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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    *heavy sleeves*
    210kg x4.... handy

    B) Stiff Leg Deads
    60kg x8
    100kg x8
    140kg x8
    150kg x8
    160kg x8

    C1) Reverse Hyper (4x20)
    C2) Standing Abs (4x20)

    Not a great session, not a bad session. Wasn't sure why everything felt kinda heavy then realised 'oh yeah I deadlifted, block pulled and SSB'd like 48hrs ago' and the prehab sh*t knocked the wind out of me more than expected. So that explains that! Could have pushed more reps on the squat but not the time for that yet... nicely on target for 220x5+ @90ish soon. Holidays now for ~10 days but will train away as usual.

    If you type all that into google translate and translate it from vagina to English it comes out as 'should have squatted more'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - Mobility/Prehab (1 hour)


    A) Bench
    40kg (2x15)
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg (2x5)
    60kg x AMRAP

    B1) DB Bench 20/25/30/35/40s x12
    B2) Pendlay Row 60kg (5x15)

    C1) Reverse Hyper (4x20)
    C2) Standing Ab Pulldown (4x20)

    Training now on holidays for the next 10 days or so. Found a savage spot 5mins from our house in Dingle well worth checking out if you have the good fortune to find yourself in this neck of the woods. Had hoped to do some conditioning with the prowler but there was a rugby team in on the track. Delighted the pec felt ok benching at last. Slowly slowly softly softly from here...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Yesterday - 4 hour hike up Ireland's second highest (lol) peak (double lol). Was exhausted by the end of it and have the craziest DOMS in the weirdest of places today as a result

    Today - F*ck Rest Days

    A) Conventional Deadlift
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    160kg x3
    180kg x3
    200kg x3
    210kg x3

    B) Stiff Leg
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x12
    120kg x12

    C1) Leg Press (5x15)

    C2) Reverse Hyper (5x15)

    D) Prowler Sprints - Messing around

    Deadlifts were ugly. Really really ugly... I'd love to blame it on not having a good bar to pull with but in reality I just have no confidence pulling anything off the ground and my (non-existent) start position sucks. Quite man-flu'd so everything else was handy... prowler handed my ass to me on a plate!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - Got this...


    Because that's what holidays are for: exams


    40kg (2x20)
    60kg (2x10)
    80kg x10
    100kg x5
    110kg x5
    120kg x1
    130kg x1
    140kg x1

    Incline Bench
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    110kg x3
    120kg x1

    Flat DB Press
    25s x6
    30s x6
    35s x6
    40s x6
    45s x6
    50s x6

    Tricep Pressdown

    Lat Raise

    Just testing out the pec with something moderately heavy - flew up, still a little sore but I'll reset and rebuild from here anyway since last cycle is entirely in the bin. Inclines and DBs were easy, again just pushing a little harder. Not sure what my bodyweight is at at the moment - making an absolute pig of myself here on hols am fully expecting to come home 100+ kg at the end of the week. Ah well, I do like cake. May leave squatting/deadlifting heavy until the weekend as I am running a powerlifting seminar on Thursday and would prefer not to be crippled for it.

    Anyway.... where did I put that cake

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Wahoo we can bench press again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Warmed up for an hour then didn't bother squatting...


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat (FINALLY!)
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x3
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x2

    B) Speed Deadlift
    180kg (8x1)

    C1) Hamstring Curl (5x12)
    C2) Kneeling Abs (5x20)

    Sick all week and after bottling it yesterday I almost bottled it again today. The way the racks are set up I had to unrack the bar and step forwards into the rack instead of backwards which really through me off from the start. Bit of sciatica during warm ups but not painful so proceeded undeterred. The session actually gives a great insight into how my mind works in these situations

    60kg... jesus that feels weird
    100kg ... why does this feel like 200kg??? Wont be a heavy one today so
    *more 20s*
    140kg ... FML maybe I'll just leave it there
    *sit around all emo-like*
    160kg ... thats it, I quit
    *didn't quit*
    180kg ... mentally wrote my last will and testament during that walk out
    *Ok I'm done, call it speed work and quit while ahead*
    **add 10s**
    200kg... jesus I hope these spotters know what they're at
    *ask girlfriend what to so, she replies 'you look unsteady drop the weight and do some rep work'*
    **dropped weight to 160kg and prepared to do rep work**
    ***realised I was being a huge cûnt***
    ****added another 60kg and gave an in depth tutorial to strangers on correct spotting techniques****
    220kg - best set of the day. I'm awesome. Repeat entire process next week but with more weight.

    Nearly killed one of the spotters who didn't realised I was going for a second rep. Could have done 3-5 in more comfortable circumstances... good times

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Usual mobility to shake off the cobwebs from yesterdays squatting... not that sore at all really just stiff.

    Then did an hours (over) analysis my deadlift start position and sequencing both of which feel completely f*cked up at the moment. Despite a huge effort to work on my ankle mobility, hamstring flexibility and pelvic stability of late I still seem to feel a lot more solid and comfortable in a clean pull set up.

    30kg x literally hundreds of reps. Sweaty business.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Every Minute On The Minute:

    - Bench (120kg x1)


    B) Lat Pulldown
    + Drop Set

    C1) Hammer Curl (5x20)
    C2) Rev. Band Fly (5x20)

    Quite enjoyed that. Hopefully Deadlift and SSB tomorrow then train with Brandon Lilly and Chad Wesley Smith on Saturday. Excitement!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift (Conventional/Double Overhand/Deficit)
    60kg (5x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    *Mixed Grip/Belt/Remove Deficit*
    180kg x1
    190kg x5
    200kg x5
    210kg x5

    B) SSB
    65kg x5
    85kg x5
    100kg x5
    125kg x5
    145kg x5

    C1) Rev. Hyper (4x15)
    C2) Back Extension (4x15)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - Z1 Cardio

    Crosstrainer: 45mins

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I always know you have a cancellation whn you train in the morning...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Wide Stance Speed Box Squat Against Medium Bands Choked Under Dumbbells (WSBSAMBCUD)
    Bar × Nearly fell directly over
    Bar (3x5)
    60kg (3x5)
    80kg x3
    100kg x3
    120kg (10x2) 60s recovery

    B) Lat Pulldown

    C1) GHR + 15kg barbell (FML) (5x6)
    C2) Standing Ab Pulldown (Med. Band 5x20)

    Enjoyed the squatting a lot more than I thought I would. After going accidental crossfit on my 40min (metcon)bench(wod) Monday I seem to have gone all accidental westside on my squat day. Wide stance felt tough on the hips/hams/groin/glutes... really focusing on driving hard off the box staying upright without sitting back and letting the set up get soft. Am unsure as to how much band tension the 2 medium bands added at lockout.

    Barbell GHR was humbling will definitely be adding these to the weekly onslaught.

    Debloating nicely after hols too... 97.5kg Sunday night, 93.5kg this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Yesterdays stuff...

    Work in progress....

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    ...what happens when you do the GHRs strict?


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »
    ...what happens when you do the GHRs strict?


    I go all 'Hanleys bench' on it and sh*t the bed :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Three legends...


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    That's a lot of beef

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    So.... Updates

    Quick run down of the seminar/workshop with the two monsters above..

    Sat 30th Aug - Juggernaut Powerlifting Workshop at Elite Fitness & Performance Academy/Urban Fitness Blackrock

    Spent the first 2 hours or so going through training principles, training not testing, exercise selection and a whole heap of other things. In a nut shell - these guys are seriously intelligent individuals. After that we all got ready to squat and Chad ran the warm up that incorporated a lot of breathing drills that ended up being a sweaty mess and have since been incorporated into all my warm ups. Then on to the squat. Separated into 5 groups of 6 or so and spent 15 mins talking technique, getting tight etc then were told that everyone in the room was to work up to something heavy. To be honest I wasn't feeling great at all for anything heavy - unfamiliar equipment and not training off my own set/rep schedule meant that everything beyond 100kg felt really sh*t... anyway

    60kg (2x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x2
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    *Heavy sleeves*
    200kg x1
    220kg x1

    Chad at that point called time. I had hoped to get some knee wrapping pointers so I asked if before we finished squatting if he could give me any tips. He looked at the bar and said 'put on more plates and I'll get Brandon to wrap you, he wraps my knees in comp too'. Excitement!

    Put 240kg on the bar for what I'm sure is PR levels for my current measly bodyweight.

    I went to get my metal wraps but Brandon had his own wraps with him and asked if I had ever used the slingshot wraps. I said no, he said try them and seriously who am I to argue so I sat down and the video below outlines what happened next although I dont quite think the pain I was in is adequatelly depicted. I swear to go over a week later now since that rep and I'm still bruised up pretty bad after them! AMAZING!

    After what felt like an eternity getting the damn things off I went to hand them back to Brandon and he said 'No you keep them.. i squatted 842lbs in competition in those wraps'. i'm not sure what my response was.. I might have ejaculated, but I probably mumbled some garbage and skipped off in my own little world of happiness. Either way - #legend #mancrush

    After lunch we benched and went through some technical work. Without going into the fine print it seems that I have
    A) completely neglected to fire my lats in any and all benches forever
    B) Should take my grip back in from index on the rings
    C) Pause and lock out every single rep. Ever. PERIOD. Damn my bodybuilding roots

    I think my benching went
    60kg x5
    80kg x2
    100kg x2
    120kg x1
    140kg x1

    Brandon went
    80kg x5
    190kg x1
    240kg x1


    Deadlift was a mixed back.. asked both of them to check my set up and hey both seemed happy everything looked good but I did however pop my SI pulling 220kg conventional. Which sucked, was agony for a day and is fine again now.

    All in all a great day - which led to a few beyond epic nights. Sunday in Coppers (the pics of which ended up on JOE.IE, Tuesday in RAW where Chad squatted 320kg x3 beltless :eek: and Tuesday evening in the hotel bar in their hotel with me ending up on their strong360 podcast which was beyond awesome (

    Anyway, eventful week to say the least. My liver hates them but the rest of me thinks they're pretty cool. Also got invited out the California next month for their Become Unstoppable seminar .. took them up on their offer and booked my flights yesterday. Because f*ck it, that's why. Its going to be EPIC!

    Training since included one deload squat session to see how the SI is feeling. 60kg (3x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    *paused reps*
    140kg (3x5).... handy and no ill effects.

    40kg x8
    60kg x8
    80kg x8... again just testing the SI. Graaaaaand

    Some upper back and abs that day too.

    Day before yesterday

    Bench - New technique
    60kg (2x10).... tricep pump/lat cramps :(
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    *paused reps*
    120kg x2
    125kg x2
    130kg x2
    135kg x2
    140kg x2

    Rest Pause Bench
    100kg x Max reps close grip
    > rest 15s
    100kg x Max reps wide grip
    > rest 15s
    100kg x Max reps close grip

    Cant remember total reps... low 20s anyway and my triceps are destroyed.

    Incline DB Bench

    Lat Pulldown

    Tricep Pressdown
    1 rep... right tricep took a leaf out of Hanley's book and told me to go f*ck myself.

    Today - Mobility. Why? Because I have three weeks to train before Cali and I'm half considering a run at smolov in sleeves with a view to testing in wraps in the States at the Juggernaut session. Decision to be made under a bar tomorrow...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    F*ck it... Smolov Week 1 Day 1

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x1
    170kg (4x9)

    Chest Supported Row

    Standing Band Ab Pulldown

    Standing Band Oblique Crunch

    Squats were a huge shock to the system.. so many f*cking reps I'm already getting sore. Will have to structure the sessions on days when Ive slept more. Will run week one 1 in rehbands, week 2 in light sleeves (single ply) and week 3 in heavy sleeves as I am basing it off my 240kg in wraps last week. All things going to plan Ill finish in time to deload in NY and hopefully test in the company of giants in California around my birthday early next month.

    Plans always go to plan right??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    DOMS.... the deep down dirty kind... Today was never going to be fun

    Week 1 Day 2
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x1
    165kg x1
    180kg (5x7)

    Lat Pulldown

    Reverse Fly

    DB Curl

    .... less said the better. Ouch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    The day I get to not squat... thank f*ck

    Paused Bench
    60kg (2x10)
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x1
    125kg x1
    130kg x1
    135kg x1
    140kg x1
    145kg x1
    150kg x1

    Rest Pause
    100kg x Max reps close grip
    >15s rest
    100kg x Max reps wider grip
    >15s rest
    100kg x Max reps close grip (2 reps lol)

    Banded Flat DB Press (Mini Band)
    25s x8
    30s x8
    35s x8
    40s x8

    Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown

    I am so sore... tomorrow is gonna be horrendous

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x2
    167.5kg x1
    192.5kg (7x5)

    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5

    Adductors were MINCED going into this session... they felt like they were going to tear on every rep and made a weird popping/clunking sensation on the top sets. Done anyway despite accidentally getting tiger balm on my junk. 205kg (10x3) tomorrow or Friday now.

    Will do an hour rehab/mobility later this evening and probably have an epsom salts bath too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Toss up between training today after 8 hours sleep or training tomorrow after 4... decided to just get it over with.

    Week 1 Day 4

    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x2
    165kg x1
    185kg x1
    205kg (10x3)

    Instead of doing ten slow but manageable triples it felt like working up to a 3RM and doing it endlessly forever. Legs had next to no power after yesterdays 7x5s... took ages to get into a groove but got there in the end. Nice bit of ulnar nerve compression too - Id love to say its good to be back. No accessory work today... because f*ck that.

    Roll on week 2!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH


    A) Band flys (5x20)

    B) Straight Bar Curl (5x20)

    C) Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown (5x15)

    D) Band Pullapart (5x20)

    E) Leg Extension (5x20)

    F) Single Leg Hamstring Curl (5x12)

    So much pain... so few f*cks being given. Will absolutely destroy squatting over the weekend.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »

    Most likely... but I'm working so it'd have to be a home game

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Week 2 Day 1

    A) Squat
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5
    140kg x2
    160kg x1
    *single ply/light sleeves*
    180kg (4x9)

    B1) Weighted Back Extension (4x20)
    B2) Band Ab Pulldown (4x25)

    Am a day and 2.5kg ahead of schedule ... I will cash these in later in the week. Overall volume over time FTW. Hadnt planned on training today at all but a couple of last minute cancellations and a double espresso left me with time and energy on my hands. Dangerous combo

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Paused Bench
    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg x10
    120kg (2x10)

    B) Banded DB Flat Bench
    25s x8
    35s x8
    45s x8

    C) Lat Pulldown
    (x20, 15, 12, 10, 8)

    D1) Reverse Fly (4x20)
    D2) EZ Bar Curl (4x20)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Week 2 Day 2... with a quad strain

    A) Squat *paused*
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg (2x5)
    140kg x1
    165kg x1
    *No Pause/Single Ply Sleeves*
    190kg (5x7)

    B) Hamstring Curl

    C) Lat Pulldown

    F*ck my useless stupid non cooperative quad tendons. Incinerated them with tiger balm and a load of paused squats in the warm up to get them loose. Every rep felt rough... shoulders/elbows really starting to feel it now too.

    Long story short... yeah, grand session.
