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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    10 - think it's 16secs, so you need to find 300mts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    10 - think it's 16secs, so you need to find 300mts.

    4 * 16 = 64. Ah that should be no problem. I'm hoping to cover 400 laps in that :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Guess I'll need to HTFU so you don't pass me by lap 5!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Guess I'll need to HTFU so you don't pass me by lap 5!!!

    :) I think you'll be safe enough. Weather looks good today no wind thankfully so hopefully it stays like that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Well I didn't go sub 10. 10.05 I think, just waiting on official results. In theory this puts an end to the drive for five PBs ......................... or does it ?

    Technically this was a PB, a 2 mile track (versus road) PB. I also went through 3k in 9.25 which is 5-7 seconds faster than my 3k (only ever raced it once before) PB. It's all a bit tenuous but I'm happy to say the drive for five is still alive :D

    Race went OK, was hitting 75 seconds pretty consistently but messed up a little on one lap (6 I think), caught a big group and hesitated too long before pushing on, lost time because of this.

    Not a fan of the handicap system, it's not great for fast times but is good for races I suppose. I was standard 6, I should have ran with a friend of mine who was down as standard 3. I think our times were close and we could have worked together. On the plus side I did finish 2nd and bagged a 30 euro voucher for runways so result.

    By the way my Garmin had the race at 2.09 miles. Another long course? I think not. Just goes to show how much we deviate from the racing line in races because the accuracy of this one isn't up for debate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    By the way my Garmin had the race at 2.09 miles. Another long course? I think not. Just goes to show how much we deviate from the racing line in races because the accuracy of this one isn't up for debate.

    well done in the race, good to get another PB and 30euro to show for it!

    thats funny about the garmin reading! the proof is in the pudding on this one....lesson to be learned! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Thursday: Unplanned rest day. Really pissed off with this plan was to take Saturday off. I could have got out early in the day if I wasn't so lazy put it off until the evening when I knew time would be tight and didn't happen. Hate missing days through bad planning.

    Friday: 8 miles super handy. Ran with a poor chap from work he normally doesn't go over 5 miles. Was fine for the first 4 but at 6 miles he died a death. I felt like a dick but I had to run on without him the last 2 miles, in my defence I think he walked a good bit.

    Saturday: Garmin is playing up as has condensation inside and at times it's impossible to read the display. Left the watch at home and ran quite hard for the first 4-5 miles. Worrying thing is I couldn't judge what the pace was. Bloody Garmin has made my race gage lazy. Calf started to cramp up so played it safe and finished at 8 miles instead of the planned 10.

    Sunday: 15 miles @ 7.20 pace. Ran with Stupid_Private. Glad of the company as would have packed it in at 12 if I was on my own. Not feeling great, just a little tired. Last Saturdays 10 miles is still still giving me a kick in the nuts. Was quite warm and a little wet at time, forgot to wear plaster on my chest and after an hour my nipples were being slowly erased. Had to take my top off to the delight of SP and all the ladies in the park. Flexed the auld guns whenever I was within 20 metres of a woman. I think they loved it. They were smiling anyway ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,031 ✭✭✭Stupid_Private

    Ah yeah, running half naked... Give the people what they want!

    I stopped by to see what we actually did yesterday. I really wish that said something faster than 7.20 because I was absolutely shattered all day afterwards. Roll on next week's break...

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Fast and funny? Bastard!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    I stopped by to see what we actually did yesterday. I really wish that said something faster than 7.20 because I was absolutely shattered all day afterwards. Roll on next week's break...
    Yeah right you were hoping for photos. If it's any consolation I had to go back to bed for the afternoon.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    By the way for anybody who is curious. Placing your garmin with condensation on the display into the oven with your spring rolls is not a good idea. It doesn't evaporate the water off and may destroy your watch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    By the way for anybody who is curious. Placing your garmin with condensation on the display into the oven with your spring rolls is not a good idea. It doesn't evaporate the water off and may destroy your watch.

    When people say " i eat, sleep and breath a sport" i never thought they meant it literally spring rolls and a garmin for supper so thats the secret to your times :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    By the way for anybody who is curious. Placing your garmin with condensation on the display into the oven with your spring rolls is not a good idea. It doesn't evaporate the water off and may destroy your watch.

    Have heard sticking it in with rice helps... just make sure you put it into the bag of rice and not the pot of water that you boil the rice in....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Monday: 7 miles @ 7.15 pace. A poxy late one. Not in the mood at all but got my arse out the door and was fine after 10 minutes of grumbling. Couldn't go asleep for ages afterward though.

    Tuesday: Track session of 16 * 400 with a few buachailli from Boards. Done in 2 minutes cycles. Felt just aboutcomfortable, was working but just at the right level.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Wednesday: 6 miles late recovery run. Had to wait until after 9 again to get this in and once again I wasn't in the mood. Got out the door and did 6 easy miles in prep for club 10k on Thursday. Feeling very tired after track session. The 10 miler and 2 mile race last week probably didn't help either :rolleyes:

    Thursday: Club 10k race. This is a handicap race and is 10km in the Phoenix park on the roads. I was actually given a decent handicap this year and was in with a chance of winning it if I ran very well. On my warm up I knew tonight was going to be a slog. Legs were really tired.

    Headed off third last so had 2 u23 internationals chasing me down but I managed to hold them off. I think this was due to a generous handicap rather than me being super though.

    I'm not exaggerating to say I thought of dropping out 3/4 of a mile into the race I felt like ****. I got to 2 miles and was going to drop out again this continued to 4 miles when I then realised it was easier to keep running then drop out as the hassle of getting back to club house wouldn't have been worth it. Caught a few of the lads who had headed off before me in the last mile but didn't do well enough to get in the top 3. I couldn't read the display on my poxy condensation filled garmin around the course but was shocked to see I had run 34.50 equaling my 10k PB.

    I'm so tired now. I've never been this wrecked before, more tired than any marathon I have done previously. My tummy isn't the best either. Need to take it handy for the next 7 days and then next Saturday I'll try to bring my 10k PB into 33 minutes territory. I'm primed and just need to rest and be sensible now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    savage running roadrunner! good to hear that faster runners have the same race-demons telling them to stop.

    Great time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    good to hear that faster runners have the same race-demons telling them to stop.

    I don't think it matters how fast you are running, I'm sure 30 minute 10k runners hear those voices too. If you're close to your personal limit you'll always hear those voices. It's nice to be able to tell them to shut the Feck up.

    If I had of dropped out it would have been a disaster. Had never dropped out of a race in my life until 6 years ago and then dropped out of 5 in a row :eek: Managed to get out of that rut thankfully. Better to finish the race a few minutes down on target time then drop out IMO.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    I don't think it matters how fast you are running, I'm sure 30 minute 10k runners hear those voices too. If you're close to your personal limit you'll always hear those voices. It's nice to be able to tell them to shut the Feck up.

    If I had of dropped out it would have been a disaster. Had never dropped out of a race in my life until 6 years ago and then dropped out of 5 in a row :eek: Managed to get out of that rut thankfully. Better to finish the race a few minutes down on target time then drop out IMO.

    Completely agree i think once you begin to drop out you can get into that habit even when you are not as tired as you think. I have never dropped out of a race but have finished some way way behind where i should i think as long as you finish on those bad days you still get great benefit in regards to mental strength

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    ecoli wrote: »
    Completely agree i think once you begin to drop out you can get into that habit even when you are not as tired as you think. I have never dropped out of a race but have finished some way way behind where i should i think as long as you finish on those bad days you still get great benefit in regards to mental strength

    I've dropped out of too many in the last 2 years maybe 2-3 races but not usually due to running shi!t but worried about injuy. But even still the idea is still there... it's call the Ali Craggy syndrome

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Friday: Legs in absolute ribbons. Went for a recovery run. Thought I'd do 6 miles. Ended up doing 4 miles roughly, jogging, walking and stretching. Felt the benefit but decided later on that if I ran on Saturday I'd get injured so I put my big boy pants on and was captain sensible and took the day off. Was hard not to run but in hindsight this was a great decision.

    Sunday: Hoped to just get through this run injury free. Met with Stupid Private and afetr a mile I realised he had other things on his mind. He was feeling good so I went him and felt like **** for 4 miles after that everything was gravy. We were floating and the pace felt so easy. First 8 miles were on grass second 7 on the road. 5 mile splits were as follows

    1st 5 miles 7.12
    2nd 5 miles 6.46
    3rd 5 miles 6.33

    Finished with a nice 6 minute mile. What a difference a week makes. 30 second average on last week and could have gone on for another hour.

    Legs feel great now. Just goes to show how important rest is. Avoid injury and get a quality run in. Result

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Monday: 6.5 miles recovery run. Wasn't feeling the love for this and wasn't in the mood for company so actually put the foot down for a mile to get away from the group so I could run on my own. Got soaked but enjoyed it, almost missed running in the rain in recent months.

    Tuesday: 6 * 1km session with 90 seconds recovery. Heading out I had it in my head I should be doing 8 reps as 6 was a bit too handy. This would be valid if I wasn't racing Saturday so decided I'd stick with 6, no need flying on Tuesday and being flat on Saturday. After 1 rep I was wondering should I just do 4, legs weren't great still tired. I was moving at my target pace for Saturday on grass so that is something I suppose. Got through 4 and one of the lads joined me for the last 2 which was great as helped pull me through. Both my calfs feel like they have small knots in them and are ready to pop. It's nothing that serious but a trip to the magician may be on the cards.

    Easy running for the rest of the week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Wednesday: 8 miles @ 7.30ish pace. Feeling a little better than yesterday but still a little tired. Have caught a minor head cold and had the sweats Tuesday night in bed.

    Thursday: 6 miles @ 7.30ish pace. Was running too fast at the beginning as calves were tight and faster pace felt better. Stopped and stretched for a couple of minutes then bumped into a dutch sailor who is training for an Ironman (couldn't make it up) so ran with him for a bit, sound bloke and some great stories. I have the head cold on the back foot, go on the lemsip. Legs are loosening up and should be A1 Sharon for Saturday. Paying the magician a visit tonight anyway, want to get rid of these knots in my legs for definite.

    Haven't decided how I'm going to run on Saturday have 3 options

    1) Aggressive start and head off with lads who are normally ahead of me. Based on recent races I have the beating of some of these. If I can maintain pace I'll be on for a great time if not I could blow up.
    2) Run at my own pace, 17 minutes for first 5k and then try to run quicker the second half.
    3) See how I feel and if possible run a PB.

    Yesterday I was thinking of option 3 but I should be fine by Saturday so option 2 is the plan at the moment. If I grow a set of balls by Saturday I'll go with option 1.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,031 ✭✭✭Stupid_Private

    Woke up this morning and was a tad puzzled because my legs were quite stiff. Took a second to remember that I was at the magician last night. He certainly goes that bit harder when he knows you have a week to recover from it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,031 ✭✭✭Stupid_Private

    Oh and either option 3 or 1...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Woke up this morning and was a tad puzzled because my legs were quite stiff. Took a second to remember that I was at the magician last night. He certainly goes that bit harder when he knows you have a week to recover from it!

    Yeah I was thinking of telling him to go to town on the calves but that could be counterproductive to me walking in the next 48 hours.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Would be option 1 for me, you have run some really good races over the summer, Go out hard then race like a nutjob.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Go out hard then race like a nutjob.

    Maybe in reverse, go out like a nutjob and then race hard ! We'll see on Saturday

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Wednesday: 8 miles @ 7.30ish pace. Feeling a little better than yesterday but still a little tired. Have caught a minor head cold and had the sweats Tuesday night in bed.

    Thursday: 6 miles @ 7.30ish pace. Was running too fast at the beginning as calves were tight and faster pace felt better. Stopped and stretched for a couple of minutes then bumped into a dutch sailor who is training for an Ironman (couldn't make it up) so ran with him for a bit, sound bloke and some great stories. I have the head cold on the back foot, go on the lemsip. Legs are loosening up and should be A1 Sharon for Saturday. Paying the magician a visit tonight anyway, want to get rid of these knots in my legs for definite.

    Haven't decided how I'm going to run on Saturday have 3 options

    1) Aggressive start and head off with lads who are normally ahead of me. Based on recent races I have the beating of some of these. If I can maintain pace I'll be on for a great time if not I could blow up.
    2) Run at my own pace, 17 minutes for first 5k and then try to run quicker the second half.
    3) See how I feel and if possible run a PB.

    Yesterday I was thinking of option 3 but I should be fine by Saturday so option 2 is the plan at the moment. If I grow a set of balls by Saturday I'll go with option 1.

    Option 1 is probably the way to go. Its only 10k so you'd definitely have enough to hold on even if things started to get really difficult.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Friday: 30-35 minutes easy on grass with the other half of Road4ever.

    Went to the magician last night and got a great rub down. Legs feel good today and I'm expecting them to feel great tomorrow. Head cold is shifting, is still there a little bit but wouldn't normally register with me except I know I'm racing so probably being a bit of hypochondriac.

    I'm looking forward to the race. I absolutely love racing, I enjoy running/training but couldn't see myself doing all the miles in the crap weather/bad days if it wasn't for races. The OH was slagging me earlier telling me to sleep in the back room tonight. For the Frank Duffy 10 mile I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I know it sounds mad but that is how much I love racing. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I love the pre-race $hits, the nerves, the doubts on the line, the voices in the head asking me why I'm putting myself through this then bang we're off and all that stuff fades away and something else takes over.

    For the last few years I've been racing myself getting to a point where I can beat my personal bests. Depending on who turns up there is a chance I could feature in the top 6 tomorrow, maybe even the top 3, it all depends on who turns up. Tomorrow I'll have no problem beating myself maybe it's time I try to beat some other guys and really race.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Friday: 30-35 minutes easy on grass with the other half of Road4ever.

    Went to the magician last night and got a great rub down. Legs feel good today and I'm expecting them to feel great tomorrow. Head cold is shifting, is still there a little bit but wouldn't normally register with me except I know I'm racing so probably being a bit of hypochondriac.

    I'm looking forward to the race. I absolutely love racing, I enjoy running/training but couldn't see myself doing all the miles in the crap weather/bad days if it wasn't for races. The OH was slagging me earlier telling me to sleep in the back room tonight. For the Frank Duffy 10 mile I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I know it sounds mad but that is how much I love racing. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I love the pre-race $hits, the nerves, the doubts on the line, the voices in the head asking me why I'm putting myself through this then bang we're off and all that stuff fades away and something else takes over.

    For the last few years I've been racing myself getting to a point where I can beat my personal bests. Depending on who turns up there is a chance I could feature in the top 6 tomorrow, maybe even the top 3, it all depends on who turns up. Tomorrow I'll have no problem beating myself maybe it's time I try to beat some other guys and really race.

    With that enthusiasm i am gonna latch on to you for as long as possible in the hope that some of it will rub off on me :D for this race i am the polar opposite i am dreading it
