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NRA - New Walking Trail?

  • 17-06-2010 12:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭

    Limerick City Council and the NRA are proud to announce to gala opening of Limericks newest Walking Trail.

    From Monday 21st of June you are invited to park your Car anywhere at all on the Carew Park Flyover and walk the 1km onto The Hyde Row-ade.

    - You won't be troubled by irritating Flora and Fauna as you step over the mountains of fly-tipped Rubbish in search of Roxboro Shopping Centre and the grave of Krups.

    Points of interest include a brand new paved Roadway with street lighting and a Cycle Path which goes nowhere at all and never will.

    Maps which include a tipp-ex'd out vital infrastructure link inwards to our struggling City be handed out by drunken City Councillors and incompetent City Planners.

    There won't be any face painting, but expect a lot of red faces.

    There won't be any Clowns involved - Well, that is, at least not as far as they themselves are concerned.

