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what was the worst that was ever said to you



  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭Little Miss Lady

    Wow I'm shocked by some of the horrible things said to people here over the years, it's terrible :mad:

    I've had my fair share...
    If I was a kid your age I wouldn't play with you either when I was being bullied.
    Who'd want you, you're ugly sure who'd want your body anyway.
    I can't have s*x with you anymore after losing my virginity with an ex boyfriend.
    That I was a nutter by a group of people who barely knew me.

    They're the ones that come to mind

  • Registered Users Posts: 647 ✭✭✭Terri26

    krudler wrote: »
    Wasnt directly to me but it bugs me to this day, worked with a girl who had a bad stammer when she got flustered or nervous, you wouldnt know it when she was calm and she was the life and soul of the party to meet her out and in good form, but if she got panicked she couldnt get words out at all. Anyway one day this guy asked her something while we were standing beside each other at our tills, and she was struggling to say anything, and this utter cockbag impatiently turned to me and asked me the same thing, I (as politely as I could ) said she would deal with his query and he responded with "well I dont have all day to wait while she splutters out some words, why is she even working here?"

    Well, at that moment it took everything I had to stop me utterly ruining this guy in the insult department, I went upstairs a few mins later and found her bawling, some people are just beyond pricks.

    Something simialr happened to me! I used to work in Mcdonalds. One Day one of teh girls (a Chinese girl) was on tills when I heard an absolute asshole shout "I want a f$cking Irish person serving me not this C "(INSERT RACIST WORD). I came from around the corner to see what happened and when he saw me (I'm quite tanned, dark brown eyes, dark brown eyes etc) he shouted I said "an irish person not a P %ki"!
    I totally lost the plot ranted to him in Irish, when he looked at me in confusion told him he had some cheek to ask for an Irish employee when he couldnt even understand the language. my manager came over and I insulted him again in Irish telling him he was a racist P.
    Not proud of mysef for that or my ignorance in communicating in Irish when I knew he wouldn't have a clue but racism really annoys me and her English was fine!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭LilMsss

    Where to start? I've had so many nasty things said to me over the years (increasingly less over the last decade though). I was an overweight child, and was constantly called a fat whale in the street and other derogatory comments by adults (says a lot about where I grew up).

    I've had a very tempestuous relationship with my mother (she made a lot of mistakes) but the two gems that stand out were when I was 16 she was telling me about a girl she knew with a brain tumour, and said to me: 'No chance of you getting a brain tumour and dying!'. And about three years ago when I was briefly umemployed and living at home, she told me that I had 'failed at life', despite the fact that I had just finished a Masters degree and was starting a new career (job due to start 4 weeks later).

    As for men, I was told by an ex that I'd have men all over me if I lost two stone (he didn't realise that I already did!). Nothing too cruel or nasty has been said in the last few years, although I was asked by my boss last year where all my 'excess weight' was coming from? (I'm 5 ft 8 and a size 14-16 and exercise regularly!). She has also tried to give me unsolicited diet advice at different points throughout the year - undoubtedly to help me along!!!

    I think there are different motivations for comments like these. Some people want to hurt you, some don't get the idea of boundaries and consistently cross them, and some people are just callous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭migozarad

    I was told on numerous occasions by my primary school teacher (a contrary old cow) that I'd end up in jail..without wanting to tempt fate,I've not even been Deputy Gogarty might say:''F U Mrs M..F U Mrs M..''

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭RhubarbCrumble

    "Now that I'm serious about fixing my life with her, I can't be friends with you anymore"

    My ex said that to me after dumping me to go back to his exgirlfriend who had cheated on him with someone else and left him for the other guy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    Chinafoot wrote: »

    Sister bitching about a girl she worked with:
    "Ugh she's such a bitch, and she's really, really fat. I mean she's even bigger than you!!" (This girl was not fat at all)

    i can relate. im a guy and used to be very very skinny, under 8 stone and 6ft tall. people would remark about my weight all the time. even say things like 'but why are you so skinny, whats wrong with you' and a few times people have been talking about someone who was 'disgusting' but not as skinny as me. nice.

    i have since bulked out and am a very healthy build now. i guess people can be arses no matter what weight you are

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,057 ✭✭✭Wacker

    sam34 wrote: »
    i was sitting with a group of my classmates from college, and someone said to the whole group "guess which girl from our class has had plastic surgery?"

    one of the guys looked me up and down and then said, with a sneer on his face, "well it definitely wasnt sam34"

    I won't say that I am shocked that someone would say such an awful thing, because everyone knows that people are capable of being scumbags (see my post below!). What does shock me is that no one stood up for you, as there were plenty of people around. (or if they did, you didn't mention it in your post). If I heard the likes of that said to a female in my company, I'd have to be held back from flooring the motherf*cker.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,057 ✭✭✭Wacker

    I'm going to be brave here and tell the story of the worst thing I ever said, and I'd reckon that this is worse than much of what has been said here. I've one brother and I had two fostered sisters (one is now dead). They were real sisters to each other though, and we had them from a really young age (one and two years respectively). Their family is bad, but they carry the surname. In arguments in the past, I have used the surname itself as an insult.

    I know it was a terrible thing to do, but these girls broke my parents' hearts, and that enrages me like nothing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    Sc@recrow wrote: »
    Holdy shít..can't wait to read the rest of the posts in here...
    One thing stands out...women can be complete biatches..
    No bloke would ever do that stuff to their siblings like that.

    What, make fun of their friends breasts? Guys make fun of each other all the time (for being small, fat, whatever) but the only difference is that guys aren't sensitive about it. Some of the stuff here is tame compared to what guys do but girls are more insulted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,264 ✭✭✭mood

    Awh Jenny (hugs) that's horrible. I've learnt that peple who say things like that have incredibly low self esteem of their own. You have to try to think that and not let it hurt you.

    And Berkut I think you're wrong - men may not be as nasty to their siblings - but they can be incredibly cruel to and about girls they've been with - often using them as entertainment value with their friends.

    Trust me, some brother can be quite nasty as well. Not going into detail.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 152 ✭✭Lola18

    I was told recently by my nanny that I was a mistake, I know I wasn't planned but my mam has always told me that it was one of the best things that happened her at the time. It might seem silly but its actually really upsetting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,987 ✭✭✭ottostreet

    im naturally very skinny.
    im about 5'8 and until last september i was only around 7.5 stone (im a guy)
    i work as a DJ, and the insults that id get were horrible. women are the worst by a long way. i remember one in particular...a group of young women looking for a song that i wouldnt play. one of them just said 'ah **** you then, you freak. you look like an alien, whats with your weird shaped head? you look like alf!'

    always had a hang up about being so skinny, and when i got with my girlfriend last september, she just asked me to put on a bit more weight to be healthier.

    one of my friends helped me out with getting weight gainer stuff, and eating a bit better, and am up to around 10.5 stone now and look a lot healthier. in the gym now as well, so feel much better about myself. ill never forget the spite with which women used to attack me about my appearance though. its probably the main reason that i think little to nothing of most irish women. i dont remember lads ever slagging me apart from stuff like 'ah sure youd break if i hit ya'..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭The Big Red Button

    The one thing that really stands out for me was when I was just finished my Leaving Cert and I found out that my dad had been diagnosed with cancer. I went through a shortlived but very rebellious teenage phase - nothing too dramatic really, just drinking a lot and not coming home at night - typical behaviour for my age, really. Anyways one day I was in the car with my dad and he was giving out to me, and he basically snapped and told me that me stressing him out had caused his cancer.

    For the record, his illness was an underlying condition that he had probably had for a few years before it was diagnosed. It's not linked to factors such as stress at all. And my dad is an absolute sweetie, not a cruel or nasty guy at all, he was obviously just finding it hard to deal with the diagnosis himself and was lashing out and trying to find someone/something to blame.

    But of course I didn't see it like that at the time. I stormed out of the car bawling crying and wouldn't talk to him for about a week. And you know, it really really hurt me far more than anything else that's ever been said to me, it took me a long long time to see that he didn't mean it.

    I'm sure that there's been far worse said to me, but I can totally ignore it if it's coming from someone whose opinion I don't give a crap about. It's much different when it's coming from someone who you actually care about and respect :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭Erica<3

    From someone I really cared for and i thought the world of -

    'You should just go and kill yourself, no one would miss you, I'd prefer if you were dead'

    Hearing that nearly killed me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭Erica<3

    Lola18 wrote: »
    I was told recently by my nanny that I was a mistake, I know I wasn't planned but my mam has always told me that it was one of the best things that happened her at the time. It might seem silly but its actually really upsetting.

    Aw chick it's ok, I've heard that from my nan too, that my sister was always their favourite and I was the mistake, and yeah it is really upsetting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Ms_Taurus

    Family members can say terrible things, I wonder if they really mean it, when my sister brought her then boyfriend home at night she say I was jealeous of her as she has a b/f & was going places as he has a nice house, etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 50 ✭✭Vladidim

    I've said some horrible things to family members.

    I used to direct the worst, spiteful, vitriolic insults at my dad for years until I left home.

    I really regret it now. We get along great now, but I should apologise for all those years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,766 ✭✭✭squeakyduck

    FreeHugs wrote: »
    "Go home, take a load of pills and do us all a favour"

    A customer once said this to me when I was working in a shop. I hate retail

    Ugh! I hate retail. I used to work in a very well known licensed shop and was once told that I was definitely not in the league of a girl I was working with....because I didn't give enough to the customers (ie: I didn't get my tits out when serving the customers) A vast majority of the customers were men. This girl was showered with presents daily and I just sat in the corner rolling my eyes and muttering to myself. D***heads! :( At least the girl shared the presents she got! :)

    I've been called every name under the sun, been made cry, been harassed by other members of management and have even had my name slandered by management and heard about it. Thank god I've got out of the job I'm in now! It will save my sanity! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭itac

    Lola18 wrote: »
    I was told recently by my nanny that I was a mistake, I know I wasn't planned but my mam has always told me that it was one of the best things that happened her at the time. It might seem silly but its actually really upsetting.

    Same as thing to remember though is that even though we weren't planned, we were kept. Sometimes I still get that "you-didn't-want-me" feeling, and I'm 27 and get on brilliantly with my Mum!

    Worst thing was from my oldest brother (again with the family members!), who's into organic food/very healthy lifestyle and was constantly trying to get me to be healthy. When I was 20, I was living in the UK, and was going through that "I can now do what I want when I want" drinking/going out/eating whatever I wanted phase. He sent me an email saying that he hoped I'd get cancer or have a heart attack, and that if I did, I'd finally understand why he wanted me to live heathily. Knowing that both my Granda & my Uncle died at young ages from sudden heart attacks made it sting that much more....:(

    Still haven't quite forgiven him for it, even thought we get on fairly ok now....c'est la vie I guess

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 777 ✭✭✭Mayoegian

    itac wrote: »
    Worst thing was from my oldest brother (again with the family members!), who's into organic food/very healthy lifestyle and was constantly trying to get me to be healthy. When I was 20, I was living in the UK, and was going through that "I can now do what I want when I want" drinking/going out/eating whatever I wanted phase. He sent me an email saying that he hoped I'd get cancer or have a heart attack, and that if I did, I'd finally understand why he wanted me to live heathily. Knowing that both my Granda & my Uncle died at young ages from sudden heart attacks made it sting that much more....:(

    Even though what he did was totally wrong, it seems like he was really worried for you. He wanted you to live healthily which really shows how much he cares about you and loves you. His worry more than likely clouded his judgement when he sent that e-mail to you. I know it must have hurt, but forgive him, because he only wanted what was best for you:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Sapsorrow

    itac wrote: »
    Same as thing to remember though is that even though we weren't planned, we were kept. Sometimes I still get that "you-didn't-want-me" feeling, and I'm 27 and get on brilliantly with my Mum!

    I'm the opposite to you guys! I wasn't planned at all and for that very reason was considered a miracle baby and was fairly spoilt for it. My dad had had the snip after my mum had her third child, but the baby died unexpectadly after a few weeks or months I'm not sure. Mum was obviously completely gutted even more so because she couldn't have any more babies or so she thought! Then 2 years later I came along, apparantly your bits can grow back after the snip. Mum always says it was the happiest day of her life findig out she was pregnant again. I'm glad I was able to make them happy anyway :)
    One of the worst things ever said to me was when I was going out with this dickhead as a teenager, he said I was the second best person he'd slept with after a mate of mine he'd had a one nighter with. Classy! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭who what when

    Sapsorrow wrote: »
    I'm the opposite to you guys! I wasn't planned at all and for that very reason was considered a miracle baby and was fairly spoilt for it. My dad had had the snip after my mum had her third child, but the baby died unexpectadly after a few weeks or months I'm not sure. Mum was obviously completely gutted even more so because she couldn't have any more babies or so she thought! Then 2 years later I came along, apparantly your bits can grow back after the snip. Mum always says it was the happiest day of her life findig out she was pregnant again. I'm glad I was able to make them happy anyway :)
    One of the worst things ever said to me was when I was going out with this dickhead as a teenager, he said I was the second best person he'd slept with after a mate of mine he'd had a one nighter with. Classy! :rolleyes:

    Thats the worst thing anyone ever said to you?
    Its a compliment compared to most of the stuff on here!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Sapsorrow

    Thats the worst thing anyone ever said to you?
    Its a compliment compared to most of the stuff on here!!

    Lol no, but I posted a few of my really bad ones already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,747 ✭✭✭smokingman

    Jebus it's no wonder you ladies are so stressed with how you treat each other!
    Worst thing said to me was "You suck at streetfighter 2 turbo"...had me gutted for ages that!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,048 ✭✭✭✭Snowie

    I think it ws a girl who i was seeing who turned around to me and said, i think you have no self esteam you have no confidence, and little or no self worth. So I don't want to know you any more. the worst part of it all was, it was true, in away it was a catlist to me sorting out my head. But to this day,
    Words cannot, discribe the dyslike and contempt and complete loathing I have for that person.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭Micahelxcx

    When I was 16 the family went on holidays to west Cork.
    My mum put me and my brother in short pants - not the trendy shorts of today.
    And we also had to wear wellingtons when it rained.
    Anyway, I remember walking into a shop in my shorts and wellingtons and the girl working there burst out laughing at me and slagged me for wearing shorts and wellingtons.
    She called me a mummys boy.
    I was so hurt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭nermal15

    My mam told me, quite recently, that I was obnoxious, rude to all of her family and that really it was her fault for "indulging" my shyness as a child.

    Self esteem boost there.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I was gonna add something. .

    but it actually hurts too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭nermal15

    I was gonna add something. .

    but it actually hurts too much.

    :( Even writing my one got me a little choked up. I try not to remember that conversation!

    Just thought of another, when I was around 9 or something I came downstairs to model a new swimsuit and my brother said to me "Hahaha you're sucking in your tummy!" He was about 20 at the time, anyway, I've always been self conscious about my stomach since!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭lost in my own head

    I guess my worst experience was when I was 9. When I was little my parents split up and my mother told me that It was all my fault as my father left because he just wasn't ready for kids, (even though they were married for over a year) I left home when I was 16. I'm 27 now and have tried for years to talk to my mother but gave up two years ago but it still really hurts. I don't think I would ever get over that one. Maybe because for the life of me I couldn't understand it. My partner and I didn't want kids when we found out I was pregnant either, but now have three beautiful children (I seem to be immune to the pill) and though there are a lot of things I wanted to do with my life before starting a family I would never let my children know that they weren't planned and would not change them for anything in the world. I think the biggest drawback for my mother is that she now has three amazing grandchildren and she has never seen them. Ah well.
