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13yr old arrested



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭kilburn

    @CiaranMT i simple said if you do the crime, you do the time. Thats it and that people know right from wrong. And i was accused of endorsing Nazi germany, cop on to your self and discuss things like mature adults instead of throwing yer toys out of the pram when ye dont like someone endorsing the law be upheld !

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,092 ✭✭✭CiaranMT

    kilburn wrote: »
    @CiaranMT i simple said if you do the crime, you do the time. Thats it and that people know right from wrong. And i was accused of endorsing Nazi germany, cop on to your self and discuss things like mature adults instead of throwing yer toys out of the pram when ye dont like someone endorsing the law be upheld !

    Chill man, you're the only one throwing toys out of said pram. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    Kilburn, Ciaran please retract the claws or I will ban both of you.

    thanking you

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭mark1974

    I know this family and it all started with this child's(13yo) grandparents. They had many children and when their children got into trouble with the law, which some of them did on a regular basis, the grandmother in particular, always maintained that the guards where wrong and that they were being harassed.She constantly turned a blind eye to what her children did.
    This was the attitude that this 13year old`s mother was brought up with and has now passed on to her own children. They have been reared to see the law and authorities as fools and that they are above them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    mark1974 wrote: »
    They have been reared to see the law and authorities as fools and that they are above them.

    Unfortunately there seems as though nothing has been done to contradict that view anyhow.....

    At a guess I'd say every Civil Servant within range from the Gardaí to Social Workers etc. would prefer to be, and probably is, re-arranging their desk ornaments and fiddling their expenses than dealing with these People......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭Xennon

    kilburn wrote: »
    Xennon cop on to yourself, no one is suggesting anything like Germany.
    Get over yourself will ya, if you commit a crime you have to do the time its as simple as that.
    And how dare u pass comments like that about my character, it seems here that when people disagree with a comment the result to insulting you. Aint we a mature lot here, I thought boards was a platform for discussion not a slanging match site.

    I can assure you Im well copped on, and well over myself. Your flippant comments deserved my response in my view. As for attacking your character, I did no such thing, I simply commented on your statement. People seem to be doing 'the time' regularly and go back to 'doing the crime'. In my opinion this means the system doesn't work.

    @Millie, if I knew what to do then I would happily tell anyone who wanted my opinion.

    At the moment my opinion is that there should be an armed garda presence, not just in Limerick but throughout Ireland. I know we have the ARU units, and they're a step in the right direction but I dont think its enough. Most of the gardai we have at the moment would not be suited to this work, I believe we should have a second force of armed garda, similar to parts of Europe where you have a local police force, and a national force. Im sorry, but I look at some of the 'gardai' we have and wonder 'WTF are you going to do in a situation?'

    The judiciary are a joke from what Ive read recently, doing 'the time' is just too easy an option. Our prisons are full of people that would be better off put to work in some form of community service, putting them in prison for minor offenses just starts that downward spiral. If however someone does deserve prison, then i do agree with kilburn that they have opted to step outside outside the law of the land and should have their rights removed and not be sent to a holiday home with your own tv, phone, and yer mates in the cell next to you.

    And yes I'm in favour of the death penalty, as far as Im concerned,once you cross that line, you are no longer a member of civilization.

    The youth problem, is one of a lack of respect. They fear little, and what have they to fear? Nothing, they get a slap on the wrists or sent to a 'home' where again they mix with more kids with anti-social behavior, how can that work??

    Shouldn't we look to other countries where they've had to deal with the same level of anti-social behavior rather than trying to invent our own system?

    I know many people that grew up in these areas, and have turned out to be outstanding people that I would trust with my life at a drop of a hat. What was different in their lives? Their family. Their parents brought them up well and are a credit to them. So what fails with the degenerates? Obviously their parents. When this happens the only way forward is education. Children's allowance should be removed from parents if the kids don't turn up at school, as this seems to be the sole reason they have kids. The schools should be supported to deal with these kids, it the only chance these people have to get out of that rut.

    There is also a distinct lack of community happening in our country, some people don't even know their neighbor's, how can that be healthy? In areas where there is a strong community, anti social behavior doesn't stand a chance.

    These are just some ramblings, and again kilburn i wasn't attacking your character, just your comments so ammmmmm get over yerself ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    The whole problem revolves around cause, effect, appropriate response, measured justice, meting out of apt punishment etc.

    What this boils down to is certain People need to be dealt with in strong terms which they really, really do not like as a starting point and then subsequently reasons should be placed in the vacuum as to why this 'thing' happened to them.

    - This missing factor is not present as an actual threat to their miserable Shíthead lives and therefore they do not fear any consequence to any of their choices, conduct or actions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭kilburn

    These are just some ramblings, and again kilburn i wasn't attacking your character, just your comments so ammmmmm get over yerself wink.gif

    I am over myself :cool:

    Truce !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Normalperson

    Trying to merge these two threads beside one another to highlight the activities within this area Fairview Crescent Garryowen, to show that these two families are in close connection with one another and that they now basically RUN the area.
    Rumours abound that Limerick City Council is to surrender Fairview Crescent to them. :) Just a rumour though :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Normalperson

    Rumour has it that the 13 year old has been sent away to a special special place for special little girls like herself....a youth court went ahead two days ago and she is now reportedly separated from her mentors, sorry - happy days but for how long???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭longhalloween

    DarkJager wrote: »
    Personally, if I caught some 13 year old scumbag damaging my property on that scale she'd be ****ing praying that the gardai showed up sooner rather than later.

    it rubs the lotion on its skin...
