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Pure Class....

  • 13-05-2010 12:56pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭

    As you may have noticed, there is a lot of whinging and bitching about certain perks being used - the main culprit being Commando Pro. Others include Scavenger Pro with noob-tube attachments, OMA etc.

    However, i've noticed while playing people complain also about certain attachments - eg. thermal, heartbeat sensor.

    This has gotten to a stage now, where people are complaining online about
    certain weapons being used.. I heard a guy going mental because a guy from our team was using a Spas, his complaint being "its the best one, you're a noob", and I got stick the other day for leggin it around with a UMP!?

    This has lead me to a question, what would the distinguished folks on here classify as a "Pure class", that is to say, what's the "fairest" setup. If everyone used this setup no-one could bitch (probably impossible as they would find summit)...

    I was thinking... AK47, machine pistol of sorts, Perk 1 scavenger or bling, Perk 2 anything apart from Stopping Power, Danger Close, and then Perk 3 anything apart from Commando Pro.

    Whatcha think?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    It's pointless. Any weapon that becomes popular will then become known as a noob weapon. If you really want to prevent getting called a noob, run with the F2000 Assault Rifle with maybe the Deagle.

    Pure stupid stuff. Play with whatever class you like and enjoy the game. Just beat down on the idiots who complain that you killed them with your weapon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭shay

    Don't get me wrong Shawpower, I accept you'll never please some people, I'm just curious as to what a spotless set up would be is all.

    I was slagged for selecting the intervention by a guy from NYC on Wastleland, he asked what I planned on doing with it, going over to a corner and camping, to which I replied, "no, I'm gonna shove it up your h*le"... he got stick from his clan after that ;)

    It is funny how rows online can bring ppl back to schoolyard days. I witnessed a row between and american and an english lad... the american was basically telling the English lad he was sh*t (referenced the kill/death ratio) and the English lad replied stating that he was no doubt fat, and kept repeating, talking over him saying "go eat a cheesburger, go eat a cheeseburger, go eat a cheeseburger".... :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 936 ✭✭✭Tommy_NDX

    Thats a tough one. Maybe AK, TMP for the guns. It would probably lead to huge arguments over camo. "Look at the noob with blue tiger lolz."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    shawpower wrote: »
    It's pointless. Any weapon that becomes popular will then become known as a noob weapon. If you really want to prevent getting called a noob, run with the F2000 Assault Rifle with maybe the Deagle.

    Pure stupid stuff. Play with whatever class you like and enjoy the game. Just beat down on the idiots who complain that you killed them with your weapon.

    +1million on this, the "noobs only use such and such a gun" thing is ridiculous, its a game, sure nobody likes being killed in a cheap way, but a decent player will adapt and find a way around things, not roar and shout about noobs into the mic. I got called a noob a while back by a guy who was camping in a building on Karachi with a hearbeat sensor on his ACR, I ran around a corner, he shot me, I spawned not too far away, knew he was still there as I could see the top of his head, sent a thumper grenade sailing in the window and then got nothing but abuse for the the rest of the match about being a noob, like sitting in one place with a heartbeat sensor makes you an amazing player:rolleyes: what a buffoon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    Anyone that kills me is a noob scrub glitchin cheating b@st@rd. :D

    I dont mind getting killed by anything except the noob tube, and unfortunatley one of our own here on boards decided to bring out his tube , with danger close and scavenger last night. Horrific to watch , i shed a tear.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    I use the thumper when I need it, but I'm not a "launch a grenade to some random place and hope it hits someone" type,its purely for getting people I know are camping or risky rooms where claymores and someone lying prone with shotties are, and it drives people mental when you revenge kill them with it :D I love, love, love killing people on Highrise with it who camp on top of that small building with the big propane tank on it, a few shots at the tank to make the gas come out, then launch a grenade, boom :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    Shammy wrote: »
    Anyone that kills me is a noob scrub glitchin cheating b@st@rd. :D

    I dont mind getting killed by anything except the noob tube, and unfortunatley one of our own here on boards decided to bring out his tube , with danger close and scavenger last night. Horrific to watch , i shed a tear.

    So we're not allowed name and shame the boosters. But the same rules don't apply to Tubers surely???

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    shawpower wrote: »
    So we're not allowed name and shame the boosters. But the same rules don't apply to Tubers surely???

    I wouldnt say his name, although he is looking at this section right now.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭shay

    shawpower wrote: »
    So we're not allowed name and shame the boosters. But the same rules don't apply to Tubers surely???

    Did someone mention Tubers?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Jet Black

    There will always be this kind of behavior. Trolls of online gaming. I could not give a fuk what they think. I have over 30 messages of abuse from people and it so funny how serious people take losing. All the messages I recieve I just agree with them, it drives them even madder.
    I always mute players online as I use heaphone so I can never hear abuse.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    Shammy wrote: »
    I wouldnt say his name, although he is looking at this section right now.:D

    Was it me :P I dont use danger close tho only on my riot shield class for baiting people with the c4 pack, oh the abuse:D they see it as camping, I see it as teaching people to not rush into things :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    krudler wrote: »
    Was it me :P I dont use danger close tho only on my riot shield class for baiting people with the c4 pack, oh the abuse:D they see it as camping, I see it as teaching people to not rush into things :D

    I wouldn't think so given you're on PS3 and Shammy is on 360. I have my suspicions who it was....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,158 ✭✭✭Enigma IE

    shawpower wrote: »
    I wouldn't think so given you're on PS3 and Shammy is on 360. I have my suspicions who it was....

    Clive wasn't on last night, Kev doesn't use that setup, it wasn't JC or Malmoe...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,158 ✭✭✭Enigma IE

    Shammy wrote: »
    I wouldnt say his name, although he is looking at this section right now.:D

    I heard you telling this person you WOULD name and shame him/her on today !!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    Enigma IE wrote: »
    Clive wasn't on last night, Kev doesn't use that setup, it wasn't JC or Malmoe...

    You're ruling out lots of people apart from yourself there Brian.... or should I say Blacky.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,158 ✭✭✭Enigma IE

    shawpower wrote: »
    You're ruling out lots of people apart from yourself there Brian.... or should I say Blacky.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭sierra117x

    Enigma IE wrote: »
    oooh your blacky chan lol . dam you where good at dodgeball last night

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,158 ✭✭✭Enigma IE

    sierra117x wrote: »
    oooh your blacky chan lol . dam you where good at dodgeball last night

    Yes tis me, I just changed my gamertag yesterday biggrin.gif it was Enigma IE. Dodgeball is some craic though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,839 ✭✭✭doncarlos

    Shammy wrote: »
    I dont mind getting killed by anything except the noob tube, and unfortunatley one of our own here on boards decided to bring out his tube , with danger close and scavenger last night. Horrific to watch , i shed a tear.

    I'm a noober and proud! :D

    Get some stick about it from my clanmates so enjoy it even more when I pop one of them in the head with it!
    I actually have a class I like to call the head wrecker. Got ACR with Noob Tube, Dual G18s, Marathon,Lightweight and Commando Pro. Good to wrack up plenty of kills and to annoy everyone your playing against!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    doncarlos wrote: »
    I'm a noober and proud! :D

    Get some stick about it from my clanmates so enjoy it even more when I pop one of them in the head with it!
    I actually have a class I like to call the head wrecker. Got ACR with Noob Tube, Dual G18s, Marathon,Lightweight and Commando Pro. Good to wrack up plenty of kills and to annoy everyone your playing against!

    lol, least you admit it :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    Whats dodgeball? Can I play???

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭NUTZZ

    ardinn wrote: »
    Whats dodgeball? Can I play???

    Just make a 18 player private party (groundwar) and pick the map Favela. Get onto the football pitch and start throwing knifes. You are not allowed to shoot, use other equipment or leave the field. The best way to understand is to just watch the video:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,255 ✭✭✭anonymous_joe

    The objection I have to tubing, (something I actually enjoy doing every now and then) is that quite frequently, you won't be killed by someone who saw you, but by someone who fired at a hotspot.

    Obviously, the worst for this is Domination, where you've a fair idea of where people will be.

    As an example, if anyone's seen that faked 30 second Nuke video, I had a similar enough game on Terminal where two RPGs down towards A about half way through the game got me a predator, which got me a harrier which got me a chopper gunner. All because of speculative play.

    Which is dull as fcuk for everyone really. I try not to tube that often now, but it did help me when I was learning to play if I'm honest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    The objection I have to tubing, (something I actually enjoy doing every now and then) is that quite frequently, you won't be killed by someone who saw you, but by someone who fired at a hotspot.

    Obviously, the worst for this is Domination, where you've a fair idea of where people will be.

    As an example, if anyone's seen that faked 30 second Nuke video, I had a similar enough game on Terminal where two RPGs down towards A about half way through the game got me a predator, which got me a harrier which got me a chopper gunner. All because of speculative play.

    Which is dull as fcuk for everyone really. I try not to tube that often now, but it did help me when I was learning to play if I'm honest.

    This, I have absolutely no problem with people who hit me with accurately shot grenades, they're not the easiest thing to judge distance (I'm quite good at it though :)) and firing them into windows and small spaces can be really hard sometimes. But its when on certain maps you know people will be at certain places, especially to begin with, take Quarry, why, oh why do people still go to the part at the top of the ramp, where all the explosive barrels are? I've seen people get triple kills 5 seconds into the game by just firing a grenade there as they know people are stupid enough to run there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 MrDippy

    Shot guns were primarys in MW1 and were weaker than they are now so ye it is unfair to use em. Or you could use commando pro which flys you acros the map and can kill faster than any gun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,041 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    MrDippy wrote: »
    Shot guns were primarys in MW1 and were weaker than they are now so ye it is unfair to use em.

    You're at a significant disadvantage using a shotgun should someone see you at medium to long range as you have to change back to a primary to engage them. No gun if unfair, everyone has the option to use shotguns..noob tubes..sniper rifles etc etc so it's hardly unfair if someone uses one and kills you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭CORaven

    Blay wrote: »
    No gun if unfair, everyone has the option to use shotguns..noob tubes..sniper rifles etc etc so it's hardly unfair if someone uses one and kills you.

    I think you are wrong. The classic Noobtuber spawns, fires, dies, spawns, repeat. I find that these classes die too fast in matches with unlimited respawns and therefore can dish out more potential damage than any non-M203 player can. Furthermore, the grenade launchers do not fire same as any real gun, you can kill people you do not see due to blast radius, arc, etc.
    As for CQB, no primary weapon without stopping power or a headshot will kill an enemy, a grenade from any grenade launcher will. The grenades are far too overpowered in so many areas.
    If everyone used noobtubes it would be painful to play, completely based on flukes. Kinda like a no-scope only match.

    The main people find n00by:
    Danger Close
    Heartbeat sensors
    Tac Knife

    People do not like thermal and h/beats because they do not want to have to be told what perks to have. They take a risk in not using them and do not want to accept the consequences. The main thing here though is the fact that there is an option (depending on level) of countering these attachments through perks.

    The 'nades however, while blast shield is there, it is not much use as Danger Close will counteract it. By association with n00bs, DC has got a bad name.

    Commando. The ability to swoop over the battlefield into the heart of your enemies, has nothing to counteracting it. Bullets do not work, claymore do not work, nor does common sense. If they have the tac knife, your screwed.

    I have a class that would be seen as a 'pure class' for S&D.
    'Power House'
    TAR - Holo + Silencer
    SPAS-12 - Grip + FMJ
    Bling Pro
    SP Pro
    SitRep Pro

    I haven't got any negative comments on it what so ever. Now if you wanted to remove Stopping power, I recommend changing it to an ACR with cold blooded. However, it will only get 4/5 kills, which in S&D, is grand.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    doncarlos wrote: »
    I'm a noober and proud! :D

    Get some stick about it from my clanmates so enjoy it even more when I pop one of them in the head with it!
    I actually have a class I like to call the head wrecker. Got ACR with Noob Tube, Dual G18s, Marathon,Lightweight and Commando Pro. Good to wrack up plenty of kills and to annoy everyone your playing against!

    You're not using Danger Close, OMA or Scavenger. So I wouldn't have much bother about that class. At least from the noobtoob point of view. Maybe the witching aspect, but you haven't gone for an SMG so aren't as quick as a regular witch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 68 ✭✭X AcT X EviL

    This is my general use class, which I use on most maps for most game types. I don't really see how anyone could have a problem with this, except maybe the throwing knife, but so far as I can tell the throwing knife takes a lot more skill than any of the other equipment to use, so I tend not to listen.

    MP5K - Silencer
    USP.45 - Silencer
    Spec. Grenade - Smoke
    Equipment - Throwing Knife
    Perk 1 - Sleight of Hand / Marathon
    Perk 2 - Stopping Power / Cold Blooded
    Perk 3 - Sitrep / Ninja
    Death Streak - Copycat

    Essentially there is almost nothing in this class that I can see people complaining about, and if you want an assault rifle, I suggest the M4A1 or maybe the F2000 (if you enjoy recoil:p)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭sierra117x

    CORaven wrote: »
    I think you are wrong. The classic Noobtuber spawns, fires, dies, spawns, repeat. I find that these classes die too fast in matches with unlimited respawns and therefore can dish out more potential damage than any non-M203 player can. Furthermore, the grenade launchers do not fire same as any real gun, you can kill people you do not see due to blast radius, arc, etc.
    As for CQB, no primary weapon without stopping power or a headshot will kill an enemy, a grenade from any grenade launcher will. The grenades are far too overpowered in so many areas.
    If everyone used noobtubes it would be painful to play, completely based on flukes. Kinda like a no-scope only match.

    The main people find n00by:
    Danger Close
    Heartbeat sensors
    Tac Knife

    People do not like thermal and h/beats because they do not want to have to be told what perks to have. They take a risk in not using them and do not want to accept the consequences. The main thing here though is the fact that there is an option (depending on level) of countering these attachments through perks.

    The 'nades however, while blast shield is there, it is not much use as Danger Close will counteract it. By association with n00bs, DC has got a bad name.

    Commando. The ability to swoop over the battlefield into the heart of your enemies, has nothing to counteracting it. Bullets do not work, claymore do not work, nor does common sense. If they have the tac knife, your screwed.

    I have a class that would be seen as a 'pure class' for S&D.
    'Power House'
    TAR - Holo + Silencer
    SPAS-12 - Grip + FMJ
    Bling Pro
    SP Pro
    SitRep Pro

    I haven't got any negative comments on it what so ever. Now if you wanted to remove Stopping power, I recommend changing it to an ACR with cold blooded. However, it will only get 4/5 kills, which in S&D, is grand.

    TAR is a glitch gun suprised no one moans about that . not that i am btw i dont care what you use its your choice . but with the TAR your bullets dont loose power over range or with a silencer meaning you do as much damage as you would at 50 yards as you would at 5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,456 ✭✭✭Jev/N

    sierra117x wrote: »
    TAR is a glitch gun suprised no one moans about that . not that i am btw i dont care what you use its your choice . but with the TAR your bullets dont loose power over range or with a silencer meaning you do as much damage as you would at 50 yards as you would at 5

    According to this page, that's not true?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    Yeah, I've never heard anyone mention that at all. What is true is that if you put the Holo sight on the FAL it doesn't lose damage over distance. Any proof for that claim Sierra?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭CORaven

    sierra117x wrote: »
    TAR is a glitch gun suprised no one moans about that . not that i am btw i dont care what you use its your choice . but with the TAR your bullets dont loose power over range or with a silencer meaning you do as much damage as you would at 50 yards as you would at 5

    As a TAR user I would be very interested to know how to do this. The TAR is very powerful assault riffle, very bad accuracy past the first two bullets, but I am certain it looses power over range.

    I have almost dropped the TAR now for the ACR as I find it can strangely take down enemies quicker at any distance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    Wouldnt mind getting peoples opinions on my setup, its either:

    Famas w/ silencer
    Thumper or Magnum
    Stun Grenade
    Scavenger pro
    Cold Blooded pro
    Ninja pro


    Scar-H w silencer
    stun grenade
    scavenger pro
    stopping power pro
    ninja pro

    The thumper is handy for taking out campers and its my weapon of choice for boosters, nothing like getting a double kill and destroying a TI with one grenade :D its not, repeat NOT for noobing, no time for that sh1t.

    Cold blooded is great for maps with big open areas like Afghan or Wasteland, its nice knowing seing a predator missile or harrier appear on the uav wont affect you the majority of the time

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    krudler wrote: »
    Wouldnt mind getting peoples opinions on my setup

    In what regard? As in whether it's noobish etc? Or just a good class?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    shawpower wrote: »
    In what regard? As in whether it's noobish etc? Or just a good class?

    either, its probably got nooby elements, sure what class hasnt, but it works for me. I used to love my silenced Tar-21 but after I prestiged I started using the Scar instead, scavenger is essential for that as the mag size is tiny, might try unlock the Tar silencer later actually,awesome gun

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭CORaven

    krudler wrote: »
    Wouldnt mind getting peoples opinions on my setup, its either:

    Hmmm. Would you consider taking off the silencer of the SCAR in exchange for an extended mag? Unsilenced weapons used in combination with the claymore, you could draw people into a nice trap. As for the extended mags suggestion, the SCARs standard mag is too small and is not much use against multiple people.
    Other than that, if played as you say you do, nice class.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    I've tried unlocking the extended mags alright but getting 40 FMJ kills is a pain unless you constantly get Highrise and Terminal as levels, loads of glass on those. I think I'm at 16 or 17 FMJ penetration kills and most of them werent intentional, just someone happened to be running past a wall or something, its one of those challenges you can do when you dont mean to but trying to make it happen wont work :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭CORaven

    krudler wrote: »
    I've tried unlocking the extended mags alright but getting 40 FMJ kills is a pain unless you constantly get Highrise and Terminal as levels, loads of glass on those. I think I'm at 16 or 17 FMJ penetration kills and most of them werent intentional, just someone happened to be running past a wall or something, its one of those challenges you can do when you dont mean to but trying to make it happen wont work :)
    True, but try this out. I got EX/ mags on my M240, TAR, and FAL using this trick:
    Put on either sitrep or a HB (blinged with FMJ) when heading into Scrapyard. All those plane parts are like butter, bullets go straight through them with little or no reduction. And there is always one guy camping in the L section, so spray to locate him and then lay into him.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    krudler wrote: »
    either, its probably got nooby elements, sure what class hasnt, but it works for me. I used to love my silenced Tar-21 but after I prestiged I started using the Scar instead, scavenger is essential for that as the mag size is tiny, might try unlock the Tar silencer later actually,awesome gun

    To be honest, I'm a believer that only the NoobTube/OMA/DC combo is nooby. And even then it's more a cheap tactic than nooby. So your classes are just making use of legit weapons/equipment in the game.

    On possible suggestions, I'm not sure that I'd use the Thumper with either the FAMAS or Scar. The famas as a burst weapon means it's slightly restricted close in, while the Scar has very small mags. So I'd prefer a secondary that would help more often than occasional camper clearance. If you're running with the TAR, I wouldn't see a problem with the Thumper as it's great close in, has plenty of ammo, and is decent at range too.

    I agree with you on Cold Blooded. Before my 360 died a few weeks ago, I had just prestiged. When I get it back, I'm going to focus on getting Cold Blooded Pro and SitRep pro this time around. The idea of having no name over my head with CBP is a nice little idea, casting a seconds doubt in people's minds when they see me.
    "No red name, so Friend or enemy?? Oh wait, they've just shot me and I'm dead. Damn..."

    Then in relation to SitRep, I've seen some videos from a chap on boards who does booster hunting; FearPortach on YouTube. He uses SitRepPro to hunt the boosters, primarily for seeing the TI's. However, you can hear the footsteps so clearly over the video, that it really highlighted how much you'd hear enemies around you. And since I've got a pair of TurtleBeach headphones, I think this could be a sweet perk to use.

    So I'm going to try without Stopping power and ninja this time around. As such, I'll be focussing on high damage weapons, like the TAR, Famas and shotty's.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    krudler wrote: »
    I've tried unlocking the extended mags alright but getting 40 FMJ kills is a pain unless you constantly get Highrise and Terminal as levels, loads of glass on those. I think I'm at 16 or 17 FMJ penetration kills and most of them werent intentional, just someone happened to be running past a wall or something, its one of those challenges you can do when you dont mean to but trying to make it happen wont work :)

    There is a great spot on SubBase to get FMJ kills. There is a chain link fence in the lower floor of the power station section. All kills through that fence, and any other chain link fence you find, count towards FMJ kills.

    Check out this video by WoR to see exactly where.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭CORaven

    shawpower wrote: »
    Then in relation to SitRep, I've seen some videos from a chap on boards who does booster hunting; FearPortach on YouTube. He uses SitRepPro to hunt the boosters, primarily for seeing the TI's. However, you can hear the footsteps so clearly over the video, that it really highlighted how much you'd hear enemies around you. And since I've got a pair of

    Have TBs and SitRep Pro. Every class I have has SitRep and I find it outstanding for my gamestyle, better than Ninja. A definite recommendation.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    There is a great spot on SubBase to get FMJ kills. There is a chain link fence in the lower floor of the power station section. All kills through that fence, and any other chain link fence you find, count towards FMJ kills.

    Cool I 'll give that a try thanks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭shay

    was playing yesterday and the last kill deathcam showed a guy in Bailout gettin nailed by an ACR - he complained saying.. "fookin nube weapon, how about using a weapon with some recoil?" - I gave him my tuppence worth.. "how about you don't stand there for five feckin minutes while he peppers you with bullets with that peashooter?"

    Do we add ACR to the list?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    I use the 'nade launcher all the time. Don't use scavenger though, but I hate how it's even referenced as a noob tube, it's a perfectly valid weapon and does require a level of accuracy for the most part - nor do I understand the utter contempt people hold for those who use it, I've been killed by grenade launchers as much as the next guy and just consider it a normal a death as any other means. What's the beef with it?? It's been the same for years across various games. I usually hear people make excuses about how it's a tool of the skill-less noob but....honestly, have you ever seen a truly bad player using the 'nade launcher? It's hilariously pathetic. I've had grenades fly about 2 meters over my head from ten meters away.

    People who whinge and whine about noob this, noob that, lucky grenade this, launcher that, perk this, attachment that....jesus, get the hell over yourself. It's a game, let people enjoy it the way they like. And hey - even if it wasn't, soldiers use grenade launchers in real life too. I actually find a lot of those who complain the most about noobs and noob attributes are those smug arrogant players whose opinions of themselves far outweigh the reality of their skill. I'll never forget playing Battlefield 2 with the boards community over the years, meeting one or two absolutely pathetic armchair soldiers being incredibly vocal and all knowing about tactics, weapons and what constituted 'true skill', yet being decidedly completely average skill wise despite all their arrogant rants. Sorry, obviously 98% of the guys were great, but this whole berating of people over their weapon choices gets on my tits big time more than anything else. The only thing that irks me in Modern Warfare is not campers per se; I consider holding a good point a completely acceptable practice; but those people who hide in bizarre places like behind units, in grass, in corners of rooms, waiting for someone to walk by. Now that - that ruins the game, and fills me with sheer unbridled rage. :)

    No....long live the 'noob tube' I say! Scar+Launcher+FMJ, wouldn't be without it. :)

    My class is Scar with Launcher and FMJ/Glock 18, Bling, Hardline and Commando Pro. For smaller maps like Favela I ditch that for the P90 or Vector. I've been called noob so many times but....i just don't care. I've honestly never once called someone a noob either. I loathe that word beyond words themselves.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    I don't think most people here have a major issue with the Tube per se. It's more the combo of it, with scavenger/OMA and Danger Close. You can then just spam grenades into a choke point and get kills. There isn't any skill in blind shotting like that, even if you do get kills from it. A tube from distance to take out a guy in a bunker etc does take accuracy, but while players online will call foul on that, I don't think many hear complain about it in those circumstances.

    But on levels like Terminal if you come up against a team of Tuber's then it can be close to impossible to get close enough to shoot them as they have blown you up so quickly. And the added blast radius of the Danger close makes it even worse, so you don't have to be accurate.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭sierra117x

    I use the 'nade launcher all the time. Don't use scavenger though, but I hate how it's even referenced as a noob tube, it's a perfectly valid weapon and does require a level of accuracy for the most part - nor do I understand the utter contempt people hold for those who use it, I've been killed by grenade launchers as much as the next guy and just consider it a normal a death as any other means. What's the beef with it?? It's been the same for years across various games. I usually hear people make excuses about how it's a tool of the skill-less noob but....honestly, have you ever seen a truly bad player using the 'nade launcher? It's hilariously pathetic. I've had grenades fly about 2 meters over my head from ten meters away.

    People who whinge and whine about noob this, noob that, lucky grenade this, launcher that, perk this, attachment that....jesus, get the hell over yourself. It's a game, let people enjoy it the way they like. And hey - even if it wasn't, soldiers use grenade launchers in real life too. I actually find a lot of those who complain the most about noobs and noob attributes are those smug arrogant players whose opinions of themselves far outweigh the reality of their skill. I'll never forget playing Battlefield 2 with the boards community over the years, meeting one or two absolutely pathetic armchair soldiers being incredibly vocal and all knowing about tactics, weapons and what constituted 'true skill', yet being decidedly completely average skill wise despite all their arrogant rants. Sorry, obviously 98% of the guys were great, but this whole berating of people over their weapon choices gets on my tits big time more than anything else. The only thing that irks me in Modern Warfare is not campers per se; I consider holding a good point a completely acceptable practice; but those people who hide in bizarre places like behind units, in grass, in corners of rooms, waiting for someone to walk by. Now that - that ruins the game, and fills me with sheer unbridled rage. :)

    No....long live the 'noob tube' I say! Scar+Launcher+FMJ, wouldn't be without it. :)

    My class is Scar with Launcher and FMJ/Glock 18, Bling, Hardline and Commando Pro. For smaller maps like Favela I ditch that for the P90 or Vector. I've been called noob so many times but....i just don't care. I've honestly never once called someone a noob either. I loathe that word beyond words themselves.

    i just find it annoying when you have the same player who will die shoot off 2 grenades randomly as soon as he spawns and then repeats this cycle for the whole game

    i do agree with you on that sometimes it can require a degree of skill like when your rooting out a camper or when your predicting player movements rather than just randomley shooting

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Forgot about Danger Close actually. Never used it - how much does it increase the damage radius? I guess I would have to admit the radius is already large enough that any bigger would become incredibly annoying on several maps. Though on the other hand, the other part of me goes back to the whole principle that it's a real life weapon and few games are ever solely about skill anyway, unless you're playing 1v1. No-one likes getting shot in the back, right? But it's just part of the game and it hardly makes the killer a noob despite the fact that no skill is utilized in shooting someone in the back. It's a pity there isn't a system like in Battlefield where you can see how your kills break down between the weapons though.

    One of the funnier things I've seen lately is people using the javelin as a mortar (or the RPG, whichever one it is). I was gotten a few times, and you can't attribute it to anything save luck, and all I could do was Inventive. :)

    I do think though it would be cool if there was a game mode in which you can only use iron sight weapons. I wouldn't consider the launcher any loss whatsoever, but as an inherent part of any modern FPS title unlikely to ever go away, I have no problem with it or its use to any extent whatsoever. 'Noobtubing' is rarely the deciding factor in victory, skill is, regardless of the way that skill is utilized.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    Forgot about Danger Close actually. Never used it - how much does it increase the damage radius?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    Wow. Just reading that summary, to think that players would actually use it in conjunction with OMA to continuously use the launcher. That's pretty annoying. Think I'll stick with Hardline :)

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