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thou shall no longer be skinny

  • 26-05-2010 12:27pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭

    I guess I really should be keeping a log away form the Excel Sheet from 5x5. As I keep forgetting to fill in and I'm on the Boards enough!
    Back in January I joined the gym as, after 18 months behind a desk after a manual job I was very unfit. I spend the first couple of months getting there twice a week and working through a few probgrams that the instructor had set up for me. Whilst I was enjoy parts of it, I wasn’t feeling it. Then after being on the boards I was pointed towards Strong Lifts 5x5.

    I’m on 6 weeks now and am amazed at my increase in lifting and appearance. I’m very dedicated, and have not missed done session. Unusual for me, as there is always an excuse. But with the 5x5 I can keep focused.

    At present I am hitting 5x5 on all the below weights.-

    DL 70kg I started to low here, so will be upping 10gk’s each time.
    Squat 105kg Very Happy with progress here.
    Bench Press 60kg I stalled once, but managed the second attempt
    Over Head 45kg Loving this although the 45 was a push for the last set of 5

    Inverted row: 16 10 8
    Pull Up 11 8 6
    Push up 31 18 11

    5 minutes Row
    10 minutes Bike.

    On wards and upwards. Or should I say onwards and outwards



  • Registered Users Posts: 41 sports_fan

    Best of luck with this. Will be interested to keep an eye on your progress as I am doing the exact same program for nearly 6 weeks too with similar numbers, although im still WAY off 105kg in the squat :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    What weight and height are you out of curiosity?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Hey guys. Look like we're all in this together.

    I'm 6'1 and just over 13 stone. I'll be putting my measurements up later as want to keep them recorded.

    sports_fan, the 100kg squat was a real moment, and pleased I reached it. Although the 105 was really tough. Mind you its FTA69's 75kg that I am after now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Gym still don't have the 1.25kg's in!! FFS

    So last night I upped the squat to 110. Had the man in the know watching over me. I nearly stalled on the 3rd of the 5th set, but with encouragement managed to finish. All be it a little fecked afterwards.

    Left the Bench press at 60kg, as I felt the 65 would just be a bit too much.

    Squat 110 5x5
    BP 60 5x5
    Inverted row 18,11,7
    Pull up 10, 8, 7

    5 minutes fast pace rowing
    10 minutes fast pace Bike.

    Legs are feeling it today though.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Worst night at the gym so far! A nightmare.
    • Reconfigured iPhone and for got to put my music back on. So had ****e spin fm music to work out to!!!
    • I missed my first session on Friday due to wife being away, and just couldn’t get into it last night!
    • Delivery guy didn’t deliver my protein powder to the right address! And I’m out.
    • Under 18s rugby boys trashing the place and leaving loaded bars and kettles every where.

    Still I did manage to get through the work out. I dropped my squat back to 90 as I want to improve on my form. But upped my dead lift, which was tough but manageable.

    90 kg Squat 5x5
    80 kg Dead Lift 5x5
    40 kg Over Head Press
    5, 3, 1 Pull ups (First time I’ve tries pull ups. I’ll now alternated between this and chin ups)

    5 minutes row.

    Then home to Sulk!!!!

    Anyway. Here hoping for a bet one on Wednesday.

    Rant over……. :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    After near;y a whole missed week due to trip to the UK for a wedding, I hit the gym on Wednesday and made some alterations.

    I'm now of the weight gain and onto the whey protean shakes, and also creatine

    I've dropped my squat right down as after speaking to another gym member, I decided to move away from the rack and free squat. My god what a difference. Abs are still killing me. I was a bit gutted to go down from 105 to 50gk, but I'll increase at 10 per session as I get used to the new position.

    So Wednesday was:
    Squat 50kg 5x5
    Bench Press 60kg 5x5
    Inverted Row 11 8 6 (P*ssed off as before week off, I was 16 12 8!)
    Push ups 30 20 16
    Revers crunch 20 x 3

    5 minute row 1500 meters.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    I've dropped my squat right down as after speaking to another gym member, I decided to move away from the rack and free squat.

    Why would you do this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Do you mean the reduction in weight or from machine to free?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    This part 'I decided to move away from the rack and free squat. '

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Feels like a much better full body work out. A lot more on the core, and a lot better in the long run. Also having read up it would appear the right way to go for better form. I am open to correction of course as still learning.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Apip99 wrote: »
    Feels like a much better full body work out. A lot more on the core, and a lot better in the long run. Also having read up it would appear the right way to go for better form. I am open to correction of course as still learning.

    I assume you mean you moved away from the Smith Machine??

    In which case it was a smart move.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Thanks itsallaboutheL:

    I still load up from the rack with the shelf like attachments, and then a few steps forward and away I go. Abs are still at me today, so must be doing something right....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Moving from the Smith Machine was a good thing!

    5 minute row
    Squats 60 kg 5x5
    Dead Lift 80 kg 5x1
    Over Head lift 42.5 kg (at last the gym have the 1.25 plates in)
    Pull Ups 5 5 4 (No alternating between chin ups and pull ups)
    Plank 3x30 seconds

    Fining the planks on the easy side. Need to look up a way to help increase that exercise. Any thoughts welcome...

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 sports_fan

    Apip99 wrote: »

    Fining the planks on the easy side. Need to look up a way to help increase that exercise. Any thoughts welcome...

    I used to find the plank easy too until i found out I was doing it turned out i wasnt getting enough of a stretch on my mid section and my shoulders would end up giving out before my abs! To address this I pushed my arms further forward in the stretch and found it was much harder.

    If you are already doing it correctly then you could ask a training partner to put a 10kg plate on your back?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    sports_fan: Cheers for the reply. I may get one of the instructors to see if my form is correct.

    I did find when I was first doing them my arse was in the air, then after addressing that I found it harder.

    Could be just getting stronger! I feckin hope so any way.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    latissimus dorsi! Where the hell did they come from? Oh yer.... HARD WORK.:D

    6 Minutes row
    Squat 65 kg 5x5
    Bench Press 62.5kg (best yet)
    Inverted Row 11 8 6
    Reverse Crunch 20 x 3
    Push Ups 31 20 16

    Twas a good work out. Although more cardio needs to be done!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    More Cardio today, which much needed....

    5 minute row
    Squats 70 kg 5x5
    Dead Lift 90 kg 5x1
    Over Head lift 45 kg (at last the gym have the 1.25 plates in)
    Chin Ups 11 8 6
    Plank 3x30 seconds

    10 minutes on bike. Keeping heart rate at 175!!!
    10 minutes on cross trainer, 1st time i've used. weird machine!!

    BMI 24.8
    Body Fat 18.%
    600 on the old breath thing (cant remember name of it)

    All in all a good night

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    What a crock of ****e!

    I didn’t go to the gym on Friday as it was the little lads birthday. Then over weekend we had 101 family things going on. And then to top it off, I have a creak in my nexk and moving is an issue!!! :mad:

    So swim and sauna tonight to see if I can loosen it up for tomorrow.

    Never thought I’d say this, but I feel gutted when I miss a work out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Shocking week tbh!

    Neck was still at me, so I went and did some cardio.

    20 miutes on cross trainer
    10 minutes bike
    10 mintues back on the cross trainer.

    I was bold last night as had a few beers watching the match in the afternoon, and then some wine last night.

    Back into it tonight, . Also will be using the pre work out Jack 3D supplement, so will see what all the hype is about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99


    I took the pre work supplement 3D Jacked. Have to say, thats some strong stuff. I will stick to the one scoop in future, and 1 and half was a bit too much. Made me feel like I had been taking some other white powder ;)
    It did help though, I was a lot more focused. I'll continue with the one scoop on training days and let you know.

    Squat 75kg 5x5
    Bench Press 65kg 5x5
    Inverted Row 12 (then kicked out as gym closing!)
    Reverse crunch 20 x 3

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Jack 3D is amazing!
    I used just the one scoop last night and although I hadn’t eaten the best yesterday, still managed my increase in lifts, and to top it off, it wasn’t too hard! I also didn’t have collapse feeling after the work out.

    Row Distance 1000m, time 4.11
    Squat 80kg
    Dead lift 100kg
    Over Head press 47.5kg
    Pull Up 6, 5, 4
    Plank 3x 30 seconds. (Really not feeling this any more!)

    Would have loved to do more cardio, but have heard that its best not to do to much cardio on lifting days… I did feel like I could have done another 30 minutes though……..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    You are going to develop a certain amount of tolerance to that pre-WO drink if you take it every session.

    I'd use it sparingly if i was you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Thanks for the heads up.

    I watch my intake. The one scoop will do me for a good while.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Row, 1000 meters, 4 minutes flat.
    Squat 85kg, very tough on last set and didn’t get down as far, although still past horizontal.
    Bench press 67.5kg had to get a spot on last set. Lat 2 reps, they guy has his fingers bringing it up, but still classed as a fail, same weight next time!
    Reverser crunch 20 x 3 sets
    Push up. 37, 21, 16 best yet!!)

    It’s getting tough now, which is good. But going to give another two weeks before holiday and then change things for a few months over summer. The plan then is build muscle over the next few months, then too bulk up during the winter months and back on the 5x5, and then strip down the fat spring next year.
    Well that’s the master plan as it stands any way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Row Distance 1000m, time 3.58
    Squat 87.5kg
    Dead lift 110kg
    Over Head press 50kg 4x5 then 1x2. ****ing tough going
    Pull Up 6, 5, 4
    barbell fly. 10x 8kg 10x 10kg 10x 12.5kg. New one for me and enjoyed
    Forgot about the plank last night. Won't beat myself up!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    Great session last night and managed the 67.5kg bench with no assistance and also 90kg squat, so happy, but wreaked when I got home.

    BP, 67.5kg 5x5
    Squat 90kg 5x5
    Inverted row 18,12,9.
    Reserve crunch 20,20,20. I sped these up quite a bit and feeling it this morning.

    Onwards and upwards….

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    I'm also undertaking the hundred push ups through an iPhone App As its one thing i've alway wondered if I could do. I guess I'll know in a few months.

    Looking back though, when I started strong lifts I was doing 19/20 push ups. Now getting 32 on 1st set.

    I'll keep progress as will doing on lifting days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭d'Oracle

    Apip99 wrote: »
    barbell fly. 10x 8kg 10x 10kg 10x 12.5kg. New one for me and enjoyed

    I presume you mean Dumbell Fly?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭Apip99

    d'Oracle:Your right..

    I FAIL!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭d'Oracle

    Keep your aim high buddy.

    Flys with two oly bars would be something to see.:)
