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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    The royal canal gun muffin top show

    Friday: 10 miles with 6 @ MP (6.03) ;)

    So in the words of an female institute of education student who just got 600 points in her leaving cert this run was amazeballs. 10 days ago I relucantly wrote DCM 2013 off. 7 days ago I was back running it, but just going to tip around. After today (assuming I saty healthy) I'm sure another sub 2.40 is there for the taking. Anybody who has read this log will know a 2.3X.XX marathon was my goal for years and it is still my gold standard. I made no secret of targeting a low and maybe even a sub 2.30 marathon but I have to be realistic.

    I have put an 11 week plan together for myself that initially included 4 miles @ MP today. I have 10 next week. I'm going to run the Frank Duffy just under 60 minutes if possible so wanted to push the boat out a little further today as it's a big jump from 4 to 10 miles in a week. Having said that it's an even bigger jump going from nothing in 6 weeks to 6 miles @ MP :pac:

    Anyway thankfully my training partner in work agreed to do this with me. He is going very well at the moment and I knew I'd struggle late on and would need a hand with maintaining the pace. First 4 were OK but it was very warm today and I suffered from a bit of mipple rub on yesterdays run which necessitated me whipping off my top. Now normally the ladies and some of the men of the royal canal thoroughly enjoy one of TRR's morning gunshows but I'm carrying a bit of weight so it was more of a muffin top show than gun show, see below

    Last 2 miles were into a stiff winf and I really felt it on the last mile and had to dig in a little. Was delighted to get it in the bag. I'm not currently in 2.40 shape but I'll work towards that for the next few weeks and hopefully if things go well, I'll adjust MP pace downwards. I think I've mentioned before I'm basically canning racing before DCM. I will do 2 * 10ks in early September as fitness tests and will also do Dublin half, a kilomarathon and another half marathon but they will all be at MP. I'm basically using these longish MP races as a type of sparring. They'll knock the ****e out of me but will get me in shape for DCM and in the words of a running noble that's the main thing ;)

    edit: forgot to mention, legs are amazeballs too :). No issues with stiffness or tightness. Obviously still fresh from a lay off but injuries are in the past and I hope they stay there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,517 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Good to see you back.
    TRR wrote: »
    another half marathon

    Join the boards outing to Athlone!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Peckham wrote: »
    Good to see you back.

    Join the boards outing to Athlone!

    It's actually sold out. I had considered it but discounted it for some reason I can't recall now. Anyway can't risk having my ass handed to me by any of you muppets so I'll wait before I'm fighting fit before putting my rep on the line :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,517 ✭✭✭Peckham

    TRR wrote: »
    I'll wait before I'm fighting fit before putting my rep on the line :)

    The only thing I'm interested in you putting on the line is the beer mile trophy. We'll need to start thinking about a date for another fixture - mid-November perhaps when we're all finished with marathons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭wowzer

    TRR wrote: »
    It's actually sold out. I had considered it but discounted it for some reason I can't recall now. Anyway can't risk having my ass handed to me by any of you muppets so I'll wait before I'm fighting fit before putting my rep on the line :)

    If you change your mind I have to pull out of the race so my entry is going spare. I can forward on the registration email if you want it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Peckham wrote: »
    The only thing I'm interested in you putting on the line is the beer mile trophy. We'll need to start thinking about a date for another fixture - mid-November perhaps when we're all finished with marathons.

    No way. Ill do a beer mile in november but it will be for exhibition purposes only. I'm hanging into my title and trophy for a year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    wowzer wrote: »
    If you change your mind I have to pull out of the race so my entry is going spare. I can forward on the registration email if you want it.

    Appreciate it but i just checked my schedule and there is local 10k on the same day and I'm going to jump into that. Thanks for the offer anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Good to see you back Fat Man. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Saturday: 6 easy miles @ 7.06 pace. Should have been a little slower but I had new runners on so I'll blame them :)

    Sunday: 8 miles @ 6.58 pace. Bit of a messy run in the end. Hoped hoped to go a little further and initial arrangements were for an early am run but these got pushed to 11 am and it was 12.30pm before I actually go out. Heart wasn't in it as I was tired mentally and physically. Found it very hard to keep the pace slow even though my legs feel quite heavy.

    So that's 58 odd miles for this week. More than I was planning and it went better than I could have hoped. Strangely I'm not happy with it though. Must be the realisation that there is an awful lot of work to be done. I'm never fcuking happy ;)

    Plan for next week is similar or slightly higher mileage to this weeks with the Frank Duffy target time of 59-61 minutes depending on how I'm going. Long run of 14-16 miles on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    69 days to DCM

    Monday: 7 miles very very easy. No watch on this run. Legs didn't feel great. A little tired and achy. Was a little apprehensive as planned a long run for Tuesday. Did a monster stretching session later on it the evening and I think that helped recovery.

    Tuesday: 16 miles @ 7.02 pace. In the words of an teenage girl who went to Slane, got drunk, did some bold things with bold boys but wasn't caught on camera, this run was totes amazeballs. Ran this with Drquirky, the miles zipped by as chatted and I felt really strong. This is a great stepping stone-run for me. On the brink of 18 miles which I will do next week and then we are back in the grove of marathon training baby!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    zoom zoom

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    66 Days to DCM

    Wedneday: 7 miles @ 7.25. Nice easy recovery run. Legs feeling good after long run on Tuesday.

    Thursday: 9 miles with no watch. This one hurt. Original plan was for 12 miles before work this morning but my youngest was sick last night so had to take the day off work. My wife had stuff on this evening and I was looking at 9.30pm start for my run . I'm not a fan of late runs as by the time I've showered, stretched and relaxed enough to go asleep it can be 2am. Anyway, got a break in the evening and had the chance to run for 75 minutes so grabbed it.

    Now the only problem was I had eaten my dinner just an hour before hand. I had made a TRR special curry (was up to my elbows in baby **** all day so was a weird choice I'll admit). I had also made the curry a little hotter than usual. Added to this I was snacking on a lot of fruit all day. Put all the variables into the equation and you get, hot curry + fruit + run + little digestion time = bloated intestines. I won't go into the gorey details but safe to say I sounded like a honda 50 on helium zipping around my local roads. My calfs were also very tender, I may have overdone the foam rolling the last 2 days. I actually had to cut my run slightly shorter than the 10 mile route I had arranged. I've had a bath and am going to stretch the bejaysus out of them now. Won't agitate them in any way though.

    Plan for the rest of the week is a handy few miles tomorrow and then the Frank Duffy 10 mile on Saturday. Will be using this as a MP run and target time is 59-61 minutes. As usual I was getting carried away with myself earlier and was talking myself into giving it an all out effort. To be honest that approach has more possible negatives associated with it then positives. I wouldn't run a time I was happy with anyway and could get injured in the process. Have to remember that, the main thing is that the main thing is the main thing ;) and the main thing for me now is sub 2.40 in DCM. So anything under 60 minutes is a brucey bonus. Will do a handy recovery on Sunday too.

    Later loosers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    you been hanging around with digger too much pal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    you been hanging around with digger too much pal.

    Yeah was thinking the same as I was writing that. His problem is age associated incontinence though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    TRR wrote: »
    The main thing for me now is sub 2.40 in DCM.
    Chasing TRR around the streets of Dublin? That's as good as it gets!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    Frank Duffy 10 mile on Saturday. Will be using this as a MP run and target time is 59-61 minutes. As usual I was getting carried away with myself earlier and was talking myself into giving it an all out effort. To be honest that approach has more possible negatives associated with it then positives. I wouldn't run a time I was happy with anyway and could get injured in the process. Have to remember that, the main thing is that the main thing is the main thing ;) and the main thing for me now is sub 2.40 in DCM. So anything under 60 minutes is a brucey bonus.

    A man in your condition could do worse than tip around for a comfortable sub 65 you know.... all about the big one in 65 sleeps. make good choices... that is all! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    claralara wrote: »
    .. all about the big one in 65 sleeps. make good choices... that is all! ;)

    Her math has me driven to subtraction! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    claralara wrote: »
    A man in your condition could do worse than tip around for a comfortable sub 65 you know.... all about the big one in 65 sleeps. make good choices... that is all! ;)

    I'm a little unfit not physically handicapped ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    TRR wrote: »
    I'm a little unfit not physically handicapped ;)

    So much for in-house support. Bet you'd take more interest if I was a science nerd in space camp!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    claralara wrote: »
    Bet you'd take more interest if I was a science nerd in space camp!!

    Sure he's had more of them than he's had hot dinners.... ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Sure he's had more of them than he's had hot dinners.... ;)

    I was found innocent of those charges by a jury of my peers :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    TRR wrote: »
    I was found innocent of those charges by a jury of my peers :)

    I think the jury was left perplexed by how you used your own physical attributes to show your students Saturn and Neptune with Uranus positioned in between ;):D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Friday: 7 miles @ 7.20 pace. Very easy nice run. Really enjoyable as had company. Lower legs are still very tender although massive improvement on yesterday. Hopefully they will feel better again tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    Saturday: 15 miles total with 10 @ MPish (61.05). Well I set out to do 10 mile @ MP and I basically did but it was a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. Because this was a race setting I'm kind of pissed, being well down on where I would have been last year isn't the main issue it's how hard a run that was 5 minutes slower than last year was. This wasn't an all out race effort but I doubt I could have went much faster. I was cruising to 5 miles and then had to dig in a good bit.

    Now that is all the negatives. The positives (sometimes you need to write them out to convince yourself) are I'm only back in the swing of things 2 weeks, if I had of done this run at this stage in training I would have been over the moon. I didn't really ease back for it. I've 9 weeks to go and with a few 20+ mile runs I'll be able to hold the pace as the miles tick by hopefully. Even though I was suffering the second half the pace itself felt very easy, my breathing was also very easy. I just didn't have the stamina or strength to kick on like I thought I could, there was zero zip but in hindsight that was a stupid assumption :)

    Anyway onwards and upwards, today has definitely put the fire under my arse although it was already burning quite strongly. Looking forward to the half in 4 weeks time. I'll be running it at the same pace but I expect (fecking hope more like) it will feel much easier.

    Nice to meet so many boardsies especially my homies quirky and CL who ran savage PBs. RunningKing made up for his pink runners and frilly knickers by not getting chicked by a southsider. Actually now I think of it
    Q: Why don't southsider woman go out with northsider men
    A: They are afraid of getting beaten :)
    I'll leave you with that terrible domestic violence joke

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    TRR never start with negatives, always start with the positives.
    Today was the baseline, good work. Half will be easier and faster. The talent is there
    Good man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    TRR wrote: »
    RunningKing made up for his pink runners and frilly knickers

    Let it be known, I have NEVER worn pink runners........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    64 days to the main thing, 63 days for me to get my ass handed to me ;)

    Sunday: 6 miles @ 7.20 pace. Lovely easy run on grass in the local park. Really was a day when I could have ran for hours. Legs feel great today which is a big shocked considering how shot they were yesterday. I was hobbling for the day. Run also took a lot out of me as I was in bed early last night and apparently there was a bit of commotion going on outside our house and I didn't even flinch. On reflection last week was a super week.

    Mon:7 miles easy
    Tue: 16 miles @ a decent clip
    Wed: 7 miles easy
    Thurs: 9 miles @ a decent clip
    Fri: 7 easy
    Sat: 15 with 10 @ MP
    Sun: 6 easy

    That's 67 miles for the week with a decent LSR and a good PMP session. Very happy with that. Next week I'll lengthen the LSR. Off to stretch now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You must have springs in your shoes:). You were up on your toes bouncing along in the 10 miler!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    56 days to DCM

    Mon: 10 miles, no watch but a decent clip

    Tue: 6 painful miles. Shins were very very tight. Plan was to do 12 miles but I had alarm bells ringing after 10-15 minutes so made a beeline back to the house. Was very worried as I've suffered from shin splints in the past, the last time was when I tried to increase the mileage too quickly in a similar manner to what I'm trying to do at the moment.

    Wed: 6 less painful miles than Tuesday but still sore. Lots of stretches performed Tuesday evening and a noticeable difference in my calves and shins. Still pretty uncomfortable but nothing that would threaten an injury.

    Thursday: 10 miles @ 7.15 pace with ecoli. Was actually going to take the day off but decided I'd do a few miles on grass and see how the legs were. They had improved again and the grass was a major help also.

    Friday: 10 miles @ 7.20 pace. This was all on the road. Legs felt fine. Was very warm and stuffy though and a lot of effort involved. Luckily had company and they both found it as tough as me so I was relieved a little.

    Saturday: 18 miles @ 6.50 pace. This LSR was more mental than physical. This was the only opportunity I had to fit a long one in and I wasn't in the mood at all as it required an early start and I had lots of things on with the family for the rest of the day. I tricked myself into running 9 miles to Lucan and jumped into the parkrun with the plan then of getting my parents to drop me home, however after the 5k I managed to trick myself again and before I knew it I was running the 6 miles back home. Was pretty beat up after it and wasn't helped when I spent 2-3 hours crawling and climbing around a child's playcentre after a hyperactive 3 year old. Parkrun was nice, I said I'd do enough to finish as high up the field as I could without killing myself. A guy from my club who is in super form went out hard so I just sat back and did enough to finish 2nd, I should mention I wouldn't have got anywhere near the first guy.

    Sunday: 5 miles recovery on grass. Very tired as spent the morning and early afternoon on my feet marshalling at a race. Didn't get out until after 8pm but was glad I did as it definitely eased out some muscle pain.

    Not the week I had hoped for but can't complain with 65 miles. Couldn't have done any more if I'm honest. My participation and goal time for DCM changes by the day. One day I think sub 2.40 should be fine the next I'm wondering am I mad pushing myself to get back into that sort of shape in such a short period of time. I'll soldier on but if I get another scare like I had with my shins this week I may have to cut my losses and scale back my target time or just target something else.

    I'm heading to do the lakes 10k this weekend. Looking forward to the race as it's a great one and I see it has sold out again. Will be a decent indication of where I'm at the moment and how much work needs to be done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    why not aim for a WR - fastest marathon in a pirate costume ;)

    Only half joking.....

    Hope the shins are ok
