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regarding evo qualifiers

  • 01-06-2010 11:41am
    Registered Users Posts: 396 ✭✭

    Hello everyone,

    Ive been in and out of a few threads now and people seem to be bashing myself and the Evo event left right and centre.

    So let me clear a few things up

    I organised the launch event in exactly the same way as this event and it ran sweet, yes i communicated a bit more with the community about the event.

    The last event was the best event ive been to since moving here, now ive only been living here 6 months so I don`t know whats gone on before I came to ireland, but from my point of view I have stepped things up for all of us in Ireland and i have made some of the biggest contributions that any one person could to do for the community,

    And what thanks do I get? None, instead I get somebody posting up on the main page of bashing me and the event, instead of supporting me to run this event and resolve the problems ahead. What kind of support or benefit does that post make to our community? How does that look to the evo organisers or anybody else who reads it? It’s a terrible thing to write and it causes more harm than good.

    It’s very upsetting that everybody seems to be on my case regarding this evo event, instead of bashing it and me, you all should be backing me up to resolve the issues ahead.

    Everything I do, I do it for the community, I want the community in Ireland to be as strong as the community in the UK, to make our community like the UK it will take a lot of hard work and a lot of time.

    Now ive been running events in the UK for over 10 years and ive helped build the Uks community from the ground up, I know what it takes to build up a community from scratch and what its like to get 3 or 4 people for a tournament, but I also know whats its like to turn those 3 or 4 people into 300 or 400.

    Ive spent a lot of hard work and a lot of time building up the community and in that time ive gained a lot of experience and knowledge through the years because ive been through it all, but that post on just takes the biscuit.

    Now Just to clear a few things up, these are the problems the evo event had,

    From the get go I didn`t have much time, and I didn`t want to run such a prestigious event in the xgc, so I looked for another venue( gamesnash) I made this decision based on discussions I had in IRC with various community members, I didn`t just decide to run it there without any planning or discussion, I asked many people, some people thought it was a good idea, including myself, some people said it was far, but they would go because it was a once off event, some said it was small and it wouldn`t hold all of us, so I got in touch with gamesnash and found out that it could hold about 40 people, that was good enough for me, I had enough information to make a decision on the venue and with evo coming closer I didn`t I have time to look for another venue.

    In short gamesnash sounded better than the XGC, for a start I was told the tvs didn`t lag as much as the tvs in the XGC, so that was more than enough reason to run the event there

    Unfortunatley a lot of our community were busy on that day, so no matter where the venue was going to be it was going to be a low turn out, 3 days before the event took place I logged into the irc chat room and I said that I was considering a change of venue based on what people were saying on the forums, especially about how they couldn`t make it to the event because it was too far to travel to gamesnash. The numbers were gong to be low no matter where the tournament was going to be, so in an attempt to increase the numbers I changed the venue to the xgc, however this decision was not all mine, Azza and chopper and dreddy and a few others all spoke to me on IRC about this and they all contributed to the venue being changed.

    They put forward an argument saying that gamesnash is far away, expensive (200 euros to rent out) which kills the flight money to vegas, All of those reasons were valid and stong points which resulted in the change.

    It was a community decision to change the venue, but it was me who made the final call. Changing the venue increased our numbers and it was the right decision to make.

    The evo event failed because it got a low turn out, myself, doom, terry, sisko, azza and some others all agreed that postponing the event would be the best thing for the community, this again was another joint community decision.

    Now ive put my hands up and said that more communication should have been made between myself and the community, but after reflecting on everything that’s happened thus far, it wouldn`t have made much difference to the overall out come of the event.

    The bottom line is people were busy, a lot of people couldn`t make this event because they had other things to do and because gamesnash is far away, even if I had made a post discussing this event nothing would have changed the outcome of the event, My decision to run the event on the date that was decided was based on the cost of the flight to Vegas, the sooner the event took place, the sooner we could buy the ticket to Vegas and the cheaper it would be.

    Those were the main factors deciding the outcome of this event.

    If there are any questions people would like to put forward please do so and i will answer as best i can, but right now we all need to come together to help organise the evo qualifers/inferno this weekend and make it the best it can be, so ideas and siggestions should be made in the evo thread.

    ps, Apologies for all the miss spellings or grammar mistakes and the way the font looks, using my friends laptop.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,005 ✭✭✭✭chopperbyrne

    Was going to reply, but then you edited your post.

    I will say that whoever put up that article on was in the wrong though. That makes it look like the entire community is attacking one person who tried to do something big for the community, but unfortunately failed.

    The fact that it just said posted by admin instead of a specified user is also an indication of hiding behind anonymity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Yeah the decision to move the event to this upcoming weekend was deffo not all on chunkis shoulders, we all talked about it on Saturday.

    Chunkis the only issue really is that those conversations you had on IRC should have taken place on the forums instead , that's about it. Everyone would have been aware of every aspect then and you'd have gotten a lot more feedback and information about things before you made decisions. Meaning you'd have made better informed decisions. I'm sure you agree with this now yourself at this stage.

    That's all really, the was a lot of bad luck regarding the date in the end but as I said on the day, this is our 1st time trying an event like this, its early days in the community and nothings gonna go perfectly the 1st time.

    We know for next time like.

    **edit** well I didn't make that article anyway just in case people think its me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 396 ✭✭chunkis

    read the post again, its been edited as best i could.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Regarding the post SFIE.

    I originally put a general apology on the site.

    Azza contacted me and made a case to me that it reflected badly on the community and an explanation of what happened would serve the community better. We discussed the issue and we agreed that I would take down the apology for the time being and he would write an explanation.

    He sent me the explanation and I felt that it covered the situation well. I did not read it as an attack on Chunkis and posted it.

    There is the full story regarding the post on the website.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    A few things.

    1, just to reiterate, I do accept some of the responsibility for this. I could have objected. I didn't I thought people would appreciate the opportunity. I've already said this elsewhere.

    Animax has said the same.

    2, at this point this topic is done to death. Lets move on to making things work for the future.

    So what can we do in future to prevent something similar from happening again.

    I honestly believe working together is the way forward.

    Chunkis knows alot about Sf, but he doesn't know alot about us (no offence, Chunkis). I could have helped out. I just didn't think of it.

    The problem Chunkis is not that you were doing this but that you were doing this alone, imo.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    I have been up to my eyes in work for the last couple of weeks so I have been out of the loop a bit. Apologies....

    From what I have read about what happened it seems as though there was one guy doing the job of 3/4. Something like this (with possible international exposure - its EVO afterall) requires shared responsibility and the ability to flesh out ideas or issues quickly and responsibly. In short, Chunkis, I admire the responsibility you took on the matter..... That said, it highlights the reason for a committee (thats all I'll say, not digressing this thread into another one).

    I would say we can use this experience as a lesson. Nothing can be done about it now. One issue I would like to resolve (as a community member) is some sort of action for Gamesnash. They had scheduled us to be in and, as I understand it, moved other events they had planned to cater for us. I think the onus is on us to make amends somehow (not sure how yet). They can and are a company that has and will (hopefully) continue to support our community as best they can. It makes no sense for there to be no action regarding this.

    Chunkis, as much as I admire the action you took, it was flawed in many ways and the manner in which it was executed was a little hap hazard. You do not change venue 2 days before for whatever reason. As a result, our community reputation has been tarnished by it. (to what degree, I dunno, I might be over stating it). If only 5 people showed up for a pre-defined venue, then they miss out. Dunboyne is not that far away from town! No offense to ye Dublin folk, but this is a typical reaction - OMG its outside of Dublin....... If you are committed to going to Vegas, then I am sure the short trip one Saturday would be worth it. I am not griping at people, just highlighting that it is a non reason for changing venue. The reasons for the choice of Gamesnash were all viable to the integrity of the event (better facilities, not a sauna, better TV's, promotion of the community with local businesses etc etc.)

    Just my 2 cents lads - feel free to disagree. I welcome it, because a discussion on it would help us to learn and not make the same mistakes (If one would construe them as mistakes)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    Chunkis knows alot about Sf, but he doesn't know alot about us (no offence, Chunkis). I could have helped out. I just didn't think of it.

    And why not? Can I ask? Why was Chunkis left to do this. Chunkis, with all due respect and inflection, you have an abrasive demeanor when it comes to this and a tendency to make decisions unilaterally. I am not sniping here, just an observation. If something sooo important to the community was happening, why was everyone content to let him go ahead with it or make the changes (I am as guilty as everyone)?

    *Chunkis, I am not having a go at you, more so at everyone.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    ayjayirl wrote: »
    And why not? Can I ask? Why was Chunkis left to do this. .

    Because it was haphazard and outwardly appeared fine to me. In fact, I even did try to help out, if memory serves, anyway.

    Well, if there was a committe of people who were willing to give their time and resources to helping tournaments achieve their maximum potential...

    *Repeats ad nauseum*

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,005 ✭✭✭✭chopperbyrne

    It wasn't Dubliners who objected to going to Dunboyne, we had it easy. It was much more hassle for people coming from other parts of the country, who had to go to Dunboyne via Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    It wasn't Dubliners who objected to going to Dunboyne, we had it easy. It was much more hassle for people coming from other parts of the country, who had to go to Dunboyne via Dublin.

    Noted but same point stands. Its not like its Ranbat or casuals. Its a once a year event for going to EVO...... perspective people!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭Sabre0001

    Agree that it is unfair to lump it all on one guy. Sometimes things go wrong but hopefully lessons are learned...Post on kinda threw "one community member" under the bus which to be honest wasn't the greatest way to deal with the situation. If was to be in partnership with the event, it was up to everyone involved to get organised and be aware of what was happening - otherwise you shouldn't put your name to it.

    I'm on lunch so can only skim but I agree with Chunkis when he said (before) that someone should represent at EVO. And also, yes - it would be nice to grow the Irish scene - bigger and better. It is doable and takes some work but can happen.

    Finally, Chunkis check your e-mail and respond please ;) Need to know soon as possible...

    --edit-- Also, yes Chunkis - I agree that since your move, things have stepped up a gear. While you haven't finished as highly as I was expecting :pac: things have changed - people went to Cannes after the idea got firmly planted in their heads and now people are on the look out for trips all the time (for example). Also helped that we unearthed a Superstar; isn't that right 'Irish Cammy' :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Liquidswords

    ayjayirl wrote: »
    Noted but same point stands. Its not like its Ranbat or casuals. Its a once a year event for going to EVO...... perspective people!

    Exactly, not being able to make it down and seeing a lot of the top players couldn't make it last week I was a bit disappointed in that it might result in some randomer or someone undeserving getting the ticket. I didn't imagine 10 people showing up, which was grim enough but people sh1tting on the attempts to salvage something and playing the blame game was really uncalled for.

    We can have a Inferno any month of the year, the prospect of Evo qualifiers is a once a year or if people don't start to act right once in a lifetime opportunity. We have to support the idea of sending someone to Evo, the spot has to be taken up for the sake of the community.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭Sabre0001

    I say we just send Liquidswords

    All comes to all, he tries to blend in as PadLong


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    Naw, would have to be Ry

    Nuttin like a RYrage on the international scene :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Liquidswords

    Sabre0001 wrote: »
    I say we just send Liquidswords

    All comes to all, he tries to blend in as PadLong

    Only I don't play Fei Long in Super :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

    The decision on the day not to hold the comp was the correct one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Yeah I stand by that decision.

    @ Liquidswords :eek: who are you playing as now?

    @ chunkis

    Don't get us wrong man we fully appreciate everything you've been trying to do for the community and I personally see you as an important community member as I'm sure everyone else does.

    No one person should rest an entire event on his shoulders and we know that now. Anyway lets move on I wouldn't want anyone to feel any bitterness from all this.

    Again , its early days, cock ups happen, we learn and move on , it'll make the next event better.


    I agree with ayjay that we need to sort something out with gamenash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭Sabre0001

    I retract my vote to send LiquidSwords and now propose that we ban him from all events...


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    Sisko wrote: »
    @ Liquidswords :eek: who are you playing as now?

    I haven't played him yet in Super (we tried to play online a couple of times but my connection was playing up) but I believe he plays Akuma now.
