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We have a new Mayor!!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    Her Father Bobby Byrne served two terms as Mayor of the city.

    She plans to make job creation one of her priorities.Her Father Bobby Byrne served two terms as Mayor of the city.

    Is all Irish Politics based solely on Family ties and who your Father/Uncle etc is?

    - Sometimes it seems as if you are connected then you'd be elected even though you had an IQ of 9 and spent your days in protracted efforts to lick your own crotch............

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,942 ✭✭✭topper75

    Some families are political. It's not like her dad got her the job.

    It happens in sport too. I guess the interest is encouraged at home and there is no more to it. No conspiracy as such.

    I don't know much about her but was disappointed by a few daft comments from the fella going out, so best of luck to her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,015 ✭✭✭✭Mc Love

    best of luck Maria - a definite improvement on shoe die-d hair on Kiely

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,149 ✭✭✭✭Berty

    What does the mayor do exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    Berty wrote: »
    What does the mayor do exactly?

    You should be able to stitch together a complete picture from these typical Mayor quotes.......
    "The Simpsons: Marge vs. the Monorail (#4.12)" (1993)

    Marge: My name is Marge Simpson and I have an idea. It may sound a little boring at first.
    Mayor Quimby: Chat away. I'll just amuse myself with some pornographic playing cards.

    Mayor Quimby: And now, I'd like to turn things over to our Grand Marshall, Mr. Leonard Nimoy.
    Leonard Nimoy: [referring to the monorail] I'd say this vessel could do at least Warp Five.
    [crowd laughs]
    Mayor Quimby: And let me say, "May the Force be with you."
    Leonard Nimoy: [annoyed] Do you even know who I am?
    Mayor Quimby: I think I do. Weren't you one of the Little Rascals?

    Mayor Quimby: All right, I'm in charge here.
    Chief Wiggum: Oh, run along, Quimby. I think they're dedicating a phone booth somewhere.
    Mayor Quimby: Watch it, you talking tub of donut batter.
    Chief Wiggum: Hey, I got pictures of you, Quimby.
    Mayor Quimby: You don't scare me, that could be anyone's ass. Now beat it! I'm calling the shots.
    Chief Wiggum: I think that sash is cutting off the air to your brain! The town charter says, in an emergency I run the show!
    Mayor Quimby: Well, we'll just see about that! Let's go to Town Hall!
    Chief Wiggum: Fine!
    Chief Wiggum: Should we take one car, or should I follow you?

    Mayor Quimby: Order! Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Homer: Get to the money!
    Mayor Quimby: In a moment. First, let's review the minutes from our last meeting.
    Apu: Get to the money!
    Rev. Lovejoy: Get to the money!
    Grampa Simpson: Get to the moneeey!
    Mayor Quimby: Very well. We will now hear suggestions for the disbursement of the $2million.
    Lisa Simpson: Don't you mean $3million?
    Mayor Quimby: Of course. How silly of me.

    The Simpsons Movie (2007)

    Mayor Quimby: I hereby declare a state of emergency: Code Black.
    Lenny: Black? That's the worst color there is.
    [Lenny turns to Carl, his black friend]
    Lenny: No offense there, Carl.
    Carl: I get it all the time.

    Mayor Quimby: To make sure this wall is completely idiot-proof... Cletus!
    Cletus: Yes'um?
    Mayor Quimby: Try to dump something in the lake.
    Cletus: Okay.
    [tries to go to the lake to dump a possum but keeps hitting the wall]
    Cletus: I can't. I - I simply can't.

    "The Simpsons: Lisa the Iconoclast (#7.16)" (1996)

    Homer: Dig him up. Dig up that corpse. If you really love Jebediah Springfield, you'll haul his bones out of the ground to prove my daughter wrong. Dig up his grave. Pull out his tongue.
    Mayor Quimby: Can't we have one meeting that doesn't end with us digging up a corpse?

    Mayor Quimby: Congratulations Ned, you are our new town crier. May your shrill, nasal voice ring throughout our streets and brains.
    Ned Flanders: Thankily-dank, Mayor, I shan't disappoint. Har ye, har ye. I declare myself pinkled tink about Springfield's Bicen-cidilly-ti-ten-toodly-rin-tin-tennial Day.
    Homer: You suck-diddily-uck, Flanders. Gimme that.
    [Grabs the bell from him]
    Homer: Hear ye. Hear ye. Ye olde town crier proclaimed crappy by all. Chooseth Homer Simpson, and he shalt rock thy world.
    Chief Wiggum: Good God, he is fabulous.
    Principal Skinner: He's embiggened that role with that cromulent performance.

    "The Simpsons: Sideshow Bob Roberts (#6.5)" (1994)

    Birchibald T. Barlow: You know, there are three things we are never going to get rid of here in Springfield. One; the bats in the public library. Two; Mrs. McFierly's compost heap. And three; our six-term mayor. The illiterate, tax-cheating, wife-swapping, pot-smoking spendocrat, Diamond Joe Quimby.
    Mayor Quimby: [listening to the radio, while watering his marijuana plants] Hey! I am no longer illiterate.

    "The Simpsons: Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes (#20.1)" (2008)

    Mayor Quimby: Greetings, fellow Irishmen and lady Irishmen. I, Joseph Fitzgerald O'Malley Fitzpatrick O'Donnell The Edge Quimby, welcome you to Springfield's first booze-free St. Patrick's Day!

    "The Simpsons: Mayored to the Mob (#10.9)" (1998)
    Homer: Mayor? Fat Tony asked me to give you this.
    [Homer grabs Mayor Quimby and kisses him]
    Mayor Qumby: You moron! That's the kiss of death!
    Homer: Oh, no! Wait, maybe I didn't do it right!

    "The Simpsons: Much Apu About Nothing (#7.23)" (1996)

    Mayor Quimby: Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?
    Mayor's Assistant: Dumber, sir.

    "The Simpsons: This Little Wiggy (#9.18)" (1998)

    Mayor Quimby: [on television] If you commit a violent crime in my town you'll end up here!
    [pointing at the electrocuting chair]
    Ralph Wiggum: Hey hey that's our playchair!
    Mayor Quimby: [still in television] To demonstrate what you're in for I will now strap myself in!
    Bart Simpson: Uh-oh! We didn't set it to safety switch!
    Ralph Wiggum: He's gonna smell like hotdogs!

    "The Simpsons: Homer Alone (#3.15)" (1992)

    Chief Wiggum: Don't you worry, Mr. Mayor. This little lady will be cracking rocks by the end of the week.
    Mayor Quimby: Wiggum, you glorified night watchman, let her go!
    Chief Wiggum: But... but she broke the law.
    Mayor Quimby: Thanks for the civics lesson. Now listen: if Marge Simpson goes to jail, I can kiss the chick vote goodbye. And if I go down, you're gonna break my fall!
    Chief Wiggum: Word to the wise, Quimby: don't write checks your butt can't cash.
    Mayor Quimby: Hear me loud and clear, Wiggum: you bite me, I'll bite back!
    Chief Wiggum: You talk the talk, Quimby, but do you walk the walk?

    "The Simpsons: A Star Is Burns (#6.18)" (1995)

    Barney: [during his acceptance speech] I've learned that I have a gift to share with the world. From now on, I'll be a new Barnard Gumbel; clean, sober, and hardworking.
    Mayor Quimby: Congratulations, Barney, and enjoy your prize - a lifetime supply of Duff Beer.
    [the curtains pull back to reveal a Duff Beer tanker truck]
    Barney: Just hook it to my veins!
    [the truck driver prepares an I.V]

    "The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XI (#12.1)" (2000)

    Mayor Quimby: People, please. We're all frightened and horny, but we can't let some killer dolphins keep us from living and scoring!

    "The Simpsons: Whacking Day (#4.20)" (1993)

    [Barry White is the Guest of Honor on Whacking Day]
    Mayor Quimby: Now I'd like to introduce our Grand Marshal, the Prophet of Love, Larry White.
    Barry White: Barry White.
    Mayor Quimby: No, it says here Larry White.
    Barry White: I know my own name.
    Mayor Quimby: Yeah? Well, we'll just see!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,413 ✭✭✭Stab*City

    Raiser wrote: »
    You should be able to stitch together a complete picture from these typical Mayor quotes.......

    Awesome where did you find a book on the history of mayor Kevin Kiely?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    Any local politician who claims they can create jobs as Mayor is talking crap. Local councillors and mayors in this country have about as much power as dead battery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,413 ✭✭✭Stab*City

    Any local politician who claims they can create jobs as Mayor is talking crap. Local councillors and mayors in this country have about as much power as dead battery.

    Do we really even need half of them so? Anyone know what the prerequisites are for a Limerick mayor?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Stab*City wrote: »
    Do we really even need half of them so? Anyone know what the prerequisites are for a Limerick mayor?

    Not much going by what has gotten the role in the past.

    Seems all you need is to be involved in the pre arranged voting pacts between the political parties.

    It is not as though experience, education, qualifications or anything like that is needed for the role, nor do the people of Limerick have any say in who gets it.

    A now meaningless role that lines the pockets of those that get the role.

    Just look at those in line for the role over the next few years and you will clearly see the quality that is coming, and it is even more laughable when you see that some only managed to get their local councillor roles by only getting literally hundreds of votes in the last local elections.

    As for the new mayor, well I think she will prove to be a big improvement on the last two mayors, and she is defo head and shoulders above the two that are meant to be lined up to get the role in the two years after her term.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Villa Limerick

    lol raiser very good.

    She will be an improvement on Kiely, but i disagree with the last 2 comment.

    John Gilligan is a legend !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,942 ✭✭✭topper75

    Direct elections would be great.

    If Limerick were in the U.S., we would also elect the chief in Henry St. directly. They also elect the local Justice.

    She certainly can't create employment directly but the mayor does have a casting vote so they have power over rates etc. which can in turn influence the attractiveness of Limerick as a commercial location and, as a result, employment creation in the retail sector.

    Rates too high? No new shops, no new jobs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    I don't hold much hope for her to be honest. A promise to focus on creating employment is straight out bull**** as she has no authority over this and she also has a "pet project" to provide allotments for growing vegetables. Yes, that will do us all a lot of good - no jobs but at least we can spend our time growing ****ing lettuce.

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭Reaganomical

    topper75 wrote: »
    Direct elections would be great.

    Until there is some meaningful power delegated to local councils, having direct elections for the mayoral position would be a horrendous waste of money. Anyone who wants to see what exactly the City Council gets up need only access the council minutes on the City Council website. Not exactly high level stuff. Probably just as well given some of the mensa candidates serving in there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    DarkJager wrote: »
    I don't hold much hope for her to be honest. A promise to focus on creating employment is straight out bull**** as she has no authority over this and she also has a "pet project" to provide allotments for growing vegetables. Yes, that will do us all a lot of good - no jobs but at least we can spend our time growing ****ing lettuce.

    Promising jobs in the midst of a recession is akin to promising topless after-hours to the local Alcoholics....... It'll win a big huge cheer from the Vacant-eyed Punters and 3 minutes later Everyone has forgotten who She is - leaving her free to kick back and attend Gala Soirées quaffing Chardonnay on manicured lawns.

    - As for the Allotments perhaps she'll be supplying the bullshít to rake over them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,857 ✭✭✭langdang

    I reckon it's downhill straightaway - promising jobs like she can wave a wand and create them. If the place is run anything like the HSE she could shoo in a few relatives into cushy admin numbers, but I'm sure the Limerick City council is run in a far more professional manner than the HSE;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Aidric

    John Gilligan is a legend !
    In what way?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    DarkJager wrote: »
    I don't hold much hope for her to be honest. A promise to focus on creating employment is straight out bull**** as she has no authority over this and she also has a "pet project" to provide allotments for growing vegetables. Yes, that will do us all a lot of good - no jobs but at least we can spend our time growing ****ing lettuce.

    Even if we did have jobs there would be no guarantee we would get to work on time as she is opposed to the Ballinacurra Green Bus Route

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Even if we did have jobs there would be no guarantee we would get to work on time as she is opposed to the Ballinacurra Green Bus Route

    Yeah because everyone in Limerick would be using the Ballinacurra road bus lane that she is against. There is already a bus route there and has been for years and years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,486 ✭✭✭sioda

    Congrats to maria kiely was an out spoken eejit and gilligan although looked and sounded like the same tried to use the office for good. OT i know but EVERY bus lane in this city is a waste of space and should be reused as regular road with a small provision of a cycle lane

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭niallers1

    The last time I met her she was the sandwich maker in Bobby's Byrnes(fathers) pub.

    Is this new job not a bit of a step down for her?

    If she does half as good a job as she did with her toasties then she will be excellent.

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