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  • 10-07-2010 12:07am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 50 ✭✭

    That is what a young woman,with such severe depression that she attempted suicide, was told recently in our local hospital.After been accessed for 7hrs,she was told by the doctor that he knew she was highly suicidal and he had no doubt she would try it again,BUT the Resources weren't there to admit her.He said what was frightening about her attempt was that she tried to hang herself,sober and drug free.This is not the norm for a woman as it is so extreme,unless it was ment.She was given a prescription and sent away.Easy way out for them and the young woman if she did what a lot of people have done with the prescription that they have been given.The HSE services in Limerick are a disgrace for anyone suffering from depression.This is proven everyday by the amount of suicides that take place in Limerick alone.Depression is a serious illness that is just brushed under the carpet by the HSE and their Resources.....:mad:


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,684 ✭✭✭flutered

    there is a weekend link somewhere, i am sure the samaratins would have it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,551 ✭✭✭panda100

    I wouldn't say depression is swept under the carpet by the HSE.It just that the methods it pumps a lot of its money and resources into such as psychiatry and cognitive behavioural therapy have a very low success rate.

    The onus need's to be away from gp's,medication and psychiatrists and on a more holistic route to help those who are suicidal. Unfortunately psychotherapists and social workers who specialise in mental health are not taken seriosusly and theres no profit for the phramaceutcial industry to deal with the REAL causes of the depression. So anyone arriving in a+e after a serious suicide attempt will just be given a pat on the back and a prescription for the antidepressant du jour.

    In med school i spent two weeks shadowing Dr Murphy in Athea,an absolutely wonderful doctor. While driving from Athea to Carrigkerry one day he pointed out that pretty much every house along the route had a suicide over the last 10 years. Its a very serious problem in West Limerick. I really feel that the whole keeping up with the jonses aspect of the celtic tiger had a serious affect on young people.
