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World Duathlon Champs...



  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Wednesday 23.02.11
    Commute into/out of work no training.
    Cannot remember why I didnt train but it was proably that I just wasn't arsed!
    Actually I also wanted to make sure I got up early the next morning!

    Thursday 24.02.11
    AM: Long Run before work, 95mins, 19km
    PM: Swim: 75min 3300m, first hour was solid, last 15mins was focusing on turns/starts/push offs as the national masters are on next weekend f or the club
    Main Set: 4x[4x75m off 1.30, from 1 length hard to 3 hard, with final 75 as 3 x 25m hard, 200m pull]

    Friday 25.02.11
    PM: Swim: 75mini 3300m, same as Thursday night
    Main Set: [3 x 200 as #1 200 moderate #2 negative spilt #3 4x50m with 10s rest all off 3.45, 400m pull on 7.00]
    Tired swimming tonight

    Saturday 26.02.11
    AM: Bike: 3hrs including 8x4min hill reps... 80-90km
    PM: Run: 1hr 20mins: Run to/from base off hill 5xhill reps up hill (roughly 4.20mins up at about 8-10% gradient)

    Sunday 27.02.11
    AM: 3hr15min with club; 90-100km;
    Very tired on this session. More so though that I didnt bring enough calories with me in both solid and liquid form, and suffered as a result. Stupid. Lesson learnt!
    I would have gone out for a run, but I am currently looking for a completly new job, and most of my time outside of work/training is unfortunatley taken up filling out job applications!

    All in all a solid week training.

    Weekly Totals:
    Swim: x2 squad sessions; 2hr30mins
    Bike: x2 sessions; 1 w/hills, 1w/club; 6hr15mins-6hrs-30mins; about 180km
    Commuting: x2 days; 2hrs; 50km
    Run: x4 sessions; 1 easy, 1 x intervals, 1 x long run, 1 x hill reps; 5hrs 50-55km
    Total Time: In and around 16 hours
    Overall: Happy enough with the week - Mixed bag in terms of how I was feeling/motivation/tiredness etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Monday 28.02.2011

    No training - unofficial rest day - had other more important things to attend to.

    Tuesday 01.03.2011

    Commute to/from work: 25km
    PM: Run intervals on the track. 2km w/u easy, stretching, strides
    Session: 8x800m with 90s recovery. A bitter strong wind was blowing accross the track which slowed times.
    My aim was for a solid 8 reps, and to try evenly pace them.
    Times:2.38, 169hr avg; 2.39, 168hr avg; 2.45, 168hr avg; 2.42, 173hr avg; 2.46, 177hr avg; 2.45, 177hr avg; 2.42, 180hr avg; 2.42, 182 hr avg
    Not quick times, but happy with the session. Somewhat enjoyable.

    Rough plan for the rest of the week:
    Wed: Commute only, possible easy 1hr after work
    Thurs: 75min AM run, 75min PM swim
    Fri: Commute only
    Sat: AM: Bike-10mile race-Bike Swim: 75mins
    Sun: AM: Bike 4hrs PM: Easy run

    It will not plan out this way but its just about what I am trying to achieve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Wednesday 02.03.2011
    Commute in/out to work. A few extra hills thrown in on the way home for good measure. About 30km, 1hr15mins.

    Thursday 03.03.2011
    Had sort of thought about running in in the morning but it would have been stupid with a race on Saturday.
    PM: Swim 1hr15mins, 30mins run home.

    Friday 04.03.2011
    Commute in/out to work. A few extra hills thrown in on the way home for good measure. About 30km, 1hr15mins.

    Saturday 05.03.2011 - 10 Mile Race

    AM: 17.5km Commute, 10 Mile Race, 17.5km Commute

    Up bright and early for a 8AM race.
    Grabbed a bowl of cereal and a banana before jumping on bike. Spinned it out nice and easy before the race. Got there about 15-20mins before the start and registed.

    This race wasn't really important to me but I was mainly using it as a threshold session and to judge my fitness, and to use the knowledge gained to build forth on toward racing WAR in April. It was actually the first race I did since October.

    My average heart was 180. I tried to take it easy (in relative terms) towards the start and build at half way. This is what I did however I didnt quite have the stamina in the last few miles to keep my pace up. I am not sure what my resting HR is, but assuming its 45ish, and my max is 200, then my average heart rate was 77.5% ((200-45)/200*100). Probably should have been higher as I have averaged 192 before for a 1hr duathlon. Didnt really do a warm up and my feet were like ice blocks for the first few miles from the cycle down.

    What I know from the race:
    *** Need to ensure I do a long run every week - 6 weeks to WAR - that leaves 5 long runs, plan on doing 3 x 2hrs runs.
    *** Threshold sessions are important - need to practice hurting and improve my mental toughness.
    *** Lack of long run/hills sessions, left me lacking stamina towards the end of the race. (At least that is what I would put it down to.)
    *** I used to always eat way too much before racing, more than training and this used to give me stomach cramps. Today was perfect. Just some cereal and a banana. Was hungry towards the end of the cycle home but otherwise perfect. Nothing taken solid/liquid during the race.

    PM: Swim: 1hr 5mins: main set: 8x150m off 15-20s rest coming in on 2.20-2.25; 6x100m off 1.50, 4 x 50 sprints off 60s

    Was goosed Saturday evening.

    Sunday 06.03.2011

    Not really feeling much love for the bike this morning, or much motivation unsuprisingly after yesterday's efforts. Slept for nearly 12hrs.

    AM: Bike: Guts of 2hrs easy. Could feel the lactate in the legs with every small hill.

    Weekly Totals:
    Swim: x2 squad sessions; 2hr20mins
    Bike: x1 sessions; 2hrs easy recovery spin; about 55-60km
    Commuting: x4 days; a few hills thrown in two of the days. 4hr ish, 120km
    Run: x3 sessions; 1 easy, 1 x intervals, 1 x Race (threshold); 2hr 30; 32km
    Total Time: In and around 11 hours ish
    Overall: Feeling at little slugish on Sunday from Saturday. Otherwise handy enough week.

    Not too sure what the plan is for this week... Home at the weekend so I might try run the IMRA race on Sunday. Otherwise Saturday I will hopefully be playing golf. Going to try and get out on the bike this week to otherwise make up things.


    PM ME...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Monday 07.03.2011
    Commute to/from work: 25km; 1hr
    In work last so missed training - Raging!

    Tuesday 08.03.2011
    AM: 1hr20mins easy before work
    PM: 40mins easy after work

    Wednesday 09.03.2011
    Commute to/from work. x5 hill reps on the way home; 40km; 1hr30mins

    Thursday 10.03.2011
    Commute to/from work: 25km; 1hr
    Not feeling like training.

    Friday 11.03.2011
    Commute to/from work: 25km; 1hr
    PM: Swim: 1hrs 15mins; 3500m - Main set: 4x[4x100m f/s on 1.45, 4x25 fly off 45s]

    Saturday 12.03.2011
    Home for the weekend - Playing golf
    Out Saturday night

    Sunday 13.03.2011
    PM: 1hr easy run around Three Rock

    Weekly Totals
    Swim: x1, 1hr15mins; 3500m
    Bike: x4 Commute; 4hr30min; 115km
    Run: x3 Runs; 3hrs; 36km
    Total: 8hr45mins
    Pretty **** training week altogether but as expected heading home at the weekend.

    Monday 14.03.2011
    Too tired to train after the weekend/red flight before work.

    Tuesday 15.03.2011
    Commute to/from work: 25km; 1hr
    PM: Run Intervals: 2km w/u with strides and stretch; 4x800m & 4x600m
    Times: 2.31, 2.34, 2.39, 2.44, 1.56, 1.55, 1.56, 1.56
    Kind of went out too hard!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Wednesday 16.03.2011
    Commute into/out of work with some hilss on the way home: circa 90min, 40km
    AM: Swim 90mins, 4000m

    Thursday 17.03.2011
    Commute in: 30mins, 12km
    Feeling pretty shelled from Wednesday's effort
    Pints in the pub. No training

    Friday 18.03.2011
    Commute home: 30mins, 12km
    PM: 15mins run

    Weekend away in Wales with Cycling Club
    Saturday 19.03.2011
    AM: 5hr30mins, 125km & 2500m of climbing.
    Felt pretty shelled - Tired starting out/feeling alittle sick, and exhausted finishing.

    Sunday 20.03.2011
    AM: 2hr30mins bike with circa 1000m climbing
    PM: 1hr45mins run, with 1 large fireroad climb, circa 18km

    Monday 21.03.2011
    AM: 75mins easy on the bike taking in one climb
    PM: 90mins easy run with clubmate at their pace, circa 15km

    All in all a decent three days of cycling.
    In hindsight probably should have rented a mountain bike and probably would have got more training in but didnt know any better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Tuesday 22.03.2011
    PM: 30mins run, 60mins swim, 30mins run.
    I was feeling good before, but it was clear swimming that I was tired from my weekend's effort. Still nice to go and loosen out in the pool

    Wednesday 23.03.2011
    Commute into/from work - 25km, 1hr
    PM: Hill Reps 5xHill Reps of East Heath Road - about 900m long I think, with about a 10% gradient or so but that's only from trying to read off map my ride. 75mins total.
    If I used my Garmin I would know!
    Times: 4.21, 4.19, 4.18, 4.15, 4.22
    HR: Avg: 155, 163, 164, 167, 170
    Some cycled into me on the last one which hurt but I blew them off and finished it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Thursday 24.03.2011
    PM: Swim; 3400m, 75mins & 30mins run hom

    Friday 25.03.2011
    Commute into/from work: 25km, 1hr
    PM: Swim: 1hr, 2500m

    Saturday 26.03.2011
    PM: 25mins run, 1hr10min swim, 25mins run
    Running to and from swimming - felt awfully slow and heavy running over.
    The swimming felt good even though I felt tired.
    W/U: 1200m Main: 8x50 on 60s, 2x100m on 1.45, 5x200m on 3.20, 2x100m on 1.45m, 8x50m on 60s
    Total: 3400m
    Was starting to feel good again in the water.

    Sunday 27.03.2011
    AM: Bike ride with the club; 3hrs 15min; 90km. Legs were not here this morning... tired after a long block of training
    PM: 1hr very easy run around Hampstead Heath - so nice to out now when there is a stretch in the evening.

    I decided that I would do two block of 10 days of training for WAR - The idea was that they would be tough blocks, but with recovery between them.

    Block 1 was from Fri 18.03 - Sun 19.03. Unfortunately Friday was a right off but the rest of the days have been solid training.

    Block 1 Totals: 9days total; Sa.20.03 - Su.28.03
    Swim: x 4 sessions; 4hrs 30mins; 10800m
    Bike: x 4 sessions; 12hrs 30mins; 300km
    x 2 commutes; 2hrs; 50km
    Run: x 7 sessions; 7hrs 50mins; 88km
    Total Time: 27hrs of training

    The plan is to take it easy tomorrow - I have an interview on Tuesday to prepare for - and then decide what to do with Block 2... if I decide to go ahead or what I feel is best.

    The plan is to try and race the next 2 weekends in a row to get some race pace efforts in before WAR:
    Su 03.04 - 10km Race
    Su 10.04 - XC MTB Race

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    I need to man up big time! Or else...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Block 2 - Friday - Sunday 01.04.11 - 10.04.11

    Block 2 of training for WAR began yesterday. It didnt start the greatest with me sleeping in on Friday morning and missing my run to work.

    The aim for the 10 days of training is to try and crack:
    * Swim: 15000m.
    * Bike: 400km.
    * Run: 100km.
    * 2hr run this week - no excuses - A must!
    * Hill reps this week.
    * Commute everyday to work / Avoid the Tube.

    Friday 01.04.11

    PM: Swim: 1h15min, 4km
    W/U: 1400m
    Main: 4x100m on 1.40, 1x100 IM on 2.00, 3x100m on 1.40, 2x100 IM on 2.00, 400m pull on 6.15, 2x100 IM on 2.00, 3x100m on 1.40, 1x100 IM on 2.00, 4x100m on 1.40

    Didn't eat enough before this session and as a result I suffered towards the eng - good to be hitting 1.40s for 100s. Happy as havn't done much swimming lately.

    Saturday 02.04.11

    AM: 4hrs 30mins, 130km, with a couple of lads I know.
    A solid ride, some easy, some hard, some hilly, some headwinds, some tail winds, some coffees
    PM: 1hr easy run - first 30mins was very laboured, second 30mins was easier but no motivation for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Sunday 03.04.11

    Was toying with the idea of going out on the 7am spin in the morning but body was telling me I needed the sleep in. I made an agreement with myself that I would be out of the house by 10.00am. Got out the door at 9.40 and had a decent spin. Legs were feeling tired towards the start/middle but found some form towards the end, and put the hammer down at the end. Broke a spoke which was a pain as well. More the dirty hands more than anything - wheels are both buckled so decided to buy some new ones of CRC today.

    AM: 3hrs30mins, 110km, Avg HR 145ish.

    Didn't achieve a whole lot else today - hoping to be up early for a long run before work - Time to man up!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Monday 04.04.11

    AM: 65min run to work, 13km
    PM: 25min run to swimming; 2500m, 1hr; 40min runs home, 13km
    Swimming was laboured as I was not really feeling over zealous about it. Job done though.

    Totals: 3hr 10mins
    Not sure what the benefit of a double run was. The legs felt physically fine though which was good considering most of the run was on concrete both in the morning and evening. Didn't feel like cycling to swimming so said that I would just cycle.

    4 days down, 6 to go:
    Swim: 6500/15000m = 43.33%
    Bike: 240/400km = 60.00%
    Run: 38/100km = 38.00%
    Total Time: 13hrs 25mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Tuesday 05.04.11

    Commute into/out of work: 25km, 1hr
    PM: Running Intervals:
    I didn't feel great starting out, but I didn't feel particuarly bad either just a little tired in general. My plan was to do the first 6 hard, and then the second 6 easier. I knew I would have it in my legs to go balls out for all 12. I forgot my watch but my times were roughly:
    1 - 6: 71-73s/400m
    7 - 12: 75-77/400m

    I will probably take it easy tomorrow. I might just spin my legs out after work.

    5 days down, 5 to go:
    Swim: 6500/15000m = 43.33%
    Bike: 265/400km = 66.25%
    Run: 44/100km = 44.00%
    Total Time: 15hrs 25mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Wednesday 06.04.11

    Commute to/from work, 25km, 1hr

    I decided to take it easy tonight. My legs are alittle tired after the last two days effort, however I felt good and strong cycling home tonight.

    Not too sure how the rest of the week is going to shape up training week. I have to go for beers on Friday night but I will try and not let it affect Saturday morning too much.

    The plan is:
    Thurs: Commute to & from work; PM: Run interval session & swim or swim & easy run after.
    Fri: AM: Easy run to work PM: Out.
    Sat: AM: Bike or Long run PM: Swim if I do long run, if not possible easy run in the evening
    Sun: AM: Bike/45min run off the bike

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Thursday 07.04.11

    Quick update... hectic day in work...
    PM: Run Intervals, 2km w/u, stretching, strides, 12x200 with 200 jog recovery in about 31-33s, stetching.
    Straight after:
    Swimming: 75min, 3000km, trying to take it easy, but built into the sessioin.
    A beer after.
    Smashed now! Tired that is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Friday 08.04.11

    Got up in the morning and thought about running into work but was very tired and had little motivation. Would have just been a filler session and I dont think that I would have gotten anything from it.
    Nothing in the evening as out for some beers with some friends

    Saturday 09.04.11

    AM: 90mins easy run - felt very laboured. Dont know if it was the lack of sleep or the beers last night but my HR was very high - 160avg.
    PM: Swim, 1hr15min, 3000m - Easy swim as feeling tired
    W/U: 200f/s, 200b/k, 200b/s, 8x25 fly kick, 8x25 fly
    Main: 2x[8x25fly off 45s, 6x50 f/s off 60s, 3x100 off 1.45/2.00]

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Sunday 10.04.11

    Pissed off at myself for not getting up for 7am and going out with the club. Had no reason not to be in bed early, and for getting up.

    AM: Went out for 2hr 40mins. Nothing of any great signifcance, 75 easy km.
    PM: Nothing - enjoying the weather. A waste of a morning to be honest.

    Today wraps up my 2nd 10 day block of training. The first 5 days went well, but sort of fell of the wagon so it speak this weekend. Friday was a right off but I dont think I made the most of the weekend traininig wise.

    10 days down, 0 to go:
    Swim: 12500/15000m = 83.33%
    Bike: 365/400km = 91.25%
    Run: 67/100km = 67.00%
    Total Time: 24hr 10mins

    *** Overall the week gives me confidence that I can handle large volumes of training if I need to in the future. I dont think that I was going to ever run 100km in days, especially when 2 of those days are intervals on the track. The cycling is well doable, considering I didnt get out mid-week or much this weekend.

    *** The plan this week, is to do some bike intervals on maybe Tuesday evening, 3km race on the track on Wednesday evening and swim on Monday and Thursday nights with a couple of runs thrown in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 525 ✭✭✭guapos


    Some amount of training you've been doing, do you think you have a chance of winning on Saturday? I look forward to hearing how you get on. Best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ok pretty much caught up here. Full of quality in here dude, you really seem to have natural talent at this stuff. I hope you reach your goals for the season dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Monday 11.04.2011

    Commute to/from work, 1hr, 25km
    PM: 25min run/60min swim with club/35 min run home
    Wasnt particularly feeling the swimming - sometimes you dont but got to get it done

    Tuesday 12.04.2011

    Commute to/from work, 1hr, 25km
    I had planned on doing some bike intervals on Tuesday night, unfortunately though I was stuck late in work, and wasnt arsed doing it after.

    Wednesday 13.04.2011

    Commute to/from work, 1hr, 25km
    PM: 3km race track race
    10min warm up jog, stretching and strides, 9.55 for 3000m
    Tonight was the first time I raced on the track and I enjoyed it. We were in the second heath off tonight. I stuck in the group for the first 3 laps, then surged a couple of times, and spent a couple of laps on the front, before getting dropped by the first 3 at about 400-500m to go. There wasnt a strong wind, but there is always a noticable wind at the track I run at, to keep things interesting.
    Will hopefully do more and set myself a target for the next race.
    Avg. HR: 190, Max HR: 201

    Thanks for the comments lads...

    I have no chance of winning WAR - if I finish in the top 10 I would be delighted, but first I have not seen the start list, and I think I might struggle for a number of reasons.
    *** Lack of hill practice in and around London
    *** Consequently no practice downhill running and trail running
    *** No bike-run brickwork done.
    Having said that I am going to blow my load on the course, and leaving everything out there.

    Really looking forward to it... Time to start racing again!

    Will post up a report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    That's a great 3,000m PB dude, savage time. Racing on the track is a different animal to road runs, there is no hiding place, well done. Best of luck at the weekend man, looking forward to the report.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    All the best for WAR. Give it socks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Thursday 14.04.2011

    PM: Swim; 1hr; 2500m

    Saturday 16.04.2011 - Wicklow Adventure Race

    My legs hurt... race report to follow...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Saturday 16th April 2011 - Wicklow Adventure Race Report:

    WAR was a race, which I was actually really looking forward to. Most races I seem to tackle them as they some along, however this was different. Having missed it last year due to the ash that choked Europe last April, and compounded by that fact that it was scorcher of a day, left me feeling really disappointed.

    Training this year has been good at times but honestly lacking a lot of aspects, which if I want to get to the next level, I need to be hitting. I went from racing with a friend of mine, to watching him winning races last year, and I hope to emulate that in the future. If and when I feel that I cant and don’t want to get any better, then my day is done with multi-sports, as there are so many other things I want to try my hand at, at some stage. However the thirst is still here. This was the first proper race since last October, having only completed a 10 mile race in March and 3000m on the track the previous Wednesday night. As I said training has been hit and miss, being sick much of December and the start of January, not running an XC season, missing out on key weekend bike sessions with my club, lack of long runs, and simply lack of training in the hills. Having said that I was did do some good work in the run up to WAR, which I was happy with.

    I my plan in the run up to WAR, I had my goal being a top 5 finish – realistically this wasn’t going to happen without a serious winters training, however I felt that a top 10 position was certainly realistic and within myself.

    I headed down to Glendalough in good time with a mate of mine, who was also competing, and registered pretty easily, and got my gear sorted. I didn’t quite have a race plan on hand, but having spoken with a friend of mine who has won previous adventure races, his description of pacing was funny – pretty much balls out the whole time ( a mixture of 85-100% perceived effort at different times), and smash yourself good!!!

    The canon went off sharp at 8am, and was running up the front with the lead group. As we headed up the steps to the top of Glendalough there were a group of 6/7 of us together at the top – the usual suspects, Peter O’Farrell, Padraig Marrey, Noelie O’Kavanagh… My heart rate was high, and I was working, but it didn’t feel too taxing (I guess that’s the adrenaline flowing). I averaged 191 for the first 10mins. A gap opened up over the last set of steps of about 20 metres, and in hindsight I should have closed this as I ended up starting the Miner’s Trail descent by myself.
    I am not a great mountain runner, but I am not a bad one either – having hung on with the top guys would have probably helped me descending – having lost about 1 min here. Having said that I did catch 2 on the decent. The run back into Glendalough I just tired to get a good turnover of my legs and ease back, and came into transition in about 10th/11th place with a group of 5.


    I had a quick transition, and got out on the bike with a lad who I worked well with. We both took turns on the front, but neither of us were pushing the pace, conscious that it’s a long race. Got to Lough Dan, and hoped into a kayak with the same dude. We were honestly atrocious in the kayak and got caught by a double and single kayaker, and had a very poor time in comparison to others. At this stage it was about 1hr 30mins or so into the race and I was conscious that I needed some solid food in my belly – I don’t race well when I have that empty feeling in my stomach. Infact it doesn’t matter what it is, when I am hungry, I cannot do anything. Period. I stuffed a nutrigrain in at the transition and off I went. I caught Ciaran at the climb out of Lough Dan, and he jumped on my wheel. In hindsight I should have tried to put the hammer down when I went past, hoping that he wouldn’t catch my wheel. Caught another guy, the dude in the single kayak and tried this move on him – he was having none of it and hung on to my wheel. The ride up to the transition at Djouice, was not fun!


    Got out onto the second run, and was feeling it in the legs. I tried to take it easy on the fireroad, and hoped to smash myself once we got on the climb up to Djouce. My body however was telling me it was tired, and my feet were hurting – they felt like concrete blocks. Unfortunately though I just didn’t have it in the legs, and mentally lost it a bit here. In hindsight I should have buried myself here. Got to transition with 3 others, however I lost them as I put my tri shoes on, and popped a gel. I caught them again on the climb up to Sally Gap and dropped 2 of them. I didn’t know there was a checkpoint at Sally Gap, and was in too much pain to take notice. At this stage all I was worrying about was my whole left leg cramping up as I could feel it tweaking. I ended up dropping the lad who was with me at the crossroads as he stopped. I tried to push hard on the last cycle towards Glenmacnas waterfall but was suffering. I just couldn’t push on. My right calf wanted to cramp up anytime I stopped pedalling – so I couldn’t let up – it’s never pleasant when your calf is twinging. My back was seriously hurting me at this stage – I had slightly adjusted my saddle height before, but in general my lower bike just generally gets uncomfortable when racing. I always thought once you got to Glenmacnas waterfall that you were nearly in Laragh but how wrong was I – I pushed on hard, looking over my shoulder every now and again. Still I could not get my HR higher than 160ish for this section.


    The last run was not pleasant or graceful… Just a slog… I was making some strange noises that had racers and walkers alike looking over their shoulders.. Put the head down and tried to use everyone ahead as a target. Thankfully I managed to catch 2 of the 3 who caught me on the last bike. The second guy I passed on the run, clung onto my shoulder for a couple of hundred of meters, and I was just hoping that he would drop off as I really was not looking forward to a sprint finish! Thankfully he did on one of the kickers, and I just put my head down till I got to the line.

    I finished in 13th overall. Reflecting on my position, I am somewhat disappointed that I didn’t do better – I had set my goal as a top 10 finish. I learnt a lot however, a lot of which I have knew before but didn’t always implement in my training in the run up to WAR such as long runs and hard bikes. Having said that I did give it everything I had – My HR was 175 avg, and I am sure if I could have had this any higher. I averaged 190 for the first run so maybe I went a bit hard for the first run but I don’t think I could keep this down. I also got a serious spanking from my mate who had a stormer and finished in 5th – going to hear about this for a while now!

    My legs are still goosed! Cannot walk down a stairs - seriously sore.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Feck sakes, that sounded tough, but good tough. Well done and well raced.

    Hope your legs get back to normal quick enough for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    snack_ie wrote: »

    Is that a Kylie Minouge v Katy Perry song you are playing on that print screen :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    catweazle wrote: »
    Is that a Kylie Minouge v Katy Perry song you are playing on that print screen :o

    Sure is... and i love it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Last week has been pretty **** for training...

    First part of the week was due to me being in bits from my efforts at WAR. My quads and calves were extremely tender all week, and only started to feel better come Friday.

    Saturday 23.04.2011

    AM: Very easy 40min run, as playing golf in the afternoon

    Sunday 24.04.2011

    PM: 2hr 10min trail run up the dublin mountains.

    Good to be back running up on my old route with a mate. A really good run, but the last 30mins was a struggle, as I was lacking energy and water - drinking from the mountain streams did not quite quench my thirst, and having done very few long runs over the last while, I struggles towards the end.

    Monday 25.04.2011

    A write off - Missed my AM cycle with the club as I was out, and just wasn't arsed heading out by myself later one... Done absolutely nothing productive... Sometimes I need a day like today to make me feel pissed off at myself, and use for motivation over the coming weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Tuesday 26.04.2011

    AM: Out cycling in my favourite place: Wicklow. Could there be anything better on a sunny day.
    Home -> Ballinascorney -> Blessington Lakes -> Wicklow Gap -> Laragh -> Glenmacnas Waterfall -> Sally Gap -> Glencree -> Powerscourt Waterfall -> Enniskerry -> Home
    120km in total; 4hrs 30mins or so riding time.

    Wednesday 27.04.2011

    20km bike - IMRA Race - 20km bike
    IMRA Summer League Round 1:

    Cycled out with a couple mates to Bray for this one. Had no expections just to give it socks. Went hard from the gun, as I knew about the bottleneck. Still find it abit annoying though when you get people in your way who have no real business being up the front at the start, when they are just going to drop back after. I was about 8th up to the cross, got past by 3 on the short decent over to the next hill, and passed these 3 again going up this short kicker. Went hard coming down and just tried to put the head down. About 20meters from the line, I could hear breathing behind me. I thought it was a lad in red who was following me on the decent, but suddenly my mate appeared and beat me in the sprint for the line. Not to dissappointed to be honest, as I was better descending than I thought I would be to be honest. My mate passed 5 on the last decent

    Finished 9th place overall.
    Overall a really good session, with the commute out and back.
    Just wish I could race the other races.

    Thursday 28.04.2011

    Feeling exhausted this morning after last night's efforts.
    AM: 5hrs around Wicklow once more. Another cracking day!
    Home -> Sally Gap -> Kilbride -> Blessington Lakes -> Wicklow Gap -> Laragh -> Lough Dan via Beast of East course -> Roundwood -> Enniskerry -> Home
    125km in total; abouth 5hrs or so riding time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Friday 29.04.2011

    Another long day in the hills. Home -> Sally Gap -> Laragh -> Shay Elliot -> Slieve Mann -> Aughrim -> Rathdrum -> Laragh -> Roundwood -> Enniskerry -> Home
    About 135-140km or so with 4 big climbs. Slieve Mann, was definately the worst. Never been up it before but was a long one. Steep at the start and then a long drag up to the top.
    The headwind home for the last 2hrs was not appreciated.

    Saturday 30.04.2011

    Supposed to be an easier spin, but still worked out to be a tough one.
    Didn't matter what direction we were heading in, there seemed to be a wicked head wind.
    Home -> Sally Gap -> Kilbride -> N81 -> Tallaght -> Home
    60kms or so in just over 2hrs.

    All in all a good 5 days of cycling. Not far from 500km of cycling in total, with lots of hills.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Sunday 31.04.2011

    Run: 80mins easy
    Went for a easy run up the mountains. Was going to make it longer but the heavens opened.
    Marley -> Massey's Wood -> Cruagh -> Marley

    Unfortunately I havn't done anything since Sunday.

    Spent Monday preparing for an interview for a new job, and Tuesday much of the same, doing the interview, and travelling back to London.

    Pretty much have a full on cold now... so no training till it clears up unfortunately.

    I need to think about up and coming goals... I have nothing what-so-ever planned at the minute... I was hoping to do the West Wicklow ROAR again, but flights are too expensive unfortunately.
