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Accurate Predictions and who Predicted them?

  • 28-07-2010 7:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 36

    The one prediction that stood out from the several psychics i've been to, was from Patricia (who was based in sandyford at the time), who told me that i wouldn't be staying in my current job for long and i would be moving on to bigger and better things ie, more money, better prospects, (i had literally just started the job i was in and had no intention of leaving). Five months later, without checking out one job advert (the company approached me), i ended up in the job i'm currently in now, seven years on with more money and got a promotion two years in....
    Not a mind blowing prediction but a good one all the same. Has anyone had any good predictions and who from?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    sammy78 wrote: »
    The one prediction that stood out from the several psychics i've been to, was from Patricia (who was based in sandyford at the time), who told me that i wouldn't be staying in my current job for long and i would be moving on to bigger and better things ie, more money, better prospects, (i had literally just started the job i was in and had no intention of leaving). Five months later, without checking out one job advert (the company approached me), i ended up in the job i'm currently in now, seven years on with more money and got a promotion two years in....

    Not a mind blowing prediction but a good one all the same. Has anyone had any good predictions and who from?

    That's a very good question. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is probably the number one reason why people visit psychics/fortune tellers/readers to start with. It's important to deduce who's worth bothering with, and who isn't.

    Well, I'll begin with my own limited experiences thus far. Most of them were in Cork because I grew up there. Apart from Carol Byrne (who I thought was fairly dire, but friends believed otherwise) in Wexford, and Peter Matthew down in Cork a few months back, I actually haven't seen anyone since I moved to Louth a few years ago. The last psychic outside Cork I paid a visit to was Billy Martin in Mullingar in 2007. Also, I can obviously only comment on the ones where a suitable timeframe encompassing their stated predictions has passed.

    Stephanie in Cobh, Cork:

    * She predicted that the girl I was seeing at the time was cheating on me and was actually at least three months' pregnant (by another bloke). She said the relationship would be done and dusted within three months of the reading. Further probing revealed that, unfortunately, the above was true - not to mention being a very bitter pill to swallow - and obviously I dropped that girl like a hot potato. I believe she's engaged to that other scumbag now.

    Veronica, Blackpool, Cork:

    * She predicted that I would meet a girl who was foreign - specifically somewhere from the Middle East region - with green eyes during my first term back at college. That was correct. This girl was actually born in Dubai and lived there until herself and her family moved to Ireland when she was eight. We went out for a few months before it fizzled out, so we're just friends now.

    I can't think of anyone else right now who has made an accurate prediction related to me that would have (or wouldn't have) happened at this point in time.

    I know of other people who have had things predicted accurately though.

    The White Witch of Cobh:

    * I know a businessman who said she predicted he would become very wealthy from property investment in the leisure industry by the time he was 28. When he saw her, he had just done his Leaving Cert and had no concrete career plans in place.

    * A girl I know has a sister whose friend was told she would move to Scotland permanently by the age of 23, would meet her future husband there whose initials would be 'D McK', and they would have a baby girl. This girl saw her when she was about 15 and I don't think she had even been outside this country at that point. Anyway, all of those events have since taken place.

    * My sister's friend was told she would move to England and take up a career in some branch of the military. Apparently she would meet her husband in that job and they would have a son when she was 32. I think she was designing and selling jewellery for a living around the time she saw the White Witch. She continued doing that for another couple of years until she decided to join the Gardai. However, she failed to be accepted (I can't remember why that was again), so she travelled to the UK to put in an application for their police force instead. She was accepted there and, lo and behold, that's where she met the husband, and they had a boy a few months ago (she's 31, btw - not 32, ha).

    * I was talking to some guy last October who told me, in all seriousness, that the White Witch had accurately predicted the death, and the time of the passing, of his grandfather to his mother. I don't agree with readers telling people about deaths though...

    * Personally, I thought the White Witch was fairly crap when it came to reading me. I found afterwards that she told me some of the same drivel she had told others, e.g. you'll move to Canada in your 30s, you'll have a son in the military. We'll have to see about all that, but I seriously doubt it at this point in time. :rolleyes:

    Peter Matthew, Cork:

    * I know a woman who was told she would leave her then-current job to a start a new, similar role that was conveniently nearer to her abode within a couple of months. This has happened.

    Billy Martin, Mullingar, Westmeath:

    * celtic1888, another poster on here, has often said that he has managed to predict many things for her that occurred.

    * I saw Martin myself but enough time hasn't passed for his predictions to take place, or not. We'll see.

    * I know a guy and a girl who saw him a few years back and were told that he (the guy) would be given the reins of his father's pub out in Portugal (due to his dad's failing health) and they'd move there within two years. That's what they're doing now.

    I can't think of anything/anyone else in the accurate predictions department at the mo'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭celtic1888

    Billy Martin, Mullingar, Westmeath:

    * celtic1888, another poster on here, has often said that he has managed to predict many things for her that occurred.

    * I saw Martin myself but enough time hasn't passed for his predictions to take place, or not. We'll see.

    * I know a guy and a girl who saw him a few years back and were told that he (the guy) would be given the reins of his father's pub out in Portugal (due to his dad's failing health) and they'd move there within two years. That's what they're doing now.

    I can't think of anything/anyone else in the accurate predictions department at the mo'.

    first off, im a bloke:D

    and yes Mr Martin has been unreal with me, i "fell" into seeing psychics 5 years back (im just your average piss artist fella) and thus far Billy is the only one i can rely on with any degree of confidence and ive had many different predictions happening regarding different aspects of my life at the times he'd say they'd happen

    one of the freaky ones was he said id get a promotion in work in April 2008 (he said it in 2007) and that i wouldnt get the raise i was due to easily...i took it with a pinch of salt...i was promoted 1st April 2008 and had to negotiate the raise i was due and got it eventually

    hes very honest and will tell you the bad too...hes predicted a number of deaths that surrounded me through the years he doesnt say specifically who will die but more like..."someone not in your immediate family will pass over in March" for eg....he also predicted to child deaths to occur in summer 2007....subsequently a friend of mine had a miscarriage then & a baby of another friend passed away during that summer (tragic)

    then he'd predict "contact" from an ex of mine down to ridiculous i hadnt heard from her in months & months and Billy says she'll ring you within a week...i was like "yeah right" and he said "she will", 7 days later, i received a drunk early morning phone call from her!!! he predicted numerous other contacts from her as well...

    recently, im goin through some **** and went to see him...i feared the worst as hes been so accurate with the future stuff....well he sensed the issue without me opening my mouth and told me its goin to go the type of bloke i am i would have believed him straight away if he confirmed the bad news but because he hasnt im cautiously optimistic

    ive posted a lot on the big thread if people want to look at that (cant remember everything)

    one thing to remember is he isnt infallible and i will never claim that and i feel its a must that you ask SPECIFIC questions, otherwise he just sounds generic

    actually, the first time i ever went to see him, my nanny had died the previous week and when i sat down he said "who died last week?"

    went to see Eddie regarding this current mess im in and he refused to answer the question, which i respect but how could Billy answer it? and ive been to Billy regarding a similer fiasco before and he got that correct too!!

    fingers crossed hes right this time!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭celtic1888


    im by no means an expert and wouldnt want to be but ive read other peoples reviews of Billy Martin and i agree with them and have heard the usual nonsense of meeting someone 50km from home and marrying etc etc etc

    i just what to make it clear that i am basing my reviews on future predictions of specifically asked questions relating to events in my life that have come to pass, a lot of the time he will sense the issue before hand & sometimes he doesnt

    if you go down to him for a general reading & maybe without anything really happening in your life, in my opinion, you are wasting your time & money as he'll just sound generic and spout the usual garbage that is very hard to prove right or wrong (remember years & years of doing readings hes obviously goin to have set ways of explaining things)

    also, if you are goin down to be blown away and expect him to tell you what you had for breakfast i wouldnt bother either:D

    i think its also up to the person seeking the reading to know how to get the most out of it and i feel too many people go to psychics expecting far too much

    ive been to Noel in the park recently too and honestly cannot rate on predictions (although he also sensed this current issue and said the same as Billy) but he nailed a lot of past & present so hes good at that part anyway, but im there to get guidance on the near future not the past so ill wait & see

    i just hope Billys right for me again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    celtic1888 wrote: »
    first off, im a bloke:D

    Okay, whoops, sorry about that. :o:D
    celtic1888 wrote: »
    and yes Mr Martin has been unreal with me, i "fell" into seeing psychics 5 years back (im just your average piss artist fella) and thus far Billy is the only one i can rely on with any degree of confidence and ive had many different predictions happening regarding different aspects of my life at the times he'd say they'd happen

    one of the freaky ones was he said id get a promotion in work in April 2008 (he said it in 2007) and that i wouldnt get the raise i was due to easily...i took it with a pinch of salt...i was promoted 1st April 2008 and had to negotiate the raise i was due and got it eventually

    hes very honest and will tell you the bad too...hes predicted a number of deaths that surrounded me through the years he doesnt say specifically who will die but more like..."someone not in your immediate family will pass over in March" for eg....he also predicted to child deaths to occur in summer 2007....subsequently a friend of mine had a miscarriage then & a baby of another friend passed away during that summer (tragic)

    then he'd predict "contact" from an ex of mine down to ridiculous i hadnt heard from her in months & months and Billy says she'll ring you within a week...i was like "yeah right" and he said "she will", 7 days later, i received a drunk early morning phone call from her!!! he predicted numerous other contacts from her as well...

    recently, im goin through some **** and went to see him...i feared the worst as hes been so accurate with the future stuff....well he sensed the issue without me opening my mouth and told me its goin to go the type of bloke i am i would have believed him straight away if he confirmed the bad news but because he hasnt im cautiously optimistic

    ive posted a lot on the big thread if people want to look at that (cant remember everything)

    one thing to remember is he isnt infallible and i will never claim that and i feel its a must that you ask SPECIFIC questions, otherwise he just sounds generic

    actually, the first time i ever went to see him, my nanny had died the previous week and when i sat down he said "who died last week?"

    He sounds freakishly accurate each time in your case, so I can see why you've been swift to extol the virtues of his readings. I'm surprised that he connects with the deceased - I always just assumed he was a standard psychic, plus he didn't mention anything about deceased loved ones to anyone in our group when we saw him before. Interesting.

    I would agree that you have to ask the man specific questions, although he doesn't react well to what he perceives as the person 'butting in' in the course of the reading being delineated. He just reels off all the info to you like an automated answering machine, or something. I kept my mouth shut to let him talk for a good five minutes, before asking him something and asking him to extrapolate further, and he didn't like that at all. He accused me of "getting ahead" of myself. Is he always cantankerous, or does he just get a bee in his bonnet now and again? I'm not sure what to make of him, tbh, even though I've heard many great things about his readings.
    celtic1888 wrote: »
    went to see Eddie regarding this current mess im in and he refused to answer the question, which i respect but how could Billy answer it? and ive been to Billy regarding a similar fiasco before and he got that correct too!!

    fingers crossed hes right this time!!!

    Eddie Christiansen/E.P. Christian, or whatever the bleedin' hell he's called, is a funny one. I've came across quite a few stories about him refusing to read people or just refusing to tell them pieces of information. He seems erratic and prone to fits of fancy. Some of the stories about him have made me laugh.

    I've never had the er, 'pleasure' of meeting the fella (but I'd love to just for the laugh sometime to finally understand what he's like first-hand), but that's the impression I've formed. I might stop by for a reading before the year draws to an end and draw my own conclusions and report back. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭celtic1888

    Okay, whoops, sorry about that. :o:D

    He sounds freakishly accurate each time in your case, so I can see why you've been swift to extol the virtues of his readings. I'm surprised that he connects with the deceased - I always just assumed he was a standard psychic, plus he didn't mention anything about deceased loved ones to anyone in our group when we saw him before. Interesting.

    I would agree that you have to ask the man specific questions, although he doesn't react well to what he perceives as the person 'butting in' in the course of the reading being delineated. He just reels off all the info to you like an automated answering machine, or something. I kept my mouth shut to let him talk for a good five minutes, before asking him something and asking him to extrapolate further, and he didn't like that at all. He accused me of "getting ahead" of myself. Is he always cantankerous, or does he just get a bee in his bonnet now and again? I'm not sure what to make of him, tbh, even though I've heard many great things about his readings.

    Eddie Christiansen/E.P. Christian, or whatever the bleedin' hell he's called, is a funny one. I've came across quite a few stories about him refusing to read people or just refusing to tell them pieces of information. He seems erratic and prone to fits of fancy. Some of the stories about him have made me laugh.

    I've never had the er, 'pleasure' of meeting the fella (but I'd love to just for the laugh sometime to finally understand what he's like first-hand), but that's the impression I've formed. I might stop by for a reading before the year draws to an end and draw my own conclusions and report back. :)

    he didnt contact the deceased for me either pal, he just sensed death around me, either in the near future or recent past....

    i just let him ramble on and see what he picks up, he then asks if youve any questions and i then bombard him:D hes never been overly ratty with me but i get what you mean....he can be a tad moody or adament (good thing though in some cases imo) on things if you question him...moreso with the future then the past (you obviously know your past) mostly hes good natured without smiling like a chesire cat

    Eddie is a funny one alright....he was excellent the first time i seen him and got the past down to a tee, even timelines...his future was nonsense though and he didnt like me correcting him either, got extremely scorpy with me...his favourite subject is himself and his ex and he'll rant on about him (Eddies gay) whenever possible

    hes great entertainment and worth a visit but i wouldnt be getting my knickers in a twist about what he says

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