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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Am absolutely wrote off after the weeks training - like I need help putting socks on levels of pain but a friend was running a mobility workshop (amazingemmet who posts here) so spent the last 4 hours getting bullet proofed. Always nice to see how people with different backgrounds training-wise approach similar issues.. so, awesome day despite the agony.

    Had lunch with Hanley yesterday, left thinking 'god he's such a tampon'... looks like he located some aggression in the meantime so remind me to invoice him for the thunder :D

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    COH wrote: »
    ... a mobility workshop (amazingemmet who posts here) so spent the last 4 hours getting bullet proofed. ...

    Is that something that amazingemmet runs regularly? I could just PM him but he doesn't seem to be very active lately. Any links would be appreciated...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    gvn wrote: »
    Is that something that amazingemmet runs regularly? I could just PM him but he doesn't seem to be very active lately. Any links would be appreciated...

    Physiculture facebook page

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    *heavy sleeves*
    220kg x1
    235kg x3 :)

    60kg x5
    100kg x5
    140kg x5
    185kg x15

    Hamstring Curls

    Heaviest squat since last September I do believe.. delighted. Video on facebook. Felt a bit unsteady under the bar but felt great once I was set. Had planned on getting back in wraps today but wasm't bothered with the stress of them. Deadlifts were grand... bit of volume for sh*ts and giggles. At some point ill have to try and pull something heavy, but not yet.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    The squats looked pretty handy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »
    The squats looked pretty handy!

    Yeah looking at the video it seems like there was another rep or two there... which is ironic because my internal monologue went kinda like 'SH*T I'M GONNA DIE' on each rep!

    *Arms - Same as last time*

    Am very sore... very sore indeed

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Training today out in Crossfit Strength & Performance in Bray. Serious set up...

    Close Grip Bench (+ band)
    40kg x12
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x5
    120kg x2
    *Remove Band*
    140kg (3x4)

    Swiss Bar Close Grip Board Press :cool:
    +40kg x15
    +60kg x15
    +80kg x15
    +60kg x23
    +60kg x22... grrrrrrr

    Chest Supported Row

    4 Rounds:
    - Band Flys x20
    - Lat Raise x20
    - Straight Bar Curl x20

    Good session... Lower body tomorrow. I'm hoping to front squat OR safety bar squat then rack pull because I f*cking HATE rack pulls, am sh*t at them and never do them. I will then feast like a viking warrior in the halls of Valhalla

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    COH wrote: »
    I'm hoping to front squat OR safety bar squat then rack pull because I f*cking HATE rack pulls, am sh*t at them and never do them. I will then feast like a viking warrior in the halls of Valhalla


  • Registered Users Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    COH wrote:
    will then feast like a viking warrior in the halls of Valhalla

    Or as Buddhists call it, Nirvana.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Having returned to moderate strength levels I made the decision to not squat and deadlift twice a week anymore... tested the waters today with some variations so things should start to take shape again over the coming weeks... Anyway, trained with Hanley today in Raw, good banter....

    Safety Bar Squat
    45kg x5
    65kg x5
    85kg x5
    105kg x5
    125kg x5
    145kg x8... more in the tank for sure

    3 Inch Block Pull
    60kg x5
    100kg x5
    140kg x5
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    *mixed grip*
    200kg x1
    210kg x1
    220kg x1
    230kg x3

    Safety Bar Good Mornings
    25kg x15
    35kg x15
    45kg x15
    55kg x15

    Hamstring Curl
    Pin 6 x8
    Pin 8 x8
    Pin 10 x8
    Pin 12 x8

    Forgot how draining the SSB is beyond a couple reps. Felt solid enough... core was certainly working hard. Plan was to front squat but elbows are a bit beat up at the moment. Block pulls instead of rack pulls because I prefer how the bar flexes naturally off blocks than out of a rack. I'm still in a position mentally where I sh*t the bed at the prospect of any heavy pulling so was glad to work up to a decent triple. Set up was a little inconsistent but that's to be expected... just glad to have survived it. SSB good mornings are f*cking humbling... but everything was firing in the right sequence so I don't mind the fact that I was using little girls weights. Going forwards I may go back to squatting and RDLs or GHR midweek then using SSB as deadlift assisance at the weekends. The plan will come together when it comes together and when it does I'm going to f*cking destroy all my PRs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Close Grip Bench + Band
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x1
    *remove band*
    140kg x5 paused (PR?)
    140kg x5... just to be sure

    Incline Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    130kg x4... kaboom!

    3 rounds
    - Lat Pulldown x20reps
    - Seated Row x20 reps
    - Band flies x20

    Delighted with the pressing.. was wrecked today so was actually gonna skip training but decision not to be a fanny was well vindicated. Grip for the close grip was more pseudo-close... a couple inches in from rings but not quite to smooth. Paused the top set because my pec is still sore. A couple ugly reps but I think for paused close grip thats around all time PR levels but will have to look back. Incline was beyond solid.. pulled the plug after 4 reps just to leave something in the tank. Accessory stuff was actual filth... lats were destroyed.

    Hamstrings are still McF*cked after Saturdays training so might hold off squatting til Thursday

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x3
    100kg x3
    120kg x3
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    *heavy sleeves*
    242.5kg x2.... meh

    Set up was all wrong, second rep was rotten. Called the rest of the session there so as not to further aggravate anything. Feels grand now, was worried at the time.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I see the r*tard button remains unpressed. Kudos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »
    I see the r*tard button remains unpressed. Kudos.

    Just hovering over it as usual :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH




  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Close Grip Bench
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x1
    140kg x3
    145kg x3

    Incline Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x1
    140kg x1

    3 Rounds:
    - Band Flies x25
    - Lat Raise x25
    - EZ Curl x25

    Pressing in any capacity the day after and arms session is negative craic... well below par today :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A1 - Close Grip Paused Floor Press
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg (2x5)
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg x2
    A2 - Bench Stability (mini band) 8x5 reps

    B1- DB Bench Row x8
    25s x8
    30s x8
    35s x8
    40s x8
    B2 - Neutral Grip DB Floor Press x10
    30s x10
    35s x10
    40s x10
    45s x10

    C1 - Swiss Bar Close Grip Bench x10
    + 40kg x10
    + 60kg x10
    + 80kg x10
    C2 - Lateral Raise x12
    12.5s x12
    12.5s x12
    12.5s x12
    C3 - Under/Over Band Pull Apart x15
    Mini Band (x8 under x7 over) x3

    Fun session. Wanted to get a bench session in without doing any actual benching so decided to get after some tricep dominant variations then work on some scap stability, upper back and delts. Am deloading my back after the heavy double last week, things feeling a little funky still so probably hammer some lower body isolation work tomorrow or Wednesday. Bodyweight 97.5kg this morning... #2lean4life

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Today AM - Metabolic Testing
    - 14 mins hooked up to a computer assessing my RMR and kcal requirement at maintenance on training and non-training days etc.


    RMR - 2333kcals per day
    + Daily activity 699 kcals per day
    + Exercise (582kcals per hour, average training duration 90mins)

    So on an average training day I'm looking at 3905kcals maintenance and on non training days 3032.

    Grand job.

    Training (Squat deload session)

    - Foam Roll ITBs/Lats/Quads
    - Hockey ball hips/glutes/delts
    - Safety pin adductors
    - Olympic bar hips/TFL etc

    Static stretch and band distract
    - Hips
    - Glutes
    - Hamstrings
    - Pecs/lats/triceps

    3 rounds:
    Bird Dog x10/10
    Rolling Plank x10/10
    Single leg glute bridge x10/10
    Cosak Squat x10/10
    Band Pullapart x20

    Front Squat
    bar (2x15)
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg (3x5)

    Sumo Deadlift
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg x5
    160kg x5

    Reverse Hyper

    Back is still feeling the heavy squatting last week, was planning on just doing some leg extensions and hamstring curls as I was sore last night but after the extended warm up I felt pretty good for some light barbell action. My rack position f*cking sucks... too much muscle in the way. I absolutely despise sumo deadlifting so kept it light and focused on drilling the technique. Kept my feet turn out wide and kept the stance moderate (pseudo-sumo I guess) and the weight popped off the ground. Could have gone heavier, but that would have completely defeated the purpose. Zero DOMS after yesterdays bench accessory-a-thon... may bench tomorrow because my Friday is wedged.

    Then spent some time in traction doing my best impression of an upside down athletic bat-jesus


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Bench Warm Up - 3 Rounds
    - Band Flies x10
    - Band Rows x10
    - Band Bench Stability x10
    - Band Tricep Pressdown x10
    - Band Facepull x10

    Narrow Grip Bench + Band
    60kg (2x15)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    *remove band*
    130kg x10 (equals touch & go PR)

    Incline Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    140kg x2

    Paused Band Assisted Bench (miniband doubled around elbows)
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg x5

    3 Rounds:
    - Lat Pulldown (heavy) x10
    - Seated Row x15
    - Lat Pulldown (light) x25

    Bodyweight 96.9 this morning despite last nights home made banana cake smothered in peanut butter :D Great session today... was surprised at the close grip bench 10th rep was an all put grinder. If I had played it safe id have maybe had a 3rd rep on the 140 incline. The band assisted bench because I saw Matt Wichlinski do them during the week and looked fun. Upper back stuff burned nicely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    The band assisted bench stuff is essentially like a ghetto/homemade Slingshot, right?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    The band assisted bench stuff is essentially like a ghetto/homemade Slingshot, right?

    Yes. I started with a doubled small band but the support was too much and I didn't want to be wasting my time pretend benching 180 for reps or any crap like that. Well not yet anyway, that actually sounds like a lot of fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    COH wrote: »

    Bodyweight 96.9 this morning despite last nights home made banana cake smothered in peanut butter :D

    Have you ever tried toasting banana bread?, realising I could toast cake was the highlight of 2013 for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    JJayoo wrote: »
    Have you ever tried toasting banana bread?, realising I could toast cake was the highlight of 2013 for me.

    I have cake, and a toaster... but that's like holding a syringe full of opiates. I'm just not sure its a road that I trust myself to go down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Today is Friday
    = Arms session complete with wifebeater

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Never seen you not wearing a hoodie, I bet it was a wifebeater hoodie

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Today - Was going to do some lower body training but still feeling stiff so decided to blow out the cobwebs with an hour of mobility work instead.

    Foam Roll ITBs/Lats/Quads
    - Hockey ball hips/glutes/delts
    - Safety pin adductors
    - Olympic bar hips/TFL etc

    Static stretch and band distract
    - Hips
    - Glutes
    - Hamstrings
    - Pecs/lats/triceps

    3 rounds:
    Bird Dog x10/10
    Rolling Plank x10/10
    Single leg glute bridge x10/10
    Cosak Squat x10/10
    Band Pullapart x20

    Over Head Squat

    Reverse Hyper

    Hamstring Curl

    Feeling much better after that. May reset the lower body training again and get after some higher rep squat PRs for a while until I know fir sure what my training bodyweight is going to be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    (Re)deload... not quite a deload/not quite 'training'

    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    140kg (2x10)

    Sumo Deadlift
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    140kg x1
    160kg x10

    Reverse Hyper

    Wasn't planning anything major.. so today's non-event went exactly to plan. Close Grip floor press and other tricep specific bench variations next on the agenda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Warm Up - 3 Rounds
    - Band Flys x10
    - Band Row x10
    - Bench Stability x10
    - Band Facepull x10
    - Band Tricep Pressdown

    A) Floor Press (Paused)
    60kg (2x15)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    145kg x2

    B1) Elevated DB Bench Row
    25s x8
    35s x8
    45s x8

    B2) Neutral Grip DB Floor Press (Paused)
    35s x5
    45s x5
    55s x5

    C1) Swiss Bar Narrow Grip Bench (Paused)
    +40kg x5
    +60kg x5
    +80kg x5
    +100kg x3... :confused:

    C2) Seated DB Lat Raise
    12.5s x8
    12.5s x8
    12.5s x8
    12.5s x8

    C3) Band Pull Apart
    Mini x12
    Mini x12
    Mini x12
    Mini x12

    F*ck you triceps. That is all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - Mobility (as per Sunday last)

    Highlight was lying on my side with a hockey ball in the crease of my hip then getting someone to stack 60kg of plates on me. Held it for 2mins then nearly cried. Feels great all the same!

    That'll teach my ilio-psoas not to mess with me again :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    PM - Rest day...

    Arms and lat raises... 30mins non stop. Aerobic stuff really. I will squat tomorrow or Friday then try fit in some close grip benching before the weeks out.
