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UFO's - what do you believe?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 199 ✭✭Nick Dolan

    dyer wrote: »
    that is so naive in so many ways i cant possibly express it. science is not just a what has been before us.. and you fail to conceive that science is not the work of one man, its the collective expression of human history, of brilliant minds who for the most part, were well beyond modern thinking in any sense of the word, and to most other extents were burned for their forward way of thinking. its easy to sit back comfartably on this 'couch' of facts were privvy to without having any real insight or understanding into what they really mean. real science is not safe, and the people who have the courage to face that and leave others behind is a price they pay with their sanity, their blood, just so the rest of us can sit around and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

    I think your definition of science as free spirited mavericks not letting "The Man" stifle them is a little dramatic. Science is exactly what has gone before us, its not a couch of facts its a foundation of facts. You dont need insight or interpretation, science (well good science anyway) is black and white. People who believe ufos are of alien origin like to claim these craft have capabilities beyond any science we understand, except when they show up on pictures or video or other science we do understand.

    And i think theres nothing happening. Its not a plethora of evidence thats out there, its tons of stuff people are trying to attribute to a common cause. Take all those ufo websites and change the word ufo with angels and youll get a bunch of evangelical people using it as evidence of Jesus's second coming.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    Science is exactly what has gone before us

    what of the science that does not exist yet to explain what is before us!
    You dont need insight or interpretation
    no comment.
    good science anyway, is black and white

    heh sry.. but have a look into the cutting edge of any modern scientific field and 'black and white' is hardly what you would call it. what exactly do you call black and white science, if not secondary school text book science?
    People who believe ufos are of alien origin like to claim these craft have capabilities beyond any science we understand, except when they show up on pictures or video or other science we do understand.

    like to claim eh? how do you explain a craft travelling at 10,000 mph and turning at right angles? stopping, changing into a completely different physical shape, jumping from one part of the sky to another before zipping off into space? let alone disappearing at will or killing off the electronics of any military aircraft that attempted to engage them as a hostile entity. what pictures or videos or other science are you vaguely referring to that can explain that exactly?
    its tons of stuff people are trying to attribute to a common cause

    and that cause is what exactly?
    Take all those ufo websites and change the word ufo with angels and youll get a bunch of evangelical people using it as evidence of Jesus's second coming.
    that has nothing todo with anything and is a cheap shot at best. if that really is the best you can come up with you might as well get dressed for the rapture yourself ;) if anything, your reasoning proves how infinitely immature and unready the human race is to embrace anything of this magnitude.

    as i iterated before, there's no way to take someone outside of their rational beliefs with words alone in any way that could possibly allow them to understand the extraordinary feats and capabilities of these ufos.. its completely futile to attempt that. you literally cant talk to someone about it unless they have seen it for themselves, and that is so very unfortunate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    Prior to the end of the 17th century Black Swans didn't exist according to Europeans. Well, all it took was one sighting to change the accepted reality of the time. Similarly all it would take is one sighting of a UFO as a solid object performing seemingly impossible manuevres to make one change one's views of reality. Also, science doesn't deal well with improbable or rarely observed events. It cannot deal with things that is cannot observe or measure, even if they are there!

    Now somebody made a comparison between ghosts and UFOs as a belief system. Undoubtedly there are people who feel the need to believe in something more exciting than mundane reality. And yet if any rational person thinks about it, looks at the current state of scientific understanding it seems quite likely that first
    1) extraterrestrials exist and can roam the universe (10 x22 zeros of stars in universe, perhaps more than that in number planets)
    2) that it is possible we are being visited by at least some of these civilisations
    3) that we wouldn't be able to detect them if they so wished as to get to earth their technology would inevitably be far in advance than ours.

    So it doesn't take a genius to at least admit the possibility that UFOs are possibly of extraterrestial origin and that may be the best option of all things to believe, ESPECIALLY if one had actually seen one of these solid craft with their own eyes performing feats (speed/instant turns/instant acceleration/absolute quiet/hover) that are not possible by jet engines in flight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 199 ✭✭Nick Dolan

    dyer wrote: »

    like to claim eh? how do you explain a craft travelling at 10,000 mph and turning at right angles? stopping, changing into a completely different physical shape, jumping from one part of the sky to another before zipping off into space? let alone disappearing at will or killing off the electronics of any military aircraft that attempted to engage them as a hostile entity. what pictures or videos or other science are you vaguely referring to that can explain that exactly?

    Well see this is it. Its only a spacecraft if you make it out to be a spacecraft. People who claim things like that say stuff like "it was a metallic craft surronded by an electric field" or "operated under intelligent control" but this stuff is based on their opinion and fuzzy photographs. Did they bang on the side of it and mutter "hmmm titanium by the sounds of it" ? Theres tons of wierd stuff to be seen in the sky (Saw one of those fabled chinese lanterns drift across the sky myself only yesterday) and Ufo advocates say there are extra terrestial spacecraft. Thats the common cause they attribute them to. and im saying there is no common cause, they are all different types of things

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    People who claim things like that say stuff like "it was a metallic craft surronded by an electric field"

    i happen to be one of them, your opinion would be very different if you were lucky enough to witness something like that for yourself. how many people do you know that walk around with telescopic lenses and hd video equipment all of the time? at best all most ppl have is a 35mm digital snapshot camera and most of these encounters only happen for a few seconds. there are decent videos and photographs, but of course those must be fake if theyre that good, its a no win situation, even if theyre studied in laboratories and proven to be real ppl still dont believe it! im not here to argue with anyone who wants to tell me theyre weather balloons or chinese lanterns, they cant possibly know that because they didnt see it for themselves, id like to hear of genuine thoughts on the matter that go beyond that. i appreciate these attempts at explaining something with rational thinking, but they dont satisfy every case. true, there are alot of people who see strange things that can be easily explained because of their lack of experience with aerial phenomenon, but were talking about stuff here that does not fit any of that criteria. you can ignore fuzzy photographs because fair enough thats what they are, but how can you ignore military reports, radar evidence, accounts by astronauts, pilots and other credible and official witnesses, if youre not prepared to believe in the experiences of the general public?

    Bentwaters/Woodbridge UFO documentary

    UFOs over Belgium

    there are loads of good photos here :
    tbh there are a few i find questionable myself, but by no means all of them.

    some info on the black budget :

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12 darkstar06

    A Very interesting post.

    I feel I should Delurk, and input my two cents worth.

    I think it is very important to understand, and be mindful of the fact that because something does not fit within the parameters of commonly accepted Aerodynamic performance does not mean it is an extraterrestrial vehicle.

    I do have an open mind to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. However, I do not believe we have seen any irrefutable evidence, or "conclusive proof" to show either its existence, or any indication that our planet has been or is being visited by any alien civilisation.

    May I also add, it is not a matter of "Believing" in UFO's. Any aerial object which cannot be readily identified by an observer, is by its definition a UFO. This does not however make it extraterrestrial in nature. All too often when airborne vehicles exhibiting aerodynamic properties deemed to exceed the currently known technological capabilities are seen, one immediately assumes these must be "Alien" because the human race ("we") do not have such technology. I would postulate this assumption is incorrect, and its time to "wake up and smell the coffee"

    To begin to understand this phenomena, we need to look back long before Roswell, to WWII. Many of the Aircrews flying over Nazi Germany, reported seeing orbs of light, which appeared to follow their aircraft, and appeared to exhibit some form of intelligent control. They called these aerial phenomena "Foo Fighters"

    Many crews witnessed them, but it took some time before they were logged and reported, as pilots feared they would be grounded, or sent for psychological assessment if they spoke of them.

    At the time Hitler had tasked the scientific community with various projects which could potentially develop a weapon to give him the edge, and bring an end to the war, in Germany's favour. It is alleged that the aim of one or more of these projects was to develop a propulsion method which would allow manipulation, control and negation of the gravitational force.

    Deep in the Sudeten Mountains, in the Czech Republic near the border with Poland was a vast underground complex. The complex was a huge research and development facility, and home to some of the finest minds of the third Reich during World War II. This was "The Wenceslas Mine".

    There were reports of experiments carried out in the mine, using a large bell shaped device, "filled with a substance similar to Mercury" Some of the scientists, (it is reported) died when working on the project. These experiments were designed to produce a form of propulsion, which was previously unknown. The combination of electric power,

    and the manipulation of the gravitational force. the study of which, through the years has become known as Electrogravictics, or the quest for electrogravitational propulsion.

    It is alleged These experiments took place underground, however, directly above the mine, was a structure which the allies noticed on aerial reconnaissance photos, and nicknamed it "The flytrap" It was a circular structure of reinforced concrete pillars. There are those who have speculated the "Flytrap" was a testbed for highly advanced propulsion technology. There was a power relay station which ran power cables into the centre of the structure, from the facility below in the mine.

    The nazis evacuated the mine in 1945, and sealed most of it. some say they sealed some of the advanced technology with it.

    At the end of WWII, there was a well known project, to gain as many of the Nazi scientists possible, and "invited" them to share their talents with the United States. Both America and Russia rushed to capture (rescue?) the scientists, and bring them back to their respective countries.

    In America, the project was known as "Project Paper Clip" Many of the best and brightest minds of the third Reich, (including Dr. Werhner von Braun) were relocated from Nazi Germany to the United States to carry on their research and development.

    These scientists were relocated to the White Sands proving ground in New Mexico. ( Which coincidentally was in close proximity to a small town called Roswell)

    The theory goes, that the research, and development, grew into the new field of "Electrogravitics", resulting in the design and subsequent prototypes of electrogravitational propulsion systems. These were so radical, and powerful, they were instantly classified and remain deep black projects to this day.

    Many of the "UFO's" which are reported, may indeed be exotic vehicles, manufactured on Earth, using advanced physics, and earthly technology. Back in 1985, $455 Million dollars was allocated for a project known as "Aurora". By 1985 the funding for the project had reached $2.3 Billion. Though many believe the Aurora project to refer to a particular aircraft, other evidence suggests that the Aurora project referred to a number of exotic aircraft, which were being produced by the Lockheed Skunk Works.

    One of these aircraft was said to be a hypersonic spyplane, capable of reaching speeds of Mach 7.This was to be a supposed replacement for the retired SR71 Blackbird.

    In addition to this, there was allegedly another craft developed and built called the "Teir 3" , or TR3B. This is reportedly a triangular platform with a vectoring thruster ( presumably for loitering over a target area)at each point of the triangle. The main propulsion system is situated at the centre of the triangle. Basically the method of propulsion is said to be an electrogravitic system, utilizing a compartment, filled with a highly pressurised mercury based plasma. this is called an MFD or Magnetic field disruptor (remember the bell shaped device?),

    So, the big question, is there any PROOF, of all this. Well good people, that is where YOU need to go and join the dots.

    The mine is real, as is the flytrap, and can be readily verified.

    Project paper clip is well documented, and most official documents have now been released.

    You can look up the TR3B on google, and see what you find.

    Another alleged prominent Nazi involved with this research was the SS General, Hans Kammler

    Also check out the work of Victor Schauberger

    Nikola Tesla

    And a little known German scientist called Burkhard Heim.

    This should get you thinking about the possibilities. If you still think there is nothing in it, check out the case of the "Belgian Triangle"

    On the night of 30/31 March 1990, unknown objects were tracked on radar, photographed, and were seen by approx 13,000 people on the ground

    F-16s attempted several times to intercept the unknowns. On three occasions the F-16's achieved radar lock for a few seconds but each time the unknowns changed position and speed so rapidly that the lock was broken.

    During the first radar lock, the target accelerated from 240 km/h to over 1,770 km/h while changing altitude from 2,700 m to 1,500 m, then up to 3,350 m before descending to almost ground level – the first descent of more than 900 m taking less than two seconds. Similar manoeuvres were observed during both subsequent radar locks.

    The alleged aircraft discussed above were test flown, supposedly out of the Nevada test site. There is however another side to this.

    As a footnote,

    dyer wrote: »
    i couldnt tell ya tbh, ive only just started looking. came across a story about a ufo that supposedly crashed in boyle, co. roscommon in '96, which was

    followed by the area being closed off with american military showing up on the scene.. havent found anything solid relating to it online yet. that event was meant to have

    kicked off the .. had a look at their website, seems a little quack really which is a shame.

    part of me would love if skeptics were right and ufos were nothing more than secret military experiments or at least something tangible. part of me says that just doesnt add


    Now, WHY?, would the American military be in Boyle?, is it REALLY Credible that a UFO could crash in Boyle, Roscommon ???

    For anyone interested in joining the dots, there is a little known, remotely situated disused WWII airbase near the Mull of Kintryre in Scotland, called RAF Machrihanish. Research it, then imagine, plotting a course from that airstrip to Nevada, and think about where that would take you.

    Have Fun people, and remember, Human beings are more clever than you may first think.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    That secret NAZI technology stuff is BS. They didn't even have a proper Abomb program and their V bomb rockets while good were as 'high tech' as they got. Building a saucer that flys from a rocket engine is impossible.

    A saucer shaped craft would have to use some type of field propulsion system, way ahead of our modern capabilities. However it could possibly be done in future and has been discussed in Paul A.Hill's book (you can google it).
    He was a NASA scientist who had seen UFOs himself and decided to look into what type of physics could support such motion.

    Humans are both smarter and dumber than we think they are. The common black triangles that have been observed moving slowly are easily manufactured using a mixture of lighter than air gas and regular aerodynamics of an airplane. Basically a souped up blimp. They may use an electrical engine for quietness, similar to a stealthy submarine. What's their purpose, probably for electronic suveillance or transport.

    But as for something that could move like the Belgian Air Case, that doesn't fit into any technology that can be acheived presently unless it was a missile. And a missile doesn't tend to hover and take off again and look like a big triangle! If it really was a test of 'secret technology' from the US it was the most idiotic test I've ever heard of, almost getting it shot down by the friendly fire Belgian air force (which is also part of NATO) and they would have been showing their 'secret planes' in full view of 1000s of witnesses.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    while i agree there might have been such research projects underway i highly doubt the germans had remote controlled anti-gravity orbs at their disposal. rocket propulsion was only beginning to develop at that point. while there is evidence to suggest such projects existed.. its highly speculative as to whether or not they actually managed to build an anti-gravity vehicle. bear in mind ufo's were seen long before airplanes had ever been invented!
    General relativity research in the 1950s
    Main article: United States gravity control propulsion research (1955–1974)

    General relativity was introduced in the 1910s, but development of the theory was greatly slowed by a lack of suitable mathematical tools. Some of these were introduced in the 1950s, and by the 1960s a flowering of general relativity was underway that later became known as the golden age of general relativity. Although it appeared that anti-gravity was outlawed under general relativity, there were a number of efforts to study potential solutions that allowed anti-gravity-type effects.

    It is claimed the US Air Force also ran a study effort throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s. Former Lieutenant Colonel Ansel Talbert wrote two series of newspaper articles claiming that most of the major aviation firms had started gravity control propulsion research in the 1950s. However there is little outside confirmation of these stories, and since they take place in the midst of the policy by press release era, it is not clear how much weight these stories should be given.

    It is known that there were serious efforts underway at the Glenn L. Martin Company, who formed the Research Institute for Advance Study. Major newspapers announced the contract that had been made between theoretical physicist Burkhard Heim and the Glenn L. Martin Company. Other private sector efforts to master the understanding of gravitation was the creation of the Institute for Field Physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in 1956 by Gravity Research Foundation trustee, Agnew H. Bahnson.

    Military support for anti-gravity projects was terminated by the Mansfield Amendment of 1973, which restricted Department of Defense spending to only the areas of scientific research with explicit military applications. The Mansfield Amendment was passed specifically to end long-running projects that had little to show for their efforts.

    During the close of the twentieth century NASA provided funding for the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program (BPP) from 1996 through 2002. This program studied a number of "far out" designs for space propulsion that were not receiving funding through normal university or commercial channels. Anti-gravity-like concepts were investigated under the name "diametric drive". The work of the BPP program continues in the independent, non-NASA affiliated Tau Zero Foundation

    Recent progression

    The Institute for Gravity Research of the Göde Scientific Foundation has tried to reproduce different experiments which allegedly show an antigravity effect. All attempts to observe an antigravity effect have been unsuccessful. The foundation has offered a reward of one million euros for a reproducible antigravity experiment.

    Tajmar et al. (2006 & 2007 & 2008)

    A paper by Martin Tajmar et al. in 2006 claims detection of an artificial gravitational field around a rotating superconductor, proportional to the angular acceleration of the superconductor. A subsequent paper claims to explain the phenomenon in terms of the nonzero cosmological constant.

    In July 2007, Graham et al. of the Canterbury Ring Laser Group, New Zealand, reported results from an attempt to test the same effect with a larger rotating superconductor. They report no indication of any effect within the measurement accuracy of the experiment. Given the conditions of the experiment, the Canterbury group conclude that if any such 'Tajmar' effect exists, it is at least 22 times smaller than predicted by Tajmar in 2006. However, the last sentence of their paper states: "Our experimental results do not have the sensitivity to either confirm or refute these recent results [from 2007]"

    Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 191 ✭✭Dafydd Thomas

    Hollywood is the reason this isn't taken seriously. Kind of the same with ghosts to a lesser extent. The word 'alien' has funny connotations to anyone who hears someone saying it. Automatically you are deluded and I hate discussing this because its annoying having to explain ourselves and probably adds to the already insane persona. I also think when we discuss this topic we overuse big words. I just did it and I don't know why. Its weird really.

    Most people who raise the issue are extremists and personally I hate extremists because they raise the issue in a demeaning and condescending way. Probably another reason why its not taken seriously.

    I assume most of us here take it for granted that aliens and UFO's are real and don't really consider it phenomenon at this stage. I saw a UFO once and most people shun the subject away. Its hard to know whether to be scared or intrigued but this is the first time I've discussed this in a long time and could be the last for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    How come you have two completely different reports of personal UFO sightings up on Boards?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    i wonder has anyone seen this documentary?

    RTE to screen UFO documentary by GMIT graduate
    Author: Press Office
    Date Article Written Thursday 4th March 2010
    A documentary on UFOs by a GMIT Film & TV graduate Pete Higgins from Co Roscommon is to be shown on RTE Two on Monday 15th March at 11.30pm as part of its “New Directors” series. “UFO” was shot in Pete’s hometown of Boyle, Co Roscommon, which was the location of an alleged UFO crash in 1996. Since then the small town has become a UFO hotspot with local woman Betty Myler setting up a group called the UFO Society of Ireland.
    The documentary was first shown at the “GMIT Graduate Film Screenings” in Galway’s Town Hall Theatre last summer, hosted by students on the BA in Film & Television programme. Pete graduated with a distinction from the programme in November.
    Pete Higgins describes the documentary as “a personal journey that explores the much publicised UFO activity in the town where I grew up. It is an open minded glimpse into the notion of belief and skepticism in a small community.”
    Documentary filmmaker, Donal Haughey, a lecturer on the GMIT Film & Television programme, says he always believed this documentary had broadcast potential.
    “I was delighted for Pete and the GMIT Film & TV department when RTE agreed to come on board. It’s a clear reflection of the professional attitude of the students to their work. I wish Pete and his crew all the best for the future.”
    Key production personnel are:
    Pete Higgins - Director, Donal Haughey - Executive Producer, Elaine Canny - Producer, Caitriona Ni Chualain - Editor, Pete Walker and Luke McGinley - Sound, and Alma Keane - Camera. For further details, visit or email

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    Nick Dolan wrote: »
    You dont need insight or interpretation, science (well good science anyway) is black and white.

    i cant see why science would find it hard to consider alien life since science does recognise multiple universes (part of the expansion theory, whch is part of the big bang theory).

    Can they exist? - almost certainly. Do they buzz around the earth? - I doubt it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    If they exist then it's highly possible they buzz around earth, no?

    Not that we may see them etc...but it is highly possible they are around us. The logical conclusion of them existing (very many different thems according to statistical reasoning) is that some of them may have probes here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    maninasia wrote: »
    If they exist then it's highly possible they buzz around earth, no?

    Not that we may see them etc...but it is highly possible they are around us. The logical conclusion of them existing (very many different thems according to statistical reasoning) is that some of them may have probes here.

    No. The universe is massive. massively massive ,plus if you think of the fact there may be multiple universes, if they exist they mightnt even be in the same universe as we are. in that regard, the chances of aliens visiting earth, rather than ufos being secret or experimental aircraft are pretty slim. Most UFO abductions (as in the bedroom types) can be explained by normal sleep problems. Its amazing how many people claim to be abducted from their beds at night in the middle of cities, but no-one else sees the hovering craft outside the window except for the victim. thats because it isnt there, and is instead created by the mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    You know the universe is massive so you will then know the chances of thousands to millions of civilisations out there is quite high.

    So I assume it is distance and time that is making you think it is unlikely. Well the universe has been around what, 12 billion years. Flying across the milky way galaxy at less than the speed of light you could get from one side to the other in 100,000 years.
    Do you know how many planets are in the Milky Way galaxy alone (not even talking about all the other billions/trillions galaxies out there), 10 followed by 23 zeroes!

    There is not really any time limitation, especially if you think that intelligent entities exploring the universe would most likely be artificial intelligence, essentially immortal robots, with capability for self replication and multiplication to huge numbers. All this does not even depend on multiverse theory or wormholes etc.

    So the logical conclusion is that there probably are probes here or do they come by here at intervals. If some type of scientific study most likely a probe would be programmed to remain in the vicinity of each solar system to monitor it. Taking the logical conclusion from evolution of competition between civilisations for resources, it is likely that large parts of the Milky Way are occupied or shared by various civilisations already.

    Just because we can't detect them at present doesn't mean sh%t. We only just proved there had been liquid water on Mars this year. We can't even tell if there are bacteria on other planets in our solar system..we are like blind bats.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    the upper limit of 14~ billion years was derived from nasa's wmap project in agreement with other scientific theories and observations such as the lambda dark cold matter model, asssuming the underlying model is correct, the 'primordial state' of the universe still remains speculative. read about theories relating to 'white holes' for instance ;) as far as the speed of light is concerned, according to einsteins theory of realitivity it would take all the energy in the universe to travel at the speed of light. however galaxies at the far reaches of the universe appear to be travelling faster and faster away from us with no sign of slowing down and could eventually reach, and surpass the speed of light.. so much so that photons of light emitted from these galaxies, eventually, would not ever reach us.. the difference here, is that it is space itself which is expanding, and matter is travelling along with it, so it does not break any physical laws. i believe that if other civilazations have learned to travel great distances across time space and galaxies, that this is where it would happen.. by manipulating the fabric of space itself.. at least thats what i think :D

    theres an interesting article on wormhole research here ..
    you might find these sites of interest too ..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    i managed to get in contact with Pete Higgins and he kindly linked me to his documentary here ..

    *edit* hmm i expected a bit more, short and sweet i guess you could say.. i appreciate that someone in ireland has taken the initiative at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,737 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    i watched that channel4 documentary, the secret evidence (i think thats what it was called) and was satisfied that the late 40's and early 50's ufo's were actually all prototype aircraft and testcraft built by us.
    They also mentioned that various governments would actually want mass awareness of "ufo's" during the cold war to keep the other side offbalance with spyplane projects etc..

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    i was watching a doc that showed how to make some pretty realistic lights int he sky type videos. all you need is a sheet of glass, a video camera and a laser-pen. position the glass so you can see the sky line through it and then point the laser-pen at it and start recording. you end up with a video on the camera, completely unedited, that looks like strange lights in the sky (the laser reflects and multiplies).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    dyer wrote: »
    i managed to get in contact with Pete Higgins and he kindly linked me to his documentary here ..

    *edit* hmm i expected a bit more, short and sweet i guess you could say.. i appreciate that someone in ireland has taken the initiative at least.

    Honestly speaking, nicely filmed but it wasn't good as a documentary. Why? Because he didn't actually go out and interview alternative witnesses to these said events except for that very kooky lady with the swinging crystal. They showed a blurred picture of a bird diving into the water as supposedly a light..sorry it didn't look like a looked like a bird diving. Surely he can make a comment to that effect. He even found a local farmer witness outside a supermarket but didn't follow up ?!?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    He even found a local farmer witness outside a supermarket but didn't follow up ?!?

    aye very good point. it was a walk in the park really..

    there was one part where he interviewed some attendees at the ufo convention in mayo i thought was pretty good..

    one of the lads pretty much said, people who have had experience with ufo's generally stop talking and debating the subject with others because its utterly futile.. you end up spending more time defending your experiences against what people do or dont 'believe', which might be interesting sometimes but is of no real relevance to the subject. ive found it much more worth while to do my own research and to forget about trying to persuade people.

    i read somewhere once that there is already a disclosure under way, and it happens every day, every time you watch sci-fi, some spielberg movie or whatever it might be.. were slowly being exposed to all of these concepts, time travel, warp speed, worm holes, multiple dimensions, teleportation, spaceships, alien beings :) etc etc.. if things like this, really did exist, it would almost make perfect sense to expose the world to it in this way through mass media, especially if you consider how the world would react if it were to happen today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭guscon

    I was always a bit of a sceptic too until I was recently taking photos of the cathedral in Galway at night and got a picture that looks like a classic ufo,

    the sky was clear that night, took another picture 20 sec's later and nothing is visible

    and this is the cropped image

    Anyone want to let me know what they make of these few pics?
    Exif data is with the pics

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,249 ✭✭✭Elessar

    guscon wrote: »
    I was always a bit of a sceptic too until I was recently taking photos of the cathedral in Galway at night and got a picture that looks like a classic ufo,

    the sky was clear that night, took another picture 20 sec's later and nothing is visible

    and this is the cropped image

    Anyone want to let me know what they make of these few pics?
    Exif data is with the pics

    Now come on, as a photographer you really should know better!

    That is clearly an insect flying past which was caught via your cameras long shutter speed (since it's night time) making it look elongated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    people used to class these as 'rods' - until someone pointed out what Elessar said

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    Every now and then I'm going to post another interesting case to counteract posts such as the above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    maninasia wrote: »
    Every now and then I'm going to post another interesting case to counteract posts such as the above.

    Doh! indeed.

    How come the captain in question was the only one in the cockpit to witness this. how come the rest of the cockpit crew didnt?

    Also, dont you think it a bit weird he claimed to see the same thing in 1987 and again his crew didnt witness it? Doesnt that strike you as odd?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    i think youre quite mistaken there.. afaik the entire crew, that is, the pilot, co-pilot and flight engineer.. all witnessed the event. it remains the longest ufo encounter ever to be captured on radar.

    Captain Kenju Terauchi described the craft as being at least 'twice the size of an american aircraft carrier'.

    skip to 2.10 (bah i can never seem to embed youtube videos properly;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭maninasia

    maccored wrote: »
    Doh! indeed.

    How come the captain in question was the only one in the cockpit to witness this. how come the rest of the cockpit crew didnt?

    Also, dont you think it a bit weird he claimed to see the same thing in 1987 and again his crew didnt witness it? Doesnt that strike you as odd?

    Where are you getting the report that he claims to have seen it twice?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    maninasia wrote: »
    Where are you getting the report that he claims to have seen it twice?

    I googled it. Found a newspaper report from 1987 that claims the crew didnt see anything, plus it mentions the second sighting with a different crew admitting they didnt witness it then either.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,664 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    dyer wrote: »
    i think youre quite mistaken there.. afaik the entire crew, that is, the pilot, co-pilot and flight engineer.. all witnessed the event. it remains the longest ufo encounter ever to be captured on radar.

    sorry - but can you back that up?
