to the ones for running, particular in my right foot. They are a slightly different shape and I've struggled to find runners to fit them perfectly. But I've reach a pretty good balance with a pair of sauconys.

    The orthotics themselves do feel like they are helping and I'm definitely feeling less discomfort in my hip and lower back than I would have before hand. But they seem to be giving me a few problems with my achilles, particular my right one. I have tried a few runs in them but after 5 or 6 mins of running the soles of feet feel like they are burning particularly under my arches. My calves and achilles are also pretty sore too afterwards. I went out for a cycle too and it felt great althought my right calve cramp up during it too. I've been to the physio a few times now about it and she said its more than likely down to everything trying to balance itself out but my achilles has become pretty inflamed and is close enough to tendonitis. I've had a good bit or treatment from her on it and I'm treating it myself with ice etc.

    But to be honest at this stage my moral is pretty low. Like there is probably alot of stuff I could be doing right now like core work and stretching but I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to do them. I just really want to get back running even if I could just jogg 20 mins without stopping and without feeling in pain. That would be amazing really. I know I will get there and I'm close and I've gone to far, put in too much effort, and spent far too much money to give up but feck my patience is wearing thin at the moment.

    I'm going to working on my achilles/calve issues for the moment and then hopefully I can get back to jogging at least. I really hope for my sanity alone to be at least jogging by the end of the summer. I've also an appointment with the orthopedist within the next month and a bit so I'll be getting his opinion on how things are too and I'll be explaining to him whats happening.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Have been to the Orthopedist. He said my insoles shouldn't have been hurting like they were and I should have come to him sooner but it was my own arrogance thinking I'd get over the pain that stopped me.

    Anyway he has modified them and I got to try them out this week. Was on holidays last week and didn't get them back in time to bring them with me. I just went on the treadmill but was able to do 2 miles which is twice as long as any run I've managed since having them and although there was still a little discomfort it was nothing like before. Under my arches and my calves weren't on fire like before so thats definitely good. I'm quite happy with it and I'm going to try get out again tomorrow on the grass to see how I fair there and I'll aim for another easy 2 miles. I just want to make sure all is ok before I start doing anything longer but its the most positive I've been about getting back for a long time. Just felt the need say it somewhere.

    My achilles is still off but I'm treating it anyway hopefully I'll be reporting back soon enough to say I've started back into things properly

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Got out for a run on the grass at lunch time today. Feet didn't feel as good as on the treadmill. I still did 2 miles without stopping but the last 1k was a struggle as my soles were quite sore again but not quite bad enough that I had to stop. I'm going to try a different pair of runners during the week to see if they make any difference, hopefully they will.

    I'm also inclined to believe that my flexibility is a contributing factor to the pain I'm getting so I'm going to work hard and consistently on this for the next while and see if it helps at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Injured my foot during the week so only got out yesterday. Did 20 mins on the treadmill with a different pair of runners. Had an issue with my right shin but the soles of my feet felt pretty ok, better than the previous time I was on the treadmill anyway so I was pretty happy with that. Very unfit though.

    I have been doing some stretching but need to do more. Everything from my hips downwards is still too tight. I went over my calves with the foam roller before I went for the run too and I think it might have helped. They were very tight afterwards though and when I went over them after with the foam roller a few parts were particularly sore so I need to work on them. But I think everything is just flexibility related, my hamstrings are ridiculously tight and that isn't helping my calves, which isn't helping my feet.

    Still I'm a bit more positive about it than my last run and I'm going to get out tomorrow on the grass and see how that goes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭token56

    Got out on the grass on Saturday and managed to jog 3.6 km relatively pain free so I was pretty happy with it. Definitely think rolling the calves, stretching etc is helping so I'll keep working hard on it.

    Plan for the moment is to just take it run by run and gradually build up the distance to something like maybe 4-5 mile and re-evaluate things then. Hopefully I can do this relatively quickly but I'll be taking all runs very easy. I just want to focus on building up the distance right now, focusing on times etc is a bit away yet.
