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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Plan for Wednesday was an hour easy running on grass. Ended being quite a hectic day but managed to find an free hour in the evening to head to the park at. While driving to the park (<5 minutes away normally) I got stuck in rush hour traffic. I had to be home on time as we were heading out for the evening.

    I abandoned the car and started to run around the industrial estate. Wasn't in the mood at all and was going to pack it in after 2 minutes. Eventually ran 5 miles at 7.40 pace but didn't feel like a recovery as I was stiff from lack of pre-run stretch and the concrete didn't do me any favours.

    Felt like I shouldn't have bothered my ass and as a result wasn't looking forward to running today when I woke this morning. Luckily I'm meeting a friend at lunch for a nice run so that should put me back on track. Legs couldn't handle tempo today so will consider doing it Saturday and slowing down my Sunday run considerably.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Back on track with lunch time run today. Ran along canal bank and around trails in Carton house. The trails were a bit overgrown with tall grass. I have bad hay fever and while my nose and eyes were fine due to medication my legs came out in an almighty rash. Still was a nice run and the hip felt better than it has in a while also. All that stretching must be paying off.

    8+ miles @ 7.05 pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Took Friday off as my rest day as I wasn't feeling great. Ate a little too much for dinner last night and didn't sleep well as result. Had to get run done this morning and plan was 5 miles fastish (29.30-50 being the goal). First 2 miles were too hard and was dying by 2.8 miles. Shortened fast section to 4 miles (23 minutes) and jogged another 2 home to give me 8 miles for the day.

    Felt like I bottled out of session but in hindsight was wise as my longish run tomorrow is more important than today's session and an extra mile at the pace I was running at could have botched me up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    13 miles @ 7.45 pace. Felt like **** and had to stretch after 2 miles. Got going again but wind and heat did me no favors. Just glad to get to 13 miles although I wanted 15 miles today. 49 miles for the week.

    Next week I'm only going to do 1 hard session (either 8*1k or 5 * 1 mile). I'm a bit drained at the moment and some easy running is required.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Disaster of a day in work. Missed my normal lunch time run and was going to have to work late. Was getting no where work wise so said feck it and went for a run from work gym. Wasn't in the mood but after moaning to myself for 10 minutes I started to feel good. 6 miles @ 7.12 pace

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    9 miles @ 7.23 pace today. It's a bit cooler out than recent weeks and the drop in temp even by a couple of degrees is a welcome relief. I love running in the heat but the recent humidity has made everything an extra 5% harder than it should be. This has resulted in a little bit of fatigue I think.

    Hope to do 8*1k on grass tomorrow tomorrow. Reps should be 3.25-30. 2 minutes recovery between each.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    8 * 1k with w minutes recovery. Hit intervals in 3.23, 3.24, 3.21, 3.28, 3.22, 3.25,3.19, 3.21. 8 miles total including warm up / cool down

    This was a lot more comfortable than last weeks effort. I sorted out the watch so I could determine the pace as I ran. So I speeded some intervals up and others down.

    The loop I run these intervals is on grass and is horse shaped. So I run from point A to B, take 2 minutes off then run from B to A etc etc. What ever way the wind way blowing today, it made every second interval a little tougher. With the wind behind me I had to put the brakes on slightly, while running into it I needed to put in an extra little effort.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Legs felt quite good today. Managed 8+ miles at 7.20 pace. First few miles were on a trail we haven't run in a few weeks and the recent eat and bit of rain made has it overgrown. I wasn't impressed, I have nettle stings all on my legs, including my thighs. Thankfully I was wearing tight fitting shorts or my nuts would be in bits atm.

    Plan to run a similar distance and pace tomorrow, on the roads possibly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Plan for Friday was 9 handy enough miles. Ended up doing 9 @ 6.40 pace but I have a valid excuse.

    As I was about to walk out the door I saw my ipod so brought it along for some tunes. Don't listen to music much while I'm running. The last time was last year when I ran the London marathon with a bit of an injury. I had the ipod with 20 songs loaded. The first 10 were slow down beat tunes while the second 10 where up beat. The idea being if I were having an off day I'd stick the upbeat tunes on to get me going or if things were going well pop on the down beat to keep me in check. It's something I've never done before or since but things were not going well in the run up to that marathon so gave it a lash.

    Anyway I popped on the ipod in the marathon for 4 of the last 6 miles (the upbeat tunes) and yesterday while running I was listening to the same songs and I got caught up in the memories of running in London and ended up running quicker than I planned. It felt super easy though so I wasn't too bothered. I can remember exactly at what point of the race I was at and what was going on around me for each song I listened to yesterday. It was kinda cool.

    Took Saturday off completely, was going to do 4 very handy miles as I had a bit of a family do last night and wanted to get rid of the **** feeling I had but was too tired today. 15 miles tomorrow, not a mile less. I need to get my long runs sorted out I'm a couple of weeks behind where I should be.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Got 15 miles in at last on Sunday. I'm a bit annoyed that my longer weekend runs haven't been great the last few weeks. I'll blame the heat but if I had of left water out on my route the last few weeks this wouldn't have been a problem.

    Anyway Sundays run felt great first half was nice and slow and picked up the second half slightly. Overall pace was 7.20 which was perfect. I felt great afterwards also and have definitely got a bit of zip back in my legs thanks to skipping a hard session last week. Overall I ran 55 miles last week, won't hit that this week as I'm racing Saturday but the following week will see a slight increase in mileage to get close to 60 miles all going well.

    Monday I ran 7 miles in 7.05. Pace was a little quicker than planned but the recent rainfall has made running on the grass so much more enjoyable. It felt easier than the pace would suggest.

    Tuesday I ran 8 miles. Was going to do a session but opted to run with friends instead. Pace was 7.10ish

    Hope to do a lightish session today (1K-400-1k-400-1k-400-1k-400-1k-400 90 seconds between each interval). The rest of the week will be easy as I want to run as hard as I can on Saturday to assess my current state of fitness. My diet has gone to pot recently so I need to get this sorted asap, Saturday should be a right kick up the ass.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    what pace are you going out an on sat?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    shels4ever wrote: »
    what pace are you going out an on sat?

    Well the initial plan was to try and run close to 27.30. I don't think that's going to be possible this weekend. Maybe on a flat course but not on this one, under 28 minutes might be more realistic.

    Mile splits won't be even as first 2 miles are fast and next 2 are slow. Last year a friend of mine went though the first mile in 4.43 and still finished up with a high 27 minute finish. Maybe I'll try 5.10-15 for the first 2 miles and hope I don't loose too much on the S bends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Well the initial plan was to try and run close to 27.30. I don't think that's going to be possible this weekend. Maybe on a flat course but not on this one, under 28 minutes might be more realistic.

    Mile splits won't be even as first 2 miles are fast and next 2 are slow. Last year a friend of mine went though the first mile in 4.43 and still finished up with a high 27 minute finish. Maybe I'll try 5.10-15 for the first 2 miles and hope I don't loose too much on the S bends.

    Its a tough 5 mile circuit alright, very messy in terms of holding an even tempo. Caught me out completely last year. Did the first mile in 5:10 but ended up with a 28:20. Definitely not PB territory. Military hill is a killer.

    Good to see your training is going well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Wanted to get a bit of pace into the legs without taking away too much from the upcoming 5 mile race on Saturday. I did 1k-2min recovery-400 * 4. Had planned on doing 5 sets and could have got the extra one in but legs were a little sore on the fourth so I decided to ire on the side of caution. 1k times were ~3.15 and 400s were ~75 seconds.

    This session should have felt easier but I ran a little too fast the last 2 days and especially Tuesday. I need to reign in the pace on my easy days and stick to the mantra of running my hard days hard and easy days easy. Thursday and Friday will be very handy runs. I also have a physio appointment booked for Thursday evening to help loosen up my hip and back a bit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Well the initial plan was to try and run close to 27.30. I don't think that's going to be possible this weekend. Maybe on a flat course but not on this one, under 28 minutes might be more realistic.

    Mile splits won't be even as first 2 miles are fast and next 2 are slow. Last year a friend of mine went though the first mile in 4.43 and still finished up with a high 27 minute finish. Maybe I'll try 5.10-15 for the first 2 miles and hope I don't loose too much on the S bends.

    Similar estimation to me: under 28 and lower is a bonus. I did 5.03 for the first mile last year and though it didnt feel too bad, it was too fast and I regretted it during the last 2 miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    very handy run. Those lads who are running the 32 marathons in 32 days were out my way so I ran with them for a bit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Friday 5+ miles very easy

    Saturday Irish Runner 4.9 mile race.

    Felt ****e this morning, didn't sleep that well but seen as I had taken my last 2 days easy and went and spent money on a physio session on Thursday I thought it only right I run the race and see how it went. I was optimistically hoping for 27.30.

    If you haven't guessed from the title the race was short 4.9 miles instead of the advertised 5 miles. I'm not a fan of the race series anyway, although they are generally well run events I'm just not mad on the routes, they are quite tough as any race in the phoenix park is.

    Any way my splits were
    1 5.09
    2 5.31
    3 5.31
    4 5.39
    4.9 4.28 (5.09 pace for a mile)

    Really happy with how things went and there was plenty left in the tank at the end. I probably could have run the S-bends harder but was unsure of how I'd cope in the last mile. Finished in 26.18 which scaling up would have seen me just under 27 minutes or the second fastest time I've ever ran for 5 miles. I think I have been fitter before while racing 5 miles but I've never ran as well as I did today, my tactics were good if I may say so myself.

    By second mile I copped the course was going to be short and when I got to the banner that said "800 to go" this was confirmed on the Garmin so I didn't even bother putting in my normal 100% effort at the end. It's easy to say now but I reckon I could have got very very close to my PB if the course was the full length.

    I'm also entered for the ten mile but I'm thinking of skipping it and running the Longford half marathon the following week instead but we'll see.

    All in all I should be happy where my fitness is at the moment and I'm actually a little surprised at my splits. However the short course has put a dampener on my weekend and left a sour taste in my mouth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Great running tRR. Super time. shame about the short course. That would really frustrate me too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭tisnotover

    Great stuff, savage splits there, can't believe course was short, shouldn't happen...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Great run there RR. Dont let the distance bother you too much. Youre in PB shape: find a few fast races and go for it. Longford half should be a PB course?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Thanks lads. Have calmed down a bit. Maybe I wouldn't have been as vexed if I wasn't close to my PB.
    T runner wrote: »
    Longford half should be a PB course?

    That's where I set my PB so thinking about really going for it now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Ran with the club this morning. 10 miles @ 7.30 pace all on grass. Was going to keep going and do 12-14 but decided there was nothing to be gained in pushing myself that extra little bit the day after a race. It was also quite humid and I was a little dehydrated so the extra couple of miles might have been counterproductive. Funnily enough I thought my back was going to go into spasm after having a shower but luckily it didn't, maybe the extra miles would have led to a little injury. I've actually ran around 53 miles this week which is a bit surprising considering I took it handy for 3 of the days, I did run every day though so that accounts for the higher than expected mileage.

    I'm toying with the idea of racing the Dublin 10k next weekend. My 10k PB is brutal and I'll definitely beat it based on yesterdays run. There are very few 10ks that suit me this year. There is a BHAA one the end of August but it is very close to the Frank Duffy 10 and Longford half marathon. So I'm thinking of setting a PB next weekend. I'll do my long run Thursday and a session on Tuesday or vice versa. The one problem is that I'm heading out for some beers Friday so I'll have to make sure I don't go too mad. I'll see how the week pans out and make a definite call on Friday (when entry closes).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Great run RR...sub 27 is top class stuff.
    I ran my 5k today and it was 5.02k ...ah well better than last years 4.6.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Monday 7.1 miles @ 7:17 min/mile, Felt really good so went a lot quicker than planned was going to skip this run as felt ****e earlier in the day but was buzzing when I got out.

    Tuesday 14 miles @7:23 min/mile, Was suppose to be my long run of the week as original plan was to race 10k on Sunday. I got caught out again with a lack of water on my route and called procedings to a halt early even though the run itself felt very easy.

    Wednesday 6.6 miles @8:20 min/mile, recovery run

    Thursday 6.4 miles @6:53 min/mile. Was suppose to do a light session to prime the body for Sunday's race. However i discovered I was going to Galway for 2 days with work and there was a promise of some beer so decided to scrap race. Was pushed for time so session got scrapped as well.

    Friday Rest

    Saturday 6.2 miles @ 6:38 min/mile, Run after excesses of Galway, just happy to get a few miles in as time was tight.

    Sunday 13.1 miles @ 6:50 min/mile. Ran down to Clondalkin and watched a section of the Dublin 10k. Felt great again today.

    So that just over 53 miles for this week. Not the week I had planned but I feel really refreshed and my legs are buzzing so should help in the coming weeks.

    I've had a good think about upcoming races and I've decided to stick my neck out and say that I'm going to aim for a ten mile PB in the Frank Duffy Race. To date this year I've ran my second fastest marathon, 4 mile, 5k and 5 miler (well 4.9). They were set over a 5 year period so I'm having a good year but it's time to run some PBs. My 10 mile PB is 56.33 (not 56.20 as I previously thought). That was run on a ridiculously fast course and was my fourth race in 7 days :eek: (back in 2002 when I was a bit mad other 3 races were 57.30 10 mile, 9.55 2 mile and 36 minute 10k).

    I had thought a PB in the race series was impossible but the 10 mile route has been tamed seriously and based on the (potential) 5 mile time I ran in the park recently I think a target of 56.30 is realistic. The initial plan is to go through 5 miles in 28 minutes and then try to hang on. Miles 6.5-8.5 are the ones that are going to have a bearing on this attempt. If training and race day go to plan then a PB is possible. I just need to get the head down and get the hard miles in now.

    I also hope to run a BHAA 10k, 4 days later in Firhouse. But, I won't decide on that until the day of the day of the race itself.

    I ordered a new pair of asics Kayano's last night. I've worn this model for the last 9 years and have found them to be brilliant. I've deviated with other shoes now and again but haven't had much luck. My current ones were a bit knackered and when I checked they actually had 487 miles on them (500 today). I need to get a second rotation pair also but am not willing to shell out the cash for a second pair of kayanos. If anybody has suggestions for a cheaper alternative to the kayanos please let me know. Asics evolution are in the same class as the kayanos but I have apair of them and am not mad on them. I bought a pair of New balance 769s back in Feb as my secondary runners and while they are lighter and suit me down to the ground (I actually ran a marathon in them and found them great) I don't think they have aged as well as the Kayanos. They only have 300 miles on them but they feel as knackered as the Kayanos!

    Time to get the head down and start lashing into some serious sessions for this PB attempt. Bring it on like donkey kong :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    I also hope to run a BHAA 10k, 4 days later in Firhouse. But, I won't decide on that until the day of the day of the race itself.

    Are you sure about that date? I could be wrong but I thought that race was saturday september 11th.
    I think I said hello to you today at the 10k. Where you wearing a greenish/brownish t-shirt?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    tunguska wrote: »
    Are you sure about that date? I could be wrong but I thought that race was saturday september 11th.
    I think I said hello to you today at the 10k. Where you wearing a greenish/brownish t-shirt?

    Think you are right about the eleventh as thats is my first race planned of the season

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    tunguska wrote: »
    Are you sure about that date? I could be wrong but I thought that race was saturday september 11th.

    Thanks lads. Yep I had the date wrong. Excellent, I can really have good go at this one then as well so.
    tunguska wrote: »
    I think I said hello to you today at the 10k. Where you wearing a greenish/brownish t-shirt?

    No that wasn't me. I was sporting a beautiful turquoise blue adidas technical training top :D I was on the canal just after the water table at 6k.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Monday: All the 7s, 7 miles @ 7 minute pace. Very warm and sticky day, felt good so ended up running a lot quicker than planned. Was on my own as well and I was starving do must have been subconsciously rushing back for some nosh.

    Tuesday: Chillin' 8+ miles @ 8.08 minute pace. This was more like it. Had company and was very enjoyable. Would have liked to add in another couple of miles but was pushed for time (again).

    Wednesday: lock and load 6 * 1 mile reps with 2 minute recovery. Best and easiest session of the year so far. Splits were 5.32, 5.16, 5.26, 5.22, 5.21, 5.24.

    This sessions felt so so so so easy. I felt like I was jogging and reckoned I had another gear I could have hit. Having said that a shorter recovery probably would have knocked the $hite out of me so won't get carried away with myself.

    This session as well as some recent races have reinforced the fact that I have decent enough leg speed. Without doing any short reps I can still churn out 5 minute miles in races. I use to be a (relatively) decent 400 and 800 metre runner so maybe that's where it comes from. What I really need to build is my stamina endurance, particularly for races over 10k.

    Rest of the week is about recovery and getting some decent miles in the legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 911 ✭✭✭heffsarmy

    Wednesday: lock and load 6 * 1 mile reps with 2 minute recovery. Best and easiest session of the year so far. Splits were 5.32, 5.16, 5.26, 5.22, 5.21, 5.24.

    Great session RR, looks like a 55min 10mile could be a realistic target for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    heffsarmy wrote: »
    Great session RR, looks like a 55min 10mile could be a realistic target for you.


    Great speed RR. Just a few 20 milers and the 2:48 will be PB no more
