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Eirgrid in Rush - Mod Warning in Post #1



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    Well you must remember that Miss Daly wouldn't be a novice at these events. While I applaud the commitment of RCC which I am assumming have nailed there colours to the anti Eirgrid mast I would have grave concerns of them retaining control of the meeting so that all local people that attend can have a fair, open and reasonable discussion on the Eirgrid topic. Dealing with a large emotionally charged audience will be alot more difficult than anything they have faced in the business world. While Miss Daly will be doing her best to keep the audience in that state with key questions from local or not so local audience members.

    While we may not agree with the politics of the Socialist Party its politics provides an ideal training ground for public speaking with all those union meetings and protest marches. You must admit that her party leader was one of the best public speakers in the Dail before he lost his seat and went on to greater things.

    What would be of a concern to me would be the phrasing of the headline from the email that you received about the meeting.

    Its almost like a headline that you would read in the Sun, wrote by someone who watched the X-Files too much. A grand conspiracy behind everything in life.

    Eirgrid has been condemned even before the meeting has happened. I doubt a representative of Eirgrid will be invited there to defend themselves but If you were a representative of Eirgrid would you go along after reading that headline? Sure someone might as well sell rotten fruit outside if they did.

    Can anyone tell me who is on RCC and a bio of each? There is a RCC blog by the Chairman of RCC online but she failed to list the rest of the committee. I hope a certain Chairman Mao hasn't crept in already:) That information would be helpful to myself and other boarders like myself who don't know practically all the residents of the Rush area like some of the more community minded boarders or don't have jobs within the town that allows us to keep informed. Rush is a communter town so alot of us that live here have moved in here in the last 10 years so are at a disadvantage.

    I wouldnt be so sure RCC have nailed anything to a mast yet, quite a few might have, remember the split before we get up and running scenario!!

    I know only to well what Ms Daly is like and could not see myself and quite a few others getting railroaded or hijacked by her, but accept your point she is well versed at this type of agitation. However I would sincerley hope RCC would have more kop on than to let this happen but its dangerous ground.

    Eirgrid had people at the last meeting one of whom was supberb speaker but the other 2 were not very good at all, one was just not used to public speaking and the other was condescending. Again I would hope the chairperson would be strong enough to have control.

    I would also hope other public reps will be in attendance be they gree, F.F, F.G OR Labour.

    I think Eirgrid must accept some responsibility for the way this has been handled. Some got notes about first public meeting, I didnt nor did I see a poster about it. If more had been done from the start we might well not be in this situation.

    I know some of the people organising this but will not put their names up here. I will however pm them to you if you dont use their names here or in another forum.

    Chairman Mao!!!???? Are we talking about the same man. Let me know and I will confirm for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    Well can you ask them to update the RCC blog with there names, good to know the people who speak for Rush and there qualifications to speak. They have placed themselves into the public arena so shouldn't be shy about there talents..

    As I said there would be a good section of people in Rush that have moved here in recent years and do not know these people and anything about there background so it would be informative. Not all people are involved in local clubs or groups due to the rigours of there jobs and pressures to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table for there family. If the No to Eirgrid campaign will impact on there life and property value shouldn't they know the people behind the group.

    Eirgrid communication errors due to a combination of stupity, laziness and carelessness on there part seem to be now painted as a grand conspiracy. I suppose its much more interesting reading to get copy into newspapers already struggling for sales.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    Well can you ask them to update the RCC blog with there names, good to know the people who speak for Rush and there qualifications to speak. They have placed themselves into the public arena so shouldn't be shy about there talents..

    As I said there would be a good section of people in Rush that have moved here in recent years and do not know these people and anything about there background so it would be informative. Not all people are involved in local clubs or groups due to the rigours of there jobs and pressures to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table for there family. If the No to Eirgrid campaign will impact on there life and property value shouldn't they know the people behind the group.

    Eirgrid communication errors due to a combination of stupity, laziness and carelessness on there part seem to be now painted as a grand conspiracy. I suppose its much more interesting reading to get copy into newspapers already struggling for sales.

    The qualifaction they have is they went to a meeting (RCC) A.G.M and got elected. It seems the chairperson set up a sub committee so perhaps an email to Rush C.C. might give you more info than I can.

    2 people I know in the Campaign group have nothing to do with RCC. Both are very professional people, both spoke at the last meeting and spoke well. Infact one called for calm when a few "jibes" came from the crowd. Its not for me to name them but I will ask for list from one of them.

    At this stage I would give the No campaign the benefit of the doubt on the conspiricy theory.. Maybe I am too trusting. We aint exactly bustling with confidence in any elected reps. C.C or T.Ds

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    The qualifaction they have is they went to a meeting (RCC) A.G.M and got elected. It seems the chairperson set up a sub committee so perhaps an email to Rush C.C. might give you more info than I can.

    2 people I know in the Campaign group have nothing to do with RCC. Both are very professional people, both spoke at the last meeting and spoke well. Infact one called for calm when a few "jibes" came from the crowd. Its not for me to name them but I will ask for list from one of them.

    At this stage I would give the No campaign the benefit of the doubt on the conspiricy theory.. Maybe I am too trusting. We aint exactly bustling with confidence in any elected reps. C.C or T.Ds

    Well I thought it would be more open of them to tell us who they are on there blog or even on the Rush website. Even as elected representatives surely a list of there names and responsiblities should exist for effective management and for people living in Rush to know who to contact if they have an issue. The PR representative should have that at least on file. I would hate to see them make the same communication errors as Eirgrid.

    If people actually have to ask about to get email addresses, then mail this sub-committee individually, then the sub-committee has to respond to each mail individually isn't that a drain on this committee effectiveness, almost sounds like the civil service!

    If they dont want there names made public and wish to stay in the shadows there is no need to send me on there names and email as I will only post them so others can voice there concerns to them.

    I would have thought it would be much more professional of them to have the ordinary citizens of Rush concerns in writing rather than in a oral format. In my experience its easy for people to say things but when you ask them to put it in writing they suddenly have to put there brain into thinking mode and the hot headness cools. And the politicians might listen when they see the amount of people that have gone to the trouble to put there concerns in writing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    Well I thought it would be more open of them to tell us who they are on there blog or even on the Rush website. Even as elected representatives surely a list of there names and responsiblities should exist for effective management and for people living in Rush to know who to contact if they have an issue. The PR representative should have that at least on file. I would hate to see them make the same communication errors as Eirgrid.

    If people actually have to ask about to get email addresses, then mail this sub-committee individually, then the sub-committee has to respond to each mail individually isn't that a drain on this committee effectiveness, almost sounds like the civil service!

    If they dont want there names made public and wish to stay in the shadows there is no need to send me on there names and email as I will only post them so others can voice there concerns to them.

    I would have thought it would be much more professional of them to have the ordinary citizens of Rush concerns in writing rather than in a oral format. In my experience its easy for people to say things but when you ask them to put it in writing they suddenly have to put there brain into thinking mode and the hot headness cools. And the politicians might listen when they see the amount of people that have gone to the trouble to put there concerns in writing.

    Fair points.I am expecting one of them to contact me today on another issue and will mention your points.

    I dont know the reasons for no names to have been listed, oversight? One of them posts here from time to time and I will ask them to give out some more info on who is who in the campaign.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    I cant find any contact details on that blog!! One person is posted on Facebook details of next weeks meeting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    I cant find any contact details on that blog!! One person is posted on Facebook details of next weeks meeting.

    My point exactly, unless you have your level of local knowledge to get in touch with RCC or the "No to Eirgrid" committee for anyone that lives here but didn't grow up here its as about as easy as finding the Third Secret of Fatima. Just look at the population increase in the last twenty years and it doesn't include the major build years of 2007-2008.

    Rush Population Increase
    Year Pop % Increase
    1991 4,839 7.2%
    1996 5,429 12.2%
    2002 6,769 24.7%
    2006 8,286 22.4%

    Facebook page only has the meeting notice and no contact details. Eirgrid was bad at communication but this is getting closer. Not everyone is on facebook for many reasons.

    I was reading Miss Daly site in relation to her support for the Rush No to Eirgrid and couldn't help noticing she has a photo of electric Pylons, anyone care to point out to her that the cables are to be dug and shielded in the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    My point exactly, unless you have your level of local knowledge to get in touch with RCC or the "No to Eirgrid" committee for anyone that lives here but didn't grow up here its as about as easy as finding the Third Secret of Fatima. Just look at the population increase in the last twenty years and it doesn't include the major build years of 2007-2008.

    Rush Population Increase
    Year Pop % Increase
    1991 4,839 7.2%
    1996 5,429 12.2%
    2002 6,769 24.7%
    2006 8,286 22.4%

    Facebook page only has the meeting notice and no contact details. Eirgrid was bad at communication but this is getting closer. Not everyone is on facebook for many reasons.

    I was reading Miss Daly site in relation to her support for the Rush No to Eirgrid and couldn't help noticing she has a photo of electric Pylons, anyone care to point out to her that the cables are to be dug and shielded in the ground.

    There is one person mentioned on the facebook page who I would say is involved in this campaign. You can send her a meaage on the page.

    Have sent an email to one person involved raising some points about contact and suggesting they get a page on the Rush website where they can have contact details.

    Fatima was a house on the square years ago!! Didnt know it contained secrets;);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭Martron

    LeoB wrote: »
    Fatima was a house on the square years ago!! Didnt know it contained secrets;);)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    There is one person mentioned on the facebook page who I would say is involved in this campaign. You can send her a meaage on the page.

    Have sent an email to one person involved raising some points about contact and suggesting they get a page on the Rush website where they can have contact details.

    Fatima was a house on the square years ago!! Didnt know it contained secrets;);)

    Didn't some fellow highjack a plane once to find out the 3rd secret? Who is this one person on facebook? I found one name mentioned with one of the meeting posts but the link doesn't work on there name. Why should I be even doing that!

    If there elected or elected themselves to defend Rush from the danger of electric Pylons which is what the chief defence science paper is about shouldn't they be easier to contact. See my point how bad there communication is, the PR rep will be soon appointed to a job with Eirgrid soon.

    A major reason why other towns do better in Fingal than Rush is chiefly because they have better organisation, lobbying and can agree to support one local worthy nomination in local or Dail elections. Its not a grand conspiracy to ignore Rush like some here think.

    Plus I see from the Rush Website this little piece of news
    Rush Against Mast
    The Rush Golf club seek permission for a Mobile Phone Mast.
    Click Here to view this planning application.
    Planning objections must be submitted by 2nd September 2010

    Is Rush to be a electric magnetic zone?? Will we be banning microwave and household appliances soon? If the golf club is a danger shouldn't they tear down the rest of the phone masts in Rush! Interesting to note they forgot to put there names to the Rush against Mast group whoever is behind it. Shouldnt they get rid of the radio station at Crescent Road used for guiding airlines into Dublin Airport. Radio waves are electro magnetic too. We seem to have become the Land of Luddites out this way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    See your point on the communications bit. And I remember the election well, what a joke. Some couldnt get elected onto Community council

    Saw the piece about the golf club and was suprised it hadnt been mentioned.

    On the organising of people to lobby I think way to few people make themselves available. Its the same people on all sorts of committees because they make time to attend meetings and to this end I am as guilty as a lot of others locally. I do think its starting to change and whether we agree on this project or not hopefully it will get a few more people involved in various sub committees be they youth clubs, tidy towns or roads committee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    People involved are as follows.

    3 people I dont know despite my job locally!! The ones I do know are very good decent people.

    The points I made, re communication, political involvment and organisation were all taken on board and I will be talking to at least 2 of the people ivolved tomorrow (after our match in Parnell Pk @ 6pm which hopefully will be electric with our parish team taking on the might of Kilmacud).

    I have only 1 email address which is a work one for one of the people, I wont be posting it here as that would be unfair. Will update when I have any news.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    People involved are as follows.

    3 people I dont know despite my job locally!! The ones I do know are very good decent people.

    The points I made, re communication, political involvment and organisation were all taken on board and I will be talking to at least 2 of the people ivolved tomorrow (after our match in Parnell Pk @ 6pm which hopefully will be electric with our parish team taking on the might of Kilmacud).

    I have only 1 email address which is a work one for one of the people, I wont be posting it here as that would be unfair. Will update when I have any news.

    Well the last name you gave us was mentioned in two recent newspapers articles on the Shell to Sea site as the PR representative. I use the Shell to Sea site because they have more information updates on the "No to Eirgrid" than the Rush sites.

    If you go to the trouble to set up a informaton site like the Rush CC blog it looks more professional if you update it periodically to keep people informed. Not doing so gives a much more wrong impression to people than actually not having a site. I just hope that the others voicing the scientific arguments against Eirgrid have done more prep than the communications side otherwise you might see more poorly researched arguments like the Draper Pylons paper used against Eirgrid.

    Actually I wonder how many people read the paper and researched the topic from reputable sources before committing to support the No to Eirgrid campaign. It could be very embarrassing for anyone associated with the "No to Eirgrid" campaign if a miracle happens and Eirgrid actually communicate there side and point out the major holes in the Draper research paper.

    Worryingly this last minute communication malfunction by the No to Eirgrid campaign might actually be a sign of greater communications issues that caused this almost 11th hour objection to the Eirgrid route. Rush is as much at fault as Eirgrid for poor communication.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    A little search shows unless its a coincidence there is a <snip> listed as a communications professional! The one I know of is in Telecommunications. Where can I find the articles you mention? Will have more details tomorrow on who is who. Maybe the Rush group if it is the same person are a little more organised than we make out or are led to believe by having someone on board who is well up and experienced on these issues..

    Reputable sources, both sides obviously believe the are dealing with and quoting reputable sources. Think I said earlier earlier in this thread there has been a serious lack of communication and or information from day 1 and I put this blame at the door of Eirgrid. They (Eirgrid) should have been better organised, they stand to make a serious amount of money if I heard one of the comments correctly at the last meeting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    A little search shows unless its a coincidence there is a <snip> listed as a communications professional! The one I know of is in Telecommunications. Where can I find the articles you mention? Will have more details tomorrow on who is who. Maybe the Rush group if it is the same person are a little more organised than we make out or are led to believe by having someone on board who is well up and experienced on these issues..

    Reputable sources, both sides obviously believe the are dealing with and quoting reputable sources. Think I said earlier earlier in this thread there has been a serious lack of communication and or information from day 1 and I put this blame at the door of Eirgrid. They (Eirgrid) should have been better organised, they stand to make a serious amount of money if I heard one of the comments correctly at the last meeting.

    Ohh I hope they do make money seening as they have to payback so much money(circa 460 million euro) to the EU investment bank and private debt for financing the project. Its called free enterprise. I am starting to see the whats in it for me argument start to creep back in here! So lets get back to the big picture.

    The whole idea of the interconnector is to free up the monopoly of the Irish energy market that the ESB enjoyed and connect also into the northern Irish grid so energy can be traded both north and south. The north and south part was also one of the demands from the Good Friday agreement for closer economic ties between the two sides of the border. It allows us to have competition in the Irish market and hopefully lower electricity costs in the state for home and business. And when we have over capacity for the first time Ireland can export electricity to another country.

    The interconnector is also part of a greater energy security system in Europe that recent energy scares have raised. As shoegirl stated before, energy can travel both ways in the cable so if for whatever reason a part of the grid in Europe fails or exceeds demand say for example due to Russia stopping gas supply. Alternative countries like ourselves can come to that countries aid to lessen hardship of there citizens. The link below might explain the reasons for the interconnector

    Map of European grids

    Link to Shell to Sea article

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Of course they will make money is that not the primary reason some of the private investors get involved. Where do you see the "Whats in it for me" in the thread. Some peop[le might begrudge others from making money I have no reason to as I am not a land owner.

    We have competition in the energy market at the moment and the regulator wants an energy increase of 5% due in a few weeks. The Good Friday agreement called for closer economic ties between North and Southacross all industries and markets and they got it, did we not here a load of ministers, opposition T.Ds crying about people going shopping in Newry and putting small Irish business on the scrapheap.

    I have listened to the arguments and rowed back quite a bit but others here very determined to push their views no matter what.

    Reminds me of the church debate over 20years ago

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Carawaystick

    Hill Billy wrote: »
    The Childhood Cancer Research Group (University of Oxford) site links to this paper published in the British Medical Journal.

    That paper deals with AC power lines. The magnetic field from a DC power line pair is much much smaller, and does not radiate.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    That paper deals with AC power lines. The magnetic field from a DC power line pair is much much smaller, and does not radiate.

    Yes and the paper was based on pylons too not buried shielded cables, but they have professional advisors apparently to point out little things like that to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Saw for the first time yesterday a table on the green at Eurospar with a people objecting to the phone masts.

    A lot of posters and leaflets were distributed over the last few days by "No to Eirgrid" campaigners.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    Great so I should get a leaflet in the door soon? Just out of interest in relation to the proposed phone mast in the golf club, you yourself are involved in a club. Whats their position on phone masts? Is there a steer from HQ on this topic.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Dont know whether you will get a leaflet in your door or not I am not involved with campaign but am aware they were handing out leaflets at Mass and were putting up posters.

    Phone masts. This topic has not been discussed and read into minutes of meetings I have been at. The club I am happy to say would do nothing on a subject like this without first having the full backing of the people who live around the our playing pitch's. We would also have to call an E.G.M on something like this and it would require a 2/3 majority for us to support it. There is a mast about 500mtrs from our grounds.

    As for the G.A.A I am unaware of a policy but I am sure they have a view seeing as o2, Vodafone, 3 and Meteor are all involved in sponsorship of various units of the G.A.A. Again I dont see the G.A.A wanting or trying to upset any local communities

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    Dont know whether you will get a leaflet in your door or not I am not involved with campaign but am aware they were handing out leaflets at Mass and were putting up posters.

    In these days of low mass numbers and the increase of other beliefs not as an effective method as it use to be. I just asked about the leaflet in the door as I am among the most effected population by the route so I would have thought they would have targeted us directly by leafletting the doors.

    While targeting Mass you catch people that go to Mass in Rush that may not live here or haven't kids that attend the local national or their kids may attend the other two primary schools in the parish that arn't on the route. After all the science paper used in their argument is about long term exposure so thereby people living on the route would have a higher risk if you followed logic. As previously stated "communication communication".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,819 ✭✭✭dan_d

    A leaflet came in our door yesterday regarding a public meeting on Wed Sept 1st, to object to Eirgrid's plans on the basis of exposure,claiming Eirgrid have misled all relevant authorities (although I'm not sure about what). I've no doubt that they will make their way to everybody's house. It makes a distinction between being against the entire project vs being against the cable route.

    I personally will not be attending, however I would assume those that are running the meeting will have the necessary and accurate information to back up the claims.

    Have Eirgrid actually started work yet? I seem to remember their starting date being a couple of weeks ago, but I don't see any sign of anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,775 ✭✭✭✭The Hill Billy

    Here's an interesting slideshow regarding the Rush project from the EirGrid website.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    dan_d wrote: »
    A leaflet came in our door yesterday regarding a public meeting on Wed Sept 1st, to object to Eirgrid's plans on the basis of exposure,claiming Eirgrid have misled all relevant authorities (although I'm not sure about what). I've no doubt that they will make their way to everybody's house. It makes a distinction between being against the entire project vs being against the cable route.

    I personally will not be attending, however I would assume those that are running the meeting will have the necessary and accurate information to back up the claims.

    Have Eirgrid actually started work yet? I seem to remember their starting date being a couple of weeks ago, but I don't see any sign of anything.

    Yeah they started in Rogerstown Lane obviously trying to get as much work done before they move on to the "disputed zone". I got the leaflet finally in my door yesterday. Very emotive talk used in it, future of kids and all that plus the cable will be "forever" be in place. So I went to my Webster dictionary to get a timeline on forever
    1. Through eternity; through endless ages; eternally.

    2. At all times; always.

    Now thats what I call good build quality, anyone know if these guys build roads?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,775 ✭✭✭✭The Hill Billy

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    Now thats what I call good build quality, anyone know if these guys build roads?

    Or speed-bumps? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    Yeah they started in Rogerstown Lane obviously trying to get as much work done before they move on to the "disputed zone". I got the leaflet finally in my door yesterday. Very emotive talk used in it, future of kids and all that plus the cable will be "forever" be in place. So I went to my Webster dictionary to get a timeline on forever

    Now thats what I call good build quality, anyone know if these guys build roads?

    Emotive!! They point out some facts, ask some questions and ask for support.

    Interestingly they point out they are Not opposed tp the Eirgrid interconnector,
    "PLEASE NOTE, Rush Against Eirgrid Action Group is Not opposed tp the Eirgrid east west interconnector project. Rush Against Eirgrid Action Group is opposed to the chosen route."

    Cant make out the last line as some of the print has been ripped but it points out they want the cables
    "re routed through a non-residential route" That sounds fair enough to me

    Do you know if Eirgrid have mislead the planning Authorities? The people of Rush? Public reps? I dont know but IF they did its a very serious matter and can they be really trusted IF they did?
    I dont know if they did but I cant see people printing this if its untrue.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    Do you know if Eirgrid have mislead the planning Authorities? The people of Rush? Public reps? I dont know but IF they did its a very serious matter and can they be really trusted IF they did?
    I dont know if they did but I cant see people printing this if its untrue.

    No, do you? Or have I to buy The Star tomorrow to find out? :) You haven't been reading the conspiracy theory forum again!!:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Corsendonk wrote: »
    No, do you? Or have I to buy The Star tomorrow to find out? :) You haven't been reading the conspiracy theory forum again!!:rolleyes:

    I dont its why I asked:rolleyes: I dont get the star so am unaware of its contents..

    Suprised you have no comments on their leaflet. It seemed pretty fair

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    LeoB wrote: »
    I dont its why I asked:rolleyes: I dont get the star so am unaware of its contents..

    Suprised you have no comments on their leaflet. It seemed pretty fair

    I did comment on the leaflet,:eek: I said emotive wording didn't I? Or had I to write a 500 word essay on the subject of the leaflet contents?
