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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 612 ✭✭✭runrabbit

    Great pace yesterday Emer - and I can't believe you did intervals on your holidays! I'm very impressed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    runrabbit wrote: »
    Great pace yesterday Emer - and I can't believe you did intervals on your holidays! I'm very impressed!

    Thanks RR. I was a bit surprised with my pace yesterday.... but I guess some days it all just feels good :D
    I don't know if what I did on hols was intervals, felt more like running slowly through treacle. :rolleyes: :p Ah sure it's the thought that counts! At least I tried?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Confirmation day so all fun and no running :rolleyes:

    Fit4Life 3k race in Shangannagh park. Lovely evening for a race.... not! But at least the rain held off for long enough. This was a totally impromptu run on my part. Heard it was on yesterday, so as it was local, I just rocked up with my fiver and lined up with the pack. Didn't have a clue how to run this distance, so just headed off at a clip and tried to hold on. Ouch! Tough distance. Wrecked at the end, and totally breathless! Even forgot to turn off my watch:confused: But I did manage to get my official time which was 14:18.
    So a nice little PB of a Thursday (as it was my first crack at a 3k).

    A bit of warmup and a cool down took me to about 3.5 miles for the day.
    Summary 3.65 mi in 31 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    New PB for me tonight (50:58, down from 52:44) Very happy with that. Didn't think I was in that shape and definitely didn't think the wind and rain today would be conducive to fast times...

    Desperate weather for it, and I must admit that I was seriously considering staying on the couch and having a beer:rolleyes:. But I got ready and drove into the city, hoping to get the car as close as I could to the start/finish area. I got the car parked in Merrion Square (nice), the wind was howling and the rain was thrashing against the windscreen, so just hunkered there in my dry, warm cocoon until I felt I had to move. I parted with my outer layers, pinned on my number and left the car at about 7:50 or so.

    Trotted up around the corner to see a sea of neon yellow shirts lining the buildings along the street (and all looking very miserable). Everyone was just trying desperately to stay out of the wind and rain - a tough job on a night like that! I did a bit of a warmup job (pointless really) and stopped into a pub to use the loo. There were loads of runners in there sheltering from the elements, but happily the publican wasn't shooing us out. The trad band even played us some inspiring music (eye of the tiger - trad style, very cool!:cool:)

    Eventually I left my little oasis of warmth and braved the weather, making my way to the assembly area. Birr. Freezing! We eventually moved at a slow walk, down along the Nasseau Street, towards the start in front of Trinity. Hands were getting numb, water was dripping off my hat peak. Got to the corner of Grafton St and heard a BANG (starting gun I assumed) but still didn't move. :( Another few minutes passed and we walked along slowly, eventually passing underneath the gantry STILL WALKING! Doh!

    The race was a bit crowded, and there were a lot of corners, some tighter than comfortable. When I turned onto the Quay heading towards the Point (oops, the O2) the road was split for the return leg which made it quite narrow. This was about 2.5 miles in but the field still hadn't thinned out much and it was a bit tight. Lots of elbow dodging as I scooted past people (spare a though for us weeney people - if you're 6 foot or more, your elbow swings just about at face height for us:eek:)

    And of course it rained constantly. I know we were running alongside the river, but it felt like we were running IN it at times with "no escape" puddles stretching across the whole road. The wind was fun too, making surprise appearances whenever I rounded a bend (or at least it felt like it was headwind the whole way - impossible? Well, it IS Dublin in April:rolleyes:)

    So yea, it was REALLY cold. Couldn't feel my fingers for the whole race. And my poor tootsies were so soggy and numb - I wasn't even sure they were still there until I got home and checked.

    Anyway, I finished it, and in a surprise PB, which was nice. Did I enjoy it? Hmmm... Well if I hadn't been totally numb and shivering I'd say Yes, but the bitter cold took from it somewhat. The course was very flat and other than the few corners and tight spots, it's a promising course for very fast times. On a nicer night... when you aren't starting out as a popsicle. :D

    Those volunteers and marshals were definitely to be commended for hanging around on a day like, shouting and encouraging us the whole time! Huge thanks to them. Definitely worse for them than for us.

    Would I do it again? Maybe... If they get the registration sorted (it took me over an hour on Friday evening) and could get the wave start right (I know, never an easy task) it would be a really good race.
    Summary6.2miles (10k) in 50:58 (chip time)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Well done Emer, great time. We'll hit the sub50 this year, by hook or by crook :D! Some night out there alright - still feeling a bit cold after it all ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Well done emer. You are well on for the sub50 sooner rather than later

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Well done emer. 2 PBs in a week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Back to pilates after almost a month! :eek:
    That was a tough class... but I guess doing the core work with the OH kept me ticking over cause I don't feel as bad as I should today - phew! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Tuesday May 1st

    May? Really? Felt more like November?! :eek:
    Was supposed to be helping out with the kids running club training this evening but it was cancelled at the last minute because of a waterlogged track - phew! I was NOT looking forward to standing about in that for an hour and then going for my run...
    So instead I (eventually) just braved the elements for my few miles around the local park. Cold and wet and miserable, but I didn't notice the weather once I started. Went out for 3 miles (well it was a bit eucky out there) but kept going for 4. Happy enough with that. when are we getting the sunshine?
    Summary 4.00 miles in 34:33
    Avg Pace: 8:38 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Wednesday 2nd May
    It was a wee bit better this evening, weather-wise, but I was late out of work so had just a 30ish minute window to run. Found it hard today, the legs felt heavy and I felt quite lethargic. I struggled to keep any sort of pace really.
    Ah well, I guess some days are just better than others...
    Summary 3.3 miles in 30:54
    Avg Pace: 9:22 min/mi

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    3 miles in the local park while waiting to do the evenings Mom's taxi runs. Again, only had a 40 minute slot, so did some mini fartlek runs between the lamp posts in between a bit of a warm up and a cool down.
    Some number of suicidal midges out there this evening, though! One in my eye, then my mouth <cough splutter>, then up my nose:eek:, then my mouth again... sheesh! No let up for the entire run. :mad: Felt like I needed a mask and goggles. Maybe a motorbike helmet would work?:p

    Summary 3 miles in 27:38

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Monday 7th May
    OK, a sneaky 10k race I just signed up for on Thursday when I knew I'd be in the vicinity. I'd run the Samsung 10k night run only last Sunday, I didn't really know if it was such a good idea. But I was staying the weekend with my brother (lots of family parties on, so not the best prep for a race either), and the race started about 200mt from his house, sure there was no reason NOT to do it? :rolleyes:

    Saturday night - My (triplet) cousins 40th Birthday party... bit of an extended family reunion. Only had a couple of drinks, but didn't get to bed until almost 2am.

    Sunday- Confirmation party at my sisters house. Madness with all the kids running riot, but at least the day was fine and they were (mostly) amused on the bouncy castle. Lots and lots of food, pavlova, cake, more cake...

    Sunday night -my Uncle's 70th birthday. Another family reunion. More beer and another 2am bedtime. (...and yes I was one of the boring ones heading to bed early - both nights! )

    Monday - Race day.
    After a surprisingly fine weekend, we awoke to a rain soaked morning, and some ominous clouds blowing in. But it was dry and there were even some brief spells of sunshine. The race wasn't starting until 3, and as we went to pick up our numbers from the registration area at about 1:15 the heavens opened. I was hoping it'd clear up cause I really didn't want another 10k soaking :(.

    With 15 minutes to the start time, it had cleared up well, but there were still plenty of clouds hanging about. We left the brothers house and headed to the start area. My sis-in-law was doing this one too and she was aiming for a similar time to me so we lined up together. No real plan, for this cause I didn't know how the legs would fare. Back of my mind was the sub 50 target, but I wasn't going to beat myself up about it if I didn't make it.

    After the usual blah-blah-blah at the start of these kind of races, off we went. The event was being chip timed for the first time, but the chip organisation seemed to be a little bit disorganised at the registration so I made sure to have set my watch too - just in case! :o My SIL has done this one for the last few years and warned me that it was easy to get caught behind the walkers at the start, so we made sure to start near enough to the front. It worked out well enough. The usual few hared off at a sprint at the start only to be walking within 500mt, but in general, most of those around us were running and knew what they were up to :p

    I ran shoulder to shoulder with sis-in-law from the start, which was great, and really helped me to keep the pace. It was a tough course. There were a couple of long straight stretches of road that seemed to go on forever! The first 3 km we were smack on 5 mins per km. Then at the top of a nice long drag at around the 4k mark the heavens opened, but at that point it was kinda welcome. We dropped a few seconds that km but I pushed on again once we got to the top of the incline and rounded the bend. From about the 6km she dropped off the pace (or I picked it up a bit?) and I found myself running with 2 other girls. Kept pace with them for the next 3km or so, and from the brief glances at the watch I reckoned I was there or there abouts on the target pace. In the last km the 2 girls upped the pace and pushed ahead of me on a hill. Was totally bushed but pushed on as best I could and even had enough left (just about) to sprint to the line with my daughter, her shouting at me to beat her to the line :p... bless

    Garmin time at the finish was 50:09:rolleyes:

    My 2nd 10km in a week (well, 8 days) and second 10km PB. Yay! But not a sub-50 minutes - yet! It's coming...

    On a positive note the race was really well organised, and even though they didn't close the roads, there were marshals at every junction (or possible junction) and they did pretty well keeping the cars to a minimum. Everyone was really supportive and encouraging. There were even 3 water stations on the course? The registration was a bit disorganised when we got there, but we were early and they were only getting organised, so I can forgive that one. Hopefully the chip timing worked out ok and I'll get my official time (and it'll match my Garmin time!) A good race and well organised for a small charity event. Lots of tea and biscuits afterwards too :D
    Summary 6.23 mi in 50:09
    Avg Pace: 8:03 min/mi

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 612 ✭✭✭runrabbit

    So close Emer! Well done, you seem to be in flying form at the moment

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Brilliant time Emer, congrats! Maybe the chip might even give you the extra few seconds.... Sub 50 soon - for both of us :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Ohh Emer so close. Great running. Well done. So when is the next attack at the sub50?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    runrabbit wrote: »
    So close Emer! Well done, you seem to be in flying form at the moment
    racheljev wrote: »
    Brilliant time Emer, congrats! Maybe the chip might even give you the extra few seconds.... Sub 50 soon - for both of us :D
    Nules10 wrote: »
    Ohh Emer so close. Great running. Well done. So when is the next attack at the sub50?

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys.
    I don't have any other races planned in at the moment...
    I'm toying with the idea of the DCM in October, so the race series will probably make the plan - once I get organised :rolleyes:

    Don't worry, I'll keep ye posted

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    2 PB's in 1 week, great stuff. 9 secs ggggrrrr, I feel your pain. Dunshaughlin maybe :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Emer i know that feeling of almost sub chip time in Boyne 10k on Sunday was 50.00:rolleyes:...there's a few of us on here who are after the sub 50...we'll get there...:D Dunshaughlin will be my next attempt..had great stories about that race!!!

    great running recently..well done!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Younganne wrote: »
    Dunshaughlin will be my next attempt..had great stories about that race!!!

    Go team Dunshaughlin sub-50 attempt :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    umm... I hadn't actually thought about that! :p

    To be honest I wasn't even targeting sub 50 at the start of the year, though maybe I was being a bit soft on myself. My PB was 52:45 from last august, and I reckoned I'd be doing well to get under 52?! Yeah, I know, totally underestimating myself :o Anyway, I now know it's there for the taking, so I'll definitely give it another go before long.

    On a totally unrelated note, I've signed up for DCM in October <gulp :eek:>
    And I hear they're talking about changing the route now too, so I'm diving into the unknown - but then I didn't know the other 2 marathon courses either, so can't really complain :rolleyes:

    I'll do the race series too (which has a 10K included this year), but maybe Dunshaughlin might be a better PB attempt - especially if there's a whole group to pace off :D;).

    Food for thought!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Just catching up on your log now, great going on the new PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    This is supposed to be a training long, right?
    Oops! :p

    Ok, Wednesday was a wash out. I was a bit wrecked after the Monday race and
    the calf muscles were griping a bit. Even got a cramp when kicking in the recliner and crumpled into a heap until I got it rubbed out. Ouch!

    Thursday I decided to give the leg a rest and went to a newly organised evening Pilates class. Haven't been able to get to the class for a while so it was nice to get back into it.

    Friday I woke up sneezing - wha? It's been ages since I had a cold but it came on with a bang :mad:

    Saturday. No rest. Still sneezing and all caught up, I headed off to Greystones to the Wicklow County Track & Field. Only supporting the wee one - not participating, thankfully! Successful day (Silver at 600mt and Gold at High Jump) but I was totally knackered by the time we got home.
    AND there's another day of it tomorrow... Oh Joy!

    Summary - no running since tuesday :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Hope the cold clears up soon emer. Nice one on signing up for DCM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Isn't it crazy how upset and guilty we get when we don't get our regular running fix. Hope you're feeling better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Hope you are on the road to recovery now E.
    Well done to your super-star in Greystones, I'm sure she had another great day today.
    What a busy house you have.... Milestone birthdays, champions in County track and field and a Klown who takes a wrong turn and ends up running a (very amazing) race instead of shopping in the Outlet Village
    I hope they all find the time to take care of you too:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Marthastew wrote: »
    Hope you are on the road to recovery now E.
    Well done to your super-star in Greystones, I'm sure she had another great day today.
    What a busy house you have.... Milestone birthdays, champions in County track and field and a Klown who takes a wrong turn and ends up running a (very amazing) race instead of shopping in the Outlet Village
    I hope they all find the time to take care of you too:)

    Yea - busy house alright. The Klown was keeping the Kildare thing quite, but he's very happy with it. It's a relief to get a (very) decent time after the disaster that was Boston :D
    The young one got a bronze on the 60mt hurdles today, so she got the full medal collection for her weekends activities :p
    My head is a complete wreckage at the moment. Hopefully the cold will be short lived. Couldn't face going for a run after we got back from the T&F event today - was knackered and frozen :(

    So the new training plan now has to be found/designed. DCM is 20(ish) weeks away (:eek:) and I've done an average of 12 miles/week in the last 4 weeks (:eek:again!) Time to get the lead out :o:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Back to the lunchtime Pilates class. Lots of squats and weights and my legs are in BITS today :eek:

    4.5 miles around a grey and rainy Greystones while the little one was at her athletics club. Legs were tight, but fine once I got going. Enjoyed this one, even if I couldn't see for the rain in my face :D ran down to the sea and along the beach. Lovely.
    Summary 4.50 mi in 39:58
    Avg Pace: 8:52 min/mi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Emergency shoe shopping trip to Dundrum. :D

    Pilates evening class. Lots of work balancing on the foam roller :eek:
    ...followed by...
    3x800 @ 8min/mi
    Headed from the class over to Kilbogget park to use the track there for the 800's. Definitely a good was to do intervals. I do like to know how much farther I have to go. The pace was supposed to be around the 8min/mi (based on my goal marathon time) but I found these relatively easy. Don't know if I should just have done more, or if I should have gone a bit faster? :confused:
    Ah well. The pace was a bit all over the shop...
    number | duration (sec) | pace /mi
    1 |239.0 | 7:58
    2 |227.0 | 7:34
    3 |231.5 | 7:43

    With warmup and cool down it brought the total miles for the day to 4.
    Summary 4 miles in 35:14
    Avg Pace: 8:48 min/mi

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Are you doing DCM Emer?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Are you doing DCM Emer?

    Yip. Signed up for it in a fit of madness at the weekend. :p
