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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    I think that's a very one-sided view of it. Seemed to me John James was trying to actually resolve the issue of Ben not being bothered about helping out in tasks (which he admitted).

    Every time he asked Ben if he'd try in the tasks Ben would reply with 'Are you going to deal with your anger and aggression issues'? Basically he was in denial about having anything to work on, kept trying to turn the tables, and then just wanted to end the conversation.

    If I was in there and needed to do tasks to help people get food and stuff then I'd be fed up as well with someone who couldn't be bothered helping out. I thought J. J. was spot on and thought Ben came across as very selfish.

    Like I said, I can't totally understand how frustrating it is for them. I wouldn't be happy about it either.

    That said, I seem to remember Ben being more open to trying than John James was...a few times when he said he'd make more of an effort it was shot down immediately by John James saying "but you don't want to, do you?" so there was little point, really.

    I like John James, and I like Ben, so this isn't that I'm just siding with one over the other because I don't like one of them. I think that John James' original point was valid, but as it turned into a general free-for-all, Ben was well within his rights to ask for a compromise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭Pretty_Pistol

    Just looked up the BB website and they're showing a clip of Josie talking to John James about why Caoimhe got upset after Josie spoke to her (about being jealous of Caoimhe and Johns new friendship). Josie told John James to switch his mic off, says something to him and then walks off saying "I can't believe I just said that.". Anyone good at lip reading? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,247 ✭✭✭ROCKMAN

    For silvervixen
    form BB WEB PAGE
    This morning, after consulting Corin on the matter, Josie spoke to Caoimhe at the Carousel about her relationship with John James.

    The usually bubbly Bristol lass has been growing increasingly jealous about, what she perceives to be, flirtatious behaviour between the Irish beauty and the House hunk.

    Over the last 24 hours or so, Josie has been wrestling with the situation and has, on numerous occasions, spoken to fellow housemates about Caoimhe, not always in positive tones.

    Around 11.10am, it became too much for the buxom babe and she confronted Caoimhe. She attempted to apologise for, what she saw as, her own problem regarding her jealous reactions to the growing friendship between Caoimhe and John.

    She said that she hated feeling like this and in the outside world she would never be affected by such a minor thing. However, the pair both agreed that the House can 'drive you crazy'.

    Despite Josie's attempts to clear the air, the chat left Caoimhe upset and confused as to her standing in the House, commenting that she has felt increasingly separated from the group.

    She then went directly to the Diary Room with the air of someone who wants to walk out but as yet this has not come to fruition. After a lengthy chat with BB, she remains a housemate at the moment so we watch and wait with baited breath to see her next move.

    In the meantime, Josie spoke to Steve in the Bedroom and told him that she felt terrible about everything and that she 'hates making people upset'. She was also concerned that she had made Caoimhe look bad to the outside world and, most importantly perhaps, to her boyfriend.

    As yet there are no words from John James about his take on the situation. Keep your eye on the site today to find out his response.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 sazdestar

    I can't understand why Steve was being so nasty to Keely that time?? Can anyone clear it up.. I was watching and just thought he was being a total prick when he said ' if your cold move!' with that pompous face on him I don't really like Keely but just felt sorry for her at that moment...:confused:

    I'm Irish and I find Caoimhe hard to listen to.. I think she just likes getting involved in everyone's business , also thought when she felt Shabby was being serious about leaving she quickly moved on to talking to Ben a lot more just so she'd have someone when Shabby left..

    I also find Rachel really ott but I prob just have to get used to her.. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭Koloman

    sazdestar wrote: »

    I'm Irish and I find Caoimhe hard to listen to..

    I have no problem understanding her. Her voice is no different to what you hear in Dublin everyday. What do you find hard about it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,239 ✭✭✭KittyeeTrix

    This is a bit long winded guys but is the live update from DS BB site on the fallout between Josie and Caoimhe........
    Josie tells Rachel about her conversation last night with John James about being "not keen on Caoimhe anymore". John James says Caoimhe has no idea Josie feels that way, but Josie says Caoimhe "knows what she's doing

    Josie is talking to Corin about Caoimhe by the smoking area. "It's got to the point where I can't be in the same room as her".

    Josie joins Ben in the bathroom. He asks "how is the Caoimhe/John James romance going? Have you stopped it in its tracks?". She says "poor cow is probably wondering why I'm off with her. I'm gonna tell her today

    Caoimhe walks to the smoking area, and is joined by Josie who straight away tells her about her ill feeling towards her, and how Caoimhe flirting with John James upset her. Caoimhe says she is "mortified" and that she would never be attracted to John James. Caoimhe says "sorry" and that she doesn't want to be there anymore. She also says she didn't realise Josie's feelings for John James were so strong, as Josie always made out that she didn't like him that way.

    Josie says "I had to get it off my chest. I love hanging out with you." Caoimhe says she's "scared of what I have to go home to. I can't cope with this". Caoimhe says Josie needs to tell him how she feels, but Josie says its "only a crush". Caoimhe says "clearly not".

    Caoimhe says she wants to go as she's not enjoying it and is " a loner in here". Caoimhe says she has to go to the toilet and rushes off. Josie says "Caoimhe, I'm so sorry".

    Josie has pressed the Diary Room button, but Caoimhe rushes out and wants to go in instead. Josie says "I can't bear making you feel like that", as Caoimhe stares blankly at the Diary Room door. Josie leaves her.

    Josie tells Steve she's worried that she's "showed Caoimhe right up". Steve says it's best to get it out, but Josie says "not when she has a boyfriend at home". Steve says "she should have thought about that before messing about with Shabby then".

    John James asks Josie what's wrong but she doesn't say, and goes back to the kitchen.

    Josie keeps walking around the house with her head down looking upset, sighing to herself.

    Do you think Josie really likes John James?" Caoimhe asks Corin, who's also in the bathroom. "Erm... yeah," she replies. "She thinks I get close to him. We're just friends," continues the student. "I'm mortified. Mortified. F***** mortified... I don't want to be here. This is really embarrassing."

    What's going on?" John James asks Josie, saying that he's been looking for her for a while. "I'm thinking of going," she admits, saying that she's now "told Caoimhe." The Australian probes: "Told her what?" She replies that "it's like girly stuff, really".

    I think she feels a bit bad about how she's being portrayed... I had to get it off my chest, I couldn't just go round ignoring her like I was," says Josie. "Did she say that she was joking?" queries John James, as Josie admits that yes, she did

    "I wouldn't worry about it. You've apologised so that's it. Just move on Jose," he recommends. "Everything seems so much worse than what it is in here though, doesn't it?" she reasons, explaining that she's been "getting panicky in here".

    I'm not going to keep asking you. If you don't want to talk about it you don't want to talk about it," says John James, growing increasingly frustrated that Josie won't divulge any more information

    Encountering Caoimhe in the bathroom, Josie asks: "Have I made you feel awkward now Caoimhe?" She replies: "A little bit, but I'll get over it I'm sure," before walking off. Josie turns to Corin and says: "She angry with me now... I've shown her right up, haven't I?"

    She spoke to you, yeah?" John James asks Caoimhe, who's joined him in the garden. "She's not really clear on what she says... she's said nothing, really. It's a bit awkward for me," he adds. "She's just not 100 per cent honest with me

    She likes you... I just didn't realise how much it was until today," says Caoimhe, adding that she didn't understand the depth of Josie's feelings until this morning. "In my point of view I just see us three hanging out and that's it... I didn't see it any other way. And that's the honest truth. I don't think that you did anything on purpose," says John James

    "I didn't come in here with the intentions of getting with anybody," he says, telling Caoimhe that he defended her to Josie when she complained that Caoimhe had been overly flirty with him, giving the example of him not being upset when Josie is joking about with Andrew

    "I didn't know she was getting jealous at all. I only found out bits and pieces last night..." he muses. "Two days ago she was willing to let me walk out of the house."

    Caoimhe and Josie have an awkward encounter in the closet. "I know it's really difficult... just calm the nerves," Caoimhe tells her, as Ben comes over and asks what's going on and whether "it's to do with John?" The Irish student retreats back to the garden and she resumes her conversation with John James, reassuring him that Josie definitely fancies him. "She does, John. She does," she insists.

    John James is debating whether or not Josie does fancy him, but Caoimhe points out that she "came clean" to him this morning. "She didn't come clean," he argues. "She said one thing and she walked off." Caoimhe adds: "She said that she told you that she had strong feelings towards me, and then she walked away." He protests that "that could mean anything," but she replies: "No John! I was this naive with Shabby as well

    It's difficult, but it's worse when you're bottling it up," reasons Caoimhe, as John James says that he told Josie he only spent yesterday with the Irish student because he thought that she was avoiding him. "it was different before because I didn't have any other close friends that I was interested in hanging around with," he says

    She's told me on numerous occasions that she wouldn't be interested on the outside... everything that we do is just playful," he says, as Caoimhe tells him that this has been going on for a week now. "But she's the one who keeps telling me that we're opposite, etcetera," he says. "Yes but she's probably just trying to convince herself, John," she replies. "Oh. Right. So what do I do?" he asks, as Caoimhe recommends: "Just don't let anything change".

    I just don't want to be put in a position where it looks like I've led someone on, or like I'm leading someone on." Caoimhe says: "No, because you haven't." He adds: "I don't really care what anyone thinks out there... but I do care about her." Caoimhe says that she felt exactly the same when Shabby confessed that she had a crush on her.

    "I don't want to make anyone out to look like an idiot on TV. Especially not somebody that I care about," he says. "I guess I do feel a bit stupid now because she did say last night that when I'm not around I get panicky and that... but when I'm not talking to her, I feel the same!"

    Caoimmhe says that Josie doesn't necessarily want a relationship, but that she probably wakes up in the morning with butterflies and wanting to be with him all the time. "But it's never crossed my mind," he says. Caoimhe asks whether or not he could develop feelings towards Josie now that he knows where she stands.

    "It's difficult because in the real world, you can just walk away and say no. In here it's awkward," says John James. "I know exactly what it feels like. I've been here," says Caoimhe. "I wouldn't act on anything in here. Especially if somebody had actual feelings... it's not the right setting," he says, after his friend asks whether or not he should just take a couple of days to decide whether or not he fancies Josie, too.

    Based on her experience with Shabby, Caoimhe is offering up advice for John James. "I was flattered but I was mortified, I went into the diary room and said that I was cringing and embarrassed... I decided I loved her too much as a friend to let it affect us," she said ,recommending that the Australian see past the awkwardness and continue being friends with Josie

    John James joins Josie in the bathroom. "All that what I told you last night... Caoimhe was doing stuff like that. She's not going to admit it, is she? But that's what she was doing – trying to wind me up. And I don't think it's very funny."

    "She's meant to be my friend... and I know when someone's trying to wind me up. She just kept doing in," continues Josie, saying that she's "glad to get it all off my chest".

    Maybe she's just like a flirty person," reasons Rachel. "No, Rach..." Josie hits back, getting up and leaving the bathroom. "I don't want to fight with Jose, but I don't agree with her... I don't think Caoimhe did anything intentional," says John James

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 sazdestar

    Koloman wrote: »
    I have no problem understanding her. Her voice is no different to what you hear in Dublin everyday. What do you find hard about it?

    I meant as in she talks sh*te.. sorry i was unclear.. I just cant stand her..

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,239 ✭✭✭KittyeeTrix

    Throughout this morning there has been a big story developing between Josie, Caoimhe and John James. In short... Josie likes John, she thinks Caoimhe is flirting with him to annoy her, Caoimhe is denying it and John doesn't know what to make of the situation.

    It has become clear over the last few days that Josie does fancy John, which confirms the suspicions we have all had since the very beginning, and since this news broke, Josie has been struggling to deal with it. She feels embarrassed and awkward around John as he is now fully aware of her affections.

    Earlier on today, Josie confronted Caoimhe in the Garden to try and clear the air but the conversation led to both parties becoming upset, with the Irish beauty even threatening to walk out!

    Since then there have been a number of developments so here is a quick run down.

    Shortly after 11.30am, Caoimhe chatted to Keeley and Rachel in the Garden and asked the pair whether it was worth even getting upset about the situation.

    As the clock ticked past midday, Josie collared John in the Garden and said something secretly to him, naughtily switching off her microphone.

    It later became clear that Josie had, at last, admitted that she had strong feelings for him leaving the Aussie like a stunned mullet!

    Caoimhe then took the time to corner the central figure in the saga, John James, and they discussed the current goings on. The sultry temptress stated that she didn't realise that Josie felt so strongly towards the surfer dude and that now she is feeling absolutely 'mortified'.

    The Aussie hunk replied that he feels Josie has not been 100% honest with him, having never openly admitted her feelings to him, until a few minutes ago. He also seemed bothered by the fact that all of this drama had been going on behind his back.

    Just before 1pm, Josie and John finally chatted openly, with the buxom babe mainly concerned about how 'embarrassed' she is feeling at the moment. She also reiterated her feeling that Caoimhe is flirting with him on purpose to annoy her.

    The whole saga is quite strange because at no point have the two girls come to blows. Josie continues to wrestle with her jealousy, while Caoimhe struggles with her feelings of loneliness and her belief that she is 'ready' now to leave the House.

    They do not seem to dislike each other, they do not seem on the verge of an argument... Josie has even sought advice from Caoimhe!

    Ooooh, Josie making a big story around herself:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭beegirl

    There is a video up on the BB website now 'jj and josie talk over their feelings'... he DEFINITELY likes her I reckon, he's basically trying to drag the words "I FANCY YOU AND NOT JUST IN A FOOTBALL KIT" out of her and she's saying everything but :rolleyes: They have 24 hours before I totally lose interest - sh1t or get off the pot people :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,247 ✭✭✭ROCKMAN

    Fantastic clip on BB page ,JJ and Josie are friends again and there lying in the bed ,Josie really putting the knife in to Caoimhe and tell him she know all along about her feelings ,Josie brings up the time she ask Caoimhe to talk to him after all the girls had got together and where pushing the issues .When JJ informs her that all she to him was want she told her to say (word for word) So JJ says if she wasn't a friend she would have rat her out there and then ,
    Josie's face was priceless ,you could see her brain working overtime to come up with an answer , If only JJ was good at reading people grrrrrrrrr.
    She finished she know she know they seemly had womans talk , Anyone remember these deep and meaniful hearts to hearts :confused:

    Someone just harpune her out of there pleassssseeeeee.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭Koloman

    sazdestar wrote: »
    I meant as in she talks sh*te.. sorry i was unclear.. I just cant stand her..

    Don't agree. Whether you agree with her or not, she can hold a decent conversation with the rest of the house-mates. Contrast that to someone like Corin who talks in cliches.

    Caoimhe and Ben have had very intellectual conversations in the past. Look also at the difference in the way JJ talks to Caoimhe and the way he talks to Josie. With Josie it's as if he is talking to a teenager whereas with Caoimhe the conversation is more grown up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    How bad was the boobs thing,i didnt see it. bunch of two faced idiots poor caoimhe :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 sazdestar

    Koloman wrote: »
    Don't agree. Whether you agree with her or not, she can hold a decent conversation with the rest of the house-mates. Contrast that to someone like Corin who talks in cliches.

    Caoimhe and Ben have had very intellectual conversations in the past. Look also at the difference in the way JJ talks to Caoimhe and the way he talks to Josie. With Josie it's as if he is talking to a teenager whereas with Caoimhe the conversation is more grown up.

    I liked her up until the whole issue with Ife dancing and them going 'cringe'.. I just found it quite condescending.. she's portrayed very badly on the t.v :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 429 ✭✭Jinxi

    I really like Josie and Caoimhe(she gets such a hard time...I think the edit on her has been harsh, and the house mates are picking on the Oirish wan), but Josie has beem PMT-ing all over the place.
    Anyones see Msrios face when Rachel mentioned that she sometimes thinks she fancies Ben... HILARIOUS.
    Steve is well out of order fancying Keeley when his poor OH and kids are watching the show

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    sazdestar wrote: »
    she's portrayed very badly on the t.v :)

    A post from Digital Spy forums:
    Caoimhe got a good edit on tonights highlights, as they didn't show her snuggling up to JJ in front of Josie and saying she's cuddling her new best friend, or saying hot chocolate makes her horny while looking JJ up and down again in front of Josie!

    There's only so much that can be twisted to make you look bad. She seems to contribute plenty of her own ammunition.

    Really hope she goes on Friday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    This is what they are trying to do to caoimhe :mad:
    The bitching has begun,hope British dont vote her out this week and sicken the housemates :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    Karma is a bitch, eh? :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    Chinafoot wrote: »
    Karma is a bitch, eh? :P

    She is real!!! they only hold back and kiss eachothers butts,jj and caoimhe are right,the dirty looks flying all over the place and all nicey poos to eachother stinks.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    caseyann wrote: »
    She is real!!!

    Real? Hmmm, I disagree. She prefers slagging people behind their backs to being honest to their faces as we saw with her treatment of Corin and Dave and Ife to an extent, and of course Ben in the beginning because Scabby, her puppetmaster, hated him. She never had the guts to say anything to Corin's face, instead she led the private slagging matches at every available opportunity, and the equally bitchy Josie and JJ were happy to oblige. She has been kissing Dave's rear end since the new housemates came in...Dave who she despised, remember?

    The only thing real about her is her bitchiness and her negativity. She's a nasty person who can't possibly be surprised that she has no friends in the house. She was nasty to the majority of people in there from day one, why would anyone want to be friends with her?

    Also, I don't believe her nationality has anything to do with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    Chinafoot wrote: »
    Real? Hmmm, I disagree. She prefers slagging people behind their backs to being honest to their faces as we saw with her treatment of Corin and Dave and Ife to an extent, and of course Ben in the beginning because Scabby, her puppetmaster, hated him. She has been kissing Dave's rear end since the new housemates came in...Dave who she despised, remember?

    The only thing real about her is her bitchiness and her negativity. She's a nasty person who can't possibly be surprised that she has no friends in the house. She was nasty to the majority of people in there from day one, why would anyone want to be friends with her?

    Also, I don't believe her nationality has anything to do with it.

    LOL who on earth bitches to peoples faces? And also then been stuck in a house with them and no where to go? Please everyone in there has said something about someone and still at it,they haven't had the balls to go to her face and tell her either.Its a game show not real life.
    I wouldnt say anything to any of their faces either get you nominated just as fast.Getting someone to say something about someone else and then going and telling those people like josie did,saying all they do is bitch about people is what is two faced,as did ben with caoimhe etc.... and now kissing arses all over place.
    I like a person who is nice but not overly nice,she has to vent some where.They all bitch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Sapsorrow

    I can't stand caoimhe or the way when people are obviously trying to have a private conversation she starts hoovering about listening in for a snippet of gossip. I hope she walks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,859 ✭✭✭✭Sharpshooter

    Sapsorrow wrote: »
    I can't stand caoimhe or the way when people are obviously trying to have a private conversation she starts hoovering about listening in for a snippet of gossip. I hope she walks.

    I saw that when Ben was talking to Dave, she came up and stood in front of them and asked what they were talking about:eek: Ben just continued speaking as if she was not there.:D

    Ben has his faults, but he's my winner so far.:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Sapsorrow

    I saw that when Ben was talking to Dave, she came up and stood in front of them and asked what they were talking about:eek: Ben just continued speaking as if she was not there.:D

    Ben has his faults, but he's my winner so far.:pac:

    Man she does it all the time! It must be driving them crazy! Her, John james and Ben are insanely manipuative though, although I love Ben for his entertainment vaue. He took his show so seriousy last night, him playing the keyboard that badly with that big serious head on him was BB gold. I was my own Mario to cuddle :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,503 ✭✭✭✭Also Starring LeVar Burton

    So apparently Steve has been sniffing Keeley's pillow... eh WTF? Creepy Steve just got creepier...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,276 ✭✭✭✭mdwexford

    Im amazed anyone likes Caoimhe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,247 ✭✭✭ROCKMAN

    mdwexford wrote: »
    Im amazed anyone likes Caoimhe.

    You know me ,I'd talk to and like anyone..... students ,Wexford people even fish with chips( how is he anyway?)
    I'm one of her biggest defenders on here , she far from the worst in there and if you actually listen to what she saying especially tonight (see Fluffy's first post)
    she telling the truth most of the time ,She one of the only ones that has show any form of loyalty to anyone . Went into to garden after house mate (cannot rem which one) after they insulted Shabby ,telling Ben not to take the abuse of the lads infront of everyone are 2 good examples.She has a hell of a lot more going for her than the Whale or that you know his carrying rohypol Mario .

    She never going to win it ,in fact the first time she up ..she gone . But love to see her win a few more save and replace tasks just cause it pisses the rest of them off and this week would drive the whale nuts .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,971 ✭✭✭we'llallhavetea_old

    ROCKMAN wrote: »
    You know me ,I'd talk to and like anyone..... students ,Wexford people even fish with chips( how is he anyway?)
    I'm one of her biggest defenders on here , she far from the worst in there and if you actually listen to what she saying especially tonight (see Fluffy's first post)
    she telling the truth most of the time ,She one of the only ones that has show any form of loyalty to anyone . Went into to garden after house mate (cannot rem which one) after they insulted Shabby ,telling Ben not to take the abuse of the lads infront of everyone are 2 good examples.She has a hell of a lot more going for her than the Whale or that you know his carrying rohypol Mario .

    She never going to win it ,in fact the first time she up ..she gone . But love to see her win a few more save and replace tasks just cause it pisses the rest of them off and this week would drive the whale nuts .

    i agree with you rockman. i like caoimhe, and i think she's actually quite funny tbh.

    dave.. he has really pissed me off saying that caoimhe lowered the tone when she was runnin around "with her boobs out", ffs, you could see them yeah, but so fcukin what? has anyone told mario he's lowered the tone by getting his balls out and walking around naked? no! drives me feckin mad :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,247 ✭✭✭ROCKMAN

    i agree with you rockman. i like caoimhe, and i think she's actually quite funny tbh.

    dave.. he has really pissed me off saying that caoimhe lowered the tone when she was runnin around "with her boobs out", ffs, you could see them yeah, but so fcukin what? has anyone told mario he's lowered the tone by getting his balls out and walking around naked? no! drives me feckin mad :mad:

    Great point , Even thought I 'd erased that image from my mind ,the one word that comes to is Cringing:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭conorhal

    i agree with you rockman. i like caoimhe, and i think she's actually quite funny tbh.

    dave.. he has really pissed me off saying that caoimhe lowered the tone when she was runnin around "with her boobs out", ffs, you could see them yeah, but so fcukin what? has anyone told mario he's lowered the tone by getting his balls out and walking around naked? no! drives me feckin mad :mad:

    Can you imagine what would have happened had he been in the house while Kinga herself in the garden with a bottle....?
    The man would have had a stroke.
    Jesus that season was like the last days of Soddom and Gomorah compared to BB 11 :pac:

    Still, he said his piece and got on with it, Josie seems to have a bigger problem with Caoimhe's tits then Dave did.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 nayroul

    ROCKMAN wrote: »
    You know me ,I'd talk to and like anyone..... students ,Wexford people even fish with chips( how is he anyway?)
    I'm one of her biggest defenders on here , she far from the worst in there and if you actually listen to what she saying especially tonight (see Fluffy's first post)
    she telling the truth most of the time ,She one of the only ones that has show any form of loyalty to anyone . Went into to garden after house mate (cannot rem which one) after they insulted Shabby ,telling Ben not to take the abuse of the lads infront of everyone are 2 good examples.She has a hell of a lot more going for her than the Whale or that you know his carrying rohypol Mario .

    She never going to win it ,in fact the first time she up ..she gone . But love to see her win a few more save and replace tasks just cause it pisses the rest of them off and this week would drive the whale nuts .

    She is a total s**tstirrer, she thrives on bitching, Ben is def not being bullied he is playing the game and she just wanted to twist comments that the others were making so he would form an isolated gang with her, then she turned to JJ and Josie and had the cheek to try and spin that josie was picking a fella over one of her girlfriends when she only decided to give JJ & Josie the time of day after Shabby left when they had been grea friends since the start of the show, pathetic attempts to manipulate the situation, she better not win save & replace again dont think i can stick another week looking at her!

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