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Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Light Band
    50kg x8
    70kg x6
    90kg x4
    110kg x2
    122.5kg x1
    135kg x2

    B) Pull Ups

    C) Bench - Paused
    70kg x5
    90kg x3
    110kg x1
    125kg (3x10) ...

    D) Lat Pulldown (5x8)
    E) Rev Fly (4x10)
    F) Tricep Pressdown (3x15)

    Bench felt pretty solid today - have dropped the pause deads from this phase of training so basically just an upper body session. Would love to bench either 130x10 or 135x8 and 145 against the light band at the end of this block bit sure we'll see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Front Squat
    55kg x5
    75kg x4
    95kg x3
    115kg x2
    140kg x1
    155kg (2x2)

    B) Deadlift
    77.5kg (2x6)
    117.5kg x4
    157.5kg x2
    177.5kg x1
    197.5kg x8

    C) Single Pause Deadlift
    175kg (5x3)

    D) Seated Row (5x10)
    E) Hamstring Curl (5x10)
    F) Abs -120 reps

    Had to see a doc today about the side pain I have had been experiencing since June... turns out the popping noise when I thought I hurt my rib back then was actually some soft tissue seperating from the ribs... fun times! Anyway had some needling done and was told to keep training moderately for a few days so 197.5kg for 8 deadlift for a total non-event. Felt heavy though... as did the pause pulls. Hip flexors def responding lethargically to the needling. Anyway the day is done and the next one will be better. Light bench Friday, heavy squat Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Tempo Bench - 42X0
    Bar x12
    40kg x10
    60kg x8
    80kg x6
    100kg x4
    120kg (6x3) ....

    B) Plate Loaded Row (5x10)
    C) Tricep Pressdown (5x10)
    D) Facepull (5x10)

    Squat tomorrow - might have to reintroduce the age old custom of Friday night dominos mega deal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    80kg (2x8)
    120kg x6
    160kg x3
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    *belt/SBD sleeves*
    220kg x1
    *knee wraps*
    240kg (2x3)
    240kg x4 ...

    B) Speed Deadlift + light band
    120kg (8x3)

    C) Hamstring Curl (4x10)
    D) Seated Row (4x10)
    E) Banded Ab Pulldown - 100 reps

    I knew today was going to be a good day based on how the beltless squats up to 200kg felt in the warm up. 220kg in SBDs felt much better than last week and I wore my old comp knee wraps for the top sets. First two sets on 240 moved well - the lighter knee wraps felt much better thwn my training wraps. Last set feel like I could have done 5 reps but delighted with how they moved.

    Speed pulls with lighter weight and a heavier band - felt crisp. Everything else just was what it was. Food now to beat the band then heavy bench on Monday which I am quite looking forward to.

    7 weeks out from IPO nationals now - lifting on the Saturday (the drug tested day).

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Yesterdays warm up sets squatting 180/200/220...
    Still trying to do more work with less support in the warm ups. Not in video are 80kg (2x8), 120kg (x6) and 160kg x3. Sometimes if things are feeling off or if the bar speed is low Ill already be in a belt/knee sleeves at this point (or sooner) but on the days when things feel good I'll try to use as little support as possible.. First set in vid is 180kg for a single. No belt, no knee sleeves, no wrist wraps, no chalk... aka super-raw and the closest you can come to squatting naked without being arrested. Marker set.

    Second set is 200kg for a single also with no belt/knee sleeves/wrist wraps/chalk. Heaviest beltless squat in quite a while now and a good indicator that the proceeding belted squat will move well. Confidence high.

    Third set is 220kg in belt, SBD knee sleeves and wrist wraps and felt like jumping practice. I sometimes prefer to do the last warm up as I plan to do the prescribed top sets (in wraps) but this far out from comp and on days where I have multiple top sets and time to get it right I'm happy to push the last warm up without them and leave the first set in wraps to chance. Ready to train.

    After these were done I squatted 240kg for two triples and a set of four in wraps (yesterdays vid) knowing that they'd move well before I unracked them based on all of the above. No guesswork!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench Press + Light Band
    40kg x8
    60kg x6
    80kg x4
    100kg x2
    120kg x1
    140kg x2 (PR)

    B) Bench - Paused
    132.5kg (3x8) .... (Volume PR)

    C) Pull Ups

    D) Seated Row (4x10)
    E) Rev. Fly (4x10)
    F) Tricep Extension (4x10)

    Current feels: :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Front Squat
    65kg x5
    85kg x5
    105kg x3
    125kg x1
    145kg x1
    165kg (2x2) PR :) ...

    B) Deadlift
    80kg (2x8)
    120kg x6
    160kg x3
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    215kg (3x6) ...

    Front squats felt great! Could have put a few more kgs on the bar but didn't see any point in moving into testing territory. Deads felt great as well... warm ups moved very well and no residual bullshít from that low back tweak over Christmas at all.

    Then my left hamstring popped on last rep of third set... quite a painful one but won't make any assumptions until tomorrow. Hopefully doesn't bruise up but as it stands can't really put any weight on it at all (which made driving the motorbike home a bit of a feckin' nightmare!).

    Currently have an ice pack on it and have the whole thing compressed with a knee wrap.

    Current feels: :mad:

    Commence unplanned deload

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭DylanJM

    Ah man, that's rough. Hoping it's not bad and doesn't put a spanner in the works.

    How is it feeling today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    DylanJM wrote: »
    Ah man, that's rough. Hoping it's not bad and doesn't put a spanner in the works.

    How is it feeling today?

    Not great - but in with my physio tomorrow to determime the extent of it, fingers crossed its just a 1-2 week job. These things happen, in the grand scheme of things its just a bump in the road.

    Lots of feet up benching in the meantime!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Tempo Bench - 42X0
    40kg x8
    60kg x6
    80kg x4
    100kg x2
    125kg (5x3) ...

    B) Seated Row (5x10)
    C) Tricep Pressdown (4x12)
    D) Face Pull (3x15)

    Physio on the hammer this morning... possibly the least fun I've ever had being assaulted by a large man.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    Bar (2x20)

    B) Leg Ext - (5x12)
    C) Calf Raise - 100 reps


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench + Band
    65kg x8
    85kg x5
    105kg x3
    125kg x1
    145kg x2 (PR)

    B) Bench - Paused
    137.5kg (2x8) (PR)

    C) Plate Loaded Row (x20,12,12,10,8)
    D) Seated Row (x20,15,12,10,8)
    E) Tricep Pressdown (x20,15,12,10,8)

    Bench is FLYING at the moment - couldn't be happier with it tbh.
    Just raging now to be missing the heaviest squat/deadlift sessions of this phase of training. Will see my physio on Thursday and then rethink the whole peaking phase to see how best to make sure I can get on the platform in 6 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Naked Squat
    Bar (2x20)
    75kg x8
    115kg x5
    155kg x3
    175kg x1

    B) Split Squat
    BW x8
    +5kg x8
    +10kg x8
    +15kg x8

    C) Hamstring Curl

    D) Neutral Grip Pull Ups (2x15)
    E) Calf Raise (2x20)
    F) Ab Pulldown - 100 reps

    That all felt pretty muck, hamstring still grumpy - but good to be moving anyway. Felt like my right leg was taking two thirds of the load squatting but moved well and tried not to be too tentative out of the hole. Will chalk the last week down to a deload, pull the deadlift %s way back from next week and move on from here with my physios blessings tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench - 42X0 Tempo
    50kg x8
    70kg x6
    90kg x4
    110kg x2
    130kg (5x3) ...

    B) Lat Pulldown (4x10)
    C) Facepull (4x12)
    D) Tricep Extension (4x15)

    Very happy with how the bench moved today... such a miserable tempo for any lift especially at these percentages. Would usually wait until Friday for this session but having not done any meaningful lower body training this week I fel fully recovered for it and gives me a day to chill out tomorrow.

    Had physio before this session at lunchtime - by the end of it he said 'this is starting to feel like a hamstring again' and said it'll be sore as hell for a couple days but should be ok to resume comp squatting this weekend and deadlifting next week.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    Bar (2x15)
    80kg (2x8)
    120kg x6
    160kg x3
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    *knee wraps
    240kg x5 :) ...

    B) Leg Extension - (5x15)
    C) Plate Loaded Row - (6x10)
    D) Calves - 100 reps

    Thoughts in vid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench
    40kg x12
    60kg x10
    80kg x8
    100kg x20
    105kg x20...

    B) Lat Pulldown (5x10)
    C) Single Arm Row (5x10)
    D) Tricep Pressdown (5x10)
    E) Rev. Fly (5x10)

    Hamstring still f*cked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Front Squat
    40kg x8
    60kg x5
    80kg (4x3)

    B) Squat
    75kg x3
    115kg x3
    145kg (2x5)

    C) DB RDL - 100 reps
    D) Hamstring Curl - 100 reps
    E) Calves - 100 reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Tempo Bench Press - 42X0
    40kg x8
    60kg x6
    80kg x4
    100kg x1
    120kg x1
    140kg (2x2) ....

    B) Lat Pulldown
    40kg x15
    60kg x12
    80kg x10
    100kg x8
    120kg x6

    C) Seated Row (5x10)
    D) Tricep Pressdown (5x15)
    E) Deadlift - 70kg (5x5) :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    80kg (3x5)
    120kg (2x5)
    160kg x2
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1
    230kg x1 ....

    B) Front Squat
    70kg x5
    90kg x3
    110kg x1
    130kg x1
    150kg (Beltless PR)
    170kg x1 ... (PR in sleeves)

    C) Hamstring Curl (4x15)
    D) Lat Pulldown (4x12)
    E) Low Row (4x10)

    Heaviest squat in sleeves in quite a while... wraps cut into my hamstring too much so just something heavy to preserve forwards momentum and stay under a heavyish bar while it heals. Front squat felt handy ... all time PR there in sleeves and didnt feel close to really testing.

    Bodyweight also on the move... but in the wrong direction (I'm losing weight :confused: )

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    It's funny how things only go very wrong at times when training is going very VERY well. Usually it's a pulled muscle, joint pain or some sort of sports/gym related injury... all standard stuff you know yer'self

    In this case though it came in the form of a rather large Mercedes-Benz skipping traffic and wiping me off my motorbike on Monday morning :mad:

    Anyway I walked away so have to count my blessings it wasn't a whole lot worse but will be taking an enforced break from training for a while now and competing is off the menu. F*cking typical, you'd think he could have at least waited until after nationals to hit me with his d*ckhead-mobile

    Anyway - hopefully be back at it sooner rather than later.

    Ciao for now

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  • Registered Users Posts: 681 ✭✭✭VIS VIRES

    I have a few pages to read back on to catch up with how your training is going. But first I have two years of my log to update.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    How goes the comeback? Does ranting about Merc drivers result in any bench PRs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    How goes the comeback? Does ranting about Merc drivers result in any bench PRs?

    Yes actually - had an all time paused bench PR of 170kg on an ER Rack with an eleiko bar and calibrated plates here a couple months back

    But recovery is taking a lot longer than anticipated. Training the past couple months has gone loosely like this but there is no set plan:

    9 weeks ago - squatted 80kg for a few 5s and it hurt. Messed
    around with some light deads and RDLs,
    felt awful

    8 weeks ago - squatted 100kg for a few 5s and they hurt too. Deadlifted up to around 140kg but they felt awful and looked worse

    6 weeks ago - squatted 140kg x5 and thought I was going to die on every rep. Deadlifted up to around 160kg and shut it down because feltt crap

    Last week - squatted 140kg x8 and they hurt

    Last monday - squatted 180kg for a single and it hurt. 140kg x8 back off sets. Then got pissed off and deadlifted 200kg

    Yesterday - squatted 190 for a single and 140kg x15 back off sets. Deadlifted 210kg and didn't die but def felt like was rolling the retard dice somewhat.

    In between those sporadic sessions I do the following three workouts(ish):

    A) DB Overhead Press up to a rep max (45kg dbs x9 my most recent best) then do three drop sets
    B) Lat Raise - Pyramid up and back down again - loads of reps
    C1) Facepull
    C2) Overhead Tricep Extension
    D1) Rev. Fly
    D2) Tricep Pressdown

    A) Lat Pulldown - Up to a rep max (Pin 17 x6 in Raw my recent best) then do 3 drop sets
    B) Single Arm Plate Loaded Row up to 125kg x10 each hand (that's all that fits on the machine in Raw) with three drop sets
    C) Barbell Shrugs - up to 180kg x max reps then three drop sets (140/100/60kg xAMRAP)
    D) DB Hammer Curls - loads

    A) Bench up to heavy single/double for the day - in and around 160kg most weeks

    *4 Rounds*
    B1) Bench at 75% of daily top set x AMRAP
    B2) Neutral Grip DB Press 33% of B1 each hand x AMRAP
    B3) DB Flys 25% B2 each hand x AMRAP

    My bodyweight is down from a yearly high of 107.1kg in Jan to 99.9kg again now... carbs with every meal, a couple of pints every weekend etc. no tracking just mostly good food and having fun with every training session.

    I'm basically living vicariously mostly through the successes of the people I coach now while doing as much as my body will allow me to do.. plus some extra! No idea how long it will be until I am back in any way close to 100% but pretty much at the absolute limits of what I can do at the moment so I'll just keep doing that and adding 10kg per session until I'm fixed or snapped in two. Unlikely to compete this year at all and as such haven't been on this forum or logging at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Bench - Paused
    60kg x10
    80kg x8
    100kg x5
    120kg x2
    140kg x1
    150kg x1
    160kg x1

    B) Squat
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1 ...

    C) Deadlift
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x3
    120kg x1
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    220kg x1

    Came in today just to do some benching and the accessory work I outlined above but there was a little voice in the back of my had that was saying 'don't listen to your physio... you can totally squat 200kg and deadlift 220kg'.

    Bench was great - everything up to 120kg against a band then three heavy single at 140/150/160kg the last of which was the easiest it has probably ever felt.

    Squatting looked better than it felt. just delighted to have that sort of weight on my back again and the bar path was better than 190 was on Wednesday or the 180 on Monday.

    Can generally tell how deadlifting is going to be based on how easy the double ovr hand sets are in warm ups. 160 double overhand felt fine, did the 180 beltless with mixed grip and moved well and once got the belt on knew that if I could stay in one piece I could probably have a crack at five plates. It came up ok, feally felt it in my sacrum and was a definite 'oh sh*t' moment just off the floor but figured may as well pull through and see what happens. Looking back its also the heaviest I have deadlifted at all since the Battle of The Boyne last summer since had only been focused on volume... Jaysus :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Squat
    60kg x8
    80kg x6
    100kg x4
    120kg x2
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg x1
    200kg x1
    *Caution to Wind*
    220kg x1 :)

    B) Deadlift
    80kg x5
    120kg x3
    160kg x1
    *mixed grip*
    190kg x1
    210kg x1
    *F*ck it Anyway*
    230kg x1

    C) Hamstring Curl (x20,15,12,10,8,6)
    D) Leg Ext (4x30)
    E) Ab Pulldown - 100 reps

    Fourth time squatting & pulling in the last week just recklessly adding weight each time. Going to pound away until my useless mortal body complies with my desire to address my unfinished business on the platform.

    Anyway... things to note. Got up to a 180kg beltless squat which I am delighted with. Getting back to five plates this year was the goal and despite it not feeling great its one of my favourite ever reps - There was quite a bit of anger/frustration behind it and felt like the me of old racking it. Still feel a million miles away from being able to stabilise heavier weights in wraps but that will come in time.

    Deads didn't feel very smooth in the warm ups but double overhand to 160kg and a beltless 190kg both good markers of progression. 210kg felt really heavy, but 230kg was relatively smooth and considering I haven't pulled over 240ish in years I'm excited that I know at some stage sooner rather than later I'll be able to really push it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Seated DB Overhead Press
    20s (2x20)
    25s x10
    30s x10
    35s x8
    40s x6
    45s x11 (PR)

    B) Lat Raise
    12.5s x10
    17.5s x10
    22.5s x10
    > Drop Set 15s x AMRAP
    > Drop Set 10s x AMRAP

    C1) DB Front Raise (3x12)
    C2) DB Rev. Fly (3x15)

    D) Tricep Pressdown - 100,000 reps

    Getting the dumbbells into position from the floor is a nightmare... will call that a DB Power Clean PR by default. Very happy with where the pressing power is at the moment all the same :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,566 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Btw, I had to google sacrum. In what way was it injured? Is that pretty much where you landed or were hit by the car?

    I'm guessing you won't be doing any DL volume any time soon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Btw, I had to google sacrum. In what way was it injured? Is that pretty much where you landed or were hit by the car?

    I'm guessing you won't be doing any DL volume any time soon?


  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    COH wrote: »


    That's still up there as my favourite interview of all time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    A) Lat Pulldown
    Pin 6 x20
    Pin 8 x15
    Pin 10 x12
    Pin 12 x10
    Pin 14 x8
    Pin 16 x6
    Pin 18 x4
    > 2x Drop Sets

    B) Seated Cable Row
    Pin 8 x12
    Pin 10 x12
    Pin 12 x12
    Pin 14 x12
    Pin 16 x12
    > 2x Drop Sets

    C) Single Arm Seated Plate Loaded Row
    25kg x10
    50kg x10
    75kg x10
    100kg x10
    125kg x15
    >4x Drop Sets

    D) Power Shrugs
    60kg x10
    100kg x10
    140kg x10
    180kg x10
    220kg x8
    250kg x5 :pac:
    > 3x Drop Sets

    E) Seated Hammer Curl
    15s x8
    20s x8
    25s x8
    30s x8

    F) Face Pull

    Basically I went level 10 retard and I enjoyed every second of it.
