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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,676 ✭✭✭Chong

    Sorry chong couldnt let this go. This was posted after two months after I joined. Take a look at who got nominated for newcomer in second post below. There are trolls on there whether you like it or not and for the most part they are dealt with. This crusade I am supposed be on comes from a frustration from posters continually putting up posts that go out to wind people up. They are called wummers. The fact I know of the word confirms their existance.
    Out of this a Liverpool seperate club forum thread was proposed. Not by me. No crusade. Thread closed. A seperate club forum was set up. Not by me. thread closed. So for you to claim that I am behind this is untrue. For you to suggest that everyone is happy with the way things are going is untrue. I called for things to be improved and certain posters arranged it so that wouldnt happen. I can't prove it but the fact that so many dead threads were put up in that group tells you enough. So yes I have every business to do this. But like I said others have put up threads as well. It suits peoples purposes to blame me though.

    Right, let me just dissect what in gods name you are trying to say here. I have been through both threads this morning, firstly a troll sets up (well he is not a troll per se "Mink_Man" but he is widely regarded on the soccer forum as lovable rogue character), so he setups up an inflammatory thread as we can see, then Xavi6 promptly closes it, I do no get what you are trying to warrant by posting this. Looks like good modding on Xavi's behalf to me. Next you post a thread on Nominations, now this is ridculous, you seem to have A) nominated yourself with post of the year with a post where Xavi is taking the mick suggesting a new Liverpool Thread is created, again I am sorry for my ignorance what gods name has this got to do with anything?


    Wummers, I am sorry but are you creating your own dictionary at this stage, Oh but because of the fact you know what the word means its ok, Sersiously? I could make words up and pretend that I know what they mean and put them out in to the ether aswell.

    You seem to pertain this does not happen on other forums you frequent, it may not, in fact I have seen you use the Alt/Indie forum and you "appear" normal, but you don't seem to wind people up in there. Yes thats right I said you wind people up, this is the issue people have with you on here be it in this thread, or on the soccer forum. For starters you have ignored people on here albeit the owner of the site, purported lies in regards to what you vehemently believe it how the site is run, creation of multiple accounts ( which I am sorry people have been banned for ),finally you pick and choose who you want to reply to and some how in the most round about way not answer their questions.

    Now more explaining, are you bored yet? Lets finally get something straight, so in my last post I have described the forum as a community but there is dissemination also. The dissemination comes in many forms, 1)Passion 2)Tribalism 3) This is the internet. I will hit on number 3 as Xavi has on many occasion summed up the first two points perfectly. This is the internet , people can say and do what ever they like, to that mind you seem to take everything that happens as direct attack on you, you either learn to grow a pair or place them on ignore failing that use your favorite button as we have come to expect from you.

    Now as much as the forum lends itself to extra curricular activities, the forum itself is not real life yet you treat as such, taking offense to anything and everything. 2 examples spring to mind just through you posting them today, first being in a thread in feedback yesterday where something went wrong with how boards operates "This is getting very worrying. A lot of stuff happening here. Can someone update us on what exactly is going on." I am sorry but boards is a free service and they have an excellent back room staff fixing issues if and when they arise, yet you seem to think the lads are self healing robots. Next example being in your own thread you posted back to me , one of your posts "hate to go on about this but when exactly do we get to vote on those nominated from this thread. Now Wednesday." like do you thing this place is actually run by robots with nothing better to do with their time? Your way of thinking how IT and the internet operates is completely off kilter, People have lives to lead they are not sat on forums trying to wind people up and get their post counts up. Put simply you do not 1) understand the forum 2)you do not understand the culture of a football fan finally and I think this is the main one 3) you do not get this website.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    Wow still going.

    I love the MInk Man link though. Its a perfect example of why SOTS can not deal with the soccer forum.

    Mink Man put up that thread and it got locked and he got banned (for a long time I think), within 24 minutes. Now the reason he got nominated for newcomer of the year was because the some of the soccer forum found that thread hilarious, and found the fact that mink man had the audacity to post it as hilarious. I would say the majority found it funny. This is the culture in the soccer forum, the culture that people can take an obvious piss take like that and laugh about it. The majority of posters seem happy with that culture, SOTS obviously isn't so therefore as he is the minority he is the problem not the soccer forum.

    To continue on that theme, SOTS lived the first few month without a problem. He only started having issues with the soccer forum (at least publicly) when he started to be called on stuff.

    He got called on him taking a break from the forum which he agreed to as part of a bet. He didn't like when people took the piss out of him for not following through on that.

    He got the piss taken out of him for his dramatic long goodbye which never occurred.

    He still doesn't admit that he had three accounts. Fake Locke, SOTS, and onestepahead. Two which were permanently banned because he used one of them to circumvent a soccer forum ban.

    We had a good feedback thread a while back about a bit of segregation in the soccer forum, this was until SOTS showed up and ruined it, while dragging the soccer forum through the mud.

    He has again hijacked this feedback thread, and made it all about him, and his issues with the soccer forum.

    His group was supposed to take his moaning away from the soccer forum, but he couldn't handle people disagreeing with him. I was one of those member, I got banned from the group and had every post deleted. I only started taking the piss out of it when he broke the purpose of the group and started a thread in the soccer forum, airing his complaints again.

    I even pointed him in the correct direction regarding one of his ideas, yet i still got banned, and deleted. Including those helpful posts.

    I started a thread in the group asking what is wrong with the soccer forum? He couldn't give one answer, and knowing his post count, and availability he had plenty of time to answer it.

    The problem isn't the soccer forum isn't him.

    Now some boards rules

    Spamming / Advertising will not be tolerated – please contact one of the admins, or, for more information on advertising.

    I believe SOTS spams. Here is one such instance of a spam post which serve nothing other than to up his postcount.

    and one more

    All in all, common sense helps a lot. The above are guidelines - If you are acting out of what could be considered 'normal behaviour', don't be surprised if you get a holiday from

    I would call any of his behavior normal, certainly not normal for the soccer forum anyway. Dramatic long goodbyes, spamming/advertising your social group in the soccer forum, sending PM to user yet not letting the respond, I could go on and on.

    I'm sure there are numerous examples of back seat modding as well

    Then there is the general don't be a dick rule, well people can make up their own opinion on that one, I think mine is clear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,399 ✭✭✭Bonito

    This is honestly making my head hurt. Is SOTS looking to mod Soccer because the current mods are, in his opinion, useless?

    Is he looking for a change in the charter rules? Why does he keep dragging up past incidents that the mods have been nice enough to cater to and sort out?

    What the hell is going on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,082 ✭✭✭✭Spiritoftheseventies

    Gordon wrote: »
    Interesting content filterer! I'm wondering if we should trial such blue-sky user submission augmentation on the rest of the site to align with above. Maybe we could trial-basisize for a while by sampling a small userbase and hitting the ground running with it, small userbase, starting with maybe.. a singularity of users.. and then see how that goes outside the box?
    In all honesty Gordon maybe the Social group moderation needs revisting. If you can indulge me if Iwas to let say set up a thread on a forum that has no relevance or for arguments sake put a post saying 'Who should take over Gordons job' how long would it last.
    Trust me I have great sympathy for what some of you guys had to put up with after my mini modding experience this week.
    I say its as much down to site development in terms of thread locks and stuff but in the absence of the thread lock I had to delete posts etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83


    I'm "internet shouting" because you are not getting it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    ah lads, put the guy out of his misery one way or another.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,082 ✭✭✭✭Spiritoftheseventies

    Anyone interested in what Im talking about can take a little stroll over to the Pool main thread. Click on third last page. Folks would have you believe Im the trouble yet haven't been posting there for two days
    If this feedback is to be taken seriously than it needs to stop this carry on. May I point you to the case of Phoebe Prince.
    Those in school charged with her education and well being denied there was any problems when she came to them. You know the rest.
    To the folks in feedback, are you happy to have this sort of debating where posters are shouted down like this.
    From what I can mob mentality is taking over. When you dismiss everything out of hand and don't concede an inch which is what the majority of posters have done on this and other feedback threads it ceases to become a feedback thread IMO.
    Step backs folks and collect your thoughts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,867 ✭✭✭✭Xavi6

    Anyone else have to google Phoebe Prince?

    Anyway, can't believe you just compared yourself to that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,069 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    When you dismiss everything out of hand and don't concede an inch which is what the majority of posters have done on this and other feedback threads it ceases to become a feedback thread IMO.
    Step backs folks and collect your thoughts.

    Maybe you should stop dragging FB threads off topic to suit your own agenda.. it doesn't do you any favors, and it isn't fair on the people that started the threads in the first place.

    If you have an issue, start your own thread, and if it's a case that everyody seems to be against you then maybe it's you that needs to step back and collect your thoughts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭The Recliner

    End of the day If I can post in peace without the sniping that takes place I won't have a problem. If that starts today and others make an effort to cut out their antics I wont have a problem.

    Ok I don't like witchhunts or bullying and a lot of what I am going to say will sound like I am out to get you but I am honestly sincerely trying to help you

    The bit quoted above from your post, do you know why people snipe at you and take the piss out of you?

    It is because of the way you behave, you seem to be completely blind to the fact that you are the cause of your own problems, admittedly people could just leave it alone and not react to you but unfortunatley not everyone can do that

    The reason people have a go at you is because you are so overly dramtic about things, you make a drama out of nothing, your report the post which is the right thing to do but then you go and back seat Mod which gets peoples backs up, the Mods have a lot of patience with you

    Another reason is the fact that you pick and chose who to reply too and ignore people completely (in fact I am not sure why I am bothering with this, you have ignored every attempt I have made in feedback to try and help), it is fairly obvious you do this becuase you are on all the time and read every post and do see the questions asked of you but you only answer a select few who in your opinion are worth replying too, alos when you are asked a direct question and you do decide to reply you will generally dance around the question and turn the topic onto something else

    Another reason is that for some reason you seem to think that the Soccer forum needs to conform to some ideal you have in your head of how it should work, it doesn't, life is about compromises, the soccer forum runs in a way that suits the most people possible, it isn't going to be possible to keep everyone happy but as a great man once said the needs of the many outway the needs of the few, you need to learn to compromise and see that the sofccer forum runs well for most people, sit back for a while don't post as much and learn the culture that exists rather than trying to impose your culture on it

    And for the love of jebus please please stop hijacking other threads and stopp posting and pretending that it is about another issue when it always comes back to the same issue, you and you not getting the soccer forum

    *the above has probably come across as a character assassination and it really isn't meant as one, I have no problems with SOTS I just genuniely want to see him enjoy himself and it is clear that he is not in the soccer forum*

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,399 ✭✭✭Bonito

    Anyone interested in what Im talking about can take a little stroll over to the Pool main thread. Click on third last page. Folks would have you believe Im the trouble yet haven't been posting there for two days
    If this feedback is to be taken seriously than it needs to stop this carry on. May I point you to the case of Phoebe Prince.
    Please say this is a joke? You're comparing how you're being treated on boards to a murder case? You're having a laugh, surely?
    Those in school charged with her education and well being denied there was any problems when she came to them. You know the rest.
    Well. IMO, you're the problem. Lets get a list going.
    1) You keep waffling on about soccer and not making any sense.
    2) You think you know better than the Admins of how re-regging works. It's quite simple. You scramble passwords, deactive email address, deletedd all profile info, delete all subbed threads/forums, log out, make new account and then don't act the mick with the new account and keep out of trouble.
    3) You have hijacked yet another Feedback thread.
    4) You sent me a Pm back seat modding the thread.
    5) You then attempted to back seat mod with me on thread, no matter how polite you thought you were being this is not your thread and you are not a mod/admin.
    6)You brought my name in to the discussion again and linked it with soccer, even though I never said anything about soccer.
    7) Had you left my name alone I would not have returned to this thread.
    8) You're ridiculing the mods of soccer when you can't even handle a simple social group.
    9) You then got frustrated and deleted everything you didn't like/agree with in the group. Dictatorship much?
    10) I'm just completely lost at this point and I honestly believe you have not got a clue and you should have stopped digging pages ago.
    11) If the soccer forum is so bad then stop posting. Find another online soccer forum somewhere.
    12) You seem to be the only one, out of the masses of users in the Soccer Forum, that are complaining about it. Who are the mods/Admins going to listen to? You, or it's mass of users?
    To the folks in feedback, are you happy to have this sort of debating where posters are shouted down like this.
    From what I can mob mentality is taking over. When you dismiss everything out of hand and don't concede an inch which is what the majority of posters have done on this and other feedback threads it ceases to become a feedback thread IMO.
    Step backs folks and collect your thoughts.
    What? :confused:

    /rant. :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,082 ✭✭✭✭Spiritoftheseventies

    Xavi6 wrote: »
    Anyone else have to google Phoebe Prince?

    Anyway, can't believe you just compared yourself to that.
    Didnt compare myself to that. Was comparing the situation where sometimes those in authority don't always act in the best interest.
    There is a very good thread up on this Xavi6 on which I have made a number of contributions on what was an absolutely tragic case.
    Post eight a particularly good but thread worth reading from page to page.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    Didnt compare myself to that. Was comparing the situation where sometimes those in authority don't always act in the best interest.

    best interest of.....?

    best interest of you would be to ban everyone else from the site.
    best interest of the site is the reverse, imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,676 ✭✭✭Chong

    I apologise to the admins here but this is has become a joke at this stage its like talking to the wall.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,082 ✭✭✭✭Spiritoftheseventies

    Another reason is the fact that you pick and chose who to reply too and ignore people completely (in fact I am not sure why I am bothering with this, you have ignored every attempt I have made in feedback to try and help), it is fairly obvious you do this becuase you are on all the time and read every post and do see the questions asked of you but you only answer a select few who in your opinion are worth replying too, alos when you are asked a direct question and you do decide to reply you will generally dance around the question and turn the topic onto something else
    Another reason is that for some reason you seem to think that the Soccer forum needs to conform to some ideal you have in your head of how it should work, it doesn't, life is about compromises, the soccer forum runs in a way that suits the most people possible, it isn't going to be possible to keep everyone happy but as a great man once said the needs of the many outway the needs of the few, you need to learn to compromise and see that the soccer forum runs well for most people, sit back for a while don't post as much and learn the culture that exists rather than trying to impose your culture on it

    Okay recliner Ill respond to those two points. Re the first point Im not going to respond to every poster on here continually.
    Re the second point highlighted in bold. Can go days without any trouble on SF but there are posters on there who do upset threads as you can see from link i posted awhile ago.
    I have maintained all along that the thread comes first (this one obviously got a bit derailed) and where the thread is being derailed Mods I dont think are doing enough on SF to intervene.
    Yeah I get they are busy but I reported one post and was told it was banter etc etc. IMO It wasn't.
    What some would call banter others would call tiresome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,035 ✭✭✭IITYWYBMAD

    tbh wrote: »
    best interest of.....?

    best interest of you would be to ban everyone else from the site.
    best interest of the site is the reverse, imo.

    I think ye have all made your point(s), and it's getting tedious and laughable at this stage. I don't think SOTS is making himself clear or doing any favors for himself, but neither are most of the rest of you.

    If this user causes you so much angst etc...ignore him. Stop feeding him, and he'll go away. But seriously, you should all just stfu at this stage and either let the Admins of ComMans deal with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,840 ✭✭✭Dav

    I am now worried that my boss is going to pull me up for wasting 20 mins of my time for having read this thread...

    I am locking it, pruning the nonsense out of it and am going to try and salvage some soprt of real thread out of this mess.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    IITYWYBMAD wrote: »
    I think ye have all made your point(s), and it's getting tedious and laughable at this stage. I don't think SOTS is making himself clear or doing any favors for himself, but neither are most of the rest of you.

    If this user causes you so much angst etc...ignore him. Stop feeding him, and he'll go away. But seriously, you should all just stfu at this stage and either let the Admins of ComMans deal with it.

    you're right.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    There is little to deal with here.....

    The Soccer Forum may be the bad boy of Boards at times and I know when a row erupts its like ":rolleyes: Soccer... again". But the fact is that its a busy, passionate self-aware forum. It should probably generate more issues! It self-rules by and large and I'm happy with the mods. If people are worried that the SF is going to get a bad name over SOTS complaints and antics, believe me, not with me it wont.

    So, short answer is: thanks for the feedback but we are happy as things are. We're not going to change unless the SF itself decides it wants to change.


This discussion has been closed.