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Berlin 2016: Back to Basics



  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    67 Days to half marathon

    Monday: am: 7 miles easy along the canal @ 7.19 pace. It was incredibly humid. Very uncomfortable and not enjoyable. pm: 5 miles recovery in park on grass @ 8.20 pace. Threw in some struts and strides in the last mile. Legs feeling good

    Tuesday: 9 miles total with 5 in 28.50. Sweet jesus, this was uglier than Marty Morrissey's ugly sister. I had planned on 6 miles in 36 minutes. However, I ended up driving around for most of the day and nutrition and hydration was pretty poor. Was starving when I got home, but had to put off dinner and was 7pm by the time I headed out. Thankfully cooler than the previous day. Did a mile warm up and then got into the faster miles. Thankfully my sinus infection has cleared up. I have a steroid nasal spray to manage my hay fever (no TUE ;)) but in my warped mind I decided than whatever bacterium had taken residence in my nose was now a superbug, because it was on steroids. Therefore, I've stopped with the spray. Infection gone, UREKA. Only problem is my nose is running constantly. End result of this is that in 60 minutes yesterday, I blew out more snot rockets than Vinny Jones did in his entire football career. Not a pretty sight. Anyway back to the faster miles, was in a heap and last mile would have been nearly completely uphill so I decided to leave it at 5 miles and jog the 3 miles home. Irony is that I actually did the 6 miles in 36 minutes (mile 7 was a 7 minute mile) but only realised that when I got home. Anyway, this was tougher than I had hoped but I have to restart somewhere.

    Wednesday: am 7 miles @ 7.20 pace, carbon copy of Monday am run except not as humid. Nice and cool actually. pm: 5 miles @ 7.45 pace. Run around roads. A little faster than recovery but I was listening to music so will blame that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Have you not been cleaning up in those Tallaght club races? :)

    What distance race are you looking at during the week?

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Have you not been cleaning up in those Tallaght club races? :)

    What distance race are you looking at during the week?

    I was going ok in them but the week off and no structure did me no favours. I was doing well in them before the steroids if that's your implication ;)

    Was looking to do the liberties 6k tomorrow but have a club race (followed by a free bar which meno is missing :)) on Friday so don't want to go AWOL two evenings in a row.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,179 ✭✭✭Gavlor

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Señor Turd,

    Have you done the Charlieville half before?

    I'm looking to do a fast (for me) half around Sept/Oct and had initially thought of doing the Athlone flatline half but this one seems to get decent reviews. Would this be a faster course than Athlone?



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  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Have you done the Charlieville half before?

    I'm looking to do a fast (for me) half around Sept/Oct and had initially thought of doing the Athlone flatline half but this one seems to get decent reviews. Would this be a faster course than Athlone?

    Hi, I haven'y ran either Charleville or the flat line but have heard great things about both. From what I can gather, the Charleville half may be a slightly faster course. I actually can't make the flatline myself this year as I've something on that day so that's why Charleville is the goal instead. Because I'm Dublin based I would probably have favoured the flatline because I could have go to it quite quickly. Charleville is a longer trip for me and is going to mean an overnight stay the night before. Either one should meet your needs

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    63 Days to half marathon

    Thursday: 9miles total with 8 * 1km @ 3.25 pace (average), off 2 minutes recovery. These were better than last week. First 4 into the wind, last 4 with a tail wind, all along the canal bank Wind definitely made a difference. Pace wasn't spectacular but a solid improvement on last week.

    Friday: 7 miles including 1 mile club race (5.01). This was grim. Last race in the club's summer league. This was a team race. 7 on the team, 2 ran the 400 metre race, 2 ran the 800 metre race, 2 ran the 1200 metre race and final person (me) ran the mile. All times added together to give a winning team. I wasn't looking forward to this one bit and a lap in I was already fooked. Just don't have the shorter stuff done. Was disappointed not to break 5 minutes as I thought I could have gone close to 4.50. Don't ask what I was basing that off. Post race was great, we had our summer party and it was bright by the time I got home. A free bar that never closes is a dangerous thing :)

    Saturday: 6 miles @ 7.15 pace. A little tender today after the late night. We were also having a BBQ in the house so between getting stuff ready etc etc it was late before I got out (9pm). Actually delighted to get a run in. I'm usually a demon for eating all sorts of rubbish after a late night of drinking but I kept a check on what I was eating and even resisted a few afternoon beers.

    Sunday: 14 miles easy @ 7.10 pace. Felt good heading out. Got a little bored during the middle of this one for some reason. Would have liked company but c'est la vie!

    Solid week, next weekend will be similar with a little increase in volume again.

    Weight down to 12-7 this week. Obviously I haven't dropped 6 lbs of fat in a week, probably a couple at most. Rest is bloating etc after the holiday away and week off running at a guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    60 Days to half marathon

    Monday: am 7 miles @ 7.20 pace. Quite humid again today. Legs very heavy and didn't feel great. I was too lazy and skipped my usual stretching routine Sunday night and it came back to bite me on this run. pm 5 miles @ 7.55 pace. Nice gentle recovery run. Legs feeling better after this then they did before hand.

    Tuesday: am 9.5 miles with 6 miles in 35 minutes. Bit of an improvement on last weeks attempt at this. For starters I lasted the full 6 miles. Last 2 miles I was into a bit of a head wind and had to push the last mile to keep the pace under the prescribed sub 6 minute pace. pm 5 miles at 8 minute mile pace. Identical recovery run to Monday's run. Legs feeling nice and loose afterwards.

    Wednesday: 12 miles @ 7.28 pace. Handy run with the exile. Legs were a little heavy starting out but the pace was perfect and the miles flew by. Nice run along back roads, canal bank and even a bit of grass. Had planned on an easy recovery this evening but can't head out now (bloody kids ;)) so will spend a bit of extra time on my stretching.

    Have a sessions of kms to do tomorrow and am booked in for a sports massage. Have decided to enter the national half marathon (rock 'n' roll). Won't be looking for a good time but at the moment I'm thinking of heading out at slightly faster than my London marathon pace and hopefully pick it up over the last few miles. Will be a big fitness booster if nothing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Hi TRR, what's the stretching routine and do you - except for the blip on Sunday - do it after every run?

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Hi TRR, what's the stretching routine and do you - except for the blip on Sunday - do it after every run?

    Hi Dubgal

    I usually do a few quick stretches directly after a run but nothing too focused, usually just stretch something that might be a bit tight.

    The routine I have is usually done in the evening. I do a few minutes of foam rolling on the calfs and the stretches mainly concentrate on the glutes, piriformis, hip flexors and lower leg. These are my weak spots. I can try and find some photos (not of me ;)) to illustrate the stretches if you're interested.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Hi Dubgal

    I usually do a few quick stretches directly after a run but nothing too focused, usually just stretch something that might be a bit tight.

    The routine I have is usually done in the evening. I do a few minutes of foam rolling on the calfs and the stretches mainly concentrate on the glutes, piriformis, hip flexors and lower leg. These are my weak spots. I can try and find some photos (not of me ;)) to illustrate the stretches if you're interested.

    In the interest of accuracy it would be better if the photos were of you ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    kit3 wrote: »
    In the interest of accuracy it would be better if the photos were of you ;)

    I do them au natural. Nobody needs to see that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    I do them au natural. Nobody needs to see that :)

    Tease :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Hi Dubgal

    I usually do a few quick stretches directly after a run but nothing too focused, usually just stretch something that might be a bit tight.

    The routine I have is usually done in the evening. I do a few minutes of foam rolling on the calfs and the stretches mainly concentrate on the glutes, piriformis, hip flexors and lower leg. These are my weak spots. I can try and find some photos (not of me ;)) to illustrate the stretches if you're interested.

    Yeah go for it whenever you get a sec thanks. When's the last time you were injured and what's your best 'injury prevention' tip?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Also interested in glutes and pirformis stretch....not pushed on who the male model is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,179 ✭✭✭Gavlor

    I do them au natural. Nobody needs to see that :)

    I just vomited on my iPad

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Gavlor wrote: »
    I just vomited on my iPad

    They say excitement can do that to you sometimes alright :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Gavlor wrote: »
    I just vomited on my iPad


    aerial view ;)

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    Also interested in glutes and pirformis stretch....not pushed on who the male model is.


  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Yeah go for it whenever you get a sec thanks. When's the last time you were injured and what's your best 'injury prevention' tip?

    I'll find a few pics on google images when I get a chance.

    Oh god, you are putting the mockers on me :) Last time I was injured was this time last year. I always pick up injuries this time of the year. Usually because the summers are a bit more flexible for me work wise and I sometimes push training a bit too hard. Best injury prevention is to back off when you have a little niggle before it turns into something more serious. I'm not always good at taking this advice myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Thanks TRR, appreciate that. Although your tan looks a bit uneven in the first pic. Maybe get out the st tropez :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Exclusive footage of TRR's actual stretching routine:


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3


    aerial view ;)


    Is that an action man ?? (i.e. the toy ;) )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon


    aerial view ;)

    arse-ial view, more like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    kit3 wrote: »
    Is that an action man ?? (i.e. the toy ;) )

    I don't know, I've never played with plastic men or blow up dolls!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,598 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Jaysus, I thought "boxergate" was a low point, but I'm with Gavlor on the mental image - I wish I had an iPad to vomit on. (actually reminds me of Tom Dunne's radio skit on Bill Cullen exercising in the Jeyes Fluid - hilarious)
    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    When's the last time you were injured ?

    When his missus caught him posting naked pictures of himself for his female fans on the internet!

    Probably best to throw on a few clothes for the upcoming return to the PP.:D

    I haven't been out around your other stomping ground, the canal near Maynooth, for a while. It's grand for easy runs but I find it hard to run fast there for some reason.

    How is the weight loss coming along, and are you finding an associated increase in speed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    aero2k wrote: »
    Jaysus, I thought "boxergate" was a low point, but I'm with Gavlor on the mental image - I wish I had an iPad to vomit on. (actually reminds me of Tom Dunne's radio skit on Bill Cullen exercising in the Jeyes Fluid - hilarious)

    When his missus caught him posting naked pictures of himself for his female fans on the internet!

    Probably best to throw on a few clothes for the upcoming return to the PP.:D

    I haven't been out around your other stomping ground, the canal near Maynooth, for a while. It's grand for easy runs but I find it hard to run fast there for some reason.

    How is the weight loss coming along, and are you finding an associated increase in speed?

    I still don't see the issue with boxergate!!! Must be my ultra liberal side!

    There is a really good stretch from Carton house to Jackson's bridge in Maynooth along the canal. It's flat as a pancake, its compacted gravel and is perfect for speed sessions. That's where I do most of mine when I'm running out that way.

    Weight is coming off slowly and definitely getting a little quicker but that's probably more related to increased fitness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,598 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Despite my advanced years I am a fellow ultra liberal so I had no problem with boxergate (but then I only read about it, I didn't witness it!) - I only brought it up to titillate your more recent converts who will either a)be intrigued b)disgusted a la Gavlor c)in awe of the lengths some people go to not to miss a run.:)

    Yeah, that gravel stretch is great. Last time I was there I saw a lad with a small dump truck and a shovel extending the path eastwards, but progress seemed understandably slow. The stretch from Louisa Bridge westwards can be a bit messy, in fact if I want to go fast I usually stick to the hard shoulder of the old N4 out to Carton and run up the avenue there - it's a 10 mile round trip from work to the golf clubhouse. I usually keep those runs for the winter, these days I get out in the evening after I get home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Do any of you ever run in the grounds of Carton House itself?
    I've played golf there a few times, but have never run out that way. Looks like a decent spot for it. Huge estate!

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Do any of you ever run in the grounds of Carton House itself?
    I've played golf there a few times, but have never run out that way. Looks like a decent spot for it. Huge estate!

    Yep, ran there today. If you stick to the grass path beside the main wall you can get a nice little loop. A couple of tasty hills too

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  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    55 days to half marathon

    Thursday: 9 miles total including 8 * 1k with 2 minutes jog recovery. Averaged 3.20 pace for these. Very happy with this as felt relatively comfortable and last 2 were the fastest. Ran these along the canal bank. Very humid day.

    Friday: 8 miles @ 7.30 pace. Handy run along the canal and around the grounds of Carton house. Legs felt good. Had a sports massage the night before which included some very painful stretches. Could definitely feel the benefit on this run.

    Saturday: 15 miles total @ 6.50 pace. Nice early morning run, brought along my park run barcode and decided I'd jump into the park run in Lucan if the legs were feeling ok. They were so ran the 6 miles over, ran the parkrun and then the 6 miles back home. Plan was to run the 5k a little faster than planned half marathon pace for rock n roll so decided on 5.40-5.45. Heard a couple of young lads say they were going to run 5.45 pace so said I'd stick in behind them. Mile 1 was 5.20 and after they exploded I was left on my own like a gob****e. Felt grand on the return to the house but could have done with a drop of water.

    Sunday: 8 miles @ 7 minute mile pace. Should have been slightly slower but my legs felt amaze balls so I just went with it.

    Decent enough week again. This coming week will have a fair few miles Monday to Wednesday and then I'll back off slightly so the legs are fresh for Sunday. Looking forward to it actually because I have zero expectations and looking forward to the event.
