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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x5
    180kg x2
    *Working sets*
    200kg (5x8)

    Good Mornings

    Hamstring Curl
    Stack (3x5)

    DB Shrugs

    Gonna be in bits tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    COH wrote: »
    Gonna be in bits tomorrow

    ^^^This turned out to be bang on the money... caked in volterol gel since waking up^^^

    Bench - low expectations
    60kg (2x12)
    80kg x12
    100kg x10
    120kg x8
    140kg x1
    *week something - 95%*
    157.5kg (5x1)
    *random added set*
    130kg x10 (some sort of PR i think)

    Inverted Row


    Lat Raise
    20s (3x15)

    Cable Pressdown
    Stack (5x12)

    Have had a few ulnar nerve compression issues since last week, pain shooting from shoulders/biceps through elbows into my hands as a result of the heavy squatting so wasnt sure how today would go at all. I had this problem last year too, makes any kind of pressing or holding a bar while squatting incredibly painful but it seems to have calmed down a bit. If it continues to decompress, and if the DOMs from yesterday subside in time then a heavy single on wednesdays squatting is a possibility. If not Im happy to back off for a while since that was the plan anyway. Chiro tomorrow, osteo next monday, that should set me up nicely for a decent run of training leading up to the worlds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    180kg x3
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    240kg x1
    260kg x1 (PR)

    272.5kg x1 (PR)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,115 ✭✭✭✭Nervous Wreck

    Holy fcuk!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Board Press
    60kg x10
    100kg x10
    140kg x10
    160kg x10

    Speed Bench
    20,40,60,80,100kg + miniband x3


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    ~90mins warming up

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    180kg x1
    210kg x1
    220kg (5x5)


    Speed Deadlift
    185kg (3x2)

    BW x12
    +miniband x12
    + 2x miniband x12

    Deads felt solid, 220x8 is an all time reps PR and I reckon I could have come close to that today. Well done to JOE smashing a big deadlift PR as well, bout f*cking time really :pac: Thats me finished until mid next week sometime, body needs a rest, and a pizza. Osteo monday, probably bench wednesday. I'll kick training for the GPC worlds into gear from that point on. Game on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Warm up.. the usual

    Bar x a million
    60kg (3x12)
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x3
    140kg x2
    150kg x4...:mad:
    150kg x5 (PR)
    140kg x7
    100kg x30 ... lol. Technically 28+1+1

    3 sets of not many

    cable pressdown
    Stack (3x loads)

    Face Pulls


    EZ Curls
    45kg (3x10)

    Low Cable Row

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Last night

    Warm up
    - foam rolling
    - dynamic/static stretching
    - band distraction
    - Cricket balling

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (3x5)
    140kg x5
    180kg x3
    200kg x1
    210kg x ... hamstring felt duuurty out of nowhere, aborted the mission

    Reverse Grip BOR


    Weighted Abs

    The plan had been a drama free set of 5 @77.5% with light wraps. Slightly pissed about the hamstring acting up, everything felt 110% going into the session and 180kg and 200kg may as well have been an empty bar for how it came up. Didnt bother me at all on the GHR and its feeling fine today, but there's clearly something not right in the vicinty of the semitendinosus so I'll get it checked out tomorrow as the gym physio is back from holidays. I'll roll the baby-jeebus out of it and see how it reacts, but its uncomfortable when compressed. A less than impressive start to training for the worlds!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    The 'SuperAthleteProtocolSystems' step-by-step guide to being more functional than Jesus's swiss army knife....

    1 - Foamroll everything (obviously)
    1 - band pull aparts with 5 different bands.. into snatch grip inverted shrugs
    3 - Distract everything with bands from all directions/dimensions
    4 - Wedge a cricketball into every square inch of flesh you posess
    5 - Rumbleroll over everything in case you missed somewhere.. especially the lats and ouchy triceps
    6 - Figure out new and inovative ways to murder your medial glutes/piriformis
    7 - leg swings in various directions, visualise success.
    8 - Static stretching for everything
    9 - Become Kstarr again, using plyboxes, an actual lacross ball and medium band attatched to rack at varying heights
    10 - Aggressive pec-stretch, kettlebell your shoulders back into place
    11 - Over head squats with bands, do ITB stretch physio showed you that doesn't work
    12 - Over head squats with Bar
    13 - Close grip overhead squats - thorasic park
    14 - Admire oly squat depth - point out mobility masterclass to non-SAPS
    15 - More stretching/distracting... tentatively poke at troublesome hamstring
    16 - Rumbleroll everything again, just so surrounding people know the rumbleroller is yours, then do some bird-dogs and bridging to mark territory.
    17 - Gay dance looking nerve tension releasing exercise into Dynamic effort lying rotator dumbbell things (2kg bells)
    18 - Bent over TYWL's.. yeah, changed the order (while stretching hamstrings.. killing 2 birds with 1 athlete)
    19 - Plantarflexion/dorsiflexion/calf stretch
    20 - Max effort cycle home into 'sit-and-moan-til-someone-brings-you-food' position on couch

    Next week... more things involving medicine balls and instability.

    I feel epic

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Functional Acrobatic Graceful


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    dantes87 wrote: »
    Functional Acrobatic Graceful


    Man points deduction for use of words 'acrobatic' and 'graceful' in description of another male.. by calling me a fag, you really only succeeded in sounding like one yourself... better luck next time :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Not interested in man points thanks.

    I just called it as I seen it, an epic ballet, the struggle between you and the rubber :p

    But I'm getting pretty jealous that even you can move better than me now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    I presume you're still warming-up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Sangre wrote: »
    I presume you're still warming-up?

    Athletes never stop warming up


    Abbreviated 'S.A.P.S' Warm-Up
    ~75 mins

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    180kg x2
    200kg x1
    210kg x1
    220kg x1
    230kg x1 ... heaviest dead in almost a year
    240kg x1 ... easy
    250kg x1 ... easy
    Tempted to go heavier but I'll have loads of time for that in November

    Speed Deads (45 sec rest period)
    200kg (10x2)

    Good Mornings
    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg x10

    Hamstring Curl
    Pin 8 x10
    Pin 10 x10
    Pin 12 x10
    Pin 14 x10

    I'm back b*tches

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    And now for something completely different...

    Bench... paused :(
    Bar x a million
    60kg (3x12)
    80kg x12
    100kg x10
    120kg x3
    140kg x2
    142.5kg x2
    145kg (5x1)

    Close Grip Bench ... paused
    100kg (3x10)

    Incline Bench.. paused
    80kg (2x10)

    Inverted Row
    BW +10kg (3x12)

    V-Grip Cable Pressdown
    Stack (3x20)

    Lat Raise
    10s x12
    12.5s x12
    15s x12

    Tandem Brotastic EZ-Curl
    45kg (3x12)

    Last week marks the end of the ego-benching with a nice 5RM touch and go, I'll miss launching the bar into my chest cavity but I need to work on my paused bench for the worlds now. The top sets were relatively drama free, but challenging enough to force technique. Will keep the weight moderate enough for a few weeks then increase weight in the final run up. Close grip was easy, ill add weight and drop reps as the weeks go on, pretty straight forward taper. I've completely forgotten how to incline bench, I seemed intent on dumping the bar forward on a the first set, and the second set was just hard, full ROM is gay anyway. Next 6 weeks should be interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x5
    180kg x5
    200kg x5
    220kg x5

    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x12

    BW + miniband

    Reverse Grip Barbell Row
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x12

    Face pulls

    Standing ab pulldown

    Kneeling ab pulldown

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    The perfect storm of bad training .. no sleep, hangover, 40 billion degrees of humidity in the gym

    Seated Row
    40kg (2x12)
    80kg (3x12)
    120kg (2x12)
    160kg (2x12)

    Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown

    Flat Dumbbell Press
    45kg dbs x12
    45kg dbs x12
    45kg dbs x12
    45kg dbs x12
    45kg dbs x12

    Chest Supported Reverse Fly
    12.5kg dbs x12
    12.5kg dbs x12
    12.5kg dbs x12

    DB Curl

    OH Rope Extension

    Decided to dumbbell press instead of speed bench or board press in this cycle leading up to the worlds. My elbows and shoulders just dont want a barbell (heavy/light/banded or otherwise) over my face more than once a week while I'm squatting relatively heavy. Ill add weight/drop reps each week. Hamstrings are so tight after last session on tuesday that I pulled it sitting on the lat pulldown (again).. I'm a special boy, should be grand for deadlifting saturday. 6 weeks out now, pretty much where I want to be on all fronts, bodyweight is in and around contest weight, 101ish in the mornings PMD and 104ish at night while hitting ~77.5-85% on squat/bench/(hopefully)deads with ease.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    COH wrote: »
    Decided to dumbbell press instead of speed bench or board press in this cycle leading up to the worlds. My elbows and shoulders just dont want a barbell (heavy/light/banded or otherwise) over my face more than once a week while I'm squatting relatively heavy.

    I've started finishing off my squat sessions with loads of curls and my elbows aren't nearly as sore. Before I was curling on another day but for some reason it didn't seem to help.

    Maybe this is pseudobroscience but it's just something i've noticed the last few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    kevpants wrote: »
    I've started finishing off my squat sessions with loads of curls and my elbows aren't nearly as sore. Before I was curling on another day but for some reason it didn't seem to help.

    Maybe this is pseudobroscience but it's just something i've noticed the last few weeks.

    More curls.. sounds good!

    Warm up ~60mins

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    180kg x3
    200kg x1
    210kg x1
    *engage spreadsheet*
    230kg (5x3)

    Good mornings

    Hamstring curl

    Seated row

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bench (paused)
    60kg (3x12)
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x3
    140kg (5x3)

    Close Grip Bench (paused)
    110kg (3x8)

    Incline Bench (paused)
    90kg (3x8)

    Inverted Row
    +15kg (3x10)

    Lat Raise
    20s (3x12)

    Cable Pressdown
    Stack (3x20)

    55kg (5x12)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    160kg x3
    *light sleeves*
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    240kg x5 (PR without wraps)

    BW +12
    +Mini band x12
    + 2x miniband x12

    Reverse Grip Barbell Row
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x12

    Barbell Curl
    60kg x10
    60kg x10
    60kg x10

    *More curls because Kevpants said so...*

    Hammer curl

    EZ Bar Curl

    Cable Curl

    Preacher Curl

    Spider Curl

    High D-Ring Cable Curl

    Started off a useless session, 60 and 100 felt mad heavy. Elitefts seem determined to not ship my sleeves, and I wasnt really bothered putting on the heavy sleeves I have so I through on a pair of single ply elbow sleeves I never really use onto the knees, they did the job nicely. Hopefully be able to get back into wraps next week for reps on 260 .

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    My biceps hurt :(


    Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown

    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

    Plate Loaded Seated Row
    40kg x10
    80kg x10
    120kg x10
    160kg x10
    200kg x8

    Flat Dumbbell Press
    20/30/40s x12
    50s (5x10)

    Reverse Fly
    7.5s x10
    10s x10
    12.5s x10
    15s (2x10)

    Tricep Rope Pressdown/OH rope extension

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    180kg x2
    200kg x2
    210kg x1
    225kg x1
    240kg (2x3) :)

    Good Mornings

    Hamstring Curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bar (3x20)
    60kg (3x12) close/medium/wide
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x12
    140kg x5 (PR)
    140kg x4+1 (decided to guillotine myself on the last rep... gay)

    Close Grip (Paused)
    120kg (3x5)

    Inlcine Bench (Paused)
    100kg (3x8)

    Lat Raise

    Inverted Row
    +10kg x12
    +20kg x10

    Cable Pressdown
    Stack (3x20)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    The usual athletic warm up

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    180kg x3
    *light sleeves*
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    240kg x1
    260kg x3 (PR)


    Reverse Grip Barbell Row

    First time back in wraps since the 1rm attempt 5weeks ago(ish), hadn't been able to put them on since as the compression made the hamstring feel about to rip. Had it checked out yesterday, verdict was that there might have been a small tear, but it seems ok now so I don't care either way. Savage lifting all round tonight, including from my gf who's gone from squatting 20kg awkwardly for a couple reps to squatting over bodyweight (52.5kg)for 5 reps with a few to spare in about 6weeks :) Not sure where I'll go on squats next week, 260kg x5 would be nice and taper off the last 3-4sessions from there maybe

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
    Pin 4 x12
    Pin 6 x12
    Pin 8 x12
    Pin 10 x12
    Pin 12 x12

    Plate Loaded Seated Row
    40kg x12
    80kg x12
    120kg x12
    140kg x12
    160kg x12

    Seated Dumbbell Press
    25s x12
    35s x12
    45s x12
    55s (2x10)

    Reverse Fly
    7.5s x12
    10s x12
    12.5s x12
    15s x12
    17.5s x12

    Rope Pressdown/OH Rope Extension/Facepulls

    Pain in/from the shoulders through the biceps/elbows is getting close to unbearable again... this is probably a bad thing, I'll address the issue in 5 weeks when I have time to be dealing with bullsh*t!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    I guess I was due a bad day....

    60kg (3x5)... didn't feel right
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5... the f*cking state of this, comically bad. VIS mentioned something about it looking like I was Irish dancing.
    180kg x1... fleh
    200kg x1... did this rep sideways, like I was playing guitar hero
    220kg x1
    235kg x1... only decent feeling rep of the session so far, false hope....
    250kg x miserable fail, supposed to be a drama free double
    250kg x even more miserable fail... wtf

    Well thats great! I'll put it down to the midweek squatting taking its toll more than I thought it did, honestly felt great after it and was very confident going into today after 250 coming up so easy a few weeks ago. Spent a while deloading my back on the GHR after the last failed attempt.. didn't bother with any accessory work at all. Back to the drawing board... by that I mean I'm doing this session again tomorrow, only tomorrow I'll be drunk :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    COH wrote: »

    Savage lifting all round tonight, including from my gf who's gone from squatting 20kg awkwardly for a couple reps to squatting over bodyweight (52.5kg)for 5 reps with a few to spare in about 6weeks :)

    That's excellent work:):):)...has me excited. I now have someone to chase....wahhhoooo!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    gymfreak wrote: »
    That's excellent work:):):)...has me excited. I now have someone to chase....wahhhoooo!!

    She's comin for ya...
