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New website (check it out!)

  • 19-07-2010 9:25pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 180 ✭✭


    Just going to link to the website I made so I can get some feedback on it from people.

    It needs a few polishing touches and everything is sampled until my client gives me more information.

    I will get a proper host and domain later but for now, please ignore the ads.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    Looks very home-made at present.

    That said, content-first isn't a bad approach; anything there can be fixed with CSS and decent header graphics, typeface, colour scheme, etc.

    I'd look at centering the container for the site's pages as well, so that it's not all over to one side when you get rid of the ads.

    In addition, if there were multiple properties, you'd need to consider the impact of scrolling, etc, or maybe a search facility.

    I'd assume that the content will be database-driven, so that adding and removing properties, etc, doesn't involve editing multiple pages and recreating links ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 180 ✭✭Darkphenom

    Liam Byrne wrote: »
    Looks very home-made at present.

    That said, content-first isn't a bad approach; anything there can be fixed with CSS and decent header graphics, typeface, colour scheme, etc.

    I'd look at centering the container for the site's pages as well, so that it's not all over to one side when you get rid of the ads.
    I will think about this
    In addition, if there were multiple properties, you'd need to consider the impact of scrolling, etc, or maybe a search facility.

    I'd assume that the content will be database-driven, so that adding and removing properties, etc, doesn't involve editing multiple pages and recreating links ?
    Im keeping it simple at the moment. I don't know much about databases but there wont be enough property to justify making a search facility.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,414 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Site is popping up a HEUR/HTML.Malware warning in Avira. Probably the frame.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Rulmeq

    Darkphenom wrote: »

    Just going to link to the website I made so I can get some feedback on it from people.

    It needs a few polishing touches and everything is sampled until my client gives me more information.

    I will get a proper host and domain later but for now, please ignore the ads.

    My Eyes!, the goggles do nothing!
    That's more ads per square inch than I've ever seen in my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 264 ✭✭tc2010

    If i was a businessman theres no way id be represented by a site like that.


    edit - after reading that its on free ad supported hosting maybe its not as bad. Never seen so many uncolour coordinated ads in my life

  • Advertisement
  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭fcrossen

    Reminds me of old Geocities sites...

    ...just wondering, is there that much more money to be made these days out of affiliate advertising than out of auctioneering? It would want to be loads more considering the mess it makes out of your web site!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,164 ✭✭✭hobochris

    I would definitely change the style and pre-load the images, its like geocities..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 264 ✭✭tc2010

    fcrossen wrote: »
    Reminds me of old Geocities sites...

    ...just wondering, is there that much more money to be made these days out of affiliate advertising than out of auctioneering? It would want to be loads more considering the mess it makes out of your web site!

    its on free hosting. When its properly hosted they will be gone

    I think the OP needs to put that in bold writing :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭fcrossen

    tc2010 wrote: »
    its on free hosting.

    No sh1t!!!!!! ;)

    'Tis butt ugly though - it does nicely illustrate what you get for nothing! 128 Errors, 25 warning(s) from - is this a record?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭thirtythirty

    Would you consider using Wordpress? Even it's basic set up looks pretty polished.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    Darkphenom wrote: »
    I don't know much about databases but there wont be enough property to justify making a search facility.

    That's fair enough, but bear in mind that the current structure also requires that you edit 2 pages for every property change......the property.html summary and the equivalent propX.html

    Also, the page header (title tag) doesn't change when you go into a property; it seems to be identical for every page, which is a common mistake made by newbies, thereby hammering the primary method used for SEO.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 180 ✭✭Darkphenom

    tc2010 wrote: »
    its on free hosting. When its properly hosted they will be gone

    I think the OP needs to put that in bold writing :pac:

    Thank you please ignore the ads. Who in the right mind would get free hosting for their business' website with crappy looking ads. (preferably have no ads at all)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 180 ✭✭Darkphenom

    fcrossen wrote: »
    No sh1t!!!!!! ;)

    'Tis butt ugly though - it does nicely illustrate what you get for nothing! 128 Errors, 25 warning(s) from - is this a record?

    I passed the validation of XHTML strict with my original webpage but the hosting adds a load of **** into the code.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭fcrossen

    Darkphenom wrote: »
    I passed the validation of XHTML strict with my original webpage but the hosting adds a load of **** into the code.
    Well if you require hosting there are plenty of companies that will look after you.

    I notice that the paid offerings cost more than a standard shared hosting package (comparing like for like), so perhaps you should bite the bullet and just buy one.

    I understand that you plan to remove the ads when you're done, but I wouldn't host with these guys anyway. If your market is Irish (or European) get a hosting company that is at least on this side of the Atlantic and on this continent!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,231 ✭✭✭Fad

    This has just served to show me how good my adblock settings are :D

    Just had a look at it in firefox to see what everyone was moaning about and I wept >_<

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 180 ✭✭Darkphenom

    fcrossen wrote: »
    Well if you require hosting there are plenty of companies that will look after you.

    I notice that the paid offerings cost more than a standard shared hosting package (comparing like for like), so perhaps you should bite the bullet and just buy one.

    I understand that you plan to remove the ads when you're done, but I wouldn't host with these guys anyway. If your market is Irish (or European) get a hosting company that is at least on this side of the Atlantic and on this continent!

    So far I have been looking around at hosts only with servers based in Ireland.

    I was googling free hosts and domains just for testing purposes, I would definitely not pay any money.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 536 ✭✭✭ahal

    The banner is at least 4 times deeper than it needs to be - it's pushing the vital information down the page (and out of sight). That said, I like the homely feel of that somewhat panoramic photo.
