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Berlin or bust...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Went back to yoga instead of running. That was a tough thing to do with tired tight legs.:p But I did it. Loosened things out, I'm sure.

    Friday & Saturday
    Nothing doing. Too busy.

    Sunday 16th Oct
    Finally got my a$$ back in gear and went for a run today. Did 5 (slow) miles in the park on a lovely sunny afternoon, sporting my lovely new Chicago finishers t-shirt. Lovely run. One of my toe nails is a touch tender from last week, but it was fine running. The legs were fine too, but they are feeling a bit tired now (as I sit here sipping beer :rolleyes:)

    Just as I was finishing I was stopped by a guy that was out walking. He was also in Chicago last week doing the marathon - small world! It was his 54th marathon :eek:. He told me he used to run them, but he has a dodgy ticker and can only walk them now. And he's doing Dublin too.
    ...see, those race t-shirts do make a difference :D
    Summary 5 miles in 46:52
    Avg Pace: 9:22 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    So I haven't really thought beyond the Chicago marathon and don't have any plans. I've decided to do the HH post marathon plan (personally modified) for the next few weeks until I pick my next target.

    The plan for the coming week is:

    Mon| Tue| Wed| Thu| Fri| Sat| Sun
    Cross 30 min Pilates|3 m run| 3 x mile (pmp)| 3 m run Yoga|Rest| Tempo 30 min| 45-75 min

    BTW: This plan has a 5k/10k race scheduled for the weekend of 12/13 Nov so if anyone knows of any suitable (Dublin / Wicklow based) races drop me a line?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Wow, great report Emer, sounds like it was tough going! Congrats on battling on a getting yourself a pb :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Monday 17th Oct
    Pilates lunchtime class. Legs felt very sluggish after my little run on Sunday but the class helped - even if it was painful. :p

    Tuesday 18th Oct
    3 miles in the dark.
    What happened? Where did the sun go? I was running in the park on Sunday in lovely sunshine wearing just shorts and a tee-shirt, and today I wore my (warm and cosy) tights, long sleeves, hat and gloves - co co co cold!. And it was SO dark. First real dark run this season. I guess I'll have to get used to it though.
    On the plus side the legs seem to be recovering nicely. No niggles or anything (other then the toe nail), and they felt fine while running.
    Summary 3.01 miles in 27:26
    Avg Pace: 9:08 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday 19th
    3 miles at pmp.
    Dark and cold - again. It was late when I got to go out so it was REALLY dark. I brought a torch and did a couple of laps in the park. Scary, well, not really, but it was dark and kinda hard to see where I was going - even with a torch!
    Nearly gave one woman a heart attack too as I ran up behind her. I must've been in stealth mode?:D

    This was a pmp run, but I felt good and the pace was faster than I planned, but felt easy.
    Summary 3.01 miles in 25:52mins
    Avg Pace: 8:36 min/mi

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    This weather is crazy alright, sun bathing one minute...
    Anyway good to see you're back in action again and that the legs have recovered. I must say I loved the few weeks after dcm when I could just run for the sake of running and not have to worry about any impending race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Yoga class.
    Must've been something happening that I didn't know about, 'cause when I got the class, I was the only one there. Ended up have a private one-on-one :eek:. Very tough class. My glutes have been in bit since :p

    Rest day. Went to the pub. :D Great fun. It's been too long.

    Decided to take an unscheduled rest day. :o Weather was crappy. Did the shopping and cleaning instead, so not a complete loss.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Hi Emer, jsut catching up on your Chicago adventures. Great report and well done for clocking a pb in those conditions. You definitely have the sub4 in you after all the hard work so you're right to chalk that one down and target the next. Well done again. And enjoy the rest days and the pub fun! You deserve it! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Sunday 23rd Oct
    Wasn't really properly organised today so just went for a run, just a run. I was a bit tight for time, and had to be back within 45 minutes, so just decide to run as I felt.

    The weather was foul (again) but it wasn't as cold as it has been over the last week. I was wearing my shorts and t-shirt with a peaked cap to keep off the rain. It was only drizzling as I left - and that was fine. I don't mind a bit of a shower. But about 20 minutes in it started to rain hard. The gutters along the side of the road were quickly overflowing. Every step was a squelch and every car passing threw up a wall of water. Lovely :eek:

    But still it was kinda liberating - probably because I knew I wasn't out for 2 hours and it was warm enough that my hands weren't freezing off the ends of my arms ;) Got home totally drenched -every stitch of clothes was dripping and my runners probably won't be dry till next week :rolleyes: Fun though!
    Summary 4.02 mi in 36:30
    Avg Pace: 9:05 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Sunday PM
    Swimming with mini-me.
    Did some lengths - about half front crawl and half breast stroke. Can't remember how many, but at least 12 / 15. Plenty of rest breaks and some mucking about too. A nice bit of fun on a rainy (miserable) Sunday afternoon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Monday 24th
    Lunchtime Pilates.
    The usual masochistic pain. Good stuff. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Week 2 plan for the post marathon training

    Mon| Tue| Wed| Thu| Fri| Sat| Sun
    Cross 30-40 min Pilates|4 m run| 3 x mile (10k pace)| 4 m run Yoga|Rest| Tempo 35 min| 60-90 min

    ...although with the horrendous flooding today I might be going for a swim instead of a run tomorrow?! :eek: The coastguard is rescuing stranded drivers on the M50 :confused: What a very strange and scary time.

    And did you see Dundrum Shopping centre?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Tuesday 25th
    4.25 miles
    At least the rain stopped... All that was left of the floods around my neck of the woods was some silt and crap left on the roads / paths / gutters. A few puddles here and there, but nothing nothing compared to yesterday.

    The run was grand. Nothing too major.
    Summary 4.25 miles in 39:18
    Avg Pace: 9:15 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday 26th
    3x1 miles at 10K pace

    Wasn't sure exactly what my 10k pace should be. I was trying/ training for a 4hour marathon, so that should see me at 8.13/mi and a 4:10 marathon equivalent 10k pace is just over 8:30/mi.
    So I decided to see how it went but aimed for somewhere between the two.

    Ran about a half mile warmup and took about 2 to 3 minutes rest (walk breaks) between each mile. The intervals were:
    8:31.3 (slightly uphill) / 8:15.1 / 8:16.9

    Happy enough with those. The first one was slower than it should have been, but it was mostly uphill (excuses, excuses :rolleyes:). Made up for it with the other 2. Found these hard, so I don't think I'm quite at the 4.00 marathon equivalent pace - nearly, but not quite.

    Another half mile or so to cool down. The Garmin ran out of juice just as I started the cool-down lap, 'cause I'd left the GPS on overnight <doh!>, but I got most the run recorded, so no harm done.
    Summary 4.29 mi in about 40mins
    Avg Pace: 9:36 min/mi (recorded)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Thursday 27th
    Very tough class but really good. Everything was pulled and stretched. Feeling it today too :D

    Friday 28th
    Rest day

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Blew off my 35 minute tempo run today to go into the DCM expo with KC. He was manning the Pacers Desk for a couple of hours. Really busy in there today... took me 40 minutes to find somewhere to park after I'd dropped him off :eek:

    So on a whim I purchased a pair of these

    ...hmmm. Am I totally nuts? Maybe I am, but I can't wait to take them for spin tomorrow :D I know that they need to be introduced gradually, so I'll only do a few meters in them before / at the start of my run. Still. I feel like a kid at christmas :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    oooooohhhhhh!! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hey Emer congrats on your Chicago marathon!

    I had a rain run experience like you last week and loved it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Sunday 30th
    6.5 miles up and down hills and finishing up on the grass in the park for a half mile in the new non-shoes.

    It was much warmer than expected, so had to stop and strip off some layers after about a mile ;). Lovely day for a run though. Fairly calm too. The hill was tough (as usual) but I kept it going. The downhill was probably harder - I just can't cycle my legs fast enough! The incline is about 110mt in 1.5 miles, with a sharper decline of 110+mt in less than a mile. That mightn't sound like much, but its enough for me:p

    I did the hill circuit and then dropped home to collect the new foot ware and headed to the park. Got there, changed the shoes and did a gentle half mile on the grass. Lovely. Feet got a wee bit wet on the grass. Must remember to bring a towel next time... :rolleyes:

    A bit of an interrupted LSR, but I was out for just over the hour which is what I was aiming for.
    Summary 6.5 miles in 1:02:08
    Avg Pace: 9:34 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Week 3 plan for the post marathon training

    The plan says:
    Mon| Tue| Wed| Thu| Fri| Sat| Sun
    Cross 30-50 min|5 m run| 3 x mile (5k pace)| 5 m run|Rest| Tempo 40 min| 90 min

    But here's what's actually happening:
    Mon| Tue| Wed| Thu| Fri| Sat| Sun
    2.5 hours shouting at DCM folks :D | Rest (knackered!)| 5 mile run | Yoga |Rest| Tempo 40 min| 90 min

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    A bit of a catch up...

    Monday - Supporting the Marathon. Spent 2.5 hours shouting encouraging stuff at the tired runners around the 21st mile. My voice was nearly worn out and I was hoarse all day Tuesday! Great day though.

    Tuesday - rest day. Legs were feeling a bit iffey (hard day training on Monday?) so I decided to give myself a break.

    Wednesday - I had planned 5 miles, but remembered I had to leave the car in for a service, so just ran to work from there (3 miles) and ran back for it in the evening (another 3 miles).
    That was a run of 2 halves in more ways than the obvious. The morning run was not very pleasant - a headwind the whole way and an overall incline to contend with. :( And I'm never that great in the morning anyway, so it felt much harder than it should have. I'd dropped my work clothes into the office on the way to the garage, so was showered and changed and at the desk by 9:30. Grand stuff.
    The evening run was MUCH better - other than having to put on the gear from the morning (uck :p). The wind seemed to have calmed down a bit and as the elevation was down overall, it actually felt easy and I quite enjoyed it.
    Got a funny reaction from the guy in the garage "You haven't been running all day?" Ha! I know I was a bit sweaty but I wasn't THAT wrecked (was I? :rolleyes:)
    Of course I didn't reset the garmin, so both runs are in the one activity.
    Summary 6.01 miles in 55:32
    Avg Pace: 9:15 min/m

    But with some maths magic:
    AM 3 miles in 29:45 Avg Pace 09:53 min/m
    PM 3 miles in 25:45 Avg Pace 08:35 min/m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Yoga class. Don't know what was up but I was wrecked for this. Couldn't keep my arms up at all and my toes kept cramping up. Not a good day:(

    Plan was for a rest day, but I had no transport (again) so I decided to bring my gear and run home. Nice and gentle.
    Summary 3.00 mi in 28:37
    Avg Pace: 9:32 min/mi

    Saturday Took my rest day today instead.

    Lovely sunny calm morning in the Irish mid-west.
    8 mile run with my big brother. It was my 1st time running with him. He hasn't gone more than 6 in quite a while, and this was my longest run since the marathon, so we were taking it very handy. Did a lovely loop out to Moate Park and back. He was pretty wrecked after it, but I think we both enjoyed it. :D Nice to have company on a run for a change.
    Summary 8.00 mi in 1:16:02
    Avg Pace: 9:30 min/mi

    AND I hit the 1000 miles on that run too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Didn't get to run in my 5-Fingers this week, so I'm going to try to fit something in this week.

    According to the post marathon plan I'm following I should run a 5k or 10k race this weekend, but I haven't really looked for one, so I'll just try to do a 10k fast run next weekend instead.

    Proposed plan for the week is:
    Mon| Cross 30-60 min (Pilates)
    Tue| 5 m run
    Wed|Tempo 30 min
    Thur| 3 m run Yoga
    Fri| 2 m run
    Sat| Rest
    Sun|Race 10K pace run

    I'll hopefully fit in some minimalist running on Wednesday before/ after the tempo session. That's the plan anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 400 ✭✭jb-ski

    Emer911 wrote: »

    8 mile run with my big brother. It was my 1st time running with him.Park and He was pretty wrecked after it, but I think we both enjoyed it. :D Nice to have company on a run for a change.

    Glad to hear that!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Pilates at lunchtime. Lots of hard stuff. 3 sets of 100's in different guise (for those of you who do pilates you'll understand the sheer sadism of that one :D)
    Tough, but always great.

    Took an unplanned rest day.

    Had a funeral to go to this evening so decided to suck it up and go for a lunchtime run :( Piddling rain and only 30 minutes but it's better than nothing.
    Summary 3.25 mi in 30:08
    Avg Pace: 9:17 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Nothing - nada - zip.
    Went to a really heartbreaking funeral and it just sapped me emotionally. I was just wrecked and did nothing but sit on the couch for the evening. :(

    Rest day?
    Who am I kidding. I didn't need a rest day, but still couldn't kick myself out the door. So I signed up for the Jingle Bells 5k in 3 weeks time. That'll teach me! :p

    The little miss also signed up for it too, so I might be jogging it instead of racing it. At least it'll give my training some focus for a few weeks.

    Right. So now to look for a 3 week 5k get me some speed program?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Saturday Nov 12th
    With the 5k race booked, I decided to try a few 1 mile intervals at the planned race pace, just to see where I was at. A bit of a warm up, then launched into it. 1st mile was tougher than I thought it would be. 2nd one had me gasping and I thought I was going to puke when I stopped. Didn't think I'd be able to do the 3rd, but I started, and actually made it to the end of the mile - without passing out or puking, I'm glad to say. But all that at just over 8min/mi pace!? :eek:
    Finished up with a half mile or so slow to cool down.

    Gees, I really hope that 3 weeks can have me see SOME sort of speed improvement, or it'll be an embarrassingly slow 5k time :o I know I'm just on the back of marathon (long slow) training, but I didn't think the pace had gone completely. There'll be some tough intervals and tempo runs to be done in the next couple of weeks.
    Summary 4.75 miles in 44:55
    Avg Pace: 9:27 min/mi

    1 mile intervals in: 8.07 / 8.09 / 8.08

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Sunday 13th
    Felt rotten all day. I think the bug the kids have has transferred. :(
    Decided to (eventually) go for 10 minutes and see how that went. Did a loop of the local park, which was really busy with loads of people, kiddies, bikes, scooters, dogs, runners, walkers... But I got to 3.5 miles, which is more than I thought I'd manage. Still feel pretty rotten, but at least I got some miles done :o
    Summary 3.5 miles in 34:02
    Avg Pace: 9:42 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Pilates at lunchtime. She really pushed us on this one. Hand weights, lots of 100's (in a row :eek:) with some pushups and other nuggets thrown in for good measure. I don't usually sweat doing pilates. I did for this class! The legs were even all wobbly afterwards :D

    Feeling the Pilates all day, every time I laughed <ouch my tummy>
    So with the 5k race in mind I had some intervals planned. 7 x 400 mts at about 1 mile pace... but I've no real clue what that should be so I just aimed to keep them faster than 8min/mi.
    Found a nice straight stretch, fast for 400 mt in 1 direction, jog back for the recovery. So each interval is over the same stretch, same direction. Did a mile warmup and about the same to cool down.

    Interval | Pace |Durations (seconds)
    1| 7:46.9 | 116.6
    2| 7:33.7 | 113.3
    3| 7:39.3| 114.7
    4| 7:55.1| 118.6
    5| 7:41.9| 115.3
    6| 7:36.5| 114.0
    7| 7:42.3| 115.5

    Felt like my pace was all over the place when I was doing these, but looking at them now it was reasonably consistent - bar that lapse at #4 :rolleyes: Must've got distracted.

    Hard set. Glad I did it. It gives me an idea of how hard breaking the 25 minutes for the 5k will be (for me). Lots of work yet to do...
    Summary 5.44 mi in 51:27
    Avg Pace: 9:27 min/mi

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Guess I should document my training plan

    Monday and Tuesday are gone, so for the rest of the week we'll have some...

    Wednesday| 3 m run
    Friday|5 m Tempo run
    Saturday|7 m run

    Doing my long run on Saturday because I have a kiddie event on Sunday so probably won't get any running in. Best to be safe and get it done early.
