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Larry Murphy (Read mod note on post 1 before posting)



  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    Renn wrote: »
    Don't you lock the bloody doors every night?

    touche :)

    I locked the gate to my house. I locked my side gate. and locked the door to utility room which leads to back door. and yes I do lock my doors everynight. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Lord Trollington

    Kasabian wrote: »
    So you don't give a fcuk that there is a potential serial killer walking the streets a free man today . Thats your business but don't be so arrogant to dismiss other people's fears. I know of a few women I have spoken with who are genuinely upset and scared that this man is out there somewhere. The chances are they will never encounter this animal but I imagine the girl he stalked, raped and attempted to murder was living her life never thinking that she would meet a man like this.

    Now go back to watching the Simpsons.

    Osama Bin Laden is out there too, there is a good potential there are UFO's out there, Also Jack the ripper was never caught.

    Are they not living in fear of these also?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,391 ✭✭✭✭mikom

    whycliff wrote: »
    Osama Bin Laden is out there too,

    Except he's probably not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Banned Account

    Kasabian wrote: »
    So you don't give a fcuk that there is a potential serial killer walking the streets a free man today . Thats your business but don't be so arrogant to dismiss other people's fears. I know of a few women I have spoken with who are genuinely upset and scared that this man is out there somewhere. The chances are they will never encounter this animal but I imagine the girl he stalked, raped and attempted to murder was living her life never thinking that she would meet a man like this.

    Now go back to watching the Simpsons.

    With respect - To make the leap from convicted rapist and attempted murderer to "serial killer" displys the exact hysteria I am taking umbrage with. There are, by your loging 1000's of "potential serial killers" walking our streets - why not just arm ourselves and shoot wantonly?

    I'm not dismissing anyone's fears - I am simply taking issue with the way in which many, normally sane people, are choosing to allay them. Convening flash gatherings of Lynch mobs at steet corners is not the way we should be behaving - are we not all a little grown up for this?

    Have an issue - report it to the Gardai - like we would do in cases where we haven't allowed ourselves to be whipped into a frenzy by Ger Colleran et al.

    *switches back on the Simpsons*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭ben bedlam

    It was crazy last night hearing people all over the country saying "im not going walking alone anymore", or "im staying inside at night". Does anyone here genuinely and honestly believe that Larry Murphy is going to "get them"? Jesus, this guy is not the boogie man, he can't appear in an instant anywhere! And does anyone believe that he will honesltly put one foot wrong now he is released?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Mad as hell

    whycliff wrote: »
    Osama Bin Laden is out there too, there is a good potential there are UFO's out there, Also Jack the ripper was never caught.

    Are they not living in fear of these also?

    That is completly out of order, what this man did was a dispicable act and if you actualy informed yourself about this scumbags crime I doubt that you would make such throw away comments. Have you not got a sister or a mother or a daughter? People who either defend him or post comments like yours need to seek help. This man will get whats coming to him thats for sure and its about time that people stood up and said enough is enough. Fair play to Sinn Fein for actualy doing something possitive and holding a meeting about this as no other party has done anything whatsoever. This man needs to be punished and 10 years is not enough. An eye for an eye in cases like this is much more suitable. If he comes to my home town I wont be waiting for the Garda to do anything Ill take affirmatave action and so will my neighbours.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 fcukthat

    The media frenzy and hysteria created by them is unreal.

    All these women reading tabloids and watching TV3 and are too afraid to leave their house is crazy!

    Don't you realise that their are also:

    1) Rapists who have never been caught
    2) Rapists who have been released without any media frenzy
    3) Murderers who have been released without any media frenzy
    4) Rapists/Murderers from foreign countries

    all roaming around this country, brushing shoulders with you as you go about your daily life. You should also live in fear of these.

    Larry Murphy is essentially being tracked 24/7 be it by the Gardai, media and angry lynch mobs.

    If I was a female in Ireland I'd reckon there's not much chance of him reaching you these days. Do yourselves a favour and think rationally.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,534 ✭✭✭SV

    whycliff wrote: »
    Osama Bin Laden is out there too, there is a good potential there are UFO's out there, Also Jack the ripper was never caught.

    Are they not living in fear of these also?

    Are you fúcking serious?
    really now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    Het-Field wrote: »
    Unfortunatly, save for small sections of the 2001 Act, there is little or nothing that can be done now that Larry Murphy has served his legal sentence. The state can try to monitor him, by screening his activities, and limiting the extent of his activities, if they are seen as involving the offender re-offending. Other then that, there is nothing they can do. In the eyes of the law, Murphy has paid the price for what he did in February 2000. On a moral scale, a different picture is painted, as Murphy's sentence was a pittance, for the brutal rape and attempted murder of a woman.

    I am also conscious of the mob mentality, which could have a great impact on the public mind and public actions. Im sure there are areas in Baltinglass which will be innundated with crowds of concerned parents etc, who will hold up placards etc and seek to identify Murphy as residing in a particular place. Again, like the "Concerned Parents Against Drugs", groups like this have become a haven for extreme provos, and the the smatterings of Hitler Youth, who are hell bent on trying people in a Kangaroo Court, and executing a sentence, which is not sanctioned by any legislation, or constitution.

    Murphy is an evil, evil man. It is an indictment of our penal system that he is out. He has rejected attempts to rehabilitate him, and has rejected to accept responsibility, even though he is a rapist and attempted murderer. Letting him out for "Good Behaviour" (simpliciter) is not acceptable. Any rehabilitative element has been thrown out the window, and all Murphy has recieved is the punishment, which is NOT what prison can be about for Sex Offenders.

    It goes to show, we require a much larger prison, which can ensure that any criminal legislation passed can reflect the severity of the crime, and just sentences can be handed down.

    I know, unfortunately, that he is out now and unless (hopefully he doesn't) reoffends he is out for good. My aim in highlighting this low life is not that he be put behind bars but as follows;

    1. Any offender of any crime should not get an automatic entitlement to 25% reduction in their sentence if they don't behave badly which is essentially what 'GOOD BEHAVIOUR' means. If you refuse counselling and show no remorse you are not displaying Good Behaviour.

    2.That a change is brought about that Sex Offenders are known to to local authorities and therefore to local residents when they are released from prision.

    3. Give our judges the ability to inforce tougher sentences for crimes such as this. Attempted Murder is a crime I feel warranted of a sentence in excess of 10 years and tbh concurrent sentencing is a farce and something that should stop.

    I don't agree with Vigilantes taking it upon themselves to make Murphy pay purely for the reason that they themselves will always end up in a worse position. However, I do agree in every Irish citizen having a right to protect themselves from this and any other predator in their communities. I am glad the press are highlighting this man (regardless of their intentions) . Can anyone on this board say they were genuinely not bothered to see a photo of his face whether it be for their or a loved ones safety?

    There are arguements for and against the publics response and the lenghts at which they are prepared to go to protect themselves. However the day we stop talking about Larry Murphy is a day that we should all be worried and a day that the powers that be will sigh with relief that the public have given up and not been prepared to fight for changes.

    I believe there is nothing that Murphy himself deserves since his release. He has shown no remorse and therefore doesn't deserve our pity or good will. He deserves/needs to be monitored and if the gardai are willing to provide regular updates upon his release that they constantly know where he is then I will sleep better at night but in a week or so's time when they stop that well then maybe not so much.

    Given the British system have recently put one of Jamie Bolgers killers behing bars again I think we are well within our rights to be forewarned of any man who could subject any woman to that kind of ordeal.

    We might never hear from him again ( i doubt it though) but if we do there is no point in saying 'ah sure we were wrong' and setting up a ****ing tribunal to wonder how it happened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,883 ✭✭✭smokedeels

    The man is effectively the embodiment of a nation's frustration and boredom.
    Why can't we channel this level of energy and collective co-operation towards useful causes.

    On the positive side, newspaper sales are up.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 fcukthat

    If he comes to my home town I wont be waiting for the Garda to do anything Ill take affirmatave action and so will my neighbours.

    And what will you do? Beat him to death and serve a life sentence for pre-meditated murder? It doesn't matter who you murder you know, you will serve the same sentence. Again, think rationally. A judge won't give you a lighter sentence just because you killed someone you despised (although never knew)

    If that was the case we'd all be down in Limerick killing all those scumbags who have innocent families like the Collins' living under 24 hour protection and wearing bullet proof vests.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Lord Trollington

    That is completly out of order, what this man did was a dispicable act and if you actualy informed yourself about this scumbags crime I doubt that you would make such throw away comments. Have you not got a sister or a mother or a daughter? People who either defend him or post comments like yours need to seek help. This man will get whats coming to him thats for sure and its about time that people stood up and said enough is enough. Fair play to Sinn Fein for actualy doing something possitive and holding a meeting about this as no other party has done anything whatsoever. This man needs to be punished and 10 years is not enough. An eye for an eye in cases like this is much more suitable. If he comes to my home town I wont be waiting for the Garda to do anything Ill take affirmatave action and so will my neighbours.

    Why dont you go rape him then?:rolleyes:

    I'm not defending the man.

    But to say that people around the country are living in fear is absolutely absurd.

    It's like what an earlier poster said an episode of the simpsons. Pitchfork mentality.

    I agree, he got 10 years and it wasn't nearly long enough. Its the system that failed. It needs to be reformed.

    There are plenty of killers out there on the lose, people shot, stabbed, murdered almost everyday in Ireland and there is nothing about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    ben bedlam wrote: »
    It was crazy last night hearing people all over the country saying "im not going walking alone anymore", or "im staying inside at night". Does anyone here genuinely and honestly believe that Larry Murphy is going to "get them"? Jesus, this guy is not the boogie man, he can't appear in an instant anywhere! And does anyone believe that he will honesltly put one foot wrong now he is released?

    I am sure given that he refused counselling and has not accepted any repsonsibility for his actions he is statistically more likely to reoffend and tbh if he does it will be some woman so if you were one you would probably understand the fear of being tied up raped and left for dead is something that would stop women from walking alone. It might not be them as the next victim but I think it shows our empathy with his victim. Did she think she would end up in that situation.. i doubt it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,689 ✭✭✭✭OutlawPete

    If he comes to my home town I wont be waiting for the Garda to do anything Ill take affirmatave action and so will my neighbours.

    If he comes to your town, why not let him live there where he can be watched?

    Where exactly do you want him to live?

    Or do you only care about him re-offending in YOUR town and not another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    whycliff wrote: »
    Osama Bin Laden is out there too, there is a good potential there are UFO's out there, Also Jack the ripper was never caught.

    Are they not living in fear of these also?

    how very mature of you.. not

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Mad as hell

    Because Im not a sick scumbag but you clearly have issues with a cheap comment like that. We all know that the system has failed in this case but as a nation we have to say enough is enough and if that means a mob mentality then so be it. At least the mob is in the right.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭ben bedlam

    SV wrote: »
    Are you fúcking serious?
    really now?

    There is probably a bigger chance of you winning the lottery and then being abducted by rock and roll lovin' aliens than ever encountering spooky Larry Murphy

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Lord Trollington

    SV wrote: »
    Are you fúcking serious?
    really now?

    Yes I am serious. "Women across Ireland living in fear" that is the kind of statements that whips up a frenzy.

    I live in fear of UFO's, how it that any more wild of a claim that women across Ireland living in fear of one man?

    He is after all one man, only out of prision. I'm pretty sure Gardai are following his every move.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Mad as hell

    fcukthat wrote: »
    And what will you do? Beat him to death and serve a life sentence for pre-meditated murder? It doesn't matter who you murder you know, you will serve the same sentence. Again, think rationally. A judge won't give you a lighter sentence just because you killed someone you despised (although never knew)

    If that was the case we'd all be down in Limerick killing all those scumbags who have innocent families like the Collins' living under 24 hour protection and wearing bullet proof vests.

    affirmatave action is not murder you tit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,301 ✭✭✭Snickers Man

    Typical silly season story. It's only because the Dail is in recess and half of RTE are on holiday that this is getting such prominence.

    Violent killers get released all the time. What do you want to do? Bring back hanging?

    This guy steps out of line once and he's back inside for life.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    fcukthat wrote: »
    The media frenzy and hysteria created by them is unreal.

    All these women reading tabloids and watching TV3 and are too afraid to leave their house is crazy!

    Don't you realise that their are also:

    1) Rapists who have never been caught
    2) Rapists who have been released without any media frenzy
    3) Murderers who have been released without any media frenzy
    4) Rapists/Murderers from foreign countries

    all roaming around this country, brushing shoulders with you as you go about your daily life. You should also live in fear of these.

    Larry Murphy is essentially being tracked 24/7 be it by the Gardai, media and angry lynch mobs.

    If I was a female in Ireland I'd reckon there's not much chance of him reaching you these days. Do yourselves a favour and think rationally.

    A fear of Rape and or sexual assault is probably one of womens biggest fear.

    This isn't just about Larry Murphy this is about every sick **** who like you said is walking the streets brushing shoulders with us and our children.

    My daughter is 5 I would hope by the time she is my age she can visit a website listing all known sex offenders in her area so she can then avoid them or keep her kids away from them. Until that day I will continue to speak out about the likes of Larry Murphy and continue to sleep uneasy knowing this kind of sick bastards are walking around brushing shoulders with me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,534 ✭✭✭SV

    ben bedlam wrote: »
    There is probably a bigger chance of you winning the lottery and then being abducted by rock and roll lovin' aliens than ever encountering spooky Larry Murphy

    No there isn't?
    whycliff wrote: »
    Yes I am serious. "Women across Ireland living in fear" that is the kind of statements that whips up a frenzy.

    I live in fear of UFO's, how it that any more wild of a claim that women across Ireland living in fear of one man?

    He is after all one man, only out of prision. I'm pretty sure Gardai are following his every move.

    because he's a reality and he's a high risk reoffender and he's in Ireland?
    it's not rocket science

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 17,133 Mod ✭✭✭✭cherryghost

    Am I right in hearing on the radio that a mob formed somewhere because of a rumour on :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    Typical silly season story. It's only because the Dail is in recess and half of RTE are on holiday that this is getting such prominence.

    Violent killers get released all the time. What do you want to do? Bring back hanging?

    This guy steps out of line once and he's back inside for life.

    That is just it Snickers Man - there is no life sentence in this country only for victims

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 fcukthat

    affirmatave action is not murder you tit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭lynski

    Had it happened in Iran, he would have been strung by the neck from a mobile crane in public.
    Had it been in Saudi Arabia he would have his balls cut off.
    Had it been in the US of A he would be serving 40 years
    Had it happened in the UK he would be electronically tagged and his whereabouts known to the public.
    But it happened in Ireland, a fcuking joke, where he is let off Scott free only serving double the amount of time had he been caught with just a bong or a couple of head shop pills in his car.
    possibly you are right there, but the poor raped girl would prob have been given 100 lashes/jailed/fined for being raped and could face worse punishment in those countries, like having to marry her attacker.
    LM being sentenced to 15 years was a disgrace, concurrent sentencing is a joke. He has served some of his time, he should not be out as good behaviour should mean more then keeping your head down. refusal to accept treatment or rehabilitation should have gotten him the last 5 yrs in and possibly should be enough to keep a sex offender in until they do accept.
    And yes i apply that equally to the 18 yr old who had sex with his 16 yr old GF. I do not agree he is a sex offender, but if the law says he is and punishes him then it should ensure he understands why and will not do it again.
    As for LM's other alleged activities, an interesting article in the Sunday Times last week turned the commonly held perceptions of him as a practiced, competent and confident rapist/kidnapper/killer on their heads.
    He left her car with finger prints and other evidence and did not go back afterwards, he had no 'equipment' with him; he improvised, he told her personal details, he did not even change his clothes; never mind destroy them, he did not shower or try to clean up in any way.
    Think about Joe O'Reilly, a one time killer and the care he took to escape detection, LM seems like an amateur by comparison.
    Despite 10 years, many police minds and hours, there is no link to him in any of these cases.
    I dont want this worm above ground for what he did to that girl, but people need to get a grip and realise there is at least 1 serial killer un-captured in this country and that is a hell of a lot scarier then LM

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,883 ✭✭✭smokedeels

    rebelmomma wrote: »
    My daughter is 5 I would hope by the time she is my age she can visit a website listing all known sex offenders in her area so she can then avoid them or keep her kids away from them.

    you want your daughter to grow up in a Country without civil liberties?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 fcukthat

    rebelmomma wrote: »

    This isn't just about Larry Murphy this is about every sick **** who like you said is walking the streets brushing shoulders with us and our children.

    My daughter is 5 I would hope by the time she is my age she can visit a website listing all known sex offenders in her area so she can then avoid them or keep her kids away from them. Until that day I will continue to speak out about the likes of Larry Murphy and continue to sleep uneasy knowing this kind of sick bastards are walking around brushing shoulders with me.

    This is solely about Larry Murphy. Would a thread about rapists in general have been going like this last week?

    If you are going to sleep uneasy until your 5 year old daughter's children can have access to a website then you will end up in psychiatric care I would think.

    By the way, Larry Murphy raped a women in her late 20's, he's not a paedophile!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    rebelmomma wrote: »

    My daughter is 5 I would hope by the time she is my age she can visit a website listing all known sex offenders in her area so she can then avoid them or keep her kids away from them.

    But if you are worried for her then worry about friends,family and neighbors.
    God forbid if she is ever attacked, most likely it's going to be somebody you've known for years.

    A website only shows people after they have been convicted, it won't help very much at all

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  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭rebelmomma

    smokedeels wrote: »
    you want your daughter to grow up in a Country without civil liberties?

    Do you not think it is up to a country to protect it's citizens from known criminals?? I don't want my daughter to be talking about how we should be doing something to to change the laws of this country in 25 years time when god only knows how many more Larry Murphys have come out of prision and how many more innocent victims are left to pick up the pieces

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