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Over the rainbow...the DCM finish line



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    So whilst I survived the LSR, my poor old runners didn't. The wet conditions were the last straw for them and they started to come apart. So I thought it would be a good time to get Gait Analysis done again as its been a while and I'm not convinced on the on the model I have. Turns out I need more support and have now upgraded to the Kayano 16. So I laced up and took my shiny white runners for a test run this eve! Felt good but very white and clean - that wont last long!

    3 miles and I definitely felt the tiredness in the legs after the lsr. A couple of niggles in the shin too which I tried to run off - not the best move as I'm now sitting here icing my shin (a frozen bag of peas because I forgot to stop in Lidl to pick up cold pack - doh!!).

    Thinking of doing my lsr tomorrow eve but that depends on shin. I will pack old runners though as not attempting an lsr in a new pair.

    Distance: 3.06
    Time: 28:56
    Pace: 9:27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Great run AND in new runners.

    How long did you have your old runners for? I have mine for well over a year, but I suppose they have only been in constant use with 6 months. I am slow to part with them to be honest and have been reading threads here about gait analysis and wondering if I should go down that road.
    Anyway good luck with your LSR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 298 ✭✭brophya2007

    shazkea wrote: »
    So I've just signed up there....:eek:...oh crap I think I need to go and lie down with the fright......what have I done!

    Right cmon the rest of ye...

    What have I just done :eek:

    I've just signed up there and it feels real now. No excuses now. I must tell as many people as possible now so I don't back out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    More inmates for the mobile asylum!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Just on the Runners theme, the advice I was given is to have a couple of pairs on the go together.
    One is the 'older' pair that are on the way to retirement. They do the shorter runs 'cause there isn't as much cushioning etc. left in them,
    The 'new-er' pair are being worn in and then used for the longer runs.

    The older ones eventually get recycled, and then you purchase a new pair, relegating the others to the 'older' job.

    This cycle goes on, making sure you always have the two pairs on the go.

    Easy :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    It's killing me to write this but I'm out of the 5 miler on Sat :mad:

    That "slight" shin pain after Monday's run turned into agony yesterday to the point where I couldn't walk properly on it. So I took myself off to Physio. Severe shin splint in left leg (right one is fine!) with a concern of a stress facture as pain is also on bone. Am now taped up and told to rest, stretch and ice and hope for the best! Back in for re-assessment then in a few days to see if it has anyway improved and if not off to x-ray! Orthotics on order to sort out stupid over-pronatation.

    Really trying to be positive but struggling I have to say. Getting strange looks in the office as I write the alphabet in the air with my ankle :) - don't care as long as it does the trick!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Oh noooooooo! :( Sorry to hear that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    I'm really sorry to hear that, your training was going great. What a disappointment for you.
    Get well soon. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    So enough of feeling sorry myself and took myself off for an easy hour cross-training this eve. I was going out of mind doing nothing and it was only 2 evenings so it felt really good to be doing something again. That and the fact I was feeling guity over having some choccie yesterday :(. Back on the wagon again today though but it tasted really goooood.

    Forgot 2 things about myself 1) how impatient I am when it comes to injury 2) how much I love the smell of tiger balm :)

    Oh and other thing I realised is that I'm obsessed with running this frigging marathon!

    Shin slightly better today and I'm getting really good use out of my newly purchased Lidl cold compress!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Doesn't look like I have a stress fracture and shin is responding well (but very slowly) to treatment :D. I've also picked up my orthotics so I should be good to start trying those out next week.

    Good news is that I'm allowed to walk the run tomorrow :rolleyes:. Ok not exactly the news I was looking for but better than not being able to do it at all!

    So if any of you runners come across a walker tomorrow wafting of tiger balm and throwing dagger looks in your direction, that will be me :P. I mean no insult by those hostile looks, it's just because I will be sooo jealous!

    Best of luck tomorrow everyone and I hope there's a host of new PB's floating around tomorrow evening.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Good news shazkea :) I think that lots and lots and lots of icing is the key with the shins. Take your time with the orthotics. It's taken me 4 months to get used to mine but I'm really seeing the differences now. I still get some blisters from them... careful sock choices required.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    littlebug wrote: »
    Good news shazkea :) I think that lots and lots and lots of icing is the key with the shins. Take your time with the orthotics. It's taken me 4 months to get used to mine but I'm really seeing the differences now. I still get some blisters from them... careful sock choices required.

    Thanks LB for the advice. 4 months breaking them in seems like a long time, I was hoping for a week...bit too optimistic methinks!! I usually wear 1000 mile socks so I'm hoping they do the trick. Think I will stock up on compeed for next week though!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    jcsmum wrote: »
    Great run AND in new runners.

    How long did you have your old runners for? I have mine for well over a year, but I suppose they have only been in constant use with 6 months. I am slow to part with them to be honest and have been reading threads here about gait analysis and wondering if I should go down that road.
    Anyway good luck with your LSR.

    I have had those runners for about 7 months and it was actually the seam that ripped rather than problems with the sole. To be fair I also brought them on my last hiking holiday too and leaving them outside the tents at night in the icy weather can't have helped them :)

    I would def recommend gait analysis though especially since you will be increasing your miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    In the end I had to sit the 4.9 miler out today :mad:. I tried a quick test jog this morning which ended in agony so decided not to do it. I thought about walking but being realistic there was no chance in hell I would be able to resist running a portion of this route. So thought better to be safe than sorry and not do this. Instead I will focus on the ParkWest 10km next weekend and fingers crossed I will be fit again for that. To say Im gutted would be an understatement but hey who needs a 4.9 PB anyway!!

    I did go to the park and held DP's jacket while he had a great run - well done again on that 4.91 PB!!

    Apart from the course measurement, the race looked well organised and the waves seemed to work well (although that may be different from your point of view)!. I did see quite a few late stragglers jumping into the sub 40 category and quite a few runners without numbers sprinting to the finish line! I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they fell off. Great sprint finish at the end from the front runners to cap the viewing off.

    Well done to everybody who ran today, even though I know alot of you are disapointed with the course. I'm still completely jealous though :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Monday 19 July

    In the US at the moment with work so due to jet lag I was in the gym at the ungodly hour of 04:30. A very slow 3 miles on the treadmill. First run in a week, shin still hurting but bearable. First time running with orthotics and wow it felt weird but it felt good to be back running though even if it was very slow.

    Tuesday 20 July

    Again a very slow 3 miles on the treadmill with lots of stretching before and after. Temp here is 36 degrees and extremely humid so found the heat hard to deal with in a very stuffy gym - felt like I was running in a sauna. Rest day tomorrow as I give the shin a break :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    5 miles of torture on a treadmill. Besides the stuffy gym, I had a few too many mojitos with dinner last night - first time running hungover and hopefully my last!! On the plus side I forgot about my shins but on the negative side I have never come so close to puking after a run (sorry TMI I know!)

    I also had 2 "bright" american kids running on the treadmills beside me in flip flops :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    To make up for missing the 5 mile last week, I said I would use this race to judge how I'm getting on with this running lark. I knew a pb wasn't on the cards today as I had only gotten back from the States yesterday and also the shin was still a bit sore. What I didn't count on was my own stupidity though!!

    I was knackered this morning when the alarm went off and after 11 hours flying yesterday everything hurt! So I ambled towards the shower in an effort to wake up. On getting out of the shower/bath, I slipped and ouch!!! Lets just say that women can get groin strains too and it bloody hurts!

    But there was no way I missing another race so I lined up for it. Race was well organised and marshalled but I wouldn't call it a flat course. Also I have to say measurement of course was spot on. Times not in yet but I went through in about 56.0x. Not exactly sure of time as I always turn on my garmin early in races so I have some contingency time (logic in there somewhere!).

    Reached the 8km in about 44 mins so happy with as it would have been last weeks time. The last km I seriously struggled as above mentioned strain was killing me. In the back of my mind I wanted a sub 55 so am disappointed with that. On the other hand I would have jumped on a 56 10 km a few months ago so I suppose that is progress.

    Positive note shin behaved today during race and on a negative note can now barely walk with stupid groin strain. A week of cross training coming up methinks.
    Thumbs up on that race though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Well done! That was a great time after a trans-Atlantic flight and a groin strain!
    And the key is that you are improving in time and fitness and that's what it's all about. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Back into the physio this morning to follow up on orthotics and boy was she earning her money with me this morning!

    Firstly on the orthotics, sorted out why they weren't exactly working to plan. Turns out with the support from my new runners and the orthotics, that I was getting too much support. So we took out the insole from my runners and I could feel the difference immediately when walking (shuffling actually) - simple solution so can't wait to test that out running.

    Also my self diagnosed groin strain is actually a quad strain resulting from shifting the balance too much with the orthotics. Me slipping and running the 10km on Sunday was just the final nail in the coffin. TG for that as I was not happy telling people I had a groin strain - quad strain sounds soo much better.
    I have to rest for a few days and then start cross-training. No running for a couple of weeks but I'm fine with that as long as I can keep the cardio up. I actually can't wait to spend some time on the cross trainer as I love it.

    So moral of story, always seek professional advice and do not self-diagnose!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Still off the feet in terms of running and cross-training but have started back on light stretches so that's progress. I'm hoping to start cycling again over the weekend and very slowly build up next week.

    So in the meantime I have being focusing more on upper body workouts which is a good thing since I've probably ignored that a bit over the last few weeks.

    I also had a dry needling session with the physio - now that was a weird sensation but could def feel an improvement afterwards.

    My eating habits have gone to pot though so need to get a handle on that :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    shazkea wrote: »

    Firstly on the orthotics, sorted out why they weren't exactly working to plan. Turns out with the support from my new runners and the orthotics, that I was getting too much support. So we took out the insole from my runners and I could feel the difference immediately when walking (shuffling actually) - simple solution so can't wait to test that out running.
    :eek::eek: You know.... I was going to mention that to you but then thought... no surely I'm the only eejit that wouldn't think of that :p I was really surprised when my physio said to wear both but found out afterwards that the norm is to take out the regular insole. Other people were so surprised that I hadn't done this (and I felt secretly sniggering at me:o) that I decided that I must have misheard the physio! A little more rest and you can try again properly. Were you feeling like you were walking on the outsides of your feet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Hard luck on the injury Shaz. Can't believe you ran the 10K in 56:xx with a quad strain! You're a martyr!
    Take it easy, sort yourself out, and we'll be seeing you in the DCM, no bother!?:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    littlebug wrote: »
    :eek::eek: You know.... I was going to mention that to you but then thought... no surely I'm the only eejit that wouldn't think of that :p I was really surprised when my physio said to wear both but found out afterwards that the norm is to take out the regular insole. Other people were so surprised that I hadn't done this (and I felt secretly sniggering at me:o) that I decided that I must have misheard the physio! A little more rest and you can try again properly. Were you feeling like you were walking on the outsides of your feet?

    lol, yup you're def not the only one :D. Not my usual physio as he was a locum but thankfully my one is back from hols now and she pointed it out to me. As for walking on the outside of my feet, that's exactly how I felt and a contstant ache as soon as I put on the runners. When I took the insole out and tried them in her office, not a gug from them. Only thing is now they're too small for my runner so have to get the enlarged. Ah well a crash course in orthotics, rather like yourself I think!
    Emer911 wrote: »
    Hard luck on the injury Shaz. Can't believe you ran the 10K in 56:xx with a quad strain! You're a martyr!
    Take it easy, sort yourself out, and we'll be seeing you in the DCM, no bother!?:D

    Cheers Emer but I don't think martyr is the correct word, I think stupid would fit better :). I really shouldn't have run but just couldn't face the prospect of missing 2 races in a row. Oh and for public record, it was 56:18 - I didn't turn on my garmin early enough for my contingency few seconds...

    Trip to physio this morning followed by a 5 mile walk. Ice and a medicinal glass (or 2!) of wine will soothe it later this eve :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Back in the gym cross training and loving it :D. Also badly need to after the amount of comfort junk I ate last week!!

    Cycling - 10 miles slowly and lightish resistance
    Cross-Trainer - 2 miles
    Upper Body
    20 mins on foam roller :eek::eek:

    Cycling - 10 miles resistance higher than yesterday
    Cross-Trainer - 3 miles
    Rowing - 1 mile
    Upper body workout
    20 mins stretching/yoga-ish type moves!

    Again travelling with work so a long flight didn't help matters. On the other hand warming the muscles up isn't an issue as it's 44 degrees here ;)

    If anyone has any further suggestions for cross-training would love to hear them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Struggled today with the heat here - outside it was 46 degrees with 90% humidity and it hit me like a brick wall everytime I went out in it. So in going in to the gym today I know I wasn't hydrated enough and even though gym was a cool 30 degrees, I was knackered and the sweat dripping off me even by the time I got to the gym. Give me a cool sea breeze and drizzle any day of the week!!


    11 mile cycle with a variance of resistances to get a good cardio workout.
    3 mile rowing
    Upper body

    Quad muscle sore after the rowing so may reduce that tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    PMA seriously wavering this morning as I am just so frustrated at not being able to run still. I thought I would have have been fine by now; good improvement but still not in a state I can run. So I wondered was I kidding myself that I would be able for the 10 mile run race let alone the DCM.

    Anyway gave myself a kick up the ass and severe talking to for feeling sorry for myself and hit the gym. Today should have been a 12 mile LSR which would prob take me 2 hours. So 2 hours cross training it was then to simulate the duration on my feet. Bike first and straight onto cross trainer then was the plan

    60 mins on bike - 15.5 miles
    60 mins cross trainer - 6.2 miles
    Weights and core

    Tried to set the resistance on both equip similar to a run in the Phoenix Park. Cardio wise I felt good but my ass was killing me after hour on bike (TMI - sorry!) and soles of feet started buring at about 50 on cross-trainer. Better than complaining about shin splints or quad muscles though!!

    I am hoping this cross training will stand to me when I get back running which hopefully should be by end of next week. That does make 3 weeks off running though - major bummer and I really hope this is not the end of my DCM dream :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    You're doing great to keep up the training while injured Shazkea. I'm sure it will stand to you. Stay positive :p.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Right I will be back running on Friday, simple as that - don't ask why I've got that day in my head I just have but it feels good to have a goal!! So time for a kick ass session in the gym this eve and push the quad and shin.

    10 min warm up - bike
    30 min bike - tough resistance levels to push cardio and legs
    30 min - upper and lower body weights - first time with leg weights back in and pretty much at pre-injury level so happy with that
    30 min cross-trainer - high resistance: (5 min forward +5 min revererse) x 3 reps

    I heard somewhere that running backwards for short periods can help shin splints and strengthen quads so I decided to try reverse out on the cross-trainer. OMG it's tough and I felt every second of those 15 minutes in reverse but it felt good after.

    Legs like jelly after a good session and a bright red face but muscles feel ok. Roll on :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Sounds like a good session there. Keep up the good work in the face of injury, you'll be over it and a million times stronger and more motivated when you back to it! Great running in the 10k too! :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    claralara wrote: »
    Sounds like a good session there. Keep up the good work in the face of injury, you'll be over it and a million times stronger and more motivated when you back to it! Great running in the 10k too! :)

    Thanks claralara, I've everything crossed I will be back running at the weekend!
