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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    COH wrote: »
    I'd prefer to not have to do it at all... if only I had sorted out my deadlifting form years ago before I did permenant damage.. eh .. EH!!

    Haha I know I know, I'm working on it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭colman1212

    COH wrote: »
    I'd prefer to not have to do it at all... if only I had sorted out my deadlifting form years ago before I did permenant damage.. eh .. EH!!

    What was wrong with your deadlift form out of interest? Rounded lower back or something?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,115 ✭✭✭✭Nervous Wreck

    COH wrote: »
    Deloading my back.

    I walked by when you were setting up for this. It definitely did not look like a creepy sex-swing...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Haha I know I know, I'm working on it :)

    Work harder
    colman1212 wrote: »
    What was wrong with your deadlift form out of interest? Rounded lower back or something?

    Piss poor movement to begin with, a billion compensations as a result, awful start position and a house of cards instead of a spinal column as a result, probably next to no glute/hamstring involvment, zero programming, going too heavy too aften, doing the movement too often, being a complete numpty in general.... ah the good old days!

    I walked by when you were setting up for this. It definitely did not look like a creepy sex-swing...

    I saw you staring at me, please don't rub your nipple in public mate its just not cool.

    Lat Pulldown
    Bench Row
    DB Row

    Hung upside-down again for about 10 minutes having found a much easier way to get into position without the need for help. Legs are still minced from Sundays squatting... I'll crosstrainer them back to full health this evening

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    *Mobility/Rehab/Traction - ~1 hour*

    Arms - Enough Said

    More Traction

    Crosstrainer - 30mins

    Steve Cook is doing a seminar in the gym tonight, I've never heard of him... I'm told he's an 'IBFF Pro' (I'm guessing bikini division) and 'former college football player' (which could mean any number of things).

    So I'm not going.... I already know one too many guys that can't keep their f*cking top on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    DB Military Press (6x15)
    Db lat raise (4x15)
    Barbell shrugs + Reverse Fly (4x15)
    Cable Pressdown (5x20)
    OH Extension (5x20)

    Crosstrainer - 30mins

    Weight is still coming down.. 99.1 on the home scales that run about 1kg heavier than the ones i used when I started dieting. Slow and steady keeps the gains and all that. Must take some topless pics soon to scare the woman and children :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bar x loads
    60kg (5x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg x20... lame
    150kg x20... better

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    20kg x10
    40kg x10
    60kg (3x10)

    Hamstring Curl

    Squatting didn't feel particularly heavy... Just tired today after a crap nights sleep and feeling a bit flat after 11 days at sub 30g carbs per day. Stiff legs felt great, no interest in going heavy on these just think its about time I reintroduced the movement again. Really focusing hard on locking in the upper back and getting tight as absolute f*ck from the traps down, all sorts of small muscles cramping as a result so they clearly are not used to being properly engaged. Rhomboids - gotta get them rhomboids. Finished off with more traction, hip and thoracic mobility.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    My heart feels like it wants to explode after 20 reps. Fair play for doing it twice at such a heavy weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    ferike1 wrote: »
    My heart feels like it wants to explode after 20 reps. Fair play for doing it twice at such a heavy weight.

    Percentage wise it's pretty low so not very heavy (my bodies understanding of heavy is 'if you get this wrong it could kill you')... high rep sets just keep training interesting while Im dieting and until I'm comfortable pushing the percentages on again. That being said I'm going to put knee wraps on and have a shot at 180-200kg x20 in the not so distant future :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bench - 120x10... 130x5....then up to a miserable 152.5. Pathetic!
    DB Bench - 45s x20
    Incline - 100x12
    Some other crap... huge pump

    Strength is circling the drain!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Your back handling benching alright in terms of setup, tightness, etc.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Your back handling benching alright in terms of setup, tightness, etc.?

    Apart from everything beyond 80kg feeling exceedingly heavy yeah, its not too bad.. I still wouldn't push much of an arch but then again I never really did anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg x10
    130kg x10
    160kg x20

    Front Squat
    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg x10

    Leg Press
    5x20 up to stupid amount of kgs

    Leg Extension
    Stack (4x20)

    Hamstring Curl

    Seated Calves

    Standing Calves

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭CM24

    Just wondering, in your experience does lifting affect the recovery of your lower back much? I injured my lower back about two weeks ago doing a shoulder press. I arched my back too much on the last rep and felt something give out on the right side of my lower back. It flared up for a good few days after and I found myself having to lean on things while sitting up out of a chair, or walking up stairs etc. I actually fell to the ground after kicking a ball once.

    I'v been to the physio who said that whatever I did is causing a bad spasm. She gave me some stretches (mostly glute stretches)to do and it's slowly but surely recovering. I did one weight training session against her advice and I could feel the area sort of ''bulging'' a bit when doing rows or benching. Only worked up to one heavy-ish set on chins, rows, bench and OH press. Just wondering if I'm only prolonging the injury by doing weights? I'm guessing the physio doesn't even lift so she would naturally advise staying away from the weights. It drives me insane though, watching myself lose muscle and get fatter and not being able to do anything about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    CM24 wrote: »
    Just wondering, in your experience does lifting affect the recovery of your lower back much?

    Yes, its speeds it up, but only when the training is the right training. I've found that periods of inactivity and too much time spent playing it safe leaves me tight, immobile, bored and in more pain then I usually am while training.
    I injured my lower back about two weeks ago doing a shoulder press. I arched my back too much on the last rep and felt something give out on the right side of my lower back. It flared up for a good few days after and I found myself having to lean on things while sitting up out of a chair, or walking up stairs etc. I actually fell to the ground after kicking a ball once.

    Hopefully its nothing major, I've aggravated my back doing over head stuff before and but it nothing ever felt like it gave away.
    I'v been to the physio who said that whatever I did is causing a bad spasm. She gave me some stretches (mostly glute stretches)to do and it's slowly but surely recovering.

    Keep doing what you are told if its working! You are a unique snowflake - so what works for me may not work for you.
    I did one weight training session against her advice and I could feel the area sort of ''bulging'' a bit when doing rows or benching. Only worked up to one heavy-ish set on chins, rows, bench and OH press.

    I'd avoid unsupported DB or barbell rows when my back is sore, just because of the shearing force across the lumbar and the torque in single arm stuff. I also avoid shrugs, barbell squats and overhead pressing of any kind at different times for the same reason.
    Just wondering if I'm only prolonging the injury by doing weights? I'm guessing the physio doesn't even lift so she would naturally advise staying away from the weights. It drives me insane though, watching myself lose muscle and get fatter and not being able to do anything about it.

    Firstly - It doesn't really matter if your physio lifts... as long as they understand the nature of your addiction.

    Secondly - there's no reason to get fatter. Just modify your diet!

    Thirdly - you're really not going to atrophy that much in a fortnight, you might feel a bit flatter etc. but that'll be psychological as much as anything else.

    Are you prolonging your injury training? That depends on you really... if it hurts in the bad sense of the term, then don't do it. Like the first time I exploded my back I couldn't deadlift without sharp pain, but I could front squat all day. So for me axial loading was out but that didn't mean I had to sit around waiting to magically feel better. If OH pressing aggravates your back, then don't do it... do something else instead and try to make sure its something you enjoy.. add stuff that you hate and that you are crap at and get good at that too.. just because they are usually two very good reasons to do them. For me, its unilateral lower body stuff, for you it could be reverse curls.. who knows.

    I'm all for aggressive rehab, I've seen many physios/osteos/doctors/voodoo merchants over the years and the only people I rate in any way are the ones that understood that yeah, I'm wired a bit differantly, that my rehab isn't about pain free living, its about getting back into competition... and that meant a commitment on their part to not play it safe, and instead of telling me to stretch and hope for the best they got me moving, strengthening areas, mobilising others, and stabilising others again... all while allowing me to push myself to that end.

    I'll give you an example.. A friend of mine is a 'qualified' physio... 4 year degree etc, he knows what I'm all about and provided me with a rehab program over the past couple of months that has helped me train with moderate intensity using all the movements I love. Granted he might have me standing on one leg with my eyes closed, or doing single leg squats, and a heap of other crap that I hate... but today when he said ok, go deadlift... I said grand I'll keep it at like 30% and he laughed and said that's stupid... push it to around fifty and keep the reps high because this is going to feel like new movement. I like his style. Another physio might have said no, don't deadlift, if you explode then I look bad, so do some endless core work instead and we'll see how you are in 6 months.

    But that's just me. First port of call is do what you're told... just try to get your advice from someone that knows that you're a little bit f*cking insane :)

    On that note...
    Today -*All the rehab*

    Deadlift (Conventional) - Double overhand - Beltless
    Bar - all the tech work
    60kg (2x10)
    80kg x10
    100kg x10
    120kg x10
    140kg x10

    Did not explode, this is good....

    And then Lat Pulldowns, Seated Rows and DB Rows... (many x lots)

    Good times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    I knew there was a reason I still followed the odd log on boards.

    That post is one of them.

    Possibly the most eloquent thing you've ever constructed that didn't involve giving someone abuse.

    Great post.
    Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭CM24

    Delighted with that reply. Everything you said makes loadsa sense to me. I will head to the gym and see if I can sub in some exercises that don't put stress on that area and focus on them. I don't know why I didn't think of just doing supported rows instead of regular rows. I'll probably do weighted dips instead of bench and incline bench instead of OHP. Chin ups actually feel really good. Hanging from the bar seems to take all the stress off the affected area. I actually did sumo deadlifts straight after I got the injury and they surprisingly felt grand so I'll see what other lower body stuff is do-able.

    As for me getting fat. That was mostly me just binging out of self-pity, and I sorta thought over-eating would be better than under-eating for muscle retention. I'll get that sorted. Thanks a mil.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    wtf just happened....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    wtf just happened....

    I just invented fitness

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Close Grip Bench
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg - triples

    Seated DB OHP + Seated Lat Raise

    Traction - 10 glorious minutes.

    Feeling pretty good after yesterdays deadlifting - was worried I'd wake up in bits but apart from some obscene glute DOMS all systems are go. Away for the weekend, bye bye diet... hello triple vodkas and hungover pizza gluttony

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bench + Fat Gripz + Mini-band
    Bar (3x12)
    60kg (2x12)
    80kg x10
    100kg x10
    *Remove Mini-band*
    120kg (2x10)

    Close Grip Bench + Fat Gripz
    60kg x10
    85kg x10
    110kg (2x10)

    Incline Bench + Fat Gripz
    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg (2x10)

    Lat Pulldown/Rolling DB Extension

    I was going to skip training today after a weekend of excess and exhaustion... but I wanted to put the tens of thousands of airport burgerking kcals to use. Loving the fat grip pressing, really takes the pressure off my wrists and everything felt surprisingly strong. A bit of upper back and tricep accessory work because I'm retiring from my almost but not really bodybuilding career going back to training as opposed to working out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x5
    170kg x15

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    60kg x15
    80kg x15
    100kg x15

    Step Ups (18inch box... giggidy)

    Single Arm KB Swing 45s (20kg) + Plank (1min)

    Probably could have pushed for more reps on the squat and the stiff legs were easy. Updating log from Aussie BBQ - win :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bench (Comp Grip - Index On Rings)
    60kg x20
    80kg x20
    100kg x20

    Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s x12
    25s x12
    30s x12
    35s x12
    40s x12

    Lat Raise

    Cable Pressdown

    Forgot to do curls... The shame :eek:

    Reintroduced fruit, oats and sweet potato back into the diet.. along with creatine because I'm just that f*cking hardcore it hurts. Am also done with any form of fasting protocols because it can suck my balls

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    *longest warm up ever*

    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg x3
    170kg x10

    I've widened my conventional stance to force my glutes to do more work. They are twitching now... so its working a treat. Am upside down right now in traction - feels good

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    COH wrote: »
    Bench (Comp Grip - Index On Rings)
    60kg x20
    80kg x20
    100kg x20

    Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s x12
    25s x12
    30s x12
    35s x12
    40s x12

    Lat Raise

    Cable Pressdown

    Forgot to do curls... The shame :eek:

    Reintroduced fruit, oats and sweet potato back into the diet.. along with creatine because I'm just that f*cking hardcore it hurts. Am also done with any form of fasting protocols because it can suck my balls

    What do you weigh at the minute?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    stuchyg wrote: »
    What do you weigh at the minute?

    101.6 after training there today


    Bench Press + Fat Gripz + Monster Mini-Band
    Bar (3x15)
    60kg (3x10)
    80kg x10
    100kg x10
    *Remove Band*
    120kg (2x12)

    Close Grip Bench + Fat Gripz
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    115kg x10

    Incline Bench + Fat Gripz
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    105kg x10

    Lat Pulldown/HammerCurlz/Tricep Pressdown/Facepulls - (3xAMRAP)

    Pressing felt pretty strong... a couple extra reps on last weeks top set on the bench and a couple extra kg on the assistance pressing. I'm keeping my grip a good bit in form my comp grip - pinkies on rings as opposed to index on rings. Probably look to add weight to all three next week a lá my usual butchering of Coan bench programming. Everything else was strictly for wifebeater purposes.

    EDIT - Lots of pec-dec too - just because

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    You rep your BW 20 times, fair focks. Im training just to try build up to 10 reps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    What do the FG do for you on the bench? Not grip as you're under it... how do they change things?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    What do the FG do for you on the bench? Not grip as you're under it... how do they change things?

    My wrists are beat up at the moment - thicker grip increases the contact area and I find it reduces pressure on the joint.
