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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench (Paused) - Against Miniband
    60kg x10
    80kg x8
    100kg (4x6)

    B) Bench (Paused) + Slingshot
    110kg x8
    130kg x5
    150kg (5x3)

    C) Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s x12
    30s x12
    40s x12

    D1) Tricep Extension (1x AMRAP)
    D2) Band Pullapart (1x AMRAP)
    D3) Tricep Pressdown (1x AMRAP)
    D4) Lateral Raise (1x AMRAP)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift - Conventional
    60kg (2x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x2
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    230kg x3

    B) Reverse Band Deadlift - Light Bands
    60kg x2
    100kg x2
    140kg x2
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    230kg x1
    240kg x1
    250kg x1

    C) GHR
    (5sets + miniband)

    D) Hamstring Curl

    E) Lat Pulldown

    230 for a single is my (shameful) best conventional pull in a few years now... very happy to hit it for a triple today as I was in A&E with my bird til 4am this morning, had a sore back, a sandy vagina and quite tired. Felt like could have maybe pushed for another rep. Reverse band just for a little bit of overload work not sure what the tension equated to off the floor but the 250 was smooth whereas last time I pulled ot with the same set up it was quite difficult. Callous peeled back but didnt tear again... all in all a good session.

    Heavy(ish) bench next, squat again at the weekend (heavy) ... not foing to bother with openers just work up to warm ups on Tuesday (~220/~130/~210) then 3x5@60% Thursday

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Last bench session....

    A) Bench - Paused
    60kg x12
    80kg x8
    100kg x5
    120kg x2
    140kg x1
    *belt/wrist wraps*
    145kg (4x3)

    B) Slingshot Bench - Paused
    140kg (3x8)

    C) Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s x6
    30s x6
    40s x15

    D) Tricep Pressdown

    E) Banded Pec Flies

    Tweaked my right pec taking out the 80kg warm up set (hence the high rep flies to finish the session) ... everything was a bit tentative after that but got a bit more aggressive with the bar after 140 came up no problem. Bench feels like its regressed a little the past 3 weeks but should be there or thereabouts on the day. Slingshot lighter than usual just to fry the triceps a little and keep under a heavier bar for longer... everything else was fine but last rep on the 40s was a grinder. Squat tomorrow, good times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Last squat session....

    A) Squat
    60kg (2x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x2
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    *knee wraps*
    220kg x1

    B) Walk out + Hold
    260kg x ~10seconds

    C) Speed Deadlift + Chain (~30s recovery)
    60kg x3
    100kg x1
    140kg (10x1)

    D) GHR

    E) Hamstring Curl

    F) Lat Pulldown

    Wasn't bothered doing a heavy reverse band squat mainly because I'm not sure about the set up and not arsed messing around and potentially falling over a week out from a comp. thought about doing a heavy set of 2-5 reps but settled on 220kg in wraps just to move something nice and quick, the walk out with 260kg hoever felt like it may as well be 460kg :eek:

    Didn't push the accessory work - training cycle is done. Ill so all three lifts on Tuesday and keep it moderate, then Ed Coan workshop in the shiny new RevFit Wednesday, some very VERY light speed work on Thursday then its all systems go for the weekend...

    Lifting on the 'Pro Day' at the Battle of the Boyne next Sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Had to skip the session today - groin and pec both feeling very tight/sore so no point risking anything at this stage. Despite only planning on working up to warm ups I'm quite annoyed to miss this session... I know the pec twinged taking out a warm up on Saturday but no idea why the groin is feeling so bad.

    Ah well... I've never made it to a platform so far without some bullsh*t niggles so why start now :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH


    One on one with the great one - Humble beyond belief, passionate as ever & incredibly generous with his time and knowledge... what an honour it was to hang out with this guy.

    Aside from being the greatest powerlifter of all time after his demo at dinner on how to take someone down with a butter knife he's also clearly #1 ranked powerlifter not to be messed with ever (and #2 best looking guy in this photo which is equally impressive!)

    Legend in every sense of the word

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    COH wrote: »

    One on one with the great one - Humble beyond belief, passionate as ever & incredibly generous with his time and knowledge... what an honour it was to hang out with this guy.

    Aside from being the greatest powerlifter of all time after his demo at dinner on how to take someone down with a butter knife he's also clearly #1 ranked powerlifter not to be messed with ever (and #2 best looking guy in this photo which is equally impressive!)

    Legend in every sense of the word

    You're dead right.

    You can just about see me in the background @ #1.

    Also - don't forget Dublin Pork.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    62.5kg x5
    102.5kg x5
    142.5kg (3x5)

    B) Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg (3x5)

    C) Deadlift
    60kg x1
    80kg x1
    100kg x1
    120kg x1
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Battle of The Boyne - Boyneside Strength & Performace
    Sunday July 26th

    Commenced water loading on Tuesday to weigh in on Saturday morning - minimal training, went to the Ed Coan seminar which was awesome and did a light 3 lift workout on Thursday just to stay tight. Thursday night then I got a message saying 'hey isn't it great not having to cut for comps!'... I had no idea that the pro day at the comp on Sunday was just a free for all with winner determined by wilks. No weight categories meant that about 4 minutes later I was in McDonalds with my credit card levelling in twisty fries like they were going out of fashion. Steak sambos, pizza and pancakes on Friday meant I was feeling pretty good about the bloat up. Drove down with Daz to weigh in Saturday morning and weighed a measly 100.8kg which got me thinking that if I had continued to water load then dry out I'd probably have weighed in <97kg

    At this point my groin that I had tweaked the previous weekend squattting 220kg was acting up something fierce. Had dry needling done on it Friday and instead of helping ease it out it actually aggravated the hell out of it so on Saturday night I was pretty sure I was going to pull out of the comp having spent the day taking epsom salts baths, large quantities of difene, hooked up to a TENS unit and doing whatever I could do to get blood into the area. Sunday morning still felt like it was going to pop but took more difene and drove up to Drogheda knowing how annoyed I'd be if I didn't at least give it a shot. Cramped up in the car... more difene, got to the venue and covered my loins in deep heat and tiger balm.

    After some confusion about the number of flights the organisers settled on 3 - womens/mens raw/equipped so had about an hour to get loose. Had my first cup of coffee at this point and after the worlds most tentative warm up got into the monolift around 11.30am

    Squat warm ups went:
    Bar (2x15)
    65kg x10
    105kg x5
    145kg x1
    185kg x1
    205kg x1
    *Knee Wraps*
    225kg x1

    *Realised I hadn't given my rack heights at this point so went out to do that and as I was standing there Ed Coan was sitting in the side judges chair... he grabs my hand and says 'Hey Kieran I'm just warming up for your squats' then jams the red light button down and laughs in my face - what a legend!*

    Squat 1: 230kg - Good Lift
    Squat 2: 245kg - No lift - Depth. Bit loose with my set up - walked over to retake it and Ed Coan says 'you're only an inch off, you're better then that, go heavier'.
    Squat 3: 252.5kg - Good Lift - delighted

    Squat Vid here:

    Bench Warm Ups
    Bar (2x20)
    60kg x12
    80kg x8
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    130kg x1

    Bench 1: 135kg - Good Lift - Very easy
    Bench 2: 145kg - No lift :mad: Hips came up
    Bench 3: 145kg - Good lift - Easy but annoyed at having to retake it. Really should have been PR'ing my bench here (plan was ~155) and strength was definitely there but didn't go heavier because my set up was off on account of the adductor strain

    Deadlift warm ups went:
    60kg (2x10)
    100kg x5
    140kg x2
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1

    Deadlift 1: 225kg - Good lift
    Deadlift 2: 235kg - Good lift
    Deadlift 3: 242.5kg - No lift - f*cking adductor pulled when the bar got to my knees. Really thought I had it came up very smooth. Ah well.

    Deadlift vid here:

    So... to recap

    - Second comp this year, progress made from one to the other with no injury concerns (617.5kg > 632.5kg)
    - Competed when looked like I wouldn't make it to the platform at all so happy to get any total
    - Best lifting environment I've EVER been a part of, as a lifter, coach or spectator the guys in Boyneside really pulled out all the stops
    - Lifted with some of the best that Ireland & the UK has to offer and met a lot of really cool guys and girls on the day
    - Failed a conventional deadlift without something important exploding!
    - Heaviest squat and deadlift (in training or on platform) in over 2 years with loads in the tank on both

    10 weeks now to get it right for WPU World Championships.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH




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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    WPU Worlds Prep - WK1 D1

    A) Bench - Paused
    60kg x12
    80kg x8
    105kg (4x2)
    110kg x12

    B) Close Grip Bench
    60kg x5
    75kg x5
    90kg (2x5)
    90kg x15

    C) Incline Bench
    60kg x5
    85kg x12

    D) Kneeling Tricep Pressdown (4x15)
    E) Skulls (4x12)
    F) Standing OHP (20/25/30/35kg x10)
    G) Lat Pulldown (4x10)

    As expected everything felt heavy as f*ck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat (Done on Saturday)
    60kg (3x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x2
    160kg x1
    175kg x11 :mad:

    [Popped 'something' most likely right SI in the hole on 11th rep... pain escalated to the point where I just left the session and went home]

    Sunday... still sore, but only in bad positions... so... session continued tentatively this AM

    B) Front Squat
    Bar x Millions
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg (3x5)

    C) Reverse Hyper
    3 x Millions

    D) Pull Throughs
    3 x Millions

    E) Hamstring Curl

    F) Leg Extension

    The SI thing has happened before, last time was at the Juggernaut Seminar last year - lots of pain, but settles fast and usually fine to train away after a week or so of taking it easy so I'll just listen to my body and push the squats back up over 4 plates whenever I'm ready. Front squats today felt completely alien to me. Glad to have them back in the fold anyway once I'm back up 140-160kg for reps it'll be fun having another run at 180 that Ive only ever done once before. Upper body is a DOMS catastrophe after the session two days ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Wide Grip Bench
    75kg (2x25)

    B) Seated DB Overhead Press
    15s x12
    20s x12
    25s x12
    35s (4x12)

    C) Unilateral Plate Loaded Row Row

    D1) Shrugs (3x20)
    D2) Lat Raise (3x15)
    D3) Reverse Fly (3x10)

    SI is still grumpy as f*ck. Will try to deadlift tomorrow regardless

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    60kg (2x5)
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg (8x3)

    B) Block Pull - 3 inch - F*ck these anyway....
    100kg x3
    140kg x3
    160kg x3
    180kg x3
    200kg x3

    C) SSB - Narrow Stance/Beltless
    65kg x5
    85kg x5
    105kg (2x12)

    D) GHR + Miniband

    E) Barbell Row
    60kg (3xMAX)

    F) Pull Throughs

    Thoughts - Don't care

    Holidays tomorrow... woop!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg x8
    110kg (4x2)
    115kg x12

    B) Close Grip Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    95kg x12

    C) Incline DB Press
    15s x12
    25s x12
    35s x12
    45s x12

    D) Tricep Pressdown

    E) EZ Bar Skulls

    F) Standing Overhead Press
    30kg (3xAMRAP)

    G) Lat Pulldown

    Done on a stormy day in West Kerry... wouldnt have it any other way :)

    Next up - Squats. SI is still acting the c*nt so going to be playing it very safe and keeping it at 50%

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    40kg x15
    60kg x12
    100kg x8
    120kg x4
    140kg x2
    160kg x1
    180kg (5x2)

    B) Front Squat
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg (2x5)

    C) Reverse Hyper
    (50 reps)

    D) Hamstring Curl

    E) Leg Extension

    F) RDL - Beltless
    40kg x20
    60kg x20
    80kg x20
    100kg x20

    G) Back Extension
    (50 reps)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - An hour or so messing in the Atlantic... As pictured


    PM - Rehab - An hour or so de-jamming my SI joint


    Stretching (Front Squatting)
    Bar x probably around 100 reps trying to get comfortable with the clean grip
    30kg x3
    40kg x3
    50kg x3
    60kg x3
    70kg x1
    80kg x1
    90kg x1
    100kg (8x3)


    110kg x1
    120kg x1
    130kg x1
    140kg x1

    Pretty happy with that all things considered :) God I hate the clean grip, I blame it on having too much muscle

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Wide Grip Bench
    Bar x Many
    60kg x8
    80kg (2x25)

    B) Seated DB OHP
    15s x8
    25s x8
    35s (4x15)

    C) DB Row
    20kg x10
    30kg x10
    40kg x10
    50kg (2x10)

    D1) Barbell Shrug (3x20)
    D2) Lat Raise (3x15)
    D3) Reverse Fly (3x12)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - Recovery Session

    - Deep Tissue Massage
    - Dry needling hips/Qls
    - Vertebral/SI manipulations

    PM - Atlantic Ocean
    - Let the freezing cold water take care of life induced inflammation
    - What better way to get some head space than by getting smashed by waves

    Honesty having the time of my life down here. There is a physical therapist that comes out from Tralee once a week so booked a session on the off chance he might be good. Turns out he's an ex-powerlifter himself, is a beast in his own right and have about a billion mutual friends. Knew exactly what I was after and delivered accordingly. Win!

    Deadlifts, block pulls and front squats tomorrow so most likely commit carbicide this evening in the local pizzaria :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    That PT a guy called Eddie O'Grady? If it is, a lad I play football with drives down from Dublin reasonably regularly to see him. Must be good to warrant that journey.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    That PT a guy called Eddie O'Grady? If it is, a lad I play football with drives down from Dublin reasonably regularly to see him. Must be good to warrant that journey.

    That's him alright

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    AM - 2 hour walk.... that counts as training(?)

    Was supposed to deadlift but was too sunny not to go to the beach

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    COH wrote: »
    That's him alright

    Will he be there Monday / Tuesday...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »
    Will he be there Monday / Tuesday...?

    Only Wednesdays as far as I know

    A) Deadlift
    60kg (2x10)
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg (10x1) 60s rest

    B) Block Pulls
    60kg x4
    100kg x4
    140kg x4
    180kg (2x4)

    C) Deficit Deadlift
    60kg x3
    100kg x3
    140kg x3
    165kg (5x3)

    D) Front Squat
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x8

    E) GHR

    F) Pull Throughs

    Killing weakness with volume... fun times

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Training looks like it's going really well man. That Atlantic air agrees with you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Training looks like it's going really well man. That Atlantic air agrees with you!

    Who'd have thought low stress, lots of sleep, high kcals and a great training environment could lead to a decent run of training eh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench
    40kg x10
    60kg x8
    80kg x6
    100kg x4
    115kg (4x2)
    120kg x10

    B) Close Grip Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg (2x5)
    100kg x15

    C) Incline DB Press
    20s x10
    30s x10
    40s x10
    50s x8

    D1) Skulls (4x12)
    D2) Curls (4x12)

    E) Standing OHP
    20kg x12
    30kg x12
    40kg (2x12)

    F) Revserse Flys

    G) Band Assisted Pull Ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Training with Hanley & our associated womenfolk in WK Fitness today... good times

    A) Squat
    60kg (2x5)
    100kg x5
    140kg x3
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    190kg (4x2)
    200kg x3

    B) Front Squat
    60kg x3
    80kg x3
    100kg x3
    120kg x3
    140kg x5 :)

    C) Reverse Hyper + Mini Band

    D) Hamstring Curl
    (5x12) + Drop Set

    E) Leg Extension
    (5x15) + Drop set

    F) RDL
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x20

    G) Landmine Row

    H) DB Curl

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Wide Grip Bench
    40kg x8
    60kg x8
    75kg x5
    85kg (2x25)

    B) Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s x8
    30s x8
    40s (3x15)

    C) DB Row
    20kg x10/10
    35kg x10/10
    50kg (2x20/20)

    D) T-Bar Row

    E1) Reverse Fly (2x25)
    E2) DB Shrug (2x25)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    60kg (2x10)
    100kg x5
    140kg x3
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x3

    B) Speed Deadlift
    130kg (15x1)

    C) Front Squat
    40kg x3
    60kg x3
    80kg x3
    100kg x3
    120kg (8x3)

    D)Barbell Row
    60kg x8
    80kg x8
    100kg x8
    120kg x8

    E) Good Mornings
    60kg (3x15)

    F) Kneeling Ab Pulldown

    Holiday over .... back to reality this evening :mad:
