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Berlin or bust...

  • 22-05-2010 9:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭

    So I'm finally taking the plunge and starting my very own training log on Boards. This is fairly monumental (for me). I've been hanging around Boards for a while now - generally peering over shoulders - and I've even met a few of ye along the way.

    I'm not the fanatic that most of ye guys seem to be, but I hope ye enjoy my log. Maybe it'll bring you back to when you were first starting out?

    My History: I've been plodding around for a few years now, and last year I did the Adidas Half Marathon. And then I did the half in Connemara this year. From there, where else was there to go but Marathon <gulp>? :eek:

    Anyway. I've signed up for Berlin in September and my 18 week training program starts this coming Monday.
    I'm using a modified Hal Higdon program, but I do a swim class on Monday and Yoga on Wednesday, so I'm dropping one of the mid-week runs to accommodate that.

    This week starts with :

    Mon Swimming
    Tues 5 miles
    Wed Yoga
    Thur 3 miles
    Fri Rest
    Sat 5 miles (pace)
    Sun 8 miles

    The aim is to get around (not really looking for a time or anything) but the plan pace is for a 4:30 marathon.

    So it all starts here. Hope you (ad I) enjoy it.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Welcome to the logs, and good luck :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,612 ✭✭✭gerard65

    Good luck with the marathon and this log. One thing thats not lacking around here is plenty of support/advice and sometimes a kick in the bum if needed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Go for it girl. Might see you there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Thanks guys. All support and encouragement welcomed!

    swimming for 50 minutes.

    Tuesday: May25th
    5 mile run
    I did this around Stillorgan while waiting for the wee one to do her swimming class. I never realised that Stillorgan was so hilly! A steady run was called for, and I tried to keep the pace even but the hills slowed me down a mite.
    Happy enough overall. Quite a hot evening out there too. <not complaining :rolleyes: >

    5 Miles in 49:56 (49:17 moving time - allowing for road crossings, etc.)
    Average pace 9:59 /mi

    Training day 1 done :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭dublinrunner

    Welcome to boards! I only joined recently myself and love the input you get from others! Tell me about stillorgan...was there last night and nearly died on the hills! Dont get me started on fosters avenue!!! Suppose its good for us in the long run though!
    Best of luck with the training!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Thanks dublinrunner. I'll be doing a few of my Tuesday runs around that neck of the woods, so if you have any 4, 5 or 6 mile (nice) routes let me know.

    I see you're planning on doing DCM? Good luck with the training. I'll be watching your progress with interest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    And on it goes...

    Wednesday: Yoga. Sweated buckets, so that must've been a good workout?

    Thursday: 3 mile run in the park.
    Really didn't feel like going for a run today, but definitely couldn't skip one so early in my plan!! So put on the gear and shoo-ed myself outside. Sure once I got going I was grand... and it was only 3 miles.
    Passed the Bray runners in teh park - flying along, as usual. I always feel like such a fraud when I see those guys.:o

    3 miles in 28.08minutes.
    Average pace 9:22 / mi

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Best of luck. Gang of us heading over.............Post your schedule up and see if you can get any tips.........Alot of 9-10 min milers tend to run at this pace all the time. For long runs easy runs recovery runs etc.............Ok most people want to improve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Thanks villagerunner.
    I think I'll be happy to finish a marathon in 9/10 min miles!!
    Sure I'd like to get faster, but as I always say, I'm built for comfort, not speed :D

    I've been plodding along for a while now, and (believe it or not) my speed is picking up (used to be happy with 10:30 - 11:00 min miles!). I started doing intervals when I was training for the Dublin Half last year and that brought my times down so I'll be throwing in a few of them for this plan too...
    The HH plan doesn't actually specify intervals, but I'll tweek it to fit some in.

    I'm basically following the HH intermediate I plan, with pacing 'suggestion' from the McMillian calculator for a 04:15:00 and 04:30:00 marathons.

    Interval suggestions welcome.

    ...and if you're so inclined, you could hang about the Berlin Finish line for a few hours after you finish to cheer me home? I should be done about 2 hours after you ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Busy morning so I didn't get to run at the normal time, so at 15:00 saw me eventually getting my gear on and heading out on the road... and the rain had stopped by then too so that was a bonus!

    A 5 mile pace run was called for, but I didn't set my watch properly so the actual pace was being reported, rather than the average pace or pace per mile. Didn't want to stop and reset it so I decided to just run at a 'good clip' and try to keep the pace up.
    I guess I wanted to challenge myself to run fast (ok, for most of you it would've been a painfully slow stroll but...)

    Wrecked by the time I'd finished, but quite pleased with it. I might regret it tomorrow on my LSR!

    5 Miles in 45:28
    average pace 9:05 /mi (should have been closer to 9:45 :o)

    8 miles LSR tomorrow...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    There's nothing like a bit of sunshine to put us in a good mood, and the beautiful morning was a welcome sight after the grey showery day yesterday.

    So got up reasonably early and had the breaky so I could be on the road before the sun got too hot.
    Planned the route, and with sunscreen, runners and Garmin sorted, off I went for the first official LSR of my marathon plan. I did have the foresight to drop a bottle at mile 4, and was I glad of that! It was a bit warm out there:rolleyes:.

    So I ran a route from shankill, up pucks castle hill, down ballyman lane and finished up in Shangannagh park for the last 1.5 miles. It was the first time I've ever managed to keep running up that hill, and it felt like a real achievement. I know it wasn't fast (probably quicker walking!) and it wasn't pretty ;) but I was SO happy with myself! <must remember that feeling on those bad days!>

    The goal was to keep a consistent 10:45 pace. Coming down that Hill at ballyman lane I failed miserably (9:50), but it balanced out with uphill, so worked out ok in the end.

    All in all, a lovely run, a lovely route and a fantastic day!

    8 Miles in 01:25:59, average pace 10:45 /m

    Week 1 done! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Might as well put the plan for next week in now...

    Monday: | Swimming Class
    Tuesday: |5 mile run
    Wednesday: |Yoga
    Thursday: |3 mile run (intervals)
    Friday: |Rest
    Saturday: |5 mile comfortable run
    Sunday: |9 miles LSR

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Yesterday: Swimming class. Lots of technical work, and the legs were a bit heavy from the LSR, so it was a tough one.
    About 50 mins in the pool.

    Today: 5 miles around Stillorgan. Lots of concrete pavements, and it was a bit of a drag having to wait for the traffic at the crossroads, but it wasn't a bad run really. Finished well and didn't feel (too) wrecked :rolleyes:.
    The legs were still a bit tired so it was back for a shower and some ice packs on the knees, shins, calfs and ankles to help them on...:(

    5 miles in 53:14, moving time 52:21
    avg pace 10:38 /mi, moving pace 10:27 /mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday is Yoga day, as usual. I had a good class, with lots of upper body and alignment focus (good runners yoga). Very hot in the room though. Everyone sweated buckets - to the extent that the floor was actually wet when we finished.:eek:
    Who said Yoga was easy!?

    Today: 3 miles in the HH's plan, but I wanted to inject a bit of interval work into these Thursday runs. I was a bit pushed for time so stuck with the 3 miles, but had 2x600mt at 5K pace in the middle (with recovery). Lovely evening for a run, and I would have done more if I had the time, but life get's in the way sometimes...:rolleyes:

    3 mile in 30:28, with an average 10:10 /mi pace.
    2 X 600mt at 8:27 /mi and 8:33 /mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    A bit dehyated and hungover today - oops! Well it IS a bank holiday weekend. :p

    HH called for 5 comfortable miles today. Decided to wait until afternoon (decided?:rolleyes:) so dropped off the wee one at her gym club and headed from there down to blackrock, over to DL and back to newpark. It was really humid and muggy out there so I was really glad to get back to the car for a swig from my bottle of water... phew!

    5 miles in 51:30
    Average pace 10:17 min/mi

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Hi there! Best of luck with the log and your training. I look forward to reading more. It's people like you who encourage me to believe I may be capable of a marathon...some time... :) Keep up the good work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Thanks claralara.

    Don't know if you'd say I'm "capable" of a marathon - yet!
    but I've about 16 weeks to training to get me there, hopefully :rolleyes:

    ...and it always helps to have some good support.
    My OH has run a few marathons, so he's great for advice and bullying encouraging ;) me to get out there when the body isn't all that eager.

    To tell the truth, it was looking at all those 5+ hour finishers while I was supporting him that gave me the push to try this. Overweight/ unfit/ carrying full military gear/ whatever, it didn't stop them!! I even saw that guy who ran Dublin backwards :eek: last year - so inspiring!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    9 long slow WET miles today. I definitely saw a few "is she a loon" type looks this morning.:D

    Set out for a run from Blackrock along the coast to Dalkey and back. Even though it was bucketing down, it wasn't at all cold, so I actually quite enjoyed my run. It's a lovely stretch past the pier and out along Sandycove. Lots of people (equally looney) out with their boats/dingies/canoes/ etc. around by the 40Foot.

    So the long runs are supposed to be kept to about 10:45 min/mi which I'm really struggling with. I know the reasons for slowing it all down, but it's just hard! With the rain today, I wasn't really paying attention to my pace either. But each time I actually did look at the watch, I was going too fast and had to make an effort to slow down. This is something I really need to get to grips with before the 'long' LSR's start kicking in.

    9 miles in 1:34:21
    average pace 10:28 (:o oops!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    The plan for next week - it's a step back week, so just 19 miles in the plan.

    Monday: | Rest - No swimming class for the Bank Holiday
    Tuesday: |5 mile run
    Wednesday: |Yoga
    Thursday: |3 mile run (intervals)
    Friday: |Rest
    Saturday: |5 mile PMP
    Sunday: |6 miles LSR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Hi Emer,
    I'm just reading your log for the first time now. I think I avoid anything with the name of a marathon in the title as they scare me:rolleyes: so sorry! I noticed you added your mileage in the 1000 mile thread. You're getting great mileage in and you've passed me in the F40 category:eek: (I suspect there may just be the two of us in there:D). How are you finding Hal Higdon? How do you fit it in with kids? I've half a notion of attempting DCM this year but I find it almost gets harder to run in the summer with the kids off school and staying up later etc. Advice welcome!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Hi Littlebug.
    I tend to use a 'me' version of the HH plan. I've used a couple of different online plans for various races, but for the BIG one, I've reverted to HH. Well he is the newbie plan of choice!:D

    I'm loosely following his Intermediate I plan, which calls for 5 days running per week and goes from 24 miles per week to about 45 at the peak <:eek:>
    But I can only do 4 days (plus one for yoga and one for swimming) so I'm dropping one of the easy, low mileage days. My OH assures me that I'll be grand as the Yoga/swimming easily covers that extra mileage. (He's done one or ten marathons, so he's probably qualified to comment... :rolleyes:)

    As for juggling the kids, well one is plenty old enough to look after the other, and some of my runs I tend to organise around their activities, which works well.
    Don't think I could contemplate all this training if they were younger though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    The legs are feeling a bit tired after the 9 miles on Sunday (still!) and I was pushed for time, so ended up doing just 3.5 miles today.

    To be honest, once I knew the time was tight I sorta switched the Tuesday and Thursday training days in my head. So I'll be doing the 5 mile session on Thursday instead - promise!:)

    At least this is a step back week, so nice easy runs and just 6 miles for the Sunday LSR. <hmmm, and 6 miles used to seem so long!:rolleyes: >

    Rain had stopped, TG, but the run was around Stillorgan (last time, yipee!) in rush hour, so not the most pleasant :(. Gosh I hate running in traffic, and having to stop to cross roads. I guess I'm just spoiled... Done now anyway.

    3.5 miles in 33:57
    Average pace 9:40 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Good luck with the program. You're doing really well so far. I'm really enjoying your log.

    I've just finished the Hal Higdon Novice 10k plan and I found it great. I'm moving up now to the Novice Half Marathon one starting tomorrow so your log is inspiring.

    Good luck with the next 16 weeks! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday - Yoga - sweated buckets (I see a theme here...;) )

    Seeing as I wimped out on Tuesdays run, I had to catch up the miles today, so instead of the planned 3 miles I did 4.5, bringing the total up to the desired 8 miles for the two runs. The weather had cleared up and warmed up too, and it was a lovely sunny evening to trot around the park.
    And as it's a Thursday, I decided to push it a bit and do a tempo run, with the pace increasing to the middle and decreasing for the last mile or so. That was the intention, anyway - didn't work out all that well though. You know you get days where the body just says 'no thanks'... :D

    So the result was 4.5 miles at an average 9:39 pace.
    Mile 1 @ 10:22
    Mile 2 @ 9:20 (ok - going to plan so far)
    Mile 3 @ 8:58 (felt like hell to get and keep my pace going!? And it was just shy of 9:00 min/mile. What's going on?:( )
    Mile 4 @ 9:60 (wrecked after mile 3! :o)
    Mile 5 (well 0.5 mile) @ 9:31 (seemed to regain a bit of wind at this point)

    So not the best run... :o :mad:
    But at least it's done and it's a few more miles under the belt.

    4.5 miles in 43:26
    Average pace 9:39 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Oh I've been so bold! :o

    Went to the Taste of Dublin on Friday evening for some R&R with a friend, and ended up over-indulging (slightly :p) and paid for it dearly on Saturday! Most of the day was spent lying down with a bucket next to my head :eek:
    Not pleasant!

    Needless to say the planned 5 miles PMP did NOT happen!

    I felt awful, especially when the Boards-ies were running their hearts out on the WWR (well done all, very impressed and totally in awe!)

    So Sunday - got out of bed tentatively to see if all was well. So far so good. Let's try some breaky. Porridge, toast and coffee went down ok, and stayed put;), so put on the gear, slapped on the sunscreen and out I went.
    Plan for the LSR was 6 miles today between 10:14 and 11:14 /mi.

    As I entered the park I fell into conversation with another runner and we ended up doing the 6 miles together. So it ended up a lovely run, and the time flew by. Did 6.5 mi by the time I got back home, but really enjoyed it. (thanks for the company Kathleen!)

    6.5 miles in 1:11:26
    average pace 10:59 /mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Plan for the coming week - better late than never :)

    Ramping it up a bit this week. This is the first week of the second 3-week cycle. Overall total mileage planned for the week is 26 miles.

    Monday: | Swimming classes
    Tuesday: |6 mile run
    Wednesday: |Yoga
    Thursday: | 3 mile run (Intervals/ Tempo)
    Friday: | Rest
    Saturday: | 6 mile PMP
    Sunday: | 11 miles LSR

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Swimming classes. Not too hard a day. I think she was taking it easy on us after the day off last week. ;)

    6 miles in the plan for today. This confused my poor little brain no end, as my LSR on Sunday was 6 miles too, and this is supposed to be a mid-week short(er) day! But it was such a lovely sunny evening that I didn't mind heading out.
    Decided to do my run in/ around the park, so the young woan came along to monkey about while I did laps. :D
    Felt a bit tired when I started. Took it handy though. Ran down through to the fields and clocked about 3.4 miles when I got back to the her-ladyship. Stopped for a sip and a chat and headed off again, while she was was cartwheeling and doing pull-ups and generally showing off :p
    Finished the 6 miles off in the top half of the park, passing the fat fit clubs doing their thing, and lots of dog walkers. Saw THE SMALLEST DOG ever - it was about the size of my shoe! Tiny and very cute! It's nice when there's something of interest to distract you from your pain boredom running? :D

    Finished well and felt good - if a bit tired.

    6 miles in 59:21
    Average pace 9:53 /mi

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Sounds like a nice run Emer. I think I'm going to have to bring my monkeys to a track over the summer so I can run but still see them in the middle. I wonder how many laps I'll manage before I get interrupted with "he said... she said...":rolleyes:

    If you don't mind me asking what's your pmp?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    hey Littlebug.
    I'm lucky that my little monkey is old enough to entertain herself :D

    I'm using mcmillian calculator to get my pace...

    for 04:30:00 10:19 /mi
    for 04:15:00 09:44 /mi
    for 04:00:00 09:10 /mi

    4hrs is ambitious (to say the least), 4:15 would be fantastic and I'd really be more than happy with 4:30

    I'm aiming my training at 4:15. We'll see how it goes nearer to the time before I commit to anything specific :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday 1.25 hours of Yoga. Stiff shoulders today but that just means I was working hard (right :D )

    Thursday What a gorgeous day! Left work just after 5 and the temperature on the car was ready 21c! Got my shades and my hat and headed out for my 3 miles. It's weird that this seemed like a distance just a few short weeks ago, while now - tshha - it's just a little trot. :cool:
    Still worked up a sweat though!

    So I decided to run 1 mile as a warmup and then do 4 sets of 0.2mi fast. I normally have these interval sessions set up on my garmin for a specific time/ speed range, but was just 'winging it' today. After each 0.2mi fast I did 0.1mi slow (walking and then ramping back up to running, once I caught up with myself). Then another mile cooldown (VERY SLOW. I was wasted after the intervals :o and the heat really got to me!)

    4 x 0.2 intervals pace at:
    8:11 /mi, 7:55 /mi, 7:24 /mi, 7:33 /mi
    101/ 94/ 90/ 91 (seconds duration)

    The plan is to run this type of session each Thursday. I'll aim to increase the interval distance and/or repetitions each week. Hopefully I'll see a progression over the duration of the plan.

    3.12 miles in 31:46
    Average pace 10:20 /mi
