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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    63 Days to DCM

    Monday: am 7 miles@ 7.45 pace. Handy run along the canal. Legs feel great. Really really great actually. I'm normally crippled after a 10 miler. Ive been wearing my new flats more regularly in training and that is definitely help. Stomach still not the best. Better than yesterday but still very tender.

    pm: 5 miles @ 8.25 pace. Another handy run just to shake legs out again. Made some poor food choices for dinner and intestines were in a joker as a result. During my evening jaunt I single handed ripped up Ireland's involvement in the Kyoto protocol. Let's just say emissions through the roof :o On the plus side legs are super duper and tummy feels back to normalish. Have a real mojo for running the past few days. Starting to feel things going in the right direction.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    62 Days to DCM

    Tuesday: 20 miles @ 6.53 pace. Legs felt great this morning. Had left plenty of water along the route yesterday on the way home from work so that was a big help. Did this early in the morning also so heat wasn't a major factor. Took 2 isotonic gels and two hydration sachets during the run. I was mindful that I hadn't been well and didn't want to make matters worse. In hindsight I was silly to do this run (and yesterdays) as I really was in a jocker Sunday and yesterday evening. I'm great at dishing out advice but not great at heeding my own. In my defence today was the best chance I had of getting this run in so that's why I took the risk. However I feel grand after it and no dodgy side effects to report. Happy with pace considering about half of the run was along the canal bank and essentially off road. Much improved on last weeks slog. Deadly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭BobMac104

    some running, fair play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    TRR wrote: »
    62 Days to DCM

    Tuesday: 20 miles @ 6.53 pace. Legs felt great this morning. Had left plenty of water along the route yesterday on the way home from work so that was a big help. Did this early in the morning also so heat wasn't a major factor. Took 2 isotonic gels and two hydration sachets during the run. I was mindful that I hadn't been well and didn't want to make matters worse. In hindsight I was silly to do this run (and yesterdays) as I really was in a jocker Sunday and yesterday evening. I'm great at dishing out advice but not great at heeding my own. In my defence today was the best chance I had of getting this run in so that's why I took the risk. However I feel grand after it and no dodgy side effects to report. Happy with pace considering about half of the run was along the canal bank and essentially off road. Much improved on last weeks slog. Deadly.

    im ever so slowly beginning to take agin' you :)

    Great run, im amazed how quickly you gain conditioning back.*

    *havent ruled out epo yet

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    *havent ruled out epo yet

    Either have I. I actually have access, would be an interesting experiment ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    TRR wrote: »
    Either have I. I actually have access, would be an interesting experiment ;)

    Mmmmm and your trainee sets super times, You must have given me the back s$%t

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Mmmmm and your trainee sets super times, You must have given me the back s$%t

    she's on special rocket fuel at the moment .......... The problem with your progress was the weekly pints avec moi

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Pronator wrote: »
    Well done today Dave. Very good time. A few more weeks of good training and you will be well set for DCM.

    Ease off the dutch gold and you'll be just fine:D

    Well done yourself Ian. Shame you cant do national half.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    60 days to DCM

    WEdnesday: 7 miles @ 7.32 pace. Nice recovery run legs felt fine after long run but were obviously a little tired. Stuck to the flattest smoothest part of the canal for this to get maximum recovery benefit. Had a hissy fit as lad I was running with insisted on pushing the pace even though we had agreed to keep the pace 7.30+. He has a habit of doing this, he runs all his runs 7.05-7.10 pace. I was majorly pissed off so after 1.5 miles I told him to feck off and ran in the opposite direction. Was supposed to do a handy one in the evening but had tummy cramps again so had to skip. Was in rag order.

    Thursday: 12 miles @ 6.50 pace. This run rocked, my legs rocked, felt like I could have lit a cigar on this one. Had to keep applying the brakes as plan was for 7 min pace. Half of run was off road so average pace was very good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    Thursday: 12 miles @ 6.50 pace. This run rocked, my legs rocked, felt like I could have lit a cigar on this one. Had to keep applying the brakes as plan was for 7 min pace. Half of run was off road so average pace was very good.

    Clearly the result of a rub down and a refuel... You just couldn't stay away could you... Sick.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    59 Days to DCM

    Friday: 10 miles with 8 at current MP (6.05).

    Plan was for 2 mile intervals at HM pace today. Had arranged a nice training group but things/muppets transpired against me and had to put off training until this evening:mad: Only free window I had was from 8.30-10 pm and this was too close to dinner (spicy noodles) so I decided against 2 mile intervals as I knew they would be very hard to do solo/with no designated loop and the time of day (not great at pushing it late in the evening), the threat of meeting the spicy noodles again was very real also :o Was going to just run 10 miles at whatever pace but manned up and ran a bit of a session. Loop I ran on is quite challenging, fast first section flattens out then remaining 40% is slightly uphill. Really works the abdominals over the last 2 miles. I reckon 6.05 i close to my current MP so was delighted to hit that average bang on, as I said the course is challenging so even running relatively even effort the time difference between the fastest and slowest mile splits was 25 seconds. Hectic weekend ahead with family stuff so just aiming to get 2 runs of any description in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Nice session TRR.

    7 good weeks still left. Those 8@6:05 will feel like an easy trot on the 29th Oct

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    57 Days to DCM

    A lot of with the family this weekend so delighted to get two runs in. They were nothing special but took a bit of planning to get them done. I love training for a big event like the DCM. Training gets done no matter what, it's a mental thing, a training perspective if you like. Without a big event on the horizon I wouldn't have trained this weekend so gold star for me :) Also just below 80 miles for the week so that's a big step forward. Hope to get close to that again next week although the way things are stacking up it's going to be a struggle.

    Saturday: 7.5 @ 7.40. Legs nice and loose after late Friday effort but could definitely feel a little tiredness in there. Was up and out before anybody woke in the house and as I walked in the door the little fellah was only starting to wake up so result. Not a fan of early morning runs especially when I have not had a chance to get some food in and a coffee to stimulate the mind/body.

    Sunday: 8 @ 6.55. Similar situation as yesterday, had hoped to get out nice and early but couldn't lift the head from the pillow and was looking at a 9pm run :mad: Nippers went for an afternoon nap and there were proviosional plans to head down to the local with a couple of friends to watch the Dublin vs Mayo game (I know I know, not a good day to be a Dub:mad:). Decided to go for my run instead, the lads think I've totally lost the plot. Same as above though, when I'm training for an event other sports and sports people become irrelevant and it's all about me. I'd a much better buzz out of running a good DCM or a PB in the half in 2 weeks time compared to Dublin/Ireland winning an all Ireland/World cup etc etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    56 Days to DCM

    Monday: am 9 miles @ 6.50 pace. Run along canal and trails. Legs feeling nice and strong. Had to keep an eye on the pace again. Felt easier to run slightly quicker but not falling into that trap. Legs feeling very good but I do have some tightness in regions of Achilles and lower leg that I've never felt before. Stretching regime is still very poor so need to get back on it before a problem arises.
    Pm: 4 miles @ 8 minute pace. Recovery run with the dog. Beautiful evening. Really enjoyable. Legs feeling good again.

    I might run the bhaa 10k this weekend as a blow out if it suits. Will probably decide on Friday or Saturday morning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    55 dys to DCM

    Tuesday: 20 miles @ 7.20ish. God I was fecked on this one. Met CL to help her pace a session. Managed to mess that up on her. Recovery sections were designed to get the legs going after a bad mile, these absolutely banjaxed me. Then met ecoli for 7 miles and he had to listen to mr moan from the first mile. Would have stopped if I hadn't the company. Not a great run overall but it's another 20 in the tank and 2+ hours on my feet. I think I actually hit the wall at 16 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭BobMac104

    how many 20+ milers will you do all going well do you think?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    so far I've 2 * 16 miles, an 18 miler and 2 * 20 milers done.

    There are just under 8 weeks to go, 7 if you exclude this one so will probably done another 3 * 20 milers hopefully. Next week is a step back week because I'm hoping to race a half and want to be relatively fresh. Will then do a block of 3 * 80 mile weeks (fingers crossed), these three weeks will have the 20 milers. I'll then take a slight step back week (70 miles) and may sneak in a 18 miler here before entering 2 week taper. Plan is constantly evolving and while I have great ideas I just have to roll with it and hope than I can hit most of that longer stuff. Also hope to start throwing in some MP stuff to the long runs. Although today has put me off that :)

    If I can do 85% of the above I'll be happy. Considering my build up for London was ****e I'm not getting too overly stressed. I know what needs to be done for me to hit certain times and I'm on track.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    55 dys to DCM

    Tuesday: 20 miles @ 7.20ish. God I was fecked on this one. Met CL to help her pace a session. Managed to mess that up on her. Recovery sections were designed to get the legs going after a bad mile, these absolutely banjaxed me. Then met ecoli for 7 miles and he had to listen to mr moan from the first mile. Would have stopped if I hadn't the company. Not a great run overall but it's another 20 in the tank and 2+ hours on my feet. I think I actually hit the wall at 16 miles.

    Speak for yourself slow-poke! I thought it was a great run. I think Holy God banjaxed your legs on the simulated bad miles as punishment for being a sick slave driver... ;)

    Any chance of those splits you paced so badly?! :rolleyes::pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    claralara wrote: »
    Speak for yourself slow-poke! I thought it was a great run. I think Holy God banjaxed your legs on the simulated bad miles as punishment for being a sick slave driver... ;)

    Any chance of those splits you paced so badly?! :rolleyes::pac:

    Any chance you could RTFM and sort out a software update on your garmin? I've emailed you those top secret splits ;) anything else I can do for you today????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    Any chance you could RTFM and sort out a software update on your garmin? I've emailed you those top secret splits ;) anything else I can do for you today????

    Nope, that should suffice thank you.

    And I think I'll leave my Garmin software as it stands; it currently indicates that I'll be running 2:47 in Berlin and have a BF % of 4.8... if it's not broke eh?! :rolleyes:;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    49 Days to DCM

    Wednesday: 10 @ 6.57. Legs feeling great on this one. Ran to local park did a lap on grass and ran back home. Beautiful evening sunshine. One of the nicest runs of the year to date.

    Thursday: 9 @ 7.16. Body in a jocker on this one, no zip or life.

    Friday: 7.5 @ 7.24. Originally planned for a session but had to rule this out and actually hoped to run a 10k race on the Saturday instead. Did this with ecoli on grass. Didn't feel great

    Saturday: 9 @ 6.30. Missed race and had an hour to squeeze in a run so I just ran steady on the roads instead. This was quite comfortable and I was happy to see a slightly faster than pace compared to recent days. Effort was the same.

    Sunday: 9 @ 7.11. Well after 9pm before I got out for this run. Felt like I had the streets to myself as there was little or no car traffic and zero pedestrian traffic in the misty rain. Had to seriously motivate myself to get out the door for this one but after 10 minutes I was as happy as a pig in poo.

    At first glance last week was a disaster. Family stuff had to come first and running was pushed to one side, still managed to get close to 80 miles in for the week so a couple more "disaster" weeks like this and I'll be laughing. In hindsight the reason last week felt so hard is because most my runs were done as singles and there was little or no recovery. I missed out on my planned session but this couldn't be helped so I'm not going to dwell on it.

    This week is a slight step back week. Need to get the legs right and do what I should have done a long time ago and go sub 75 in a half marathon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    49 Days to DCM

    Monday: 10 miles @ 7.15. Super run along the canal and grounds of Carton house. Got this done nice and early, really enjoyable and had company as well. Legs felt nice and loose which was surprising as I normally feel wrecked the following morning after a late evening run. Running companion works with me and we were devising our big training sessions over the coming weeks with DCM in mind. Very exciting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    Need to get the legs right and do what I should have done a long time ago and go sub 75 in a half marathon.

    If you need a pacer for that gimme a shout... ;)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Are you doing the Dublin half?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    claralara wrote: »
    If you need a pacer for that gimme a shout... ;)

    Thanks champ but it's a 75 minute half marathon not a 75 minute 10k I'm looking for.
    Are you doing the Dublin half?

    Sure am

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Is there a team competition for this? Its bhaa right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    tunguska wrote: »
    Is there a team competition for this? Its bhaa right?

    Yeah it's BHAA race, not too sure about teams etc.

    47 Days to DCM

    Tuesday: 7 miles @ 7 min pace. Not feeling good. Run down and legs heavy

    Wednesday: 8 miles with HMP intervals thrown in. Felt like absolute crap. Legs a little better but overall I feel very drained as if I'm coming down with something.

    Getting a little worried for Saturday's race if I'm honest. I've missed the 2 main sessions I hoped to get done between the Frank Duffy and this half marathon, that in itself isn't the major problem this feeling of crapness I'm experiencing has me really worried. If there is no improvement by Friday I'll knock the race on the head as it could do more harm than good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    46 Days to DCM

    Thursday: 7 miles @ 7 minute pace. Moan, groan, more moan, bloody work, bloody kids, moan, groan, feel like crap, moan, groan, head not right, moan, groan, feel like I'm running on empty blah, blah etc etc. Right I'm off to have 2 cans of medicinal Guinness, can't make thing worse!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    TRR wrote: »
    46 Days to DCM

    Thursday: 7 miles @ 7 minute pace. Moan, groan, more moan, bloody work, bloody kids, moan, groan, feel like crap, moan, groan, head not right, moan, groan, feel like I'm running on empty blah, blah etc etc. Right I'm off to have 2 cans of medicinal Guinness, can't make thing worse!

    hahahaha I think we can all sympathise with that. I had an indian (rice and naan to boot) and a few beers last night and this morning at 6am it was all sloshing around while I was plodding the roads and considering a new hobby, miserable. Then, 2 miles tfrom my house, it all desparately tried to escape....

    I dont know about you, but I always have an off week during marathon training, one where you just feel knackered. It usually goes as quickly as it came. Youve not been overtraining and dont sound sick - so if you are eating right you prob be right as rain soon. Good luck on sat.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    I dont know about you, but I always have an off week during marathon training, one where you just feel knackered. It usually goes as quickly as it came. Youve not been overtraining and dont sound sick - so if you are eating right you prob be right as rain soon. Good luck on sat.

    Cheers, yes definitely feel better today.

    Friday: 5 easy miles @ 7.20 pace. Legs feels a lot better and overall fatigue that has been weighing on my shoulders has lifted a good bit. Another decent night sleep and I should be all set for tomorrow. Confidence is the major concern but that shouldn't be a problem once the gun goes. Looking forward to the race and the weekend now.
