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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Is that your best comeback
    Nope, just the most accurate.
    If it goes in the DC the way Dunblane did, we should see Cumbria being cited somewhere around 2023...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Sparks wrote: »
    Nope, just the most accurate....

    Now you know that's not true :p
    Sparks wrote: »
    If it goes in the DC the way Dunblane did, we should see Cumbria being cited somewhere around 2023...

    Making a note of that post ;) as I reckon you will be eating those words a lot sooner than that :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    lads this is getting no-one anywhere ,united we stand divided we fall , at the end of the day a nut job with a legally held rifle/shotgun can and will do far more harm to people than a guy with a knife or a bow or whatever else you pick , it's more impersonal more accurate and faster than most other way to kill thank god for the people out and about in that town the other day that semi automatics were off the shopping list for mr Bird , at the end of the day it's public opinion that will eventually make the rules for all of us

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    landkeeper way too much sense in that post :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Not really bunny. Saying that licences were refused over Dunblane or Hungerford or Cumbria is ignoring the oft-repeated statement that "problem" Supers have made up their minds already and just grab anything for a made-up reason. So whether or not Cumbria happened has no real effect on licencing here; if it wasn't on those grounds, they're refuse on some other grounds - hell, we had an entire sport banned on made-up worries that something might, someday, maybe, happen (ie. no grounds at all). If the PTB don't need a reason, then worrying about a new possible reason is... well, a waste of effort really.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    If we reversed yer mans polarity would we reverse his views?
    Who appointed him speaker for Joe public?

    Don't tell me he used to drive a taxi in ranelagh ;)
    I think I know the scobie :D


    Nope.He hates or is paranoid about driving.Belives the pro fieldsport lobby will go and fix his brakes one night!!:pac:
    Basically John Fitz ,is a one or at best three man show down in Callan Co Kilkenny.Last time I heard he had to hire in another female anti fieldsport Mercenary to give his organisation some credence.Johhnie boy has been writing to our papers from about 1984.Kicked out of ICABS,because of a likkle accident down in Glin coursing club,that involved petrol&matches,he escaped a conviction by a technicality in court.His latest Magnum opus now that he is a "journalist".:rolleyes::rolleyes:
    is called "Bad Hare days" plenty of copies available on I think all of possibly ten people have bought this best seller.:eek: He has a website of himself a few fammilar faces and his dear old mum protesting outside Dail Eireinn.When he isnt commenting about gun laws in Ireland he is scrawling about foxhunting,deer hunting,bull fighting,animal rights ,and has nowadays branched out into occasional political commentary.
    Hangs around with Bernie Wright and assorted anti nutjobs,and seems to condone direct action and terrorism going by his sites paper clippings.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Sparks wrote: »
    ..........well, a waste of effort really.

    So we might as well give up now and hand in all our "weapons"? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    thank god for the people out and about in that town the other day that semi automatics were off the shopping list for mr Bird ,
    Never one to not let a good semiauto bashing opportunity go to waste eh Landkeeper??Be thankful too then that he dint go to a shooting school that teaches the Churchill method of fast reloading of a SXS.Practise that and you can keep up a fire cadence tht would rival a pump or semi auto shotgun.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    So we might as well give up now and hand in all our "weapons"? :rolleyes:
    Well, if we'd give up the stupid bits, we'd still have things which have by now been banned. But hey, that's ancient history, as we said the last time this got mentioned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    we are all clinging to what we term enjoyment and sport by our fingernails!!! (make no mistake about that ) and we should stick together , personally i see no reason why anyone should want a 9mm semi automatic/ , or the same thing or bigger in a rifle ,but that is their choice i don't agree with it but that's will all the lads fighting tooth and nail to regain their pistols etc have my admiration and respect that is their choice but they are swimming against the tide , society is evolving and the gun will have at some point to go from it it pains me to say that but it's trueit may not be for 5o-100years , the first time someone is killed in ireland with a legally help pistol is the time when ALL the pistols will vanish for good make no mistake
    look at what has changed in the past many 'sporting' pastimes once practiced are now illegall mainly down to changes in public opinion so i say enjoy it while you can as i've said before firearm ownership is a privilidge not a right

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Sparks wrote: »
    Well, if we'd give up the stupid bits, we'd still have things which have by now been banned. But hey, that's ancient history, as we said the last time this got mentioned.

    "we'd" don't you mean some of us :confused: Any NTSA/ISSF stuff on that list your making :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Never one to not let a good semiauto bashing opportunity go to waste eh Landkeeper??Be thankful too then that he dint go to a shooting school that teaches the Churchill method of fast reloading of a SXS.Practise that and you can keep up a fire cadence tht would rival a pump or semi auto shotgun.
    it's not about semi automatic bashing its about what is acceptable in this day and age , there are x number of gun owners on this island and y number of non

    at the end of the day what it'll come down to is what joe public thinks and votes for, which do you really think looks the part for shooting/vermin control a bolt action 5 shot rifle in a medium calibre or a armalite lookalike all in black or worse advantage cammo firing god knows how many rounds a minute

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    I get the same reaction when people see my .303 which is only ever used at the range BTW :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    VERY Niave to say guns will totally disapper.All one has to do is look at Britan,where it was all going to be soo nice and lala happy clappy after the evil pistol owners handed their WMDs.:rolleyes: In 15 years Britan is more a totalitarian paranoid police state with guncrime out of control that rises despite police and HO denials appx 400% since Dunblane and numerous amnesties and further acts to prevent further crimes with firearms.
    They might disapper legally,but those who want one will always get one.
    And off the record ,any police officer will tell you it is another losing battle.Somthing our minister Parrot Aherne should have learned with the head shops.The criminal gangs are doing cartwheels about the place in joy at the extra income he is pushing their way.:rolleyes:.
    Put it like this;If I wasnt a law abiding citizen,I could have saved myself alot of greif and money and headaches this year by simply going to a certain pub in our fair city,and within 24 hours and a Grand later,I would have walked out with the exact same gun I am fighting to keep legally.And no one would be the wiser.So in actuality guns will become more available
    illegaly,than legally in the future,but by then it will be irrevelant as society will have more to worry about than just who has a gun or not.
    The simple fact is Gun control laws DO NOT WORK!
    Yes offically bull baiting,dog fighting and slavery were banned.But the sports still exist illegally and underground.
    The more things change the more they stay the same.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    landkeeper wrote: »
    it's not about semi automatic bashing its about what is acceptable in this day and age , there are x number of gun owners on this island and y number of non

    at the end of the day what it'll come down to is what joe public thinks and votes for, which do you really think looks the part for shooting/vermin control a bolt action 5 shot rifle in a medium calibre or a armalite lookalike all in black or worse advantage cammo firing god knows how many rounds a minute

    Dont think your traditional SXS is going to be all so PC and safe!!
    What gun was used recently to massacre 12 people.???So take the railway sleeper out of thine own eye first.
    A gun is a gun is a gun to the unknowing.They wouldnt care if it is a 20mm Vulcan gun or asingle shot 410.It is a GUN it KILLS people,BAN them all!!THats what you are dealing with.Taking your own personal bigotry and biases,that yours is a" Safe and proper sporting gun " wont wash diddly squat with the masses.Dont worry,I'm sure we will see lovely close ups of the guns used in Cumbria on our papers pages soon
    ,and then we will see how safe and non harmful they look to the masses.Especially closeups of two massive yawning barrels of a double.With the eyecatching headline like;LAST SIGHT OF VICTIMS.or some crap like that.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    i would almost bet that the last guns left in licensed hands will be the traditional double barrel shotgun and a bolt action rifle
    ask yourself why, im not bigoted and blind but i am realistic and having lived on this planet for this lenth i realise that things change not allways to suit the individual
    ive lived through the banning of handguns and semi rifles in the uk that one hurt , the reliscencing of handguns here the relaxation of the calibre rules that was nice so as i said things change not allways to suit

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,570 ✭✭✭Rovi

    I've snipped some 'personal' stuff.
    I know this is an emotive issue and we're all feeling vulnerable and under threat, but please don't descend to making personal jabs at each other.

    Thread re-opened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Some text quoted from edited posts above snipped.

    i would almost bet that the last guns left in licensed hands will be the traditional double barrel shotgun and a bolt action rifle
    Maybe,but I doubt that will be very long either.

    ask yourself why, im not bigoted and blind but i am realistic and having lived on this planet for this lenth i realise that things change not allways to suit the individual

    I've proably been as long on this planet as you have,and my take is on it if it is worth fighting for it is worth fighting for,and appeasement does not work for anyone.
    ive lived through the banning of handguns and semi rifles in the uk that one hurt , the reliscencing of handguns here the relaxation of the calibre rules that was nice so as i said things change not allways to suit

    Then you will know why the appeasement factor never worked in the UK.It was long predicted that one day somthing with standard firearms would happen,and if it does I and many others will have no sympathy for those who lose their traditional guns.As we got none when they came for our type of guns.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    well the way i look at it it's a simple progression of society it's happened since man became a social creature the things that the majority deemed unsuitable or unacceptable become outlawed illegal call it what you will the end result is the same .
    my take on it just as simple i keep and use firearms for two reasons pest/vermin control and sporting shooting , i was brought up to belive if you couldn't hit it with two shots then best of luck to it .!!
    i make no bones about my dislike of military style full bore armalite copy quick detatch magazine type weapons or for that matter the franchi spas type shotgun which in my opinion hold no place in sporting shooting or for that matter vermin control i personally think that such weapons do more harm than good to the shooting fraternity but that is my opinion and just that
    i realise that some people think they are the be-all and end all of the gun world but im sorry they don't float my boat ,i still mainatin that gun ownership is not a right but a privelige and at the end of the day if the sacrifice has to be those type of guns then in my book so be it ,
    after all it'll probably be landowners and farmers who get to hold on to guns till the end :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,590 ✭✭✭Tackleberrywho

    landkeeper wrote: »
    well the way i look at it it's a simple progression of society it's happened since man became a social creature the things that the majority deemed unsuitable or unacceptable become outlawed illegal call it what you will the end result is the same .
    my take on it just as simple i keep and use firearms for two reasons pest/vermin control and sporting shooting , i was brought up to belive if you couldn't hit it with two shots then best of luck to it

    i make no bones about my dislike of military style full bore armalite copy quick detatch magazine type weapons or for that matter the franchi spas type shotgun which in my opinion hold no place in sporting shooting or for that matter vermin control i personally think that such weapons do more harm than good to the shooting fraternity but that is my opinion and just that
    i realise that some people think they are the be-all and end all of the gun world but im sorry they don't float my boat ,i still mainatin that gun ownership is not a right but a privelige and at the end of the day if the sacrifice has to be those type of guns then in my book so be it ,
    after all it'll probably be landowners and farmers who get to hold on to guns till the end :(

    I agree and disagree, I prefer Bolts for practicality , SA are heat seekers for unwanted attention.
    I would buy one in the morning if i could have a nice one though, friend of mine bought a lovely HK semi recently.

    I have a semi shotty, I like the minimal recoil of it, means I can burst clays in a t-shirt on a fine summers evening.

    I do believe that shooters themselves should logically and reasonably introduce their sport to friends and relatives, bring them to the range etc.
    I have killed deer legally with a Swedish Mauser, I have killed them with a modern rifle, the were just as dead with either rifle, Just my arm was not dead carrying the modern rifl for between 1-5 hours

    Some folk love O?U shottys , some love semi's, some love S/S.
    They all do the same job.
    I had a 10/22 that looked nasty, but it was in accurate.
    I had a light short barrel at the time.

    Get the public on side, run charity events etc. It's the non demonisation that is important
    Education is the key to most things in life IMHO.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    I agree and disagree, I prefer Bolts for practicality , SA are heat seekers for unwanted attention.
    I would buy one in the morning if i could have a nice one though, friend of mine bought a lovely HK semi recently.

    I have a semi shotty, I like the minimal recoil of it, means I can burst clays in a t-shirt on a fine summers evening.

    I do believe that shooters themselves should logically and reasonably introduce their sport to friends and relatives, bring them to the range etc.
    I have killed deer legally with a Swedish Mauser, I have killed them with a modern rifle, the were just as dead with either rifle, Just my arm was not dead carrying the modern rifl for between 1-5 hours

    Some folk love O?U shottys , some love semi's, some love S/S.
    They all do the same job.
    I had a 10/22 that looked nasty, but it was in accurate.
    I had a light short barrel at the time.

    Get the public on side, run charity events etc. It's the non demonisation that is important
    Education is the key to most things in life IMHO.

    OMG Tacwho talking sense :eek:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭dCorbus


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,590 ✭✭✭Tackleberrywho

    dCorbus wrote: »

    now bring as many of your mates to a range and shoot rifle or break clays, let them realize that it is amazing good craic and that is half the battle.

    I'm proud to say i have introduced many people to shooting.
    You do not have to get them gutting a deer, but clays for fun is great craic

    I have been part of many charity shoots down the years or charity event in general.

    When I was very young I was taught that it was participation in sport was the most important part, not the winning.

    I bet most on here tell there kids same

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭dCorbus

    Was watching this thread for a while and looking on in dismay!:mad:

    Whilst I uphold the rights of any person to voice their opinion - I cannot sit here quietly reading the nonsense (IMHO) being written by some.

    Mr. Landkeeper, you have your opinions - and they suck frankly! And you sir should be drummed out of any right-thinking gun club or target shooting range!
    it's a simple progression of society it's happened since man became a social creature the things that the majority deemed unsuitable or unacceptable become outlawed illegal call it what you will the end result is the same

    Nonsense IMHO!

    Amatuer psycho-babble / pseudo-sociology.
    It's a simple progression of society - Is it now? Love to read your PhD thesis on that one!

    Example, which particular society / societies do you draw your conclusions from?

    Wide sweeping nonsensical generalisations based on nothing in particular IMO.
    my take on it just as simple i keep and use firearms for two reasons pest/vermin control and sporting shooting , i was brought up to belive if you couldn't hit it with two shots then best of luck to it .!!

    To use your own reasoning from above, in this amazingly simple progression of yours through the development of mankind, I'd actually expect hunting for pleasure to be banned before anything else. And that hasn't happened now, has it?

    But then again, based on your own reasoning, perhaps it will happen and when it does, (to quote your goodself): "so be it".

    I'm not saying I'd agree with this - but it could be one logical conclusion to the "simple progression" you're so enamoured with. And based on your own sentiments: that would be your tough own s***e!

    Now, how would you like that Mr. Landkeeper? - Not too much I'd say, but that's just one potential outcome of the progression you speak of and then why should I have any sympathy for your plight, if it did (god forbid) come to pass, when you, from your own statements, obviously couldn't give a fiddlers f**k for anyone elses sport or pastime other than your own.
    i make no bones about my dislike of military style full bore armalite copy quick detatch magazine type weapons or for that matter the franchi spas type shotgun which i personally think that such weapons do more harm than good to the shooting fraternity

    There's that f***in' w-word again!:mad:
    gun ownership is not a right but a privelig

    at the end of the day if the sacrifice has to be those type of guns then in my book so be it ,
    after all it'll probably be landowners and farmers who get to hold on to guns till the end

    Why not "sacrifice" (your term, not mine - but an interesting choice of words) the DBBL shotguns, the O/U, and the SxS's? Why all the different types, surely one kind would do? Why any semi-auto shotguns at all, very unsporting, and wouldn't a single-barrel muzzel-loader do the job equally well? Seeing as it's the shotguns which seem to cause the most damage and are involved in the majority of incidents and fatalities involving legally held firearms in this country!

    Now, how do you like them apples?

    Not much? Didn't think so!

    But that's how I could look at it (but i don't, just the devil's advocate) - But if push-came-to-shove and I had to vote........It'd be the shotguns that would get the heave-ho! If that meant I could keep my fullbore target rifles.

    But, as you so generously and magnanimously put it yourself: "so be it".

    But would that be right, fair, and justifiable? - No IMHO, but Yes, in your world-vision.

    And your stance on this, is frankly the most blatent example of "I'm-alright-jack" that I've read yet here on boards - You sir should hang your head in shame!:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    d'corbus is a lil' angry me thinks :(

    Lads, IMHO, each to their own as long as it's legal, wherein may lie the problem :rolleyes:

    TBH the firearm ain't dangerous it's the person who may be dangerous

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭dCorbus

    d'corbus is a lil' angry

    He is when he reads the kind of nonsense that mr. tweedy green-wellyboots is posting up there!
    each to their own as long as it's legal, wherein may lie the problem

    Absolutely correct - Couldn't agree with you more.
    But some seem to be happy, nay almost salivating, at the thoughts of "sacrificing" other mens sports!

    And that cannot be let pass without strong comment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭landkeeper

    your missing the point i was trying to make why is disliking a particular type of weapon sacrificing another mans sport , if you as say enjoy your fullbore target shooting , then off you go enjoy it :) what i was referring to was the ar15 type weapon and the franchi spas the sort of guns that give the uninitiated the wrong impression
    and i would imagine that yes within the next 50 years or so hunting for pleasure as you put it will be become illegal unfortunately ! it's allready unacceptable to a lot of people

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    landkeeper wrote: »
    well the way i look at it it's a simple progression of society it's happened since man became a social creature the things that the majority deemed unsuitable or unacceptable become outlawed illegal call it what you will the end result is the same .

    Yes,pushed underground,and becomes a massive criminal gain and supply
    to those who never wanted it in the first place.
    my take on it just as simple i keep and use firearms for two reasons pest/vermin control and sporting shooting , i was brought up to belive if you couldn't hit it with two shots then best of luck to it .!!

    So was I without the if it doesnt some out of a seperate tube,with a seperate trigger "it's dashed unsporting what old boy?"attitude.
    This outdated attitude that a semi or pump is the work of the Devil and is "damn unsporting" belongs back in the ages of plus twos and dressing for dinner..What difference if the shot comes out of one or two tubes.
    i make no bones about my dislike of military style full bore armalite copy quick detatch magazine type weapons or for that matter the franchi spas type shotgun which in my opinion hold no place in sporting shooting or for that matter vermin control i personally think that such weapons do more harm than good to the shooting fraternity but that is my opinion and just that

    You have some sort of fixation with AR15 style semis???:D:D
    Ever used or tried one ?Or you just too bigoted and stiff to try somthing different??Opinions are like ar!eholes,everyone has one.I dont like bolt actions or DBBLS because I am left handed,they cost a fortune to restock to LH configuration,and I dont like the sight picture on SXS.Same with "traditional" pistols or revolvers..the modern ones are ambidexterous,so I dont have to spend a fortune on afte markt accessories..But obviously because I dont shoot right handed I am obviously some sort of "untermensch"too in your opinion?:rolleyes:
    BTW Landkeeper..We use GUNS or FIREARMS here,obviously you prefer to refer to guns not up to your high standards as weapons???

    realise that some people think they are the be-all and end all of the gun world but im sorry they don't float my boat

    Fine your opinion...dont go condeming others because of theirs.

    ,i still mainatin that gun ownership is not a right but a privelige
    OH DUH!! :eek::eek:We didnt notice..Thanks for informing us poor ignoramouses on this point .We are unfortuneatly not living in the US.
    and at the end of the day if the sacrifice has to be those type of guns then in my book so be it ,
    Well THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!That you can decide to sacrfice my guns for your "privilige"of holding onto yours.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    Who died and put you in charge???You obviously learned NOTHING then from what happened in the UK over your many years on the planet then.That attitude you display is the typical problem with gunowners here.FUK YOU..i'm allright Jack.So long as I have mine fuk everyone else..
    You deserve to lose yours,and dont expect any sympathy ever from the rest of us.I vote that last statement as the most shameful on for 2010. We are trying to organise in the fact that we are GUNOWNERS first and formost,and not sportingly correct DBBL or bolt action rifle shooters.This kind of smug attitude makes me sick to be a shooter would make me wonder why I or anyone else would be arsed taking court cases to keep our guns,when there are the likes of you lurking around to backstab us to keep their miserable guns...For a short while longer..

    after all it'll probably be landowners and farmers who get to hold on to guns till the end :(
    Dont be so cocky on that....People were busily deluding themselves that because they shot "proper Olympic .22 pistols" they wouldnt be touched in the UK..When was the last time the UK pistol team shot in the UK in practise.The world has a nasty habit of dumping on the most smug and secure.
    Farmers and landowners have the highest theft rate of gunowners in Ireland.Due to irresponsible storage and no alarm system requirements.It will be proper order that the likes of them get booted to have to spend on proper security like the rest of us.After all if you cant store your firearms securely,you shouldnt have them IMO.
    In disgust

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,590 ✭✭✭Tackleberrywho

    landkeeper wrote: »
    your missing the point i was trying to make why is disliking a particular type of weapon sacrificing another mans sport , if you as say enjoy your fullbore target shooting , then off you go enjoy it :) what i was referring to was the ar15 type weapon and the franchi spas the sort of guns that give the uninitiated the wrong impression

    Firearm LK, Firearm........

    AR15 will do the job on a fox just the same as a bolt action.
    10 round mag, means feck all
    I had a 25round 10/22. I got less rabbits than with a 5 round .223

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,025 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    landkeeper wrote: »
    your missing the point i was trying to make why is disliking a particular type of weapon sacrificing another mans sport , if you as say enjoy your fullbore target shooting , then off you go enjoy it :) what i was referring to was the ar15 type weapon and the franchi spas the sort of guns that give the uninitiated the wrong impression

    and at the end of the day if the sacrifice has to be those type of guns then in my book so be it

    Seems pretty clear and unambigious what you said.

    Do you have a problem with basic comprehension??? They are FIREARMS,not WEAPONS

    and i would imagine that yes within the next 50 years or so hunting for pleasure as you put it will be become illegal unfortunately ! it's allready unacceptable to a lot of people[/QUOTE

    Funnily enough they have been saying that about foxhunting with hounds in the UK for at least 150 years.Ever since the first railway lines were laid.
    Still going strong last time I looked.

    , :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "
