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Pure Class....



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    One of the funnier things I've seen lately is people using the javelin as a mortar (or the RPG, whichever one it is). I was gotten a few times, and you can't attribute it to anything save luck, and all I could do was Inventive. :)

    Yeah, I agree that the Javelin (you were right first time) is a bit annoying if it gets you. But it's so restrictive that it's not as big a deal. You need to be able to see the area you are aiming at to get a lock on. You also need to be outdoors since it basically launches a Predator missile into the air. (perhaps slightly less damage though)

    On the other hand the Tube with scavenger/OMA and DC is very easy to equip (first attachment unlocked), is easy to use - no aiming needed if you're spamming an area, you don't need to be visible to fire it, and you get unlimited ammo with it.

    As I say, I've no problem with getting taken out by an odd Tube, and in certain circumstances it's a great weapon. But when you are in a game and all you hear is the Floot-floot-floot as the tubes are launched constantly, it's just a bloody pain. IMHO, although I didn't play COD4, I'd prefer to see them go back to that, where the tube occupies a Perk1 slot. So you can still use it, but you don't get unlimited ammo. This would reduce the usage of it down so you only get people using it when they actually need to, rather than just spamming the air with grenades hoping to get a kill.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 655 ✭✭✭minotour

    Both of my preferred assault classes are toob equipped, i regard it as essential and am fairly fcukin good with it too, nothing noob about it, just a cool name i reckon.

    For example, lobbing a toob into the far-off bunker from atop the cliff on afghan takes fair skill, in fact any long distance windows shot with it is highly skillful and rewarding.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    sierra117x wrote: »
    i just find it annoying when you have the same player who will die shoot off 2 grenades randomly as soon as he spawns and then repeats this cycle for the whole game

    i do agree with you on that sometimes it can require a degree of skill like when your rooting out a camper or when your predicting player movements rather than just randomley shooting

    I was playing on Wasteland earlier on TDM and right at the beginning, we spawned at the helicopter, 2 guys just sent 4 grenades between then at the enemy spawn spot, didnt hit anything, wtf like? I use the thumper as I like it and am a good shot with it, doesnt mean I just launch grenades willy nilly all over a map. Thats peoples biggest problems with tubers, the majority of the time they dont even know what they're shooting at they just aim at hotspots and get a skillless kill.

    If I get spotted in a building or whatever and someone launches a grenade in and kills me, fair play, my own fault for either hanging around too long or exposing myself near a window (fnarrr:D) I do the same myself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,055 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    Have to agree with TerrorFirmer and minotour in regards to the Tube. I use it on my Assault class with the M4A1, Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power and Steady Aim Pro.

    It's great for picking people off from a distance or for when you see someone running in the distance. If you aim it ahead of them and they run into it when it lands ahh that's a brilliant feeling. While I might be lucky and get two kills from the tube I'll also get plenty from the rifle itself.

    It's a valid weapon when used properly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    For long distance kills the Famas with stopping power is awesome, I've hit guys standing by the minigun /helicopter area with headshots from way over by the small houses on Wasteland, even the Scar with some single burst shots can do it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,055 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    krudler wrote: »
    For long distance kills the Famas with stopping power is awesome, I've hit guys standing by the minigun /helicopter area with headshots from way over by the small houses on Wasteland, even the Scar with some single burst shots can do it.

    I know the Famas is deadly accurate but I hate that it's only a 3 round burst. The SCAR-H I do agree with. I initially disliked the weapon but have grown to really like it. With Stopping Power and a red dot sight it's lethal.

  • Site Banned Posts: 26,456 ✭✭✭✭Nuri Sahin

    Don't mind the use of nade launcher(though I hate it being used in hardcore admittedly) but when it's being spammed by use scavenger or OMA, it's beyond ridiculous.

    I sometimes rock the AK w/ nade launcher set up with SOH, Stopping Power and Steady Aim if I'm bored.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Creasy_bear

    I know the Famas is deadly accurate but I hate that it's only a 3 round burst. The SCAR-H I do agree with. I initially disliked the weapon but have grown to really like it. With Stopping Power and a red dot sight it's lethal.

    the Iron sights are excellent on the scar-h , you really should use a different attachment like a silence/extending mags if you have them of course

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    the Iron sights are excellent on the scar-h , you really should use a different attachment like a silence/extending mags if you have them of course

    I only use the silencer on the SCAR as I prefer to have scavenger with it instead of bling, the iron sights are great on it alright, on the Famas not so much though, I usually put a red dot on it.
    The Famas I hated to begin with, but I started using it after more and more and loved it, I never use the ACR, actually come to think of it I dont think I've ever even equipped it on a class, I've picked up other peoples when I ran out of ammo alright, not for me though.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,055 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    the Iron sights are excellent on the scar-h , you really should use a different attachment like a silence/extending mags if you have them of course

    I have the SCAR-H with extended mags setup on another slot but when I want deadly accuracy I'll use it with a red dot or holographic sight. Even at very long range it's lethal.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Music Moderators, Regional Midlands Moderators Posts: 24,149 Mod ✭✭✭✭Angron

    I've been called a noob at different points for using: SCAR, ACR, Mp5k (wasn't even a marathon/lightweight thing), SPAS, Barrett, AUG and AK47. The attachments varied, I had a grip on the SPAS and AUG, red dot sight or holo on most of the assault weapons, the MP5K was bare, cause I wanted to unlock some attachments for them to try them out. It's pretty ridiculous. Like I hate people using the G18 akimbo, but I don't call it a noob weapon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,255 ✭✭✭anonymous_joe

    Traditionally, the sign of a noob is the bloke who just killed you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 417 ✭✭youllneverknow

    any one who complains about the weapons is a tool they are put in the game for a reason to kill people. your obviously going to pick the best weapon to get the upper hand on your opponent. commando pro is the worst perk in the game

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 81 ✭✭_MadRa_

    Anyone with Grenade launcher/Turbo Pad...also anyone playing softcore :))
    Pistols only = taste
    No matter what map...makes everyone who uses an auto. instantly lame...
    Spraying bullets all over the place like Rambo...its no way to enjoy oneself playing a game ...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭sierra117x

    people complain about anything im a noob for using an f2000 with a silencer apparantly

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