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Will I ever use Irish again??



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    catbear wrote: »
    Forteen years of a compulsory subject and it's the students fault that they have nothing to show for it. Insult us in irish please so we can continue to ignore that attitude.

    Many Students got it , so who's faullt is it ? Teachers ? System ? perish the thought it could actually could have something to do with little ole You.... I have Insulted No one , and i assure i would Never Dream of Doing it in Irish , thats more a reflection on your opinon of Irish than a valid point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,527 ✭✭✭Paz-CCFC

    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    during the other language oral week the irish teacher gave us a massive test - completely unfair in comparison to the fact every other teacher dismissed us of work during the irish oral times.

    Very unfair, but you didn't have to go to that class. If I were you, I'd have given it a miss, like I did to the other languages during my orals.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    Are they actually planning to change anything though? They always say that and yet..

    And yet they follow through with what they say. Like they did a few years ago, when they changed the course.
    Teifeach wrote: »
    What was the weather like that day? Where your shoes too tight ? had your boy/girlfriend just dumped you ? Basically Excuses Excuses Excuses , Grow up life is life and You will find out and Hopefully real soon .... that ANYTHING worth Learning is well worth the effort , unless you want to go along Quitting everytime the wind changes ...

    Caithfidh mé a admháil, cé gur aontaíom le níos mó béime a beith ar an dteanga, ní aontaíom le do mheon, anseo. Tá páirteanna dár saol nach éiríonn daoine ró-mhaith ionta. Féach ar an Ardtesit. Ní dhéanann ach uimhir fíor-bheagán Mata Ard-Leibhéal. An teipeadóirí nó ceallathóirí iad na daoine a dhéanann pas? Níl seans dá laghad go bhfuileadar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 366 ✭✭Swarlez

    just no

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 Emmpty

    Teifeach wrote: »
    Its what separates us from the other Countries , i cannot Understand the need to learn French , German, Spainish when you cannot even speak your own language. Imagine learning Spainish and going to spain , and the first Person you meet is a Spainard who cannot speak Spanish , you would think what a Fool.. Do you that there are any German , French , Spainish kids who cannot speak their own Native toungue , i,d say NO.
    Tá mé cinnte gur dtuigeann sibh an píosa , Gaeilge abú.

    Spanish kids can speak Spanish because they speak Spanish in Spain.
    Irish kids speak English because as much as you'd like to like to think otherwise, English is the language we speak here.

    I'm doing my leaving cert right now and I can honestly say that I couldn't string a grammatically correct sentence together in Irish. I also couldn't tell you how to use the past tense properly in irish. This is after 14 years of learning it everyday.
    But I can tell you how to put your baby in an oven or the ridiculously bad plot of "lig sinn i gcathu".

    Wow I can't wait to use all of that useful information in my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,263 ✭✭✭MavisDavis

    I didn't spend 15 years of my life learning a language to throw it all in the bin. I'll be keeping up the old Gaeilge in some form or other, though I'll certainly be chucking everything to do with paper 2 sa bhosca bruscar!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,731 ✭✭✭jam_mac_jam

    Teifeach wrote: »
    Reading some of the Comments makes me ashamed , and im sure that those with all the Negative comments about Irish are not , But you al should be (Youse Dare To Call Yourself Irish, my Window is more Irish than some of the people who have posted on here) . Irish is a Beautiful Language , yeah its hard to learn ... so what. Its Our language. I started learning almost 10 years ago late into my 30's , was it tough? yeah at times , was it worth it? without a shadow of a doubht. I live in the North and i use Irish almost every day with friends and online , i could not imagine life without the ability to speak my Native toungue. Its what separates us from the other Countries , i cannot Understand the need to learn French , German, Spainish when you cannot even speak your own language. Imagine learning Spainish and going to spain , and the first Person you meet is a Spainard who cannot speak Spanish , you would think what a Fool.. Do you that there are any German , French , Spainish kids who cannot speak their own Native toungue , i,d say NO.
    Tá mé cinnte gur dtuigeann sibh an píosa , Gaeilge abú.

    This type of attitude is exactly what turns people off speaking Irish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    This type of attitude is exactly what turns people off speaking Irish.

    You think !!!!!!!!!!, Anyone who is turned off that easy wasnt interested in the first place , and if you are Heartened by the Negative comments in this post , Try attending a forum where there is Genuine love and respect for the language.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Orlaladuck

    Genuine love eh? Why'd it take you until you were Thirty then to learn it. Also can't help but notice you're not speaking it now despite oh, it being an Irish forum with Irish students about the Irish subject. You can't expect people to love a thing forced onto them something that you obviously never had - ever despise maths or english for the mere fact you simply Had to do them, no way around it? That's what it's like for pretty much all the people here.
    People have made some excellent points about it and you shun them because of idiotic pride. How about you learn of 15 poems, 5 stories, a play 22 topics about the size of this comment, longer even and then learn off vocabulary for 5-10 essays about a useless variety of things that hold no value to you and then have to do 6 hours worth of exams on them. It's not easy without any personal problems let alone when you dump hormones and 6-7 other subjects on top. As said, it IS people like you who put people off irish because you simply are too blind to see how difficult it is. You learned how to SPEAK it, we learned how to analyze poems and literature, how do you not see the difference?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,698 ✭✭✭Gumbi

    Why would he bother writing in Irish when few of you would be able to understand it. He's made reasonable arguments, and you've completely ignored them. You've been rude to him (to Teifeach, I mean).

    Your attitudes to the language aren't too great. You've all been learning it for over 10 years! If something's worth doing, it's worth doing right. I for one think that learning ones native language is definitely worth it, especially when you're going to going over it in school for years.

    All Swedish and French and German (etc.) people can speak almost fluent English for the most part. Why oh why won't any of you apply yourselves? You have plenty of time to knuckle down and learn a few tenses, the same as you do every day in French, or Spanish, or German, or even Italian.

    Surely learning the Irish language is more attractive than learning a FOREIGN language (which you are unlikely to use anyway).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    Genuine love eh? Why'd it take you until you were Thirty then to learn it. Also can't help but notice you're not speaking it now despite oh, it being an Irish forum with Irish students about the Irish subject. You can't expect people to love a thing forced onto them something that you obviously never had - ever despise maths or english for the mere fact you simply Had to do them, no way around it? That's what it's like for pretty much all the people here.
    People have made some excellent points about it and you shun them because of idiotic pride. How about you learn of 15 poems, 5 stories, a play 22 topics about the size of this comment, longer even and then learn off vocabulary for 5-10 essays about a useless variety of things that hold no value to you and then have to do 6 hours worth of exams on them. It's not easy without any personal problems let alone when you dump hormones and 6-7 other subjects on top. As said, it IS people like you who put people off irish because you simply are too blind to see how difficult it is. You learned how to SPEAK it, we learned how to analyze poems and literature, how do you not see the difference?
    As i said i live in the North , and we were Brainwashed for years , and yeah i could do this as Gaeilge , But why give you something else to complain and Whinge about.
    I put people off , so what are you doing ? I openly admit to love the language and use it daily and encourage people daily , maybe that dosent come across here , and to be honest i dont care , its obvious that most here are well past careing about Irish, so why does what i say bother you so much !!! You are obviously ruthelessly against Irish and i just find that sad .............

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Raic

    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    Genuine love eh? Why'd it take you until you were Thirty then to learn it.
    That's pretty mean. Why has it taken you 10 years not to learn it? It doesn't matter what age you are when you begin.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    Also can't help but notice you're not speaking it now despite oh, it being an Irish forum with Irish students about the Irish subject.
    He's trying to put across his point of view, which of course you have a right to disagree with. If he put his points in Irish then he'd mainly be preaching to the choir or at least missing out on a significant portion of people whom he's directing his argument towards at the moment.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    You can't expect people to love a thing forced onto them something that you obviously never had - ever despise maths or english for the mere fact you simply Had to do them, no way around it? That's what it's like for pretty much all the people here.
    Yes, well there is definitely a problem with the way Irish is taught.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    People have made some excellent points about it and you shun them because of idiotic pride. How about you learn of 15 poems, 5 stories, a play 22 topics about the size of this comment, longer even and then learn off vocabulary for 5-10 essays about a useless variety of things that hold no value to you and then have to do 6 hours worth of exams on them.
    It would be much easier if we were taught the subject better.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    It's not easy without any personal problems let alone when you dump hormones and 6-7 other subjects on top. As said, it IS people like you who put people off irish because you simply are too blind to see how difficult it is.
    It shouldn't be that difficult that people come out with 13/14 years of it without a word. There's definitely something wrong with the system. It's not the “language's” fault that this is happening.
    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    You learned how to SPEAK it, we learned how to analyze poems and literature, how do you not see the difference?
    There is a difference, all this shows is that the way Irish is taught needs to be revised. If you learned to speak Irish fluently first before analysing poetry then you'd have a much better chance of understand what's going on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    johnmcdnl wrote: »
    I'd love to use the language in day to day stuff if I wanted too but tbh unless I moved to the gaeltacht 90% of assistants in shops or basically anyone I'd have contact with at all would probably look at me and not have a notion what I was going on about... I'll probably end up loosing all the Irish I know and it depresses me kinda because I've always seen Irish as a really strong part of our culture...

    I'm only gonna get a C at best in the leaving and that's because of the fecking course that rewards people who sit there in their rooms at night and learn to recite essays of poetry out.. Irish is basically a literature class just like English which leads to 95% of student hating the course... I hated every minute of the Irish course in secondary school pretty much... I love the language.. I went to the Gaeltacht last summer and I loved living through Irish... I'd love to be able to use it but it's as simple as this...

    if you try to use it in day to day life you'll be treated the same as a foreigner in your own country... :(:(:(

    Use it anyway,throw it out there you might be surprised how people might react. Never know till you try.:)
    I use it as much as possible no matter what people do and they actually have replied even when their Irish was limited.Older people delighted and will seriously have full blown conversation with you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭leavingcert

    I loved irish, i loved speaking it, hearing it and everything about it... until i got into leaving cert.

    It's fun learning how to write aistes and you own opinions but as for the poetry.. forget it.

    If they thought irish like french or german i think everyone would enjoy it so much more.

    Going to the gaeltacht is a must for every teenager i think, it gves you confidence because you realise yoou're able to speak another language pretty fluently.

    As for using Irish again after school?
    Not a chance, maybe when I have to read all those national forms, even though mos of them come in english first anymore which is actually against the irish constitution.

    I enjoyed learning irish but unfortuatly i can now safely say I wasted so much time of my life on it when i could have been doing a language that i might actually use... like japanese.. or latin

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    Up to about a year ago I was like most people here, I F**KING HATED IT. Then I went to the Gaeltacht and that changed everything. I loved and still do love the spoken element of it. I've done the Leaving and I can safely say I will use it again. But it will only be used if I use it in conversations, nobody will ever use it through their own choice. Then again, my Irish is dire, but I worked at getting the Gold Fainne this year and I got the gold one, and it was a matter of Pride.

    The problem comes back to how it's thought. Forced down the throats of students for 14 years. Not good.
    If it was thought correctly in Primary School, then we'd be a fluent nation. It's sad and really disappointing we can't speak our own language. I don't care if you say but nobody else uses it. At the end of the day, it comes back to personal beliefs and you have to believe in your country.

    Tir gan teanga, tir gan ainm.

    When you grasp it and have chance to speak it it really does give you that feeling doesnt it,accomplished it and then the feeling of connection grows and you then see the beauty of the Language.
    Congratulations nice to see:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭highlydebased

    I'd have no problem speaking it again, but I dont think I'll ever need to know about the life history of Aine ni Ghlin or Mairead Ni Ghrada again...the written element to the course is diabolical.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    I'd have no problem speaking it again, but I dont think I'll ever need to know about the life history of Aine ni Ghlin or Mairead Ni Ghrada again...the written element to the course is diabolical.
    That does sound hard.Nothing worse then adding boredom to a subject the novels i got to read were up beat and fictional and very interesting and also about Ireland during the troubles in Irish.If you already have a slight problem with Irish adding boredom to it is not going to help.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    its clear that all her are at school and of a different age to me , and i can sympathise with that , the amount of work etc ... And i also agre that Irish is Taught all wrong... its taught as a subjest to be passed in exams , with poems etc i did GCSE , and loved it and then went on to A level , and did not like it so i see Exactly whre youse are coming from ... but thats School ... Its No Reason to turn your back on your Own Language .. no one is asking youse top be Fluent , just face the right Direction and keep an open mind ... that maybe someday you will try it again , like i said i was in late 30,s ,, but thats just my story ... Everyone has their own life and their own story to tell .... Try and not the fact that Iris was taught to you at school put you off Forever ... i have No intention of falling out with anybody her or trying to offend them ,,, im just Passionate and iw ill Always defend Irish when she is attacked like i have seen on this Post . sin é

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Orlaladuck

    ^ That I can accept. Fair enough out of line to say that. But I think if you go back another page it's out of line to dismiss two years worth of hard work down to a personal problem. I wouldn't be so annoyed if you hadn't said that and honestly it really, really annoyed me for you to say 'if it's worth Anything it's worth the effort'. Obviously something I'm passionate about and is an essential is going to put an unncesscary essay in the backseat. I'm passionate about art and if i told you irish takes a backseat here now, this is more important would you not be annoyed about it? Then compared to a Personal Problem as trivial as the weather.. seriously.

    The system is flawed -horribly. Why are people who did it for an extra four years doing OL when I do HL? I haven't said I can't write a word. Having grown up with relations who are all fluent I think I can say you can't compare fluency and the teaching of irish at all. I know plenty of fluent people who struggle with it - you don't just get A1's straight off with it. As far as being against irish, I'm not. I just really think it's unfair for people to say that students are lazy for not knowing the language. As said, if you have something forced down the back of your throat knowing it's not going to benefit you at all in the future of course you won't appreciate it. If we were focused on Actual speaking it as they teach french or german you would prefer it - more focus on the oral. But as said, until you sit the HL Leaving cert yourself you can't be blame students for it - it's not Entirely our fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 Emmpty

    I love languages and would genuinely enjoy learning it and speaking it if it had been taught to me like german. I think that we can all agree that the irish course is strangling the Irish language.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    ^ That I can accept. Fair enough out of line to say that. But I think if you go back another page it's out of line to dismiss two years worth of hard work down to a personal problem. I wouldn't be so annoyed if you hadn't said that and honestly it really, really annoyed me for you to say 'if it's worth Anything it's worth the effort'. Obviously something I'm passionate about and is an essential is going to put an unncesscary essay in the backseat. I'm passionate about art and if i told you irish takes a backseat here now, this is more important would you not be annoyed about it? Then compared to a Personal Problem as trivial as the weather.. seriously.

    The system is flawed -horribly. Why are people who did it for an extra four years doing OL when I do HL? I haven't said I can't write a word. Having grown up with relations who are all fluent I think I can say you can't compare fluency and the teaching of irish at all. I know plenty of fluent people who struggle with it - you don't just get A1's straight off with it. As far as being against irish, I'm not. I just really think it's unfair for people to say that students are lazy for not knowing the language. As said, if you have something forced down the back of your throat knowing it's not going to benefit you at all in the future of course you won't appreciate it. If we were focused on Actual speaking it as they teach french or german you would prefer it - more focus on the oral. But as said, until you sit the HL Leaving cert yourself you can't be blame students for it - it's not Entirely our fault.

    i NEVER Intendee to offend you Orla , and if i did im sorry, i was talking generalaly .. or so i thought .. . I am passionate about Irish so when i came on here and saw all the negative posts , i felt obliged to reply .. I would never shove Irish down anyones throats , but i know people who would and who do. But i will defend Irish as a Language , but not how its taught etc, which i think is flawed badly. Do your art , follow your passion as i have .. my son has no Irish and he loves art and will carrying on with art and i wish him and you Every success , i only ask one thing that you dont totally dismis Irish because it was taught as a school subject ... cause thats not what it is ... its way more .. its what you are ..............

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  • Registered Users Posts: 46 MyHair

    I am never going to use Irish again.
    Lets face it, the only people who will ever use it again are the people who are going to become Irish teachers, or going to live in gaeltacht areas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    I absolutely love the language and full intend on using it as much as I can in the future.

    Mainly happens when out drinking :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 Emmpty

    Fad wrote: »
    I absolutely love the language and full intend on using it as much as I can in the future.

    Mainly happens when out drinking :D

    Haha that just made me think of something, I'm sure we'll all use it to talk about people in foreign countries. I know I will anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 94 ✭✭pn7xjrqy6fhta1

    I absolutely hate Irish and hope to God that i never use the bloody thing. Why on earth should I have to learn about Ruraiocht, Fianniocht and all the rubbish. Such a waste of time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Orlaladuck

    I won't say i forgive you because that sounds a little condescending so i'll tis grand :). Trust me even If i wanted to give it up I couldn't. I've some connection to two of the poets on the course anyway, one's a fourth cousin of mine..never got to know him though, could've been very handy if he was around especially since he actually appeared on the paper itself haha.

    But I think even making it optional to do for the LC would actually help it - people would persue it and they'd all be passionate about it. Like people who actually do go on to study it in uni - it's a massive thing to them. It is being more incorporated into our culture these days - sure you see it in the media every five minutes anyway and it is the country's pride so why won't they turn it around and do themselves a favour? I don't understand it.

    Also : you get kinda annoyed when your parents start using it to insult people out foriegn at times. Seriously 'ta alan daoine ghorma ar timpeall..' Couldn't tell you how many times that's happened to me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    MyHair wrote: »
    I am never going to use Irish again.
    Lets face it, the only people who will ever use it again are the people who are going to become Irish teachers, or going to live in gaeltacht areas.

    Thats your choice ,, i use Irish regularly , i meet friend in the cafe durinng the week , in the Bar at the weekend , i text them in Irish , i also have many friends online whom i chat and write with often ,, Irish is a huge part of my life ... why? .... cause i choose it that way ... like i started my post with ........... Thats your choice .. all i will say sis Never say Never lol

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 7,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭XxMCRxBabyxX

    Funnily enough I don't live in a gaeltacht or anywhere but I do actually try to speak Irish with my family and friends sometimes. If nothing else, it's fun and nice to have. I think too many people hate Irish for no reason. I just wish that my Irish was better

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    Orlaladuck wrote: »
    I won't say i forgive you because that sounds a little condescending so i'll tis grand :). Trust me even If i wanted to give it up I couldn't. I've some connection to two of the poets on the course anyway, one's a fourth cousin of mine..never got to know him though, could've been very handy if he was around especially since he actually appeared on the paper itself haha.

    But I think even making it optional to do for the LC would actually help it - people would persue it and they'd all be passionate about it. Like people who actually do go on to study it in uni - it's a massive thing to them. It is being more incorporated into our culture these days - sure you see it in the media every five minutes anyway and it is the country's pride so why won't they turn it around and do themselves a favour? I don't understand it.

    Also : you get kinda annoyed when your parents start using it to insult people out foriegn at times. Seriously 'ta alan daoine ghorma ar timpeall..' Couldn't tell you how many times that's happened to me.

    its Cool as long as we are on the same page ,, maybe now i can tell you that i am an Irish classroom assistant .. how , i dont know ......... i dod nowt at school and left with nowt .. am i proud of that fact .......... No im not ..(THATS WHY I OF ALL PPL WOULD NEVER EVER CRITICISE ANYONE) but that time is past .. i think my first proper school exam i did was when i was 38 lol sitting with kids as they did their gcse Irish .. and me in the middle like a dik doing it with them ... aw well when its Somethg you love you dont care. But although im as nervous as Hell doing exams , i sat them as far as Diploma. Now i go round scholls trying in m y own wee way to make it fun .. and i see all kinds of kids from those who couldnt care less to those who love it to those just tolerate it. My job is to show its fun , and Not just a school subject ,, i know teacher have their hands tied with getting the best results ,, therin lies part of the Proble. But i honestly cannot see all that poetry and prose etc changing , no one will take it on to change it Even though it CLEARLY DOSENT WORK ,, As happened her with the 11+ ...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 Teifeach

    is mór an trua go bhfuil muid ag scríobh i mBéarla anseo , agus tá mé cinnte go bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith ag roinnt agaibh lol Cárb as achan duine ? as Doire mise ...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,731 ✭✭✭jam_mac_jam

    Teifeach wrote: »
    You think !!!!!!!!!!, Anyone who is turned off that easy wasnt interested in the first place , and if you are Heartened by the Negative comments in this post , Try attending a forum where there is Genuine love and respect for the language.

    I am not at all heartened by negative comments about Irish, I think its very sad that people hate it because I love it and try and use it.

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