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[COMPETITION] Win tickets to All Ireland Quarter Finals in Croke Park this weekend



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,503 ✭✭✭adamski8

    Pleadge: Take the bus rather than drive
    Tickets: Roscommon vs Cork

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26 theverminator5

    i will cycle/run to training in future

    saturday tickets please if i am lucky

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,419 ✭✭✭tommy21

    Pledge: I will switch the rest of the household light bulbs to more efficient types and will make it my mission to leave nothing on standby from now on.

    Tickets for : Sunday please, Cork for the win!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,556 ✭✭✭Slunk

    If im the last out of the office, which happens often enough i go rounthe building quickly knocking off lights, fans, kitchen appliances that are normally left on overnight. Amazing the amount of people dont turn simple things off like lights and even monitors right in front of them. Also, theres someone who tirns the volume on the radio down instead of knocking it off. Wtf?

    Dublin tickets if possible, thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭jamesie_boy

    I pledge to buy only locally produced foods that could save huge amounts of air and sea miles that would otherwise be needed to transport imported produce from other countries, therefore saving lots of energy :)

    I would love to get tickets for the Meath Kildare game on sunday!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,774 ✭✭✭billyhead

    My simple pledge is to practice good environmental habits like recycling and helping to protect the earth and its habitats as mush as possible

    Saturday would be best

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Bomany

    I pledge to switch off my PC at night and also to turn the thermostat down by 1 degree. Also to check all TVs and DVD players are not on stand by.
    Can I have tickets for the Down /Kerry match.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 535 ✭✭✭hisholinessnb

    Trying making a sandwich for your lunch without the compulsion to stick it under the grill or in the george foreman.

    People are forgetting old school "fresh" sandwiches.

    saturday please!

  • Registered Users Posts: 882 ✭✭✭manster

    I will send txt messages and write emails instead of writing letters (so that the postman doesn't have to deliver my post).

    Feck it I already have tickets for Saturday what am I talking about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭gebbel


    1. Stop half-filling kettle with water when only need a couple of cups.
    2. Complete installation of energy-efficient lightbulbs.
    3. Stop putting off intention to recycle....get started immediately.

    Preferred game: Roscommon v Cork on Sunday!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 317 ✭✭jockey#1

    1. I plan to change every bulb in the house to energy saving bulbs
    2. I plan to purchase energy efficient applicances when purchasing for my new apartment
    3. I will cycle more and use the car less
    4. I will turn computer, playstation, radio etc off at mains rather than leaving on standby
    5. I will put on a jumper rather than put on the heating
    6. Spend less time in the shower and collect rain water for watering flowers, washing car etc.

    I would like tickets to Cork v Roscommon on Sunday.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Newtown90

    My simple and saving pledge would have to be...
    • Walk instead of unnecessary car journeys!!
    • Install geothermal heating (looking into it at the minute :D )
    • Develop a system to reuse to the rain water as water for the animals, flowers, wasshing etc.
    • Use 30 degree washes in the washing machine!
    Please the kerry game thanks =D

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭Connie_c28

    My pledge is to, basically keep doing what I'm doing plus a few more:
    • For litter I will continue to use the green bin (recyclable goods) and brown bin (compost bin) as much as possible.
    • I will continue to purchase reduced waste goods as much as possible. I will use my bike or walk for any short trips.
    • I will take the bus to Croker for concerts and matches and keep up the usual walk home with the boys from Croker matches.
    • I will leave nothing on standby.I will turn off my tv when I'm not interested in what is on.
    • I will turn off my laptop charger when my laptop is 100%charged.
    • I will continue to buy energy efficient light bulbs every time as good for bills as well as environment J
    • I will not fill the kettle up all the way for just a cup.
    • I will be quicker in shower and only occasionally have baths.
    • I will continue to hand wash dishes instead of getting a dishwasher.
    • I will continue to use my washing line for drying clothes as much as possible instead of the dryer.
    • I will continue to turn off the tap when brushing my teeth.
    • I will continue to wash on 3O for most washes only match clothes get 40.
    Would LOVE tickets for the Dublin v Tyrone match :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 562 ✭✭✭jwcurtin

    Pledge: To gradually start taking cold showers
    When going to matches to car pool
    To walk/use my bike more often
    And finally take the bus to school rather than a car (7 miles away)

    Kerry vs Down tickets please if you wouldn't mind!:D

    "Come on Down" :rolleyes:

    But seriously COME ON THE KINGDOM!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Lickin' Gravy

    Pledge: 1)no use of the tumble dryer at all--line dry clothes outside or in case of rain on drying racks indoors. 2)wash clothes in coolest temp possible. 3)when cooking, make two meals at once and put one in the freezer.

    Tickets to the roscommon v cork game, please and many thanks.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 61319680

    i will plug out all electrical appliances and stop leaving the tv and hi fi on stand by
    iwould like tickets for the kildare game

  • Registered Users Posts: 631 ✭✭✭return guide

    As a father of 3 daughters who are costantly reveiwing all the energy saving tips in the media I pledge to continue to be harassed by them. The latest idea being to use the old kettle on the gas hob rather than the electric one.
    "gas being cheaper and better than electricity " Roisin (8)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Coco2

    My pledge is to, :
    • Start using dublin bikes to get to work instead of the bus, because Dublin bikes is a great service.
    • Switch the lightbulbs in my house to energy saving lightbulbs.
    • Stop leaving my laptop on standby.
    • Get a brown bin. For some reason I don't have one.
    • I will turn off the tap when brushing my teeth.
    I would love tickets for the Saturday matchs, if I am lucky- Thanks smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 407 ✭✭modmuffin

    My pledges;

    - To walk my little girl to her minder in the morning instead of driving
    - To cycle my newly purchased bike to work as much as possible
    - To continue to hound my fiancé to keep all appliances switched off and only to turn them on when necessary
    - To continue to recycle as and reuse as much of our waste as possible
    - To make more of an effort walk to the local shop when picking up bread/milk instead of driving
    - To continue to completely shut down each of the PC's in my office at the end of the working day.

    Im a big GAA fan so either day would be fine with me! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭Max Moment

    Pledge: I will refine my designs even further to be able to specify concrete which is produced with the lowest levels of CO2

    tickets for saturday please

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  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭christo82

    My pledges are:

    1. Get the train or bus to work as much as possible
    2. Switch off lights and electrical equipment that aren't in use
    3. Research the possiblilty of further insulating the walls of my house.

    I'd love tickets to Dublin's game on Saturday. I haven't been in Croker for years. It would be nice to get back in the stands.

    Thanks culgreen

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,338 ✭✭✭yesno1234

    I pledge to make the bath obselete in ny house and only allow showers. I will turn off all the light when I leave every room. I will cycle/walk any short trips instead of driving. I will drive more environmentally by not using harsh accelaration or braking. I will carpool or use public transport whenever I can. I will plug everyhing out at night and use my acoustic guitar instead of turning on the amp and using the electric. :p

    I'd love tickets to either day really as I am a blow in from Dublin now living in Roscommon nut I suppose if I had to pick a day to go I'd say saturday.

    Thanks and fair play for the competition.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 moff75

    i walk 2miles to work instead of using the bus, always hang clothes instead of tumble drying them. and recently had solarpanels installed on roof of house to a large water tank for hot water. Energy saving bulbs and always recycle whenever possible.

    Would love tickets to the Sat match please as im a Tyrone man living in Dublin :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭lushballs

    Hmmm I'm alreay pretty good at saving energy so I think I should be rewarded for my longstanding efforts in this department ;)))
    Tics for Saturday please.
    Thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 elphin

    energy saving bulbs

    cycle to work

    throw me in the pot for Sundays tickets please

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭paulanthony

    I will stop using my car completely from Monday to Friday and walk to work instead.

    I will walk around the house turning off any lights everyone else has unnecessarily turned on.

    I will use the stairs instead of the lift at work and at the apartment.

    Tickets would be good for either day, preferably Sunday though.


  • Registered Users Posts: 433 ✭✭redlad12

    im thinking get on of the new blue bikes in dublin city centre and i gotta switch the old school light bulbs in my house! would love tickets for saturday! thanks:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,787 ✭✭✭g5fd6ow0hseima


    Install draught proofing around doors and windows

    I would like tickets for Sunday's game please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 390 ✭✭Buttons_sb

    I pledge to turn off every socket in my house every night before bed and I pledge to shorten my showers to save electricity and water! I would love tickets for the saturday *dubs match please! :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 lazy1

    I pledge to use my bicycle to go to work instead of the car and I pledge to ensure all the light bulbs in the house are changed to energy efficient bulbs. I would like tickets for the dubs match on saturday if I win, cheers.
