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  • 27-04-2010 10:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭

    Well i've been reading all your logs for the last three months so decided eventually it might be a good idea to start one myself! The wealth of knowledge that you can learn of people on boards is ridiculous and has helped me loads since the start of my training in January!

    Heres a bit about me - 27yr old female looking to run DCM this year in sub 4 hrs (even as i type that i gulp as i know its prob to ambitious...more likely to be sub 4.20!) But when your in your in and I hope to give it my best so will just have to see what that is! Had not done much running before January, did my first 10k last yr and trained a little before that and havent really done anything since!
    Work weird and sometimes long hours so have to make my training extremely flexible, i average 3/4 sessions a week, usually 3 running with 1 gym session thrown in where i cross train (stat bike, rower, stepper) and light free weights! cant really fit more than that in at the mo! I usually do 1/2 interval sessions a week, one short tempo and one long slow run.
    I have a half marathon in a couple of weeks so did my last lSR yest for that (10miles 141 mins).
    PB for 10km - 53.45 (april 2009)
    no other PB's to report as of yet!!!

    Im hoping this log will help me stay focused and also help me to identify any ways to make my training more efficient so that i can reach my target time in october! All and any advise more than welcome!!

    Plan for rest of week is
    wed - intervals 25mins and gym for session as above
    fri - intervals 25mins and gym for session as above (neglected gym last week so need to go twice this week!)

    sunday 45min tempo run (hope to do 9 - 9.30 min miles)

    Will then be on serious wind down as the half marathon on the following sunday so will do one 4 mile run and maybe two 3 miles easy?

    Anyway thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this and give advise, i also hope it will be helpful to beginners as i progress! :D



  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    wed - gym - 5km fartlek - 28mins and free weights
    Did not enjoy run tonight as haven't been doing that kinda run in the gym really before and will try not to again! It was roasting and i expected my time to be better, even tho it was a mish-mash for fast/slow pace!
    Will go again on friday but revert to cross training and just 10mins hills (1min walk/1min run gradient 5%) and 10mins interval sprints (20 seconds on/off at 16km/hr) which ive been doing there since jan once/twice a week.
    waffle waffle waffle...i will try to keep it shorter in the future!!:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 202 ✭✭girvtheswerve

    Best of luck with the log DublinRunner.

    Looks like we have the same goal so ill be keeping an eye out for training methods to "borrow"!! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Welcome to the logs :) Good luck with the half!

    I'm hoping for sub-4 too at DCM, got 25 minutes to scrub off last year's time to hit that. Any particular training plan you're planning on following?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    good luck with your training!

    I'm envious of your times and distances! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Best of luck with the log, and half marathon next week. By the looks of it, you'll fly it! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Thanks guys, sure i've been 'borrowing' techniques (and motivation!!) off for months now! Plus my husbands sick of hearing about it so someone has to!!;)

    Have not been sticking to a training plan as such, I think will do an 18 or 12 week plan in the run up to the marathon. For the next couple of months i think i'll try to continue as im going with one LSR, two interval type and a fourth tempo, im haven't been focusing hugely on mileage other than for my long run (which had been up to 12 miles before taper for half marathon) and maybe thats a mistake.....prob been doing average 20-25miles a week, cant see it incresing hugely other than with my long run over the next couple of months (i have the fear of peaking too early!!) ALso not sure how long to make my long runs this far before the marathon! I generall add a half a mile to a mile a week, but dont want to be running about 10 weeks of 20milers before the big day!! suggestions all welcome and greatly appreciated!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Best of luck with the training! Hope GIR went well for you. And I'll be thinking of you in Kildare!! :o Your long run is up to 12 miles so I have no doubt you have nothing to worry about. 11 miles tomorrow will make or break me... Maybe I shouldn't have paid up until after that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    gym tonight:
    10 mins threadmill (1 min run/walk intervals on 5% gradient)
    10 mins rower (30 second intervals fast/slow)
    5 mins stationery bike (20 secs fast/slow)
    back to threadmill then for 10 mins running (20 second bursts of sprints by hopping on and off the moving threadmill and generally making myself look like an ejit! but none the less, gets the job done!)
    5 mins stepper
    then some upper body weights and ab work.
    Very happy with my lot as had a bad day at work and really didnt feel in the mood going in!
    Love the way a good workout makes u feel tho, will enjoy my friday night so much more because of it!
    Heading away for the weekend so will bring my runners and hopefully get a run in over the weekend!:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    sunday - 3 miles hilly woodland trail and parks - easy pace (as had someone with me who doesnt really run) - 30mins.
    Monday - long slow run 8 miles in 78mins - shorter than normal as kildare half marathon on sunday and have planned a 2 week taper before this. hope this is a good idea, but i do think its a good idea to have 'fresh legs' before it. plan on doing very little this week for the same reason.
    Plan for week: tue - gym for free weights only
    wed - 3 mile whatever speed i fancy!
    fri - 3 mile slow and relaxed.
    sunday - the dreaded 13 .1miles.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Best of luck with the taper, you look really well prepared.

    Aiming for the DCM later this year myself. Hoping to start with my first race (5k) next weekend and move my way up the distances.

    Will be keeping an eye on your progress - you can be another of my Boards canaries down the mine :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    thanks southofnowhere, dont feel well prepared but hopefully my efforts will pay off! Good luck with ur 5k, i find that races are the best way to keep me motivated and interested! I bet you'll find you go faster than you thought you would, even with best offorts to pace yourself! The crowd and the buzz make it hard not to get carried away!:)

    tue - Weights and core strenghtening, lots of effort but enjoyable today!

    gym tomorrow for some cross training and more weights and then 3 miles on thursday and thats it til sunday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    ok so my 'lots of effort' on the weights has resulted in me hobbling around work like a 90 yr old cripple today. everything from my toes to my neck hurts! needless to say no gym tonight, will have to see about tomorrow evenings run, am worried now i've overdone it.....the guilt of missing tonights gym session is killing me (a glass of wine will help no doubt!). Not sure what to do if im still hobbling tomorrow, do i just not bother try and run anymore before sunday and hope all will be well with my legs? or am i better off just making sure i manage something tomorrow or friday night as it might help? no idea what the best thing to do here is....any advice hugely welcome.....really want to do well on sunday..!:(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    For what it's worth, you've put the hard work in, so I would say have a good bath first!

    Rest tomorrow, maybe a good stretching session. If you feel better by Friday jog a few miles max and then relax till Sunday.

    I'm not an experienced runner, but I am experienced with recovering from the dreaded DOMS. Stretching always helps me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    thanks southofnowhere i think you're right! still the same today so just gonna take it handy and try stretch it out, hopefully it will have come good by sunday! Can only now imagine how irritating a proper injury would be!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Hiya missy! I'm done now until sunday after only 2 VERY easy runs this week. Don't push yourself too hard, just relax and you'll be well fresh and raring to go on sunday. If it's any consolation I'm off to buy an ankle support now as I'm feeling a little twinge..

    I look forward to hearing how you get on. I'll send you a psychic wave - I'll be the one with the purple face and the ankle strap having a picnic on my own!!

    Best of luck again!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    thanks claralara! Def not much point in trying to run tonight anyway, still walking like john wayne!! walked the dog tho...hardcore! hehe! Hope ur ankle is ok?! ice it etc and hopefully that will be the end of it! ill be the one hobbling off the course on sunday, wearin black 3/4 lengths and pink top so if ya see me, please do pick me up!!!! haha! enjoy and good luck!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Best of luck with the Half Marathon tomorrow! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Will go into more detail tomorrow when have more time!
    chip time - 2hrs 5 mins 47secs

    found it so hard....unexpectedly hilly! hit several walls!!! hehe!

    not deligted with my time but not disappointed either!
    great experience - realise now how tough the marathon will be mentally!

    Thought they should have had more water stations - if it wasnt for some kind kids at mile 11 id prob still be out there!
    anyway, well done to all who ran, cos i for one found it TOUGH!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Big thumbs up! Well done on a great run! There certainly was a great atmosphere around - I had a very tasty chicken stir fry from the market which I brought back down to the finish line so I could watch and cheer on the other poor souls! Enjoy the BBQ - most definitely well deserved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Now that i have a little more time heres a breakdown of my day!
    I arrived at the curragh and thought it was such a great setting, there were great facilities and everything was really well organised! I found the 2hr pacer and got a wristband, i hadnt run with a pacer before so i thought this was cool!
    I started off the first mile or two with the pacer, it was a really nice pace - 9 mins/mile, but after two miles i naturally fell into a slightly faster pace (about 8 mins 45secs/mile) and did think i should hold back with the pacer, in retrospect maybe i should have but it just felt easier! My breathing was still 3 in 2 out (my weird way of telling if im going too fast, if its 2 in and 1 out then i need to hold back!) and it felt better to just go with it! This was fine until about mile 5 when the hills had gotten the better of me! They werent huge hills, not even big hills, just long slow hills...hills i wasnt ready for! From mile 5 to 8 i stopped 3 times, even though i had slowed my pace back to 9mins 15 -30secs. i was struggling!
    Before the race (sat and sun morning) i felt that i was run down and not in great form, whether i was or wasnt didnt affect me, but the thoughts going through my mind about it did!! I just couldnt find the motivation to make myself push through! I never stop in my long runs so this was a bad patch for me! Lesson learned - serious PMA from now one!! And i need to fing me some long hills!!!!
    At mile 8 i managed to fall into a comfortable pace again - around 9 mins 10-15 seconds, i had come through whatever bad patch i had experience and was somehow back to enjoying it! Must say again, the kids and mile 11 handing out cups of water from there house were just so great and such a welcome sight!!:)
    I kept going until about the 12 mile mark when i had to stop again :mad: and give myself a firm talking to!! That worked and i managed to push on to the end, even managing a 300meter sprint at the end!:)
    It was a really great day that was very well organised, my only very small issue would be that i think there could have been more water stations and i think they could have been giving out bottles instead of cups. Other than that though the atmosphere was fantastic, all the locals really got behind the event and the square afterwards was the perfect setting to enjoy recovery and the sunshine(even though i had earlier been wishing it away!!)
    There was lots of support on the way around aswell which helped to keep me moving! (most of the time!;)) I'd certainly like to do it again, now that i have a PB to beat!! Next time i'll be ready for the hills!!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Well done dublinrunner, sounds like you had a great day

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    Well done! Enjoyed that report, you had to work for it and you came through with flying colours.

    Dead impressed with that 300 metre sprint by the way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Congrats! Love the way you got the sprint in at the end after all that! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    thanks guys :) mind u not looking forward to the photo of my finish....remember distinctly looking purely in pain!! hehe!!
    Taking it easy at the mo, have come down with some weird flu type thing which has me wiped out completely, i suppose it comes at a good time really, was planning on mostly rest this week anyway..every cloud!?
    Thanks for the support, will hopefully be back at it soon!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    getting so so frustrated!! :mad: still have viurs....thats what im calling it cos im waiting for some test results from doctor which ill get on tue, just feeling really exhausted all the time and have chills etc. Have some interesting swelling going on too but ill know more about that on tue! Anyway, point being i was hoping to have one or two short recovery runs done this week but its clearly not happening...hope to be feeling better soon and back on my feet, before i smother myself with self pity that is!! :p
    Im writing this to remind myself how much i miss running when i cant do that if theres a day i can but dont want to it might give me some perspective!!
    Enjoying reading the rest of the logs, making me feel v.jealous but at the same time it means i can still feel involved from the couch!!
    Happy running!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    getting so so frustrated!! :mad: still have viurs....thats what im calling it cos im waiting for some test results from doctor which ill get on tue, just feeling really exhausted all the time and have chills etc. Have some interesting swelling going on too but ill know more about that on tue! Anyway, point being i was hoping to have one or two short recovery runs done this week but its clearly not happening...hope to be feeling better soon and back on my feet, before i smother myself with self pity that is!! :p
    Concentrate on getting yourself well, don't worry about running until this virus is out of you. You don't want to have something that keeps coming back and disrupting you later. Maybe take a gentle walk if you need to get out for some fresh air?

    Fingers crossed that your test results are ok!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 258 ✭✭southofnowhere

    I hope you make a speedy recovery. It's funny how you go from trying to force yourself out at the start to suddenly finding yourself going a little mad when you can't get out isn't it?!

    Think it's called the running virus ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Hope you feel better soon. Definitely take care and don't worry about pushing yourself back into it too soon; it has only been 7 days since you ran your first half marathon. That's not an excessive recovery time. Get the vitamins and good food into you and no doubt you'll be back on form in no time. I do feel your frustration though!;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Thanks claralara, thank god im back on the rd! It felt like a month!!

    Well after a long week of feeling miserable (and extremely sorry for myself!) i finally got out for a run! It was spontaneous as my OH told me dinner would take half an hour...perfect amount of time for a welcome back run! Had no plan, just wanted to go out and enjoy it!
    total - 3.56 miles - 31mins 30 secs
    mile 1 - 9.10.52
    mile 2 - 8.53.53
    mile 3 - 8.18.20
    last 0.56mile - 5.07 (cool down)

    Happy with this, the 8.18 felt fast for me. The legs and the lungs struggled with this run, putting that down to the week off! Also i have a weird niggly pain on what i think is my hip flexor? Its on my inner thigh/groin area on left side. Gonna stretch it loads and hit the foam roller, but going for gait analysis on 3rd june so hopefully any issues will get sorted it out then, think i have leg lenght issue....therefore tilted pelvis, anyway, im ramblin...just glad to have a run to talk about!:)
