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Train Hard to Get Lean



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Run 5km

    Double Military press 3x5
    Double Row 3x5
    Double KB Squat 3x5
    Windmill 3x5
    Double Swing 3x15

    TRX inverted row, squats, sit ups

    foam roll and stretch (need to be more diligent on this part)

    Carbs: 297gm 38%
    Protein: 201gm 27%
    Fat: 124gm 36%
    total cal 3074

    Rest day tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    pulls ups 4X4
    double unders ( finally a break through)
    clean, snatch and OH squats practice just 20kg oly bar
    5 X 3
    turkish get ups 1X3 ea
    Windmill 1X3ea

    SLDL 100kg X 8 X 5rds
    Thrusters 45kg X 8 X 5rds
    Dips 8 X 5rds
    OH lungs 20kg X 5rds
    SB jackknife 15 X 4rds
    Plank 30 sec 4 rds
    boxing 1:15 sec on 45 sec off for 5 rds

    Carbs: 370gm 38%
    Protein: 204gm 24%
    Fat: 164gm 41%
    total cal 3530

    today (so far)
    Carbs: 349gm 45%
    Protein: 165gm 23%
    Fat: 121gm 37%
    total cal 2925

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    climbed Carrantuohill 6 hours, it will do instead of a metcon

    eat like a carb eating horse.5000 cals

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Mon 16 Aug 2010

    Double clean and press 5 X 3
    Double squat 5 x 3
    Renegade row 3 X 3
    Windmill 3 X 3
    Swings 15 X 3

    Oly practice technique
    20 X 5 X 3
    20 X 5 x 3
    OH Squats
    20 X 5 x 3
    Skipping DU practice
    total 30mins

    split squats 12.6 X 8 X 5ds
    one arm row 32kg X 16 X 5rds
    Band pulls 20 X 5rds
    GHR 8X 5 best effort
    side bends 29kg X 30 X 4rds
    Weight sit ups 20kg X 20 X 4rds

    boxing 1:15 sec on 45 sec off for 5 rds


    Carbs: 316gm 39%
    Protein: 177gm 24%
    Fat: 137gm 40%
    total cal 2988

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    holdfast wrote: »
    Mon 16 Aug 2010

    Double clean and press 5 X 3
    Double squat 5 x 3
    Renegade row 3 X 3
    Windmill 3 X 3
    Swings 15 X 3

    Oly practice technique
    20 X 5 X 3
    20 X 5 x 3
    OH Squats
    20 X 5 x 3
    Skipping DU practice
    total 30mins

    split squats 12.6 X 8 X 5ds
    one arm row 32kg X 16 X 5rds
    Band pulls 20 X 5rds
    GHR 8X 5 best effort
    side bends 29kg X 30 X 4rds
    Weight sit ups 20kg X 20 X 4rds

    boxing 1:15 sec on 45 sec off for 5 rds


    Carbs: 316gm 39%
    Protein: 177gm 24%
    Fat: 137gm 40%
    total cal 2988
    well done on some super sessions and love the nutrition breakdown also!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up

    KB 16kg
    TGU 1X3
    Double clean & press 5 X 3
    Double Clean & squat 5 X 3
    Double Row 5 X 3
    Double swing 10 X 3

    300 workout with 16kg KB
    25 sit ups
    50 snatches
    25 push ups
    50 burpees
    50 swings
    50 clean press
    50 mountain climbers

    Carbs: 255gm 34%
    Protein: 166gm 24%
    Fat: 147gm 47%
    total cal 2801

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Morning Run 5Km 30mins 140bpm ave heart rate. An easy run out, enjoying a forest trail along the coast.


    TRX 10 inverted rows
    12kg dumbell thrusters
    AMRAP 20 mins 16 rds

    Deadlift 110kg Ladder
    got to six but the cracking in my knee was disturbing. I have been getting a pain on the top of knee when going up stairs. Did not want to push it so left off

    Fat 152gm 42%
    Carbs% 372gm 44%
    Protein 165gm 20%

    fitday does not seem to keep with 100% been the max percent, but instead 106% :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    KB 16kg
    TGU 2X3
    Double clean & press 5 X 3
    Double Clean & squat 5 X 3
    Double Row 5 X 3
    Double swing 10 X 3

    3 KB swings
    6 push ups
    9 squats
    5 rds of 3mins working an 2 mins rest. 25 complete rds

    knee giving trouble i have not been able to train since wed.Getting better

    carbs 334gm 41%
    fat 135gm 42%
    protein 172gm 24%

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Went for a 20mins swim in the sea. Felt good and took me back to my tri days . The doms were brutal today, did not foam roll or stretch after yesterday. lesson learnt.

    26mins of 20KB and skipping session. 40secs on and 20secs.

    Renegade row 5X3
    Double Military press 5X3
    Double Row 5X3
    Double KB Squat 5X3
    Windmill 3x3
    Double Swing 3x15

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    step ups 32kgx8X5
    one arm row 32kgx8x5
    bicep 15kgx4x10
    v ups 20x4
    SB knee tucks 15x4
    db bench 30kgx8x4
    calf raises 20kgX 25x4


    16kg Kb
    Double C&P 5x5
    Double Squat 3x5
    Double Row 5x5
    Snatch 5x10/10

    30 mins skipping and KB exercises 40secs on 20 secs off


    20kg KG and skipping for 10mins. DU got five in a row (with SU) but without missing great :D

    16kg kb
    double clean and press 3 X 5
    Renegade row 3 X5/5
    double clean squat 3x5
    windmill 3x3/3
    Double swing 3x10

    20kg kg swings, box hops(became step ups after knee pain), sit ups, 2mins skipping

    right knee is giving me jib, went to phsyio and the knee cap is off line so have a bit of rehab to do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Burgener warm up
    snatch, OHS and clean with bar

    16kg KB`s
    Double clean and press 3 X 5
    Double Squat 3 X 5
    Pull up 3 X 5 ( turned out to be jumping pull ups)
    Double swings 3 X 10

    Tabata 20kg KB
    Snatch and high pull


    30mins of skipping, BW exercises and KB exercises. Working 40 secs on 20 sec off


    lunges 5X10 (knee still giving trouble so just BW)
    dips 5 X 8
    Renegade Row 16kg X 4 X 8
    Plank 30 secs
    Finished 20 reverse curls, 2 sit up, working down on RC and up on SU to 2 reverse curls and 20 sit ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg KB
    30 snatchs
    1000m row
    30 snatch
    1000m row

    TRX and Double 16kg KB
    TRX one leg squat 2 X 10/10 + Clean and Press 2X5
    TRX Inverted rows 2 X 10 + Clean and Squats 2 X5
    TRX IYT 2 X 5 + Swings 2 X 10
    TRX Chest press + Windmill 2 X 5

    run 5mins on treadmill

    squats 100kgx8X5
    one arm row 32kgx8x5
    bicep 15kgx4x10
    v ups 20x4
    SB knee tucks 15x4
    db bench 30kgx8x4
    calf raises 20kgX 25x4


    5km run easy 26mins

    80kg deadlift and pull up (jumping) tabata 8 rds each

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast



    1000m row

    20mins kb and skipping

    3 TGU each side

    12 rds of 2 mins
    54kg farmer walk 50m
    24kg Kb 1 swing ladder (add 1 each rd)
    2 burpee ladder (add 1 each rd)

    blew up in rd 10 and just forgot gymboss demands and work through till end

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    lunges 32kg X 5X10
    dips 5 X 8
    Renegade Row 16kg X 4 X 8
    Plank 30 secs
    Finished 20 reverse curls, 2 sit up, working down on RC and up on SU to 2 reverse curls and 20 sit ups.

    amrap in 15mins
    Deadlift 80 x 5
    push up 10
    skip 1 min
    8 rds

    hit the punch bag 1:15 on 45 secs off 5 rds

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg Kb
    Double C&P 5x5
    Double Squat 3x5
    Double Row 5x5
    Snatch 5x10/10

    25mins 16kg kb and skipping 40 sec on 20 secs off


    afternoon 30mins cross trainer

    Squats 100kgx8X5
    one arm row 32kgx8x5
    bicep 15kgx4x10
    v ups 20x4
    SB knee tucks 15x4
    db bench 30kgx8x4
    calf raises 20kgX 25x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Last wed

    20mins on treadmill

    7 rds of
    5 24kg KB swings
    7 one arm rows 24kg kb
    20 kg OH lunges
    1 min skipping


    20mins on treadmill
    15mins on cross trainer

    band pulls 20
    reverse lunge 16kg kb 4X8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 4 X8
    C&P 24kg kb 4 X 8
    plank 40 secs 4 rds
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10


    10mins skipping and 20kg kb session

    followed by 300kb workout with 20kg
    25 sit ups
    50 snatchs
    25 push ups
    50 swings
    50 burpees
    50 C&P
    50 mt climbers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg kb and trx

    trx lateral lunges 2X10 es
    trx lunges 2X10 es
    trx ham curls 2X10
    trx chest press 2X15
    trx oh squats 2 X10

    kb 2 X 30 swings
    2 X2 es windmills


    Negative pull ups 4 X 4
    TGU 4 X1es

    10 X 100m sprints

    16kg kb`s
    Double Row 3X5
    Double clean and press 3 X5
    Double clean and Squat 3 x 5
    double swings 3 X10
    Du practice till i have five done anyway for 4 sets

    clean practice 30kg 4X4
    L-sits 4X10secs

    foam roll and stretch

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg kb
    3X20 swings
    3X20 squats
    3X20 figure eight
    3X20 low lunge
    3X2 TGU right side
    3 X 30secs plank
    3X2 TGU left side
    3X20 push ups
    3X 10 snatch right
    3X20 sit ups
    3X10 snatch left
    3 X 10 burpee

    4X8X100kg squats
    4X8 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    4X8 One arm rows (each side)
    4X20 mt climber
    4X6 IYT TRX
    4X30secs plank

    16kg kb
    3X20 swings
    3X20 squats
    3X20 figure eight
    3X20 low lunge
    3X2 TGU right side
    3 X 30secs plank
    3X2 TGU left side
    3X20 push ups
    3X 10 snatch right
    3X20 sit ups
    3X10 snatch left
    3 X 10 burpee

    band pulls 20
    reverse lunge 16kg kb 4X8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 4 X8
    C&P 24kg kb 4 X 8
    plank 40 secs 4 rds
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10

    24kg kb
    10,8, 7----1 swings
    10 burpee

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30mins swim, I was drowning ungracefully around 800m plus. I was trying to keep up with this young wan, she kicked my ass. Need to get back in the pool


    3 X 30 secs jumping pull ups

    16kg KB double clean and press 2 X 12
    16kg KB Double squats 2 X 12

    16kg KB single snatch right hand 6 X 20 secs
    Skipping (DU practice really coming on now) 6 x 60sec
    16kg KB single snatch left hand 6 X 20 secs

    4 X 5 X 40kg Power cleans

    36mins running, hard hilly session felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Double clean and press 3 X 8
    Double Squat 3 X 8
    Double Renegade Row 3 X 8
    Double Snatch 3 X 8
    Double Swing 3 X 8

    1000m row

    25mins of skipping/kb exercises, working 40secs and 20sec off

    4X8X110kg squats
    4X8 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    4X8X24kg One arm rows (each side)
    4X10X16kg bicep curls
    4X30 mt climbers
    4X40secs plank

    one min skipping X 3
    10mins treadmill
    20mins cross trainer


    Double 16kg KB (wish they would buy 20kg and 24kg at work)

    Double clean and press 3 X 6
    Double Squat 3 X 6
    Double Row 3 X 6
    Double Snatch 3 X 6
    Windmill 3 X 3/3
    Double Swing 3 X 6
    one min skipping X 3

    Snatch,OH squats and clean 5X3X30kg

    10mins on both treadmill and cross trainer each

    21 Kb 24kg swing
    12 jumping pull up

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    band pulls 4X20
    reverse lunge 10kgX 4X8/8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 4 X8
    C&P 24kg kb 4 X 8
    plank 40 secs 4 rds
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of hitting the punch bag

    10mins crosstrainer
    16kg kb
    3X20 swings
    3X50 skips
    3X10/10 clean
    3X20 squats
    3X20 fig 8
    3x20 lunges
    3X3 tgu left
    3X30 sec plank
    3X3 tgu right
    3X 20 push ups
    3X10 snatchs right
    3X20/20 side plank
    3X10 snatchs left
    3X10 burpee

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    2km row 7:45mins
    20mins on cross trainer

    Mobility Wod squat for 10mins and beginner mobility drill from steve maxwell. felt great the next day, as i had a small bit of scatica for the pasted few weeks


    5rds of 30 secs each ex
    Double 16kg KB clean and press
    Double 16kg KB squat
    16Kg TGU
    16Kg KB snatch rhs
    16Kg KB snatch RHS


    Helen 12:45

    16kg KB Military press 3x5
    16kg KB Double Row 3x5
    16kg KB Double KB Squat 3x5
    Windmill 3x5
    Double Swing 3x15
    10 DU

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    10X100m sprints


    4X8X110kg squats
    4X8 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    4X8X29kg One arm rows (each side)
    3X10 Mt climbers
    3X6 IYT TRX
    3X40secs plank

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg kb
    3X20 swings
    3X50 skips
    3X10/10 clean
    3X20 squats
    3X20 fig 8
    3x20 lunges
    3X3 tgu left
    3X30 sec plank
    3X3 tgu right
    3X 20 push ups
    3X10 snatchs right
    3X20/20 side plank
    3X10 snatchs left
    3X10 burpee

    Jack Bauer scaled
    With a 16 KG Kettlebell and 60KG barbell
    3 KB Swings, 21 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    6 Swings, 18 SDLHP
    9 Swings, 15 SDLHP
    12 Swings, 12 SDLHP
    15 Swings, 9 SDLHP
    18 Swings, 6 SDLHP
    21 Swings, 3 SDLHP

    16kg KB Military press 2x5
    16kg KB Double Row 2x5
    16kg KB Double KB Squat 2x5
    Windmill 2x5
    Double Swing 3x10


    band pulls 4X20
    reverse lunge 16kgX 4X8/8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 4 X8
    C&P 24kg kb 4 X 8
    Barbell chops 4X10/10
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10

    I am letting myself down by lack of dicipline with my diet and wish they would get 20kg and 24kg at work:mad:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    16kg KB Military press 2x5
    16kg KB Double Row 2x5
    16kg KB Double KB Squat 2x5
    Windmill 2x5
    Double Swing 3x10

    16kg kb
    3X20 swings
    2X50 skips
    2X10/10 clean
    2X20 squats
    2X20 fig 8
    2x20 lunges
    2X3 tgu left
    2X30 sec plank
    2X3 tgu right
    2X 20 push ups
    2X10 snatchs right
    2X20/20 side plank
    2X10 snatchs left
    2X10 burpee

    4X8X110kg squats
    4X10 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    4X8X31kg One arm rows (each side)
    4X10X16kg bicep curls
    4X30 mt climbers
    4X40secs plank

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of hitting the punch bag


    30mins crosstrainer ave bpm 145
    pilates and mobility in the evening


    20kg Kettlebell stacking 3 rds

    30 secs C&P e/h 1:00min rest
    30 secs C&P e/h, 30 sec swing e/h 1:00min rest
    30 secs C&P e/h, 30 sec swing e/h , snatch 30 sec e/h 1:00min rest

    modified Crossfit Nicole
    5 rds 2:00mins skipping, max push ups and inverted rows.

    Skipping was a killer in the shoulders after all the pressing in the KB routine. Forgot to time it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    7X7X120kg squats
    4X8 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    7X7X32kg One arm rows (each side)
    4X20 mt climber
    4X7 IYT TRX
    4X30secs plank

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of hitting the punch bag


    5 rds of
    400m run 30 sec rest
    6 24kg KB swing, 9 inverted rows, 12 push up, amrap 3 min

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of DU practice

    worked for 24hrs straight last night and i felt it today in the workout. just did not have the gas and the tank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Need to be more diligent with my training and diet again. Was training sat and bang felt a snap in my neck during push press. It hurt like hell then but it was gone monday. :)


    7X7X125kg squats
    4X15TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    7X7X32kg One arm rows (each side)
    4X20 mt climber
    4X7 IYT TRX
    4X30secs plank

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of hitting the punch bag


    with a 20kg KB
    3X20 swings
    2X50 skips
    2X10/10 clean
    2X20 squats
    2X20 fig 8
    2x20 lunges
    2X3 tgu left
    2X30 sec plank
    2X3 tgu right
    2X 20 push ups
    2X10 snatchs right
    2X20/20 side plank
    2X10 snatchs left
    2X10 burpee


    1,2, ---- -- 9,10 snatches 16kg KB LHS & RHS
    18,20 24" box hops

    80 kg dead-lift and burpee 7:10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    1 WOD
    3 rds
    2/2 TGU
    10/10 Halo
    C&P 2 X 16Kg KB X 15
    20 sit ups

    2nd Wod
    Inverted rows 30 secs
    C&P 2 X 16Kg KB X 30 secs
    Squat 2 X 16Kg KB X 30 secs
    Snatch 16kg X 30 secs
    Skip 1 min
    Snatch 30 secs 16 Kg X 30 secs


    band pulls 4X20
    reverse lunge 30kgX 4X8/8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 5X5/5
    C&P 24kg kb 5X5/5
    L-Sits 20 secs 4 rds
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    5X5X130kg squats
    4X8 TRX press up
    4X15 TRX leg curls
    5X5X32kg Standing One arm rows (each side)
    4X20 mt climber
    4X7 IYT TRX
    4X30secs plank

    5 rds of 1:15 on and 45 sec off of shadow boxing


    3 mins max reps skipping, 1 mins rest 5rds

    24kg kb swings 1,2,3,
    Burpees 10,9,8

    A cold is killing me since sat. Squats are coming on, feel there is plenty more in them. Going hopefully push them out over the next couple of months, now that its over a year since my back op.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30 mins KB training cant even think what it was :(


    6.4km Forrest run.


    band pulls 4X20
    reverse lunge 36kgX 4X8/8
    one led deadlift 24kg kb 5X7/7
    C&P 24kg kb 5X7/7 (was suppose to be 7 set but my wrist is killing me dont know why! i know sounds bad )
    L-Sits 20 secs 4 rds
    mt climbers 4 X 20
    bicep curls 16kg 4X10
