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did u get a nursing interview?



  • Registered Users Posts: 91 ✭✭Martina05

    I rang UCC earlier & was told to call back Monday & there'll be someone there to tell me my place on merit list. I've already decided to do one of those aptitude test prep days next April, & i'll just study like crazy coming up to the test next time round. I wonder do a lot of people have a better chance the second time round????????

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭delama

    BIFFOS wrote: »
    did many people apply for athlone.... could you let me know if you got in and what points you got pls.

    Biffos, heres the link for the nursing points for first round:

    hope this helps!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 LRK

    delama wrote: »
    Biffos, heres the link for the nursing points for first round:

    hope this helps!

    Thanks delama thats a great help where did u get it? Is it defo accurate?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 LRK

    can anyone explain this to me...... when a person gets an offer are there lower offers automatically erased or is it only until they press accept that there erased. just so il have a better idea of my chances at the second round.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭delama

    Yeah, its a CAO publication, so its definitely right.

    You won't get any offers lower on your list regardless of whether you accept a current offer or not. You only get offered the highest on your list that you have enough points for. Thats why you need to put your course choices in order of preference!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35 BIFFOS

    JESUS this government will get you everyway they can. Found out last night at a meeting that you can no longer get the maintenance grant when you get the back to education allowance. They may give you your fees if you qualify. I have to travelling 140miles a day for college and I can’t move they encourage you to stay in the rut and not better yourself :mad:…….

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭sassypsych

    Biffos unfortunatly this was announced as part of the 2010 Budget at the beginning of the year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Boo13

    I've been approved for the grant thank god!!! But someone told me you can't work part time while getting the grant. I've looked on different websites about the terms but they say nothing about earnings while in college. My letter about getting grant says it will be reviewed again next year to see if i still qualify....and I've to give them my p45 from my current employment.. Basically, I need to work while in college....the mortgage won't pay itself, and the grant is pittance :confused: Anyone able to clarify?? thanks!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭sex panther

    hey boo, of course you can work, in fairness we cannot be expected to live off the grant, even if we work part time our earnings will not be over the limit for next years grant, cos how many hours can we possibly work with a full week of college!

    Im planing to do a 12 hour shift on a sat or sun as a care assistant, at least ill have one day off then, ideally id prefer not to work and concentrate on college but unfortunately i have to feed myself :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Boo13

    Thank You Panther!!! Phew!! I'm planning to do the same myself workwise!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18 JC2009

    Hi hoping someone can help me out. I've deferred my Nursing place until Sept 2011 and had assumed for various reasons I wouldn't qualify for grants, bar the possibility of 1,500 Higher Ed grant so was looking at getting a part time job. Met with 4th yr Nursing student recently and she said first yr pretty much 9-5, 5 days a week so between study, assignments and looking after my child the idea of a part time job looks pretty slim. However I still need to feed us and pay bills so need to get cash from somewhere. I have recently discovered the Back to Ed Allowance so have made the semi hard decision to leave my current job in order to qualify for Back to Ed Allowance by being on Jobseekers Benefit for the 234 days required. I've never been on a social welfare payment before so have no idea what I can and can't do. My plan is hopefully to get some care assistant work 1 or 2 days if possible for the next year, and claim for the days I don't work still remaining on Jobseekers. Is this possible and still be able to qualify for BTEA????
    Also if I sign on in Nov, sign off for 5 weeks in Dec (have to go away for a wedding all planned before I applied for Nursing and the reason for the deferral) when I sign back on in Jan is this counted as a new sign on date and the original sign on date in Nov discounted and therefor disqualifying me from BTEA for not having enough days on Job Seekers or is the first sign on date taken into condsideration when applying for the BTEA? It's all so confusing and I can't find any info anywhere. I have tried to call some of the numbers on today to ask but they must have all taken a half day. Also got through to lovely guy in Citz Info but he couldn't answer my BTEA question but did say that it might take 7 or so weeks for everything to be sorted out and that if that was the case I wouldn't actually have to mention my 5 weeks awayas the application would still be being processed so I'd still have all the days required by next September. To be honest I don't like the idea of that, bad karma and all that for stealing so if anyone can offer any pearls of wisdom I'd really appreciate it :=D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭sassypsych

    Hey hun :D

    To be eligible for BTEA you have to have a continuous JSA claim, so if you sign off, go out the country and then sign back on (which could be tedious as it is) then it will be a new claim and so disqualify you from any previous days.

    As for working a day or two as a care assisstant you can do that and claim for the others. But you still have to show you actively seeking work and if they find out you could be doing more work with the agency you work for but are deliberately not to stay on JSA it could get you in trouble.

    I would also be wary taking the guy from Citizens advice idea as if they do get your claim through and decide to call out to interview or you have to sign on and you are away for a long period that could cause you problems too!

    If your current job pays you enough to be over the income limits for the student grant would you not consider still working and saving all you can to do you the first year through college? Surely it is way more than the amount you would get on JSA and if you could live on JSA then the difference could be put away.

    Once you have got through the first year you could get your grant application reassessed to show you no longer earning and they should give you the grant dependant on your income for the first year at college. Just another option.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 JC2009

    Hi Sassypsych :D

    Feel like I'm having an affair lolololol everyone on RC is so busy getting organised that I just didn't want to bother them with my woes, god some of the poor girls are worse off than me, at least I only have 1 child and a struggling artist husband ;). I'm just so worried about starting off next year with no income which is why finding out about BTEA seemed like the answer to all my prayers. At mo most of my salary pays off a whopper loan so I can't even save to see me through til the following summer when hopefully I'd get full grant (although if I live next door to the college it means I get half right?? so that not ideal either if it's the case), plus hubbie out of work also, well more or less has had shifts reduced to 1 :( so not ideal. God me bloody head is fried!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭sex panther

    God i know what u mean about your head being fried!!!!

    You do not qualify for BTEA if u work part time and claim casuals allowance. You have to be 234 days on full time social welfare and that does not include sundays (so bloody confusing ) so that means that add up all your days unemployed and minus the sundays,

    I was only just told this recently and i thought id have enough days to qualify for the btea but i was counting the sudays so now im like 30 days short.

    I know a girl who gave up work voluntary and told the social welfare that she was let go, they never checked, all they need if a letter from work telling them when you finish.

    Whatever you decide just make sure u have enough days unemployed to qualify for the btea cos it would be crap if u gave it up and didnt qualify

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 JC2009

    Counted the days from 1st Jan 2011 up to Sat 24th Sept (lady in admissions in the college said always a start date around 28th Sept) and it's 229 :-( FECK!!!!!! Wonder if I can appeal it based on the circumstances. Of course there's always the possibility something happens with the Budget in Dec and BTEA gets scrapped or required number of qualifying days increase, you just wouldn't know!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭sex panther

    are u sure jc_, 234 days is exactly 9 months excluding sundays, and from the 1st of jan to 24th september is over the 9 months,

    even if u had 229 days im sure they could leave u off, that would just be mean to not give it to u cos ur under the limit by 5 days,

    Im gona try and appeal it anyways (i haven't even met the facilitator yet but im sure they'll tell me im too far under the limit) ive prob no chance in hell but ill try...

    Anyhoo best of luck jc whichever route you take

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 JC2009

    I may have counted incorrectly Sex Panther :-D I shall immediately do a recount and hope I missed a couple of days. Fingers toes eyes and everything else crossable that you get your appeal, let me know how it goes. Please god you'll get someone with a bit of a heart looking at your case as from what I can see that's what it comes down to!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 carla17

    ;)I was in the same situation as yous last year waiting for the offers to be out in July and then August. I didnt get offered a place in these rounds. I had given up looking on the Cao website everyday hoping it would change!! eventually i did get offered a place in early September doing General nursing, just 1 week before the degree started. Heads up and fingers crossed for ye all, and ye will love it!! Its tough enough the 1st year,but well worth it.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭ithread

    Thanks carla17

    You give us hope! ;-)

    I am waiting for the 5th August anxiously and then after that I am not going to check ha! Well maybe once a week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 JC2009

    Ooooh Carla tell us all about it, I can't wait am so excited. Hate that I had to defer until next year but sure such is life. Still can't believe I got a place :-D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 lindalinda

    Hi did anyone get any phone calls from cao with offers recently

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Moomia

    No i didn't hear anything anyway lindalinda...have you???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 carla17

    Thats what i did ithread!! i thought after the 5th of August ther is no way i was gonna get a place this late, eventually i just stopped checking the CAO site. Then weeks later i came across my PIN number and thought sure i will have a look and see, I couldnt believe it when i saw my offer there,and it had to be accepted that day by 2.15pm!!madness!!I accepted it anyway and have just finished my 1st year. As i said it has been tough,i drive an hour and a half up and down to college and have a full day!and i hae a young child, but if its what you really want you will really enjoy it!and i have made some really great friends! At 32 i thought i would have been the oldest in the class but im not and every1 is lovely. There are people in the class aged 17-40 and every1 helps every1 else out. Im so glad i accepted it. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 carla17

    I heard they are doing away with the interview process next year,is that true??

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭ithread

    I hope they change things next year!! It is much harder to get into Nursing here than in the UK. Next year, well within the next few months I'll be applying to the UK as I come from Scotland anyway so hopefully I'll get in somewhere ;-)

    Was it really late when you got accepted carla17? Only a few days til the 5th!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 BIFFOS

    carla17 wrote: »
    Thats what i did ithread!! i thought after the 5th of August ther is no way i was gonna get a place this late, eventually i just stopped checking the CAO site. Then weeks later i came across my PIN number and thought sure i will have a look and see, I couldnt believe it when i saw my offer there,and it had to be accepted that day by 2.15pm!!madness!!I accepted it anyway and have just finished my 1st year. As i said it has been tough,i drive an hour and a half up and down to college and have a full day!and i hae a young child, but if its what you really want you will really enjoy it!and i have made some really great friends! At 32 i thought i would have been the oldest in the class but im not and every1 is lovely. There are people in the class aged 17-40 and every1 helps every1 else out. Im so glad i accepted it. ;)

    Hey Carla I got offered a place an hour and a half away too, now I’ve no children yet and I’m the same age as you I was hoping to get a place closer a chance at this stage is very slim. Was onto the college and they have the places filled already and I’m way down the list to get offered. My husband is worried about the drive and the commitment. I have been in courses for the last 2 years pre-nursing and healthcare. What is the first year like and when do you go on placement one of the hospitals on the placement list is only half hour away. Could I have any say in where my placement would be....?

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 BIFFOS

    JC2009 wrote: »
    I may have counted incorrectly Sex Panther :-D I shall immediately do a recount and hope I missed a couple of days. Fingers toes eyes and everything else crossable that you get your appeal, let me know how it goes. Please god you'll get someone with a bit of a heart looking at your case as from what I can see that's what it comes down to!

    HI JC2009
    I think they recently brought down the number of days that you need to qualify for back to ed it best to ask in the local social welfare. I was at a seminar run by the social welfare council and leader about the grants buses and back to education. They announced that if you’re on bte allowance you can not get the grant however the girl there told me to stay on jobseekers and apply for the grant. if you husband is out of work then when they means test you, you should qualify to stay on social welfare, but you cant be on the bte and the grant together. They are saying that if you apply for a grant that you should get your fees paid only while on bte. I can’t stay on jobseekers my husband has work things will be very tight with only 196e each week and an hour and a half to get to college but I’m going to try it and see how it goes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 carla17

    Hi Biffos it does seem like an hr and a half travelling to and from college everyday would be hard,plus the college commitments too, but the way i see it is that there are plenty of people who travel the same distance if not longer to go to work everyday. Plus you have holidays at Christmas,Easter etc. As long as you have a good radio in your car sure you're grand!! It will definetly be worth it in the end:) The college year only runs from September until May also! Placements in the colleges are all different i think, but we did two blocks of 5 week placements in 1st year.It changes after that. Do you want to pm me where you got your place and if its the same as mine i might be able help you more?? I really hope you do your degree because it really will be worth it. Best of luck to all who are eagerly waiting tomorrows offers;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 BIFFOS

    carla17 wrote: »
    Hi Biffos it does seem like an hr and a half travelling to and from college everyday would be hard,plus the college commitments too, but the way i see it is that there are plenty of people who travel the same distance if not longer to go to work everyday. Plus you have holidays at Christmas,Easter etc. As long as you have a good radio in your car sure you're grand!! It will definetly be worth it in the end:) The college year only runs from September until May also! Placements in the colleges are all different i think, but we did two blocks of 5 week placements in 1st year.It changes after that. Do you want to pm me where you got your place and if its the same as mine i might be able help you more?? I really hope you do your degree because it really will be worth it. Best of luck to all who are eagerly waiting tomorrows offers;)
    sent you a msg carla not too sure if it worked?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 carla17

    Biffos,got your msg there and replied:D

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