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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg (3x8) ....
    175kg (2x10)

    B) RDL
    75kg x5
    115kg x5
    155kg (3x10)

    C) Hamstring curls (4x10)
    D) Lat Pulldown (4x10)
    E) GHR Sit Ups (3x20)
    F) Calf Raise - 100 reps

    Third set of 8 @80%/195kg... and an absolute abortion of a last rep followed by 2x10@175kg down sets and 3x10@155kg RDLs. Some lat pulldowns, hamstring curls & weighted GHR sit-ups to finish.

    Oh how I miss touch and go reps with bumper plates on a deadlift bar. Eleiko bar & calibrated plates are such an unforgiving b*tch.

    Last time at this weight on the deadlift was a set of 6 and a set of 7 with one down set and one top set of RDLs so building away nicely and dying less between sets too which is nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Single Arm Plate Loaded High Row
    45kg x20
    55kg x15
    65kg x12
    75kg x10
    85kg x8

    B) Plate Loaded Lat Pulldown
    40kg x25
    60kg x20
    80kg x15
    100kg x12
    110kg x8
    80kg x15
    60kg x15

    C) Seated Row
    60 x12
    80 x12
    100 x12
    120 x12
    140 x12

    D) Tricep Pressdown (4x12)
    E) Tricep Extension (4x15)
    F) Hammer Curl (3x10)

    Am so sore from deadlifting... entire p.chain is just in melt down to the point where driving the motorbike is difficult. Love it. May have to pull the intensity of tomorrows squatting accordingly but sure we'll see

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg x1
    215kg x1
    230kg x4 ...

    B) Front Squat
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg (3x5)

    C) Seated SSB GM
    45kg x15
    65kg x15
    85kg x15

    D) Leg ext (4x10)
    E) Seated row (4x10)
    F) Ab Pulldown (4x10)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Medium Band
    50kg x8
    70kg x6
    90kg x4
    110kg x2
    130kg x1

    B) Plate Loaded Row
    50kg x8
    90kg x8
    130kg x8
    150kg x8
    170kg x8

    C) Bench - Paused
    70kg x5
    90kg x5
    110kg x5
    125kg (8x5)

    D) Incline Bench
    40kg x5
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x6

    E) Lat Pulldown (5x10)
    F) Rev. Fly (5x10)
    G) Tricep Pressdown (5x10)

    Benching against bands felt crisp enough... heavy but no fear of failing the 130 single. The 8x5@125 paused bench on the other hand was really hard, nearly missed the 5th reps on set 7 and 8 but by far the most volume I've done in ages now. Also started benching using 25s instead of 20s which due to my OCD feels different. Incline bench died an absolute death was hoping for 10 reps on 100.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    192.5kg x1
    205kg (2x7)
    185kg (2x9)

    B) RDL
    75kg x5
    105kg x5
    135kg x5
    165kg (3x10)

    C) Hamstring curls (4x10)
    D) Lat Pulldown (4x10)
    E) GHR Sit Ups (3x20)
    F) Calf Raise - 100 reps

    Happy enough with the deadlifting... last wave was 2x5@205 so 40% more work done each set today. Would have liked to have done a third set but I knew from the 7th rep of the 2nd set that it wasn't gonna happen. Back off sets were +1 rep on the working sets from two weeks ago.

    Still hating the eleiko powerlifting bar...

    Will reset the pulls again anyway and keep building volume from ~70-85%. This is the longest I've gone pulling under 220 in years... feels great and barring the club champs I'd prefer to keep it <225 off the ground until next March for Nationals but sure will see how that works out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Single Arm Plate Loaded High Row
    45kg x20
    65kg x15
    75kg x12
    85kg x10
    95kg x8

    B) Plate Loaded Lat Pulldown
    40kg x8
    60kg x8
    80kg x8
    100kg x8
    110kg x8
    80kg x17

    C) Dead Stop DB Row
    > 67.5kg x12 e/side

    D) Seated Row - Neutral Grip
    60 x12
    80 x12
    100 x12
    120 x12

    E) Tricep Pressdown (4x12)
    F) Rev Fly (4x15)
    G) Hammer Curl (3x10)

    As usual in a f*cking hoop after midweek deads... squat tomorrow regardless then take my foot off the gas next week and pull everything right back again

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg x1
    215kg x1
    230kg x5

    B) Front Squat
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    145kg (3x5)

    C) Seated SSB GM
    45kg x20
    65kg x15
    85kg x12
    105kg x10

    D) Leg ext (4x10)
    E) Seated row (4x10)
    F) Ab Pulldowns (4x10)

    /training block

    I'm prettt sure 230kg x4 squat was the most I did for reps before the peaking phase for my last comp so happy enough to finish this block up ahead of that.

    Training very calmly the whole way through this block, no headphones, no trying to get fired up, no night before trainkmg mega bloat feasts, ****ty fat comp squat bar and generally fatigued and sore from whatever Ive been doing on Wednesday... bodes well for when decide to get aggressive under the bar again :) Adrenaline is a hell of a thing and I miss it dearly!

    My 5RM front squat is 150kg so very happy with how thats going at the moment... the thick squat bar is a **** to control so Id say more there with a standard 7ft bar. SSB GMs are just humbling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench - Paused
    60kg x8
    80kg x6
    100kg x4
    120kg x1
    140kg x4 :)

    B) Incline Bench
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x12 :)

    C) Plate Loaded Lat Pulldown
    60kg x8
    80kg x6
    100kg x4
    115kg x8 :)

    D) Plate Loaded Row
    50kg x8
    90kg x8
    130kg x8
    170kg x8 :)

    E) Seated Row (4x10)
    F) Rev Fly (4x10)
    G) Tricep Pressdown (4x10)

    Delighted with the bench... haven't done that sort of weight for beyond a dodgey triple in ages. Forgot my wrist wraps and headphones so thats a raw(er) PR.

    Incline bench felt great too... would have been delighted with 10 but took what was there and left one in the tank. Heaviest I've gone on all the accessory stuff too and feel like really starting to make inroads into eliminating all the bull**** niggly things that held me back in the past.

    Deadlift Wednesday ... will bring the intensity right back to ~70% and keep rebuilding it with volume. Would love to pull 205ish for 8-10 reps next block.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x3
    155kg x1
    177.5kg (4x10) ...

    157.5kg (2x12)

    B) RDL
    77.5kg x5
    107.5kg x5
    137.5kg (2x15)

    C) Seated Row (3x10)
    D) Hamstring Curl (3x10)
    E) Weighted Abs (3x15)
    F) Calf Raise (2x25)

    Last wave began with 170kg (3x8) and 150kg (1x10) so more weight, more sets, more.down sets and more reps across the board. Quite a pukey day... but felt a little off coming in so don't really care. Played around with less volume in the warm up... net result is that I prefer more volume before the top sets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Deload in WK Fitness - Dingle

    A) KB Suspended Wide Grip Stability Bench

    B) Lat Pulldown (3x10)
    C) Chest Supported DB Row (3x12)
    D) Tricep Pressdown (3x15)
    E) Facepull (3x20)
    F) Curls (3x25)

    Hard to do f*ck all when you feel stronger than you have in years! Sports massage booked in for this evening followed by an hour sauna/outdoor jacuzzi.

    Lower session tomorrow... should be a similarly glorious non-event because I dont want to get out of the groove of squatting with the comp equipment.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Deload in WK Fitness continued...

    A) Front Squat - Flat Foot/beltless
    40kg x5
    60kg x3
    80kg x1
    100kg x1
    140kg x1

    B) Split Squat

    C) Rev. Fly

    D) ROM-WOD... Various stuff

    Front squatting felt obnoxiously strong ... body feels great ... can't wait to get back at it next week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH


    - 3.5hr hike up Mount Brandon ... 20,000 steps according to Mr Hanley and the most incredible panorama of the west of Ireland you are ever likely to see from the top.


    - Sneaky session in CityGym Limerick en route back to Dublin

    A) Bench + Medium Band
    Bar x10
    40kg x8
    70kg x6
    90kg x3
    110kg x1
    130kg x1

    B) Lat Pulldown

    C) Bench - Paused + Exaggerated pause on last rep
    70kg x5
    90kg x5
    120kg (12x4) ... 11th or 12th set here

    D) Tricep Pressdown

    Absolute cracker of a long weekend filled with steaks, fulfill bars, guinness, training and banter. Feeling strong as hell at the moment hopefully keep momentum going now into the next training block the theme for which is more volume. Going to pull back the intensity of the squatting in particular

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    77.5kg (2x8)
    117.5kg x5
    157.5kg x2
    177.5kg x1
    187.5kg (3x10)
    167.5kg (2x12)

    B) RDL
    77.5kg x5
    115kg x5
    147.5kg (2x15)

    C) Hamstring Curl
    D) Lat Pulldown
    E) Weighted Abs

    +2.5kg and +2 reps on the top sets and downsets.... grim workout feeling a bit drained after the deload/long weekend. Would have preferred to have left it until tomorrow but busy all day. Hopefully squat on Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Plate Loaded High Row
    50kg x20
    90kg x15
    130kg x12
    150kg x10
    180kg x8

    B) Plate Loaded Lat Pulldown
    40kg x20
    60kg x15
    80kg x12
    100kg x8
    120kg x5
    80kg x20
    60kg x15

    C) Seated Row
    100 x10
    120 x10
    140 x10

    D) Tricep Pressdown (3x12)
    E) Rev Fly (3x15)
    F) Hammer Curl (3x10)

    In a complete jock from deadlifting yesterday as has been the theme for the past couple months training - accessory stuff today is as heavy as Ive gone on any of it and needed help getting the lat pulldown into position as despite being bloated to bits I do not possess the requisite bodyweight to counter-lever 120kg into place. Sloppy enough - but its just an extra day so I don't care.

    Plan is still to squat on Friday, do something similar enough to the above using different varients on Sat then back to normality next week onwards.

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    COH wrote: »
    needed help getting the lat pulldown into position as despite being bloated to bits I do not possess the requisite bodyweight to counter-lever 120kg into place.

    Goals etc..

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    75kg (3x5)
    115kg (2x5)
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg x1
    215kg x1
    235kg (3x2) .... third set here :

    B) Front Squat
    75kg x3
    95kg x3
    115kg x2
    135kg x1
    150kg (3x3)

    C) Seated Ssb GM
    45kg x10
    65kg x10
    85kg x10
    105kg x15

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Rev. DB Fly
    5s x10
    7.5s x10
    10s x10
    12.5s x10
    15s x10

    B) Plate Loaded Lat Pulldown
    40kg x10
    60kg x10
    80kg x10
    100kg (4x10)

    C) Single Arm Plate Loaded Row
    25kg x10
    45kg x10
    65kg x10
    85kg x10
    95kg x10

    D) Seated Row

    E) Tricep Pressdown (5x10)
    F) Hammer Curls (5x10)
    G) Shrugs (5x10)

    Fifth time training this week... been a while since did that before. Well and trully f*cked now and having massive social media withdrawals after shutting down my private fb and insta :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Light Band
    Bar x12
    40kg x10
    60kg x6
    80kg x3
    100kg x2
    120kg x1
    132.5kg x1

    B) Seated Row

    C) Bench - Paused
    122.5kg (15x4) ...

    D) Lat Pulldown (5x10)
    E) Rev. Fly (5x10)
    F) Tricep Pressdown (5x10)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    15x4. Glad I wasnt there for that one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Hanley wrote: »
    15x4. Glad I wasnt there for that one.

    The boredom is real

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    75kg (3x5)
    115kg (2x5)
    155kg x3
    175kg x1
    190kg x1
    197.5kg (4x8)
    177.5kg (2x10)

    B) RDL
    77.5kg x5
    117.5kg x5
    157.5kg (3x12)

    C) Hamstring Curl (4x8)
    D) Banded Ab Pulldown (4x15)
    E) Calf Raise (3x25)

    Big Volume PR on deads... +2.5kg and +1 set on last wave... +2.5kg on the two down sets and +2 reps on the RDLs as well. Acc. work was all taken fairly handily as was wrecked after all the pulls

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Lat Pulldown
    40kg x12
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    100kg (4x12)

    B) Plate Loaded Row
    50kg x15
    90kg x12
    140kg x10
    180kg x8
    140kg x10
    100kg x12

    C) Seated Row
    60 x12
    100 x12
    140 x12
    180 x12
    140 x15
    100 x20

    D) Tricep Pressdown (5x15)
    E) Rev. Fly (5x15)
    F) Hammercurl (5x15)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    75kg (2x5)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg x1
    215kg x1
    235kg (3x3)

    B) Front Squat
    75kg x3
    95kg x3
    115kg x2
    135kg x1
    150kg (3x4)

    C) Seated SSB Good Morning
    45kg x8
    65kg x8
    85kg x8
    105kg x8
    125kg x8

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Light Band
    Bar x10
    50kg x8
    70kg x5
    90kg x3
    115kg x2
    132.5kg x1

    B) Seated Row

    C) Bench - Paused
    125kg (15x4) ...

    D) Close Grip Pulldown (4x10)
    E) Rev. Fly (4x10)
    F) Tricep Pressdown (4x10)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Deadlift
    75kg (2x8)
    115kg x6
    155kg x3
    175kg x2
    195kg x1
    207.5kg (2x8)
    187.5kg (2x10) ...

    B) RDL
    77.5kg x5
    117.5kg x5
    167.5kg (2x12)

    C) Lat Pulldown (4x8)
    D) Weighted Ab Pulldown (4x10)
    E) Seated Calf Raise (4x12)

    Extremely happy with the deadlifting today... felt a bit lethargic on account of an upset stomach last night but got more than what I wanted. Thats the end of that block of deadlift training, will reset again next week while keeping the intensity high on squats and volume high on bench.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    (4-6)x(10-15s) on the following....

    A) Very Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
    B) Plate Loaded Row
    C) Reg. Grip Lat Pulldown
    D) Seated Row
    E) Tricep Pressdown
    F) Rev. Fly

    Absolute nothing session today but enjoyable nonethless.... bodyweight sitting around 104kg at the moment, started taking creatine a few weeks back so probably carrying a little more water than usual. All in all feel great! Squatting tomorrow and looking forward to it hopefully be a good crew in to spot

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Feeling great? Time to prep the ice packs so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    75kg (2x8)
    115kg x5
    155kg x2
    175kg x1
    195kg x1
    215kg x1
    235kg (2x4) ....

    B) Front Squat
    75kg x2
    95kg x2
    115kg x2
    135kg x1
    150kg x5 (equals PR) ...

    C) Beltless Seated SSB GMs
    65kg x5
    85kg x5
    105kg x5
    125kg x5
    135kg x8

    D) Seated Ab Pulldown (4x10)
    E) Standing Ab Pulldown (4x10)
    F) Lat Pulldown (2x25)

    Thoughts in vid.

    #JeSuisHanley :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Medium Band
    Bar x8
    50kg x6
    70kg x4
    90kg x2
    110kg x1
    122.5kg x1
    132.5kg x1

    B) Pull Ups

    C) Bench Press - Paused
    70kg x5
    90kg x5
    110kg x5
    127.5kg (12x4) ...

    D) Lat Pulldown (4x12)
    E) Tricep Pressdown (3x12)
    F) Rev. Fly (3x12)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH


    A) Deadlift
    75kg (2x8)
    115kg x6
    155kg x3
    175kg (4x3) ...

    B) Pull Ups
    (8x5) ...

    C) Standing Ab Pulldown

    All thoughts in the vids posted.
