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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Can you drop me over 2ltr of low fat milk this evening? nice little run for you.

    You'd be better off getting the milk yourself.
    Don't mean to come across as a know-it-all (you've been doing this a lot longer (and faster) than me. Just thought I'd share my own recent experiences.

    Cheers KC. I agree with most of that. I use Thursday as my one and only weigh in day. I'm taking a 5 month view so the data points will be well spread out. I also have a built in fat composition thingy in the scales. It's not 100% accurate but it acts as a good guide and when I see weight loss I also see decreases in body fat composition. I didn't lose anything last week (probably did but didn't see it on my weigh in day) so that 2lbs is over 2 weeks. My wife bought me two new pairs of jeans last week as she reckons I've no arse in the ones I was wearing, I've also had to make a new hole in the belt. I'm convinced it's body fat that I'm shifting and there is still a fair bit around the mid rift (although the abs are winking at me ;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    what do you weigh? As KC says you look fairly thin in that pic

    My thinking would be

    1. You are in PB shape so you cant be that chunky?
    2. A proper marathon training cycle will have you down to whatever you should be at fairly quickly, so enjoy the pre-event training and the odd treat or 6. You only get one life. Cut the brownies and crisps out for the big event.
    3. Never, ever let your Mrs buy your clothes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    TRR wrote: »
    My wife bought me two new pairs of jeans last week

    Slippery slope.....:eek::eek:
    3. Never, ever let your Mrs buy your clothes.

    Take note TRR....

    I bet Mrs Blunder didn't buy that nice orange top he was running in last night ;):D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    what do you weigh?

    6 foot 1 an weight just under 12 stone 2lb or ~77kg hardly light on my feet
    1. You are in PB shape so you cant be that chunky?

    I'm not chunky but there is weight there that doesn't need to be and I've been losing weight without too much hardship lately so may as well try shift some more.
    2. A proper marathon training cycle will have you down to whatever you should be at fairly quickly, so enjoy the pre-event training and the odd treat or 6. You only get one life. Cut the brownies and crisps out for the big event.

    I haven't drastically changed my diet, cut out bread completely and still have a treat at coffee or in the evening after dinner. Have a sweet tooth so eating lots of high sugar fruit like grapes and pineapple.
    3. Never, ever let your Mrs buy your clothes.

    Agreed but there is no talking to her. In fairness she was at me a while to buy new jeans and I just didn't bother. I was too busy toting up the calories in my breakfast ;) Feck sake I'm coming across as being anorexic in these posts :)
    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Slippery slope.....:eek::eek:

    I'll take your word for it. I heard your 3rd wife said you were an ungrateful bastard and would never shop for you again ;

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Slippery slope.....:eek::eek:

    Take note TRR....

    I bet Mrs Blunder didn't buy that nice orange top he was running in last night ;):D

    Holy crap I was actually in an orange top yesterday :O

    Ok look. Im a realist. We all know how this ends. ill head out for an easy 10k some saturday morning and my body will never be found.

    All I ask is that before you two decide on a green light for 'operation human skinsuit' that you give me time to knock out a PB in the DCM.

    Deal? :)
    TRR wrote: »
    6 foot 1 an weight just under 12 stone 2lb or ~77kg hardly light on my feet

    Hardly heavy either. sounds like you have it in hand....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Holy crap I was actually in an orange top yesterday :O

    I don't think you are getting this, they are seriously stalking you. They are a very, very, very odd couple!
    Hardly heavy either. sounds like you have it in hand....

    Yeah not exactly chubster McKenzie but I'm guessing most sub 2.30 marathon runners are lighter and have a lower body fat compositions than I currently have or have had in the past. No use me breaking my bollix training like a demon and undoing all the good work in the kitchen!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    TRR wrote: »
    Yeah not exactly chubster McKenzie but I'm guessing most sub 2.30 marathon runners are lighter and have a lower body fat compositions than I currently have or have had in the past. No use me breaking my bollix training like a demon and undoing all the good work in the kitchen!

    What would you like to be seeing yourself at weight wise on October 28th? Ideally...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    blockic wrote: »
    What would you like to be seeing yourself at weight wise on October 28th? Ideally...

    I have a figure in my head but I don't know how realistic it is so I'm not going to say. I always thought 12 stone would be good for me but I think something well below that is the new target.

    Listen at the end of the day if I run a PB in DCM weighing 17 stone I won't give a ****e. I'm all about the times but I realise weight is lined to that sadly!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    TRR - quick question - I see you ran (& done well in :) ) the Maynooth 10k last year - whats the course like? I believe its flat, but is there much on Grass/trail??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    TRR - quick question - I see you ran (& done well in :) ) the Maynooth 10k last year - whats the course like? I believe its flat, but is there much on Grass/trail??

    Thanks, that race has been in existence for 2 years and the course has been slightly different both years. The original course took in some of the trails around Carton house. They are lovely to run on although there is a nice climb around the 7k mark I think. Last year due to bad weather they avoided the trails and stayed on the road to Leixlip before doing a swift about turn and running back towards Carton and then we stayed on the road through. It finsihes on the avenue and the last 2k are a drag especially if the wind is blowing. Either way I'd say it's a enough fast course although last year would have been faster than the first year. It's a great race. They have a couple of runners involved in the organisation and the course measurement is good and the post race spread is spot on. Definitely recommend it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Just a quick poolside update from Spain ;)

    Friday: no running due to travel and beer, lots and lots of beer. The beer led to some shenanigans Saturday morning.

    Saturday: after a good solid beer swigging session the subject of the beer mile came up. Some of the lads were intrigued by this most prestigious event so at 3am we decided to initiate the inaugural Calle beer km. The run consisted of running approximately 125 metres down the promenade a sharp turn around at a chair and back. I took the wise decision in insisting we used small 250 ml bottles of San Miguel as the official beer. Needless to say the attrition rate was massive. From a starting field of 7 only myself and another lad managed to finish. I had to walk the last 300 metres and just about held down the final bottle of beer. This training event has given me a new found respect for the beer mile. I probably won't go on the lash before it though ;)

    Saturday noon: 5 miles @ 6.40 pace. Super run along the coast. No beer involved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    TRR wrote: »
    Just a quick poolside update from Spain ;)

    Friday: no running due to travel and beer, lots and lots of beer. The beer led to some shenanigans Saturday morning.

    Saturday: after a good solid beer swigging session the subject of the beer mile came up. Some of the lads were intrigued by this most prestigious event so at 3am we decided to initiate the inaugural Calle beer km. The run consisted of running approximately 125 metres down the promenade a sharp turn around at a chair and back. I took the wise decision in insisting we used small 250 ml bottles of San Miguel as the official beer. Needless to say the attrition rate was massive. From a starting field of 7 only myself and another lad managed to finish. I had to walk the last 300 metres and just about held down the final bottle of beer. This training event has given me a new found respect for the beer mile. I probably won't go on the lash before it though ;)

    Starting to get worried now. Everyone seems to be putting in the work. What ever happened to living off natural talent:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Sunday and Monday: sweet FA, could have managed to get a run in on the Sunday but went for a beer and a dip in the pool instead. Was feeling mildly guilty but had said all along that I was going to take a few days off running so the guilt subsided.

    Tuesday: 9 miles @ 7 minute pace. This felt ok, legs were really fresh and lower leg pain has gone thankfully. Have been getting a lot of leg cramps the last few days. Guess it's a result of rich food, beer and heat. Knock on effect is that my legs feels a little tender, calfs feel like they have minor tears in them after unlocking them from lots of nasty night time cramps.

    Wednesday: 15 miles @ 7.10 pace. Grand easy run but was made a little tougher as I hadn't time to "fuel" properly and was hungry from mile 1. Legs still a little tender and I'm very stiff (in a non-sexual way digger). Have to up my stretching routine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Thursday: 7 miles @ 6.15 pace. Stuck for time as was working from home and forget the mrs was heading off this evening so did an unplanned progression/fartlek/tempo/run-how-I-feel/makey-uppy type run. Started off nice and slow and increased the pace gradually. Pretty enjoyable and nice and windy out there too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    I need to get some practise in for this beer mile, reckon the odds for this have taken a turn - cheers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,120 ✭✭✭Gringo78

    Hardly heavy either.....

    2 lbs in a week is a serious amount of weight loss. I'd almost offer the (non-informed) opinion that it's too much

    Hey TRR, dissappointing to read that you haven't been getting proper support around here for your eating disorder. I for one am happy to hear that you are sorting the chronic weight problems out.

    Don't worry about the in-accuracy of the body fat % feature on your weighing scales. Up at the high figures of body fat that your scales are measuring, the error will be negligible.

    Continue the good work and ignore the stares, you know in your own heart that you're tackling the problem, can't do any better than that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Gringo78 wrote: »
    Hey TRR, dissappointing to read that you haven't been getting proper support around here for your eating disorder. I for one am happy to hear that you are sorting the chronic weight problems out.

    Yeah it's a disgrace. I'm looking for what my running friends call the convict look, that gauntness where you almost look ill, we also have other names for it that are related to terminal illness and are a bit insensitive so I'll let you use your own imagination!

    Friday: 12+ miles @ 6.58. Feeling good on this one, had great company for the first 10 and had hoped to push it out to 14 but just didn't have the heart to keep going on own my own. Was also very very hungry and was dying to get back to my lunch.

    Messy weekend ahead with little ones birthday so not sure how much or what kind of running I'll manage to fit in. I will fit something in though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    TRR wrote: »

    Messy weekend ahead with little ones birthday so not sure how much or what kind of running I'll manage to fit in. I will fit something in though!

    Rereading the last post this sounds terrible, what I meant was it would be tough to find time for a run. Saturday I was like Henry Hill from Goodfellas running around trying to get everything set for family birthday party :) Fecking disaster with the BBQ between, gas bottle, gas connection and then the BBQ itself dying but it all worked out well in the end.

    Saturday: 7 miles @ 6.19 pace. Had an hour to kill in the morning so got out then but had to be back showered and dressed to go pick up a cake. Anyway headed out and just ran by feel in the end. Initially the plan was to wear my new saucony A5s and do a hard 5k section but after 70 metres in the new flats I knew I was going to be in trouble if I ran hard in them. Legs a little tender and they have zero cushioning so back for a quick shoe change also decided to knock 5k session as felling a little pooped. Similar run to Thursday's in terms of route etc, just upped the pace as the miles ticked by but had to take the foot off for miles 6 and 7 as was starting to feel way too hard. I'm very happy in hindsight as this shows a hard 5k session would have been no benefit. Also happy I switched the shoes, 5 minutes down the road I was listening to my iPod and there is a snow patrol song I associate with the bout of shin splints I had before London 2009. That song came on and I took it as a little sign from the running gods that I had dodged a bullet.

    I'm sitting here now waiting for the kids to fall asleep before heading out. I have 2 options

    1) Do a run, I've been on my feet, climbing and bouncing on bouncy castles all day so I'm a bit tired and it isn't appealing.

    2) Go to the pub. This is really appealing. Dying for a beer and a bit of craic but would mean missing a run and probably not feeling great tomorrow.

    Decisions, decisions. Maybe I should put up a poll :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Run to the pub and run home again after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭drquirky

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Run to the pub and run home again after.

    Yeah was gonna say something similar. There has to be a train to kick Krusty's ass in the Beer Mile solution that would kill two birds with one stone here, no?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    drquirky wrote: »
    Yeah was gonna say something similar. There has to be a train to kick Krusty's ass in the Beer Mile solution that would kill two birds with one stone here, no?

    Sure he knew that when he wrote the post, its the obvious answer. I reckon he's already gone for the run, he'll be back soon with a post like "Well I decided against the pub, headed out for 6 quick miles, helped an old lady across the road when I was out there, amn't I great", the big jessie thanks whore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    drquirky wrote: »
    There has to be a train to kick Krusty's ass in the Beer Mile
    4:10 for a beer half mile? Sure that's sh1te. Stick it into MacMillan (you have to tick the 'with beer' check-box) and it extrapolates to 9 minutes and 45 seconds for the full mile. Sure, that's not even a Pisco Sour beating time (equivalent to an Oprah marathon (no offense Pisco!)).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Sure he knew that when he wrote the post, its the obvious answer. I reckon he's already gone for the run, he'll be back soon with a post like "Well I decided against the pub, headed out for 6 quick miles, helped an old lady across the road when I was out there, amn't I great", the big jessie thanks whore.

    Kurt you are some prick. First off you give the novices abuse then you come in here and give an "elite" athlete like myelf some of your cranky ass attitude. I'd call you the C word if I wasn't such a gent ;)

    Sunday: 10 miles @ 6.35. Was 60-40 on for the run when I posted earlier, but the fact I couldn't find my ipod and the garmin appeared dead swung the balance of power only for the ipod to turn up and garmin to magically restart. There was an auld one waiting at a set of lights looking for help to cross the road, without stopping I managed to knock her over and rob her purse. F**k you kurt :)

    As a compromise I promised myself two beers from the fridge. I'm off to chug them now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    TRR wrote: »
    Kurt you are some prick. First off you give the novices abuse then you come in here and give an "elite" athlete like myelf some of your cranky ass attitude. I'd call you the C word if I wasn't such a gent ;)

    Sunday: 10 miles @ 6.35. Was 60-40 on for the run when I posted earlier, but the fact I couldn't find my ipod and the garmin appeared dead swung the balance of power only for the ipod to turn up and garmin to magically restart. There was an auld one waiting at a set of lights looking for help to cross the road, without stopping I managed to knock her over and rob her purse. F**k you kurt :)

    As a compromise I promised myself two beers from the fridge. I'm off to chug them now.

    You're guaranteed at least one "thanks" with that post:D
    Enjoy the beers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    You're guaranteed at least one "thanks" with that post:D
    Enjoy the beers

    I'm into adoration, thanks do nothing for me. Ask the auld one at the traffic lights!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    TRR wrote: »
    Rereading the last post this sounds terrible, what I meant was it would be tough to find time for a run. Saturday I was like Henry Hill from Goodfellas running around trying to get everything set for family birthday party :) Fecking disaster with the BBQ between, gas bottle, gas connection and then the BBQ itself dying but it all worked out well in the end.

    Saturday: 7 miles @ 6.19 pace. Had an hour to kill in the morning so got out then but had to be back showered and dressed to go pick up a cake. Anyway headed out and just ran by feel in the end. Initially the plan was to wear my new saucony A5s and do a hard 5k section but after 70 metres in the new flats I knew I was going to be in trouble if I ran hard in them. Legs a little tender and they have zero cushioning so back for a quick shoe change also decided to knock 5k session as felling a little pooped. Similar run to Thursday's in terms of route etc, just upped the pace as the miles ticked by but had to take the foot off for miles 6 and 7 as was starting to feel way too hard. I'm very happy in hindsight as this shows a hard 5k session would have been no benefit. Also happy I switched the shoes, 5 minutes down the road I was listening to my iPod and there is a snow patrol song I associate with the bout of shin splints I had before London 2009. That song came on and I took it as a little sign from the running gods that I had dodged a bullet.

    I'm sitting here now waiting for the kids to fall asleep before heading out. I have 2 options

    1) Do a run, I've been on my feet, climbing and bouncing on bouncy castles all day so I'm a bit tired and it isn't appealing.

    2) Go to the pub. This is really appealing. Dying for a beer and a bit of craic but would mean missing a run and probably not feeling great tomorrow.

    Decisions, decisions. Maybe I should put up a poll :)
    "ever since I can remember all I ever wanted to be was a gangster"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    5 mile PB in 26.12ish. Will post a report as soon as I sort my stomach out and can leave the vicinity of the jacks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    TRR wrote: »
    . Will post a report as soon as I sort my stomach out and can leave the vicinity of the jacks

    :D...Job well done so by the sounds of it! Super time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    When it's coming out both ends you know you've run hard! Well done.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 264 ✭✭Big Logger

    pconn062 wrote: »
    When it's coming out both ends you know you've run hard! Well done.

    what has he got...two arseholes? :D
